The Lover’s Prattle

Chapter 69: Zuo Shengyan (2)


The desks and chairs in the classroom are small light wood-colored square tables. Because they are used by the first graders, they are small models. The desks were removed, and the positions of the chairs were adjusted. The classrooms are not too big or small to fit rows of waiting Small chairs for parents to sit in.

The first-grade classroom is on the first floor. The windows are small pieces of glass surrounded by iron frames. Because the first parent-teacher meeting will be held at four o'clock, the whole class has been cleaned since three thirty.

As the squad leader, Zuo You is responsible for assigning tasks and checking for gaps with other class committees.

Children of this age group have the highest respect for the word teacher, Qingruo only needs to take care of the safety at the side, and she can easily guard the heavy things after picking them up.

However, she was wiping the glass with the girls in the class with a towel. The children had little strength, and each of them was very serious with their faces sullen. Then continue with the second pass to clean the areas that were not wiped clean.

The school gate opened at 3:40, and parents came in one after another, and said hello to Qing Ruo, most of the cleaning work in the children's hands was taken over by the parents, and the children were only responsible for passing things in the middle, and the efficiency suddenly increased a lot.

Counting the time, Zuo Shengyan went back to Zuo's house and changed into a black suit.

Because of the parents' meeting, after the school gate is opened, the vehicle can be directly driven in after registration.

Zuo Shengyan called to stop at the door, "Stop at the door."

Cheng Jin glanced at the rearview mirror and stopped at the usual parking spot, "Then I'll wait here."

Zuo Shengyan straightened up again and sat in some wrinkled clothes, opened the door and got out of the car.

Zuo Shengyan sent Zuo You to the school on the first day of school, and Zuo Shengyan had already understood the layout of the school clearly, and when he arrived in the classroom, the final finishing work was going on inside.

Zuo You led a group of children to stand in the corridor, perhaps because of the presence of their parents, everyone raised their heads and chests up, the team stood neatly, very quiet and not noisy, much better than the class next door.

"Father." Cheers flashed on Zuo You's face, but he still politely and restrainedly greeted him and nodded slightly.

Zuo Shengyan came alone, his eyes fell on his sweaty little face, he nodded, walked to his side, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to him.

Zuo You obediently took it with both hands, wiped off the sweat on his face, folded the handkerchief and handed it back to him.

Zuo Shengyan turned his gaze back to him from the classroom, took the handkerchief and put it back in his pocket and asked him, "Do you all need to wait here?"

Zuo You nodded, "Well, the parents are inside, we are waiting outside for the parent meeting to end."

Zuo Shengyan stopped talking and rolled up his sleeves one by one. Stepping into the classroom, the bronze-colored arms were full and powerful, and took over the desks from the hands of the men in front who were carrying the desks.

A nod between men is enough.

He glanced around the classroom just now, and Qing Ruo was standing by the desk in a cheongsam, arranging things, surrounded by a few female parents, who seemed to be asking questions or discussing something, and it was inconvenient to go over to say hello.

The small desk was neatly set aside to make room for it. Several women on the podium also fell silent and walked off the podium.

The classrooms are full of adults who come for children, and there is no need to greet them. Everyone should be courteous. Ladies sit in the front, men sit in the back, and those who do not have enough space or are too tall to sit in small chairs stand directly behind. .

Qing Ruo held the recent report card in her hand, and stood on the podium with a soft and gentle smile. A small poke fell in front of her pulled hair, and she raised her hand to put it behind her ear.

Folding his hands in front of him, he bowed to the parents sitting in the classroom.

"Hello parents, I'm Xu Qingruo, thank you very much for taking the time to attend this parent meeting..."

The voice is very gentle, but fascinating, there is a small hook hooked on people's ears, and they can't move away at all. Many parents turned their heads to look at their children who were looking in by the window, and seemed to understand the softness of this soft girl. How can the teacher manage a group of naughty little monkeys.

The report card was circulated in the classroom, and because there were many parents who wanted to see it, everyone felt that they did not waste too much time.

"The report card that is circulated is the report card of the whole class, as well as the report card of each classmate that I made individually, the subjects that I am good at and the subjects that are relatively weak. I hope that parents will take a look after getting the copy of their children. Look, this is good for future training."

Qing Ruo took another report card in her hand, and began to call out the names of her classmates, "Oh~ you don't need to stand up, just give me a signal, and I'll send it over."

She wore handmade shoes with a little heel but not high. She wore a cheongsam with beautiful lines and a complete oriental charm.

Shuttle between the classrooms, there is no enchanting feeling of swaying grace when walking, the corners of the cheongsam only fluctuate slightly, and the posture and temperament are as clean and elegant as lotus flowers.


Zuo Shengyan raised her hand, and she looked up, her eyes filled with water and a gentle smile, she had already confirmed that he was Zuo You's parent.

Zuo Shengyan didn't let go of his hand, he waited for her to walk in front of him and handed over Zuo You's personal report card before letting go, and nodded to her to express his gratitude.

Qingruo smiled and nodded towards him.

The font is the same as the last letter to the parents, delicate and elegant, except that there was kapok on the paper last time, but this time the paper is clean, with all the grades of Zuo You since half a semester written on it.

Long and short analysis, suitable for Zuo You's learning method, and suggestions for future training directions.

Careful enough and serious enough.

Teacher's comments: Zuo You is a very good classmate. He respects the teacher, studies hard, and is willing to help his classmates. He has fulfilled the duty of monitor very well.

At the end of the parent meeting, the parents' whispers were full of appreciation for the young female teacher.

The children were allowed to enter the classroom, and a swarm of bees rushed into the classroom to find their families.

Zuo You was the last one to enter the classroom, walking has become his own style. Walking to Zuo Shengyan and standing still, Zuo Shengyan handed him the report card in his hand, and repeated the teacher's comments in a neither high nor low voice, without any special ups and downs.

"Zuo You is a very good classmate..."

Zuo You looked at him with a sullen face, his eyes were shining brightly, his ears were red, Zuo Shengyan raised his hand and patted his shoulder twice, "I should praise you for being great, but I just want to say that you are good now, If you can stick to it for six years, then change your comment."

"Yes. I will." Zuo You nodded heavily, standing beside him with his hands behind his back, his back straight, and his feet firmly on the ground.

The parents' meeting was over, and a group of men spontaneously moved back the table left behind without saying anything clearly.

Zuo Shengyan rolled up his sleeves, his height advantage made it easy for him to reach the table stacked high, "How did you put it?"

When he came, the classroom was almost cleaned, and he didn't see their original layout, so he turned to ask Zuo You who was standing not far away.

Zuo You was carrying a schoolbag, holding the schoolbag strap with both hands, looking up at him, just about to speak, Zuo Shengyan raised his chin towards him, and gestured for the position of the podium, "You are the class monitor, you should tell us how to put the tables and chairs back to their original positions look."

Zuo You pursed his lips, nodded, and stood on the podium with a small body and summoned up his courage, "Uncles, there are five sets of tables in total, eight in each set."

He pronounced the words clearly, then walked off the podium and pointed to a position, "The first one will start here."

"Oh, good." Someone responded and moved the table. Zuo Shengyan was only responsible for passing the table to other people, so that there were other people sitting there.

Zuo You retreated to the door and watched their actions.

After the classroom was tidied up, everyone said their goodbyes, Zuo Shengyan was waiting for Zuo You at the door, "Go and check to see if there is anything wrong."

"Okay." Zuo You walked into the classroom with his schoolbag on his back. In the empty classroom, he carefully checked the legs of each table and chair to make sure they were in the correct position.

Turn around and say to Zuo Shengyan, "No more."

If Qing Ruo goes to the classroom office to put something, this will come with the classroom key and lock the door.

Zuo Shengyan stood at the door, Zuo You just came out of the classroom, "Teacher Xu~"

"Yeah." Qing Ruo held the key in one hand, and touched his little head with the other hand, Zuo You followed Zuo Shengyan back two steps, Qing Ruo locked the door and turned around, Zuo Shengyan was still standing behind , "Do I need to take you home?"

Qing Ruo shook her head, "No, I will live in the school."

He nodded, the classroom was on the first floor, three steps away from the ground, Qing Ruo walked over to go down the steps, Zuo Shengyan raised his wrist, her palm just landed on his wrist.

Three steps, wrist down and retracted, Zuo You followed Qing Ruo, heard her say thank you softly and with a smile, looked up strangely to see Qing Ruo and Zuo Shengyan, didn't understand what happened, blinked brightly Eye.

The teacher's dormitory area and the school entrance are two directions. Three people walked out of the teaching building. Qingruo walked towards the dormitory area. Zuo Shengyan followed naturally. Although Zuo You didn't understand what happened, he followed Zuo Shengyan No need to ask why, just keep up naturally.

All the way without talking, Qingruo stopped at the gate of the residential area, turned her head and smiled, nodded, "Mr. Zuo, I'm here."

"En." Zuo Shengyan stopped and responded without saying anything else.

Qing Ruo bent down, touched Zuo You's little head, "Goodbye Xiaoyou~"

"Goodbye, Mr. Xu~" Zuo You understood now, it turned out that his father was sending Qing Ruo back~ He was so happy to see his teeth and eyes, and waved his little hand to say goodbye to Qing Ruo.

Qing Ruo turned to leave, her figure disappeared around the corner, Zuo Shengyan led Zuo You out.

At this time, the students and parents in the school have all left, and the small vendors at the door are scattered, only two or three are closing their stalls. The black car is waiting at its usual location, with the front and rear windows on the side of the road opened.

Zuo Shengyan opened the car door and sat in first. Zuo You waited for him to get up before he felt his little butt climb up. He said hello to Cheng Jin while climbing up, "Hello, Uncle Cheng~"

"Hey. Hello Xiaoyou."

Zuo You closed the car door and started the car. Cheng Jin asked him, "What will the parents say?"

Zuo You spoke roughly, and Zuo Shengyan added, "His teacher gave Zuo You full affirmation."

Cheng Jin nodded and answered, "Xiaoyou is very good~"

Zuo You blushed again.


Zuo You is a very good classmate.

Because, he has a very good father.

—[Black box]