The Lover’s Prattle

Chapter 71: Zuo Shengyan (4)


Qing Ruo coaxed Xiao Baozi to be good, but the cousin saw that Zuo Shengyan was really displeased, hugged her son, greeted Qing Ruo and left, Zuo Shengyan snorted coldly when passing by.

Qing Ruo moved the coffee cup in front of her cousin, "What do you want to drink?" She turned her head to greet the waiter.

Zuo Shengyan raised his hand to block her movement, with the coldness in his brows and eyes, he said dryly, "We are preparing for the wedding in August."

Qing Ruo looked at him with piercing eyes, Zuo Shengyan subconsciously wanted to turn his head to avoid it, but then fixed his gaze, because of shame, his expression became more serious, obviously he wanted to ask her opinion, but he was even more serious. Like an order to a subordinate, "What do you want advice from?"

Qing Ruo smiled lightly and shook her head, raised the water glass on the table to drink, leaned back on the chair, her movements were graceful but stretched, Zuo Shengyan watched her tense back relax a little, Qing Ruo raised her hand lightly She patted the hand on his lap, and even the back of the hand was tense, "It's up to you to decide."

"Yeah." Zuo Shengyan closed his eyes, "The military department still has something to do, I'll take you back."

"Okay." Qingruo stood up and took the bag next to the chair, and he waited aside, waiting for her to straighten her skirt and stretch out her arms for her to hold the two before going out.

At the cashier, Zuo Shengyan hadn't moved yet, the waiter at the door had already bowed respectfully, "The lady just now has already paid."

Zuo Shengyan pursed her lips and said nothing. Cousin Qingruo had unusual opinions on him in the past two years, and it was normal for her to act so obviously that she didn't want to give him face.

Qing Ruo held his wrist, squeezed it lightly, looked from the side and looked soft and docile.

Zuo Shengyan shook his head to indicate that it was okay, and led her out.

July is Zuo You's elementary school graduation season, and Zuo You has been looking forward to it for a long time. Every morning, he tears off a page of the calendar in his room almost devoutly, showing that graduation is one day closer.

However, the school was forced to close in June.

The form of war is serious, and the school is unable to guarantee the safety of the students, not even a relatively safe environment. The children in primary schools have no self-protection ability, so they can only suspend classes as a temporary response.

Qing Ruo was taken to Zuo's house by Zuo Shengyan.

Cheng Jin went to pick her up. The car entered the school for the first time and stopped directly at the gate of the dormitory.

Cheng Jin was dressed in a military uniform, his hair was loose in the June wind, his face was a little tired, but he still managed to pull himself together.

Get out of the car, close the car door, insert the key in and lock it, a series of movements flow smoothly without any pause.

"Mr. Xu, I'll help you get things."

"Okay." Qingruo nodded, and led him inside. Although the classroom and dormitory area is not very big, it is clean enough because all the teachers live there. All kinds of plants, compared to the messy city outside now, look really comfortable.

Cheng Jin was still in a hurry and every step was firm.

Qingruo collected two boxes, packed the rest of the things in a big wooden box, covered it with plastic cloth and put it under the bed.

She has already put away all the things in the house. There is very little furniture, and they have been covered with plastic sheets. The two boxes to be taken away are not too big.

Cheng Jin checked in the room, sealed up all the places that could be sealed, and moved the table directly to the bed and put it down, Qingruo stood aside and watched quietly.

In the past two years, she has seldom worn cheongsams with patterns and colors. They are all in dark or elegant styles. She stands at the door with white handmade shoes, her right arm resting on her left arm, watching his movements without saying a word. Silent.

Cheng Jin watched all the way, feeling a little unbearable, looked at the big box that had been sealed under the bed, and asked her with a smile, "Is there anything else you want to bring? Come back another day to make trouble."

Qingruo smiled lightly and shook her head, then bent down and picked up a box at her feet and walked out, her voice was filled with layers of dew after passing through the air, "I don't want to bring it, I will come back when I have a chance. "

"Yeah." Cheng Jin sighed softly, walked to the door, picked up the box and went out, locked it, and added another lock he brought from the military headquarters.

'despair'. The crisp sound of the lock being locked, Qing Ruo stood not far from the corridor and looked sideways. The corridor behind her was a bit dark, just revealing the part of her figure, and the hair tied behind her head was shining through the light. There are some loose fluff on the edge, which is no longer a docile fit.

Cheng Jin sent Qing Ruo to Zuo's house all the way, "Xiaoyou was taken by the general to the military headquarters for training, and will come back later."

Cheng Jin took her up to the second floor. The door of the room was open, and there were all the things inside. The bed sheets and quilt covers looked all new, and they were all light-colored and elegant, which was her favorite style.

Cheng Jin put the box at the door and did not enter the room, pointing to the deeper part of the corridor, "Xiaoyou's room is next door, and the general's room is on the third floor."

"Okay, thank you."

Cheng Jin glanced again, "Then I'll go back to the military headquarters first, and let the servants make whatever I want for dinner."


Qing Ruo stood at the door and watched him leave, Cheng Jin's footsteps were obviously in a hurry, the stairs were pounding loudly, and the whole room echoed.

It's almost time for dinner, but it seems that the military department is very busy.

The sound of the car starting at the door gradually faded away.

Qing Ruo carried the suitcase into the room, all the cabinets were empty, there was only a new set of sheets and quilt cover and a quilt in the closet, Qing Ruo sorted out her belongings and put them in the closet.

I ate alone at night, the servants were very nice, and the house was kept clean.

Zuo You's clothes were drying in the yard, Qing Ruo took them back after dinner and took a walk outside, folded Zuo You's clothes in the living room, but put them on the sofa and did not carry them to Zuo You's room.

Zuo You had dinner at the military headquarters, and trained for another three hours before being sent home. Only the light in the entrance was on, and Zuo Shengyan hadn't come back yet. There was a pair of familiar and unfamiliar shoes at the door.

Zuo You's originally desolate face burst into bright light, his eyes sparkled, and he couldn't wait to change into his slippers. In the quiet night, the sound of his anxious footsteps was exceptionally clear.

Zuo You stood at the handrail of the stairs and took two deep breaths to ease his emotions before starting to walk up.

Next to his room was a practice room before, but Zuo Shengyan cleaned it up and made another room.

The door to the room is now closed.

Zuo You stood at the door of the room, raised his hand to knock on the door and stopped in mid-air, are you asleep

He stood at the door tangled, and Qingruo's voice sounded inside, "Xiaoyou?"

Zuo You smiled brightly, "Well, it's me~"

There was the sound of a light switch being snapped in the room, and Qingruo opened the door.

She should be asleep, with her hair draped to one side, wearing a cotton nightgown and a dark blue shawl, her smile is as warm as a warm light, "Are you back?"

Zuo You liked the word "back", and nodded heavily.

Qingruo turned sideways to let him in.

"Are you asleep?"

"Not yet~" Qing Ruo yawned lightly, covering her lips with her hands, "Lying down, not asleep."

With his little hands behind his back, Zuo You looked around her room with his head held high and his chest proudly raised his face, "Tell me what's wrong, I'll find you right away."

Qing Ruo smiled and reached out to touch his head, "Go to training? Are you tired?"

Zuo You pursed his mouth, and opened his sleeves to show her. There were various marks on it, either touched or knocked, "Look~ it hurts like hell." The more he spoke, the softer his words became, and he rubbed against her. Pulling the corner of her shawl beside her, she acted like a baby.

Qing Ruo frowned and looked at it for a while, then took his hand and walked outside, "Let's apply some medicine."

Zuo You followed behind her, the corner of his mouth turned up like a kitten who stole the smell, and his words were soft and cute, "Okay~"

Qing Ruo pulled Zuo You down to the living room and turned on the light, "Where is the medicine?"

"Over there." Zuo You stretched out his finger and pointed, one hand was being held by her, and he didn't want to go to get it by himself.

His clothes were still on the sofa, Qing Ruo took the ointment and led him to sit on the other side.

While he was sitting, she rubbed the medicine on him, Qing Ruo didn't rub it too much, and she blew gently on him while rubbing.

Qingruo was sitting beside him, Zuo You turned his head to look at her loose hair in front of him, stretched out a finger and plucked it, it was as soft as imagined, and asked her in a soft voice, "I will have a little brother or a little brother in the future." Sister? You and your father gave birth."

Before Qing Ruo opened his mouth, Zuo You had already opened his mouth and made a promise, "I will be a good brother, I will protect him, play with him, and give him all the good things."

Qing Ruo smiled, didn't look up, and continued to rub the medicine on him.

The door opened at this moment, and Zuo Shengyan entered in a military uniform. While changing shoes, he closed the door.

Zuo You stretched out his head towards him to say hello, "Father."

Qing Ruo turned her head, her eyebrows were gentle, "I'm back."

"Yeah." Zuo Shengyan changed his shoes, his eyes fell on one big and one small, walked all the way, glanced at Zuo You's clothes on the sofa, took another sofa and put it on, and sat beside Qingruo Down.

Seeing that she was rubbing medicine on Zuo You, she frowned, "Let him rub it himself."

Zuo You immediately withdrew his hand.

Qingruo pulled his wrist, didn't let him take it out, continued to rub the medicine on him with her head down, her voice was soft, "Have you had dinner yet?"

When Qingruo asked, Zuoyou's stomach growled, and the little boy blushed immediately, and pressed his cheek against Qingruo's arm.

Zuo Shengyan glanced at her, "Can you cook a bowl of noodles for us father and son after applying the medicine?"

Zuo You raised his head, and stared bravely at Zuo Shengyan with bright eyes, "Mr. Xu, are you hungry?"

Qing Ruo pinched his small face, although it didn't have the baby fat of childhood, but it was full of elasticity. "Not hungry."

"Okay, how about you cook noodles for me and my father?"

"Of course."

After Qing Ruo finished rubbing the medicine on him, Zuo You volunteered to pack up the ointment and he would finish it later.

Qing Ruo went to the kitchen to wash her hands and prepare to cook noodles.

One person ordered a bowl of egg noodles, and the two of them ate cleanly.

Qing Ruo packed up the dishes to wash, Zuo You was called by Zuo Shengyan to sleep.

Qing Ruoxi was playing, Zuo Shengyan stood at the kitchen door and watched.

His aura was too strong, even if he stood there coldly without speaking, he could not be ignored.

Qing Ruo turned to look at him while washing the dishes, "What's wrong?"

Zuo Shengyan shook his head and didn't speak, and Qing Ruo didn't care about him anymore.

She washed the dishes and put them back in the cupboard. While washing her hands, Zuo Shengyan took two strides and stood behind her.

Qing Ruo washed her hands and turned around, but the hand that was still full of water was held by him.

His big dry and warm hand was immediately filled with the breath of her palm.

"Qing Ruo." He lowered his head to look at her, his eyes met the bright reflection of the kitchen lamp, the hunter hidden in the darkness ready to attack.

"Huh?" Qing Ruo raised her head slightly, smiling, biting out a tone and softly touching her ears with the ending sound.

Zuo Shengyan looked at her fixedly, the focus of his gaze was on her pink lips, and he said slowly, "The wedding may be gone."

"It doesn't matter."

What he found difficult to say, but she accepted it naturally and easily.

Zuo Shengyan couldn't help being funny, and twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing whether it was mocking or really funny, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to say I'm sorry, and I don't want to let you go."

He moved his eyes away, and moved his eyes down to the hair in front of her. Yes, he would also have times when he was too guilty to face it.

There was a gentle stroke on the hair, and a voice as clear as a chuckle echoed in my ears, "It's okay, I didn't intend to be let go by you."

Zuo Shengyan raised his head, took her hand and twisted his chin instead, hugged her waist with the other hand, lifted her up in the air and pressed her to his chest, her small exclamation was swallowed by him His lips were all swallowed up.

Zuo Shengyan hugged her and walked upstairs with his lips attacking the city without hesitation.

The hand she had just stroked his hair had already pulled his hair because of nervousness, and the dew that was not dry on her arm just after washing her hands slipped down from his forehead along the contour line. The other hand gripped his cold military uniform tightly behind him.

Zuo Shengyan carried her from the corner of the second floor directly up the steps to the third floor.

With her lips in her mouth, the words that were suppressed and spit out at night were like a vampire who had been abstinent for a long time and suddenly tasted blood, cold and crazy, "You can only be mine, in this life, even if you die."


terribly sorry,

But no sorry.

Life or death, you are mine.

—[Black box]