The Lover’s Prattle

Chapter 86: Emperor Chapter (1)


The bones make the throne. The road to the heirloom is a narrow escape.

At the most beautiful age, his beloved woman exchanged her whole life's blood for him to climb to the top and watch the world.

At that time he said to her, I will marry you as queen.

Gong Shoufu and his wife folded their hands with delicate little hands in the middle. The two old people lost all the majesty and nobility in front of outsiders, and only looked at the child in front of them with pity and pity.

"Bao'er, this palace is no more comfortable than at home. You are still young and have never seen the beauty of the world. The emperor is not entrusting his beloved."

Gong Shoufu almost had tears in his words, and Mrs. Gong's face was already covered with tears, and she was reluctant and distressed.

Qingruo's clear apricot eyes contained crystal tears in the corners of her eyes, and she beckoned to Ruyi behind her to wipe away tears for Mrs. Gong, "It's Qingruo's fault to make grandparents worry, but Qingruo has made up her mind."

Qing Ruo has been well-behaved since she was a child, and she is the only daughter-in-law. She is almost spoiled by Gong Shoufu and Mrs. Gong as a bright eye. This child is filial and loves them sincerely. possibility of coming back.

Gong Shoufu sighed heavily, Qing Ruo came to say goodbye, still kneeling on the ground, although the ground was covered with soft cattails, but he was reluctant, so he pulled her up first with strength in his hands, "Bao'er, grandpa won't stop you either, You take Ruyi Linglong into the palace, and other people's grandfather will arrange for you, if anyone in the palace troubles you, you let them deal with it first, and send someone to notify grandfather, and grandfather wants her to go around without food."

Although Gong Shoufu is a civil servant, but counting the current Emperor Yongkun who has assisted three generations of emperors and is now in a high position, he has deliberately restrained his momentum when he said this to Qing Ruo, but the chill in his eyes is by no means a joke.

Standing beside the two elders, Qing Ruo gently patted their hands to comfort them, "Don't worry, grandparents, is your granddaughter such a soft persimmon?" She said playfully and blinked.

Even the tearful Mrs. Gong couldn't help laughing, the little girl has indeed achieved brilliant achievements since she was a child, and the few elder brothers who said nothing outside were all defeated.

Thinking about it carefully, my heart felt a little bit more stable.

Mrs. Gong took her hand, asked her to sit between the two of them, and explained in detail, "Bao'er, those women in the palace are mostly doing insidious tricks. Grandma and grandpa will arrange good people for you. Let Ruyi and Linglong throw away the things given by others, and if there is a problem, tell grandma, Baoer, you don’t need to use those dirty tricks, grandma will clean them up for you.”

Qingruo covered her mouth and smiled lightly, leaning on Mrs. Gong's arm and rubbing against it like a kitten, which made the two elders feel pity and love.

She was going to enter the palace in the afternoon, and she had to leave the boudoir to tidy up later, the two were reluctant, but that was the only way to go.

In the end, Qing Ruo sincerely knelt down in front of the two elders and kowtowed three times, and was helped up by Ruyi Linglong and explained again, "Grandfather and grandmother, you must keep the news to yourself, don't tell your parents and brothers."

Gong Shoufu has been a civil servant all his life, but only one of his sons has inherited the mantle, and the others have gone as a military officer. Now her father, mother and several brothers are stationed at the border. If she didn't have the chance to start, she would be put under house arrest immediately, and then it was the result of her tough parents collecting all kinds of beautiful men for her to choose from at home.

Gong Shoufu and Mrs. Gong sighed helplessly. They didn't know that their son and daughter-in-law came back, and they knew how they let Bao'er mess around like this. Now, let's hide it.

Gong Shoufu held back the tears from the corners of his eyes, and waved his hands, "Go."

Qing Ruo took her leave, and when she walked to the door, she heard the old man eagerly asking her in a sad voice, "Are you enough silver taels?"

Qingruo swallowed the sourness in her throat, raised a smile and turned her head, "It's enough~ If I run out, I'll ask my grandparents for it~"

In this time and space, she didn't come here to do missions, and she arrived earlier. An Anxin became the little padded jacket at home. Although her father and mother have a good relationship, they are reluctant to take her a girl to suffer because they have to be stationed at the border. , I often accompany my grandparents at home, and their love for her is no different from that of their parents.

Even though they knew that the palace was a pit of fire, she made a request and cried and made trouble, but they still couldn't bear to refuse, couldn't bear her disappointment, and always asked her to try it herself, hoping that she knew that that person was impossible.

As soon as Qing Ruo's figure disappeared, Mrs. Gong had already covered her eyes with her handkerchief, her old voice suppressed and choked.

Gong Shoufu reached out and patted her on the shoulder, but didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Gong buried her head in the handkerchief, her voice sounded helpless like a child's, "You have to explain to the people in the palace, don't let her suffer, she is just sixteen now, when she dies for the emperor, Go to the market to pick her up, and I will find young talents for her."

Gong Shoufu sighed, "I know." The bong was placed by the table, and there was no tobacco in it. If Qing Ruo didn't let him smoke, he had a problem for decades. No more tobacco, only the bong he used to keep standing.

Touching it with the palm, the touch of copper is icy and cold. Thinking of the young emperor, Gong Shoufu felt a lot of feelings in his heart, "Although your majesty is indifferent, he is still interested in the Gong family. I tentatively asked your majesty last month. Meaning, Your Majesty also asked me if I wanted to give the marriage directly. I was afraid that Bao'er would be overwhelmed and didn't want this kindness. It's an uncertain age, and it's so fun and active. I'll get bored of the palace in half a year. When the time comes, your majesty will marry you with grace. With us behind you, Bao'er won't suffer Wronged."

Mrs. Gong raised her head from the handkerchief, and nodded heavily. Although she was partial to her granddaughter in her heart, His Majesty never provoked her, and it was also her fault at the Mid-Autumn Festival last time. She loves to participate, last time she thought that she had reached the age of engagement, so she had to go and have a look, but unexpectedly, Bao'er became obsessed after seeing His Majesty.

Gong Shoufu was quarreled twice by Qing Ruo last month, and went to ask His Majesty what he meant. There were not many women in the harem, and the back seat was also vacant. However, not only the women in the harem knew it, but most of the elders in the court knew it. The latter position will probably be vacant for a lifetime.

The person His Majesty once promised to grant the throne is gone, and all the women in the harem have become decorations.

The emperor's current thoughts are all on the border, and there were courtiers and his young man who wanted to put pressure on him, but in the end, nothing came to a good end.

Seven years after he ascended the throne, Emperor Yongkun used his astounding ability to govern the world and iron-blooded means to tell everyone that he is the supreme emperor of the Jingheng Kingdom, and that what he says is the same, and no one can question or refute.

Now Emperor Yongkun's iron cavalry is fighting in a neighboring country. It has been seven years since he ascended the throne. This is already the third country his iron cavalry has fought in, but there are no bad results as expected. It is famous for fighting to support war. .

When dealing with the people, his policy attitude makes the people support and surrender, but when dealing with other countries, he has always used iron and blood methods.

So now, the court belongs to him, and the Jingheng Kingdom belongs to him. No one dares to point fingers at the affairs of the harem.

Gong Shoufu never thought that his precious granddaughter would go to the harem one day, but it was the first time she begged them since she was a child, and she cried so pitifully and eagerly for the first time.

He asked the emperor with a thick face, and the emperor said directly, 'Impossible, don't delay her. ’ This is the original sentence, and later added another sentence, ‘I can directly give marriage to whomever you fancy. '

At that time, he was heartbroken.

But in the end, knowing her temperament, Gong Shoufu didn't want this grace.

Sure enough, although she didn't make a fuss, the servant girl came to tell her that she shed tears in the quilt all night and ate the same meals during the day, but her figure was getting thinner and thinner day by day.

No way, go ask the emperor again.

The emperor was silent. Sitting behind the imperial table was the emperor with star eyebrows and sword eyes. His long hair was crowned meticulously. On the dragon robe on his body was a five-clawed golden dragon soaring in the air. The dragon eyes were inlaid with rubies. Just sitting there was already heaven and earth. Naturally, there is a lingering and cold aura between them, so that people dare not look directly at them, and their hearts are deafening like a drum beating hard.

"You can send it in if you think about it. The Gong family has been loyal for so many years, and I have a measure in my heart. The glory of the Gong family has reached its peak. It is impossible to seal it. It is also a kind of grace for you. I will not give her a title, and I will not summon her." She is in bed, and when she has stayed enough, I can erase the traces in the palace for you, and the marriage that was said that day is still valid."

Gong Shoufu couldn't help but look up, the emperor didn't look at him, his eyes fell on the folder on the desk, with a writing brush in one hand, the stream of light flipped when he waved it, his words were casual but majestic.

This is the reason why he was the most optimistic about him back then. How could other emperors tell you these words clearly, and make you surrender and be in awe when they are so calm, because he has absolute power in his hands, so He is honest.

The emperor should not only wear a dragon robe to show his dignity, but also should stand in front of him and make people feel at ease with his loyalty and following.

Gong Shoufu kowtowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, old minister."

The emperor finally raised his hand, put the brush on the side of the pen, leaned on the bright yellow dragon seat behind him, his eyes fell slightly on him, and his eyelashes cast a row of scattered shadows on the eyelids. "Thank you for accepting it. It's only three things. This is the last time. You should think it through yourself."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Qing Ruo enters the palace on the second day of the winter solstice, and the festive atmosphere of the winter solstice in the palace has not yet dissipated, and bright red lanterns and festoons can be seen everywhere.

A team of guards, carrying a soft sedan chair, accompanied by maids and some unpacked boxes.

Neither lively nor deserted.

The palace arranged by the steward is the Jiuhe Palace, and it is not like the palace where the concubine lives just by hearing the name.

Although it is in the imperial palace, it is south and north of the palace where the concubine lives. The place where she lives actually belongs to the palace where the envoy lives.

Because of Emperor Yongkun's iron-blooded means and the iron cavalry troops who have fought more and more bravely in recent years, the palaces where the envoys live are almost empty in recent years. Now she has packed up an entire palace for her, which is so spacious that she can almost ride a horse in it, but the disadvantage is that it is far away from the emperor's harem, which means that it is also far away from the emperor.

The manager knew a little bit of news beforehand, thought that Qing Ruo would make a fuss, and had already thought of various countermeasures. Unexpectedly, Qing Ruo kept smiling, smiling, and in a good mood. After seeing the palace, he gave him a No small 'package'.

He breathed a sigh of relief for a moment, and his favorability soared immediately, "Miss Gong, if there is anything in the future, I will send someone directly to the servant of the House of Internal Affairs."

"Okay, then I'll take care of things."

"Don't dare, Miss Gong has beaten the slave, so the slave will leave first, Miss Gong, please rest."

Qing Ruo looked around the Jiuhe Hall, it was cleaned very well, but maybe because no envoys have come to live in it for a long time, the cleaning is too clean and it looks deserted.

But fortunately, the space is spacious enough, and there are many flowers, plants and trees beside the courtyard. Now the weather is cold, the flowers and plants are all dead branches, and the trees are also bare.

Qing Ruo brought a lot of decorations, and after seeing them in the palace, the slaves, maids and guards in the palace began to renovate. After a rough division of labor, the whole bedroom began to be in full swing.

As a new master of hers, some people must have complained about instructing people to work as soon as she came, but well, she has never been short of money, and Gong Shoufu and Mrs. Gong have stuffed her with a lot, and she has never been stingy, directing Ruyi Linglong distributed the purses one by one, and the aura of the whole palace became a little hotter in an instant.

Because there is no throne, everyone in the palace still calls her Miss Gong.

After staying in the palace for seven days, the renovation of the palace was completed, and a letter of greeting was sent to the family to report safety. The emperor did not show up, and neither did anyone else.