The Lover’s Prattle

Chapter 89: The Emperor Chapter (4)


There is no queen in the harem, Mrs. Gong wants to enter the harem, and Concubine Jing is in charge of handing over the sign.

Concubine Jing was not a high-ranking concubine during the reign of Emperor Xian. She had no children in her life and had only one princess. She had a good relationship with Emperor Yongkun's biological mother. The concubine who lived the most comfortable life, her daughter also got the title of King and Princess granted by Emperor Yongkun to marry her beloved.

Mrs. Gong handed over the sign that she wanted to enter the palace, and Concubine Jing immediately sent someone to ask Emperor Yongkun what he meant.

The sign was handed out in the morning, and before lunch, someone came from the palace to pass a message, allowing Mrs. Gong to enter the palace in the afternoon.

Mrs. Gong didn't even eat a few mouthfuls of lunch, she packed up and put on the palace attire, ordered the big maid next to her to take the silver that needed to be prepared for the palace, and went to the palace.

Horses and carriages are not allowed in the palace, and Mrs. Gong wanted to get off the carriage at the gate of the palace. The two servant girls beside Concubine Jing were waiting at the gate of the palace, and saluted Mrs. Gong respectfully.

Mrs. Gong stepped forward to help them up, holding two transparent jade bracelets in her hands, and each of them put them on for the two servant girls.

He looked back and praised with a smile, and then took the hairpin handed over by the maid.

The two servant girls backed away and dared not take it any more, "Madam, please don't, I am flattered to have your sympathy for the servant girls."

Seeing their expressions, Mrs. Gong did not dare to ask for it anymore, and she did not force it. There are rules for collecting things in the palace.

The two servant girls came to lead Mrs. Gong under the order of Concubine Jing, and received the gift from Mrs. Gong. Along the way, Mrs. Gong answered everything asked respectfully.

Mrs. Gong saw that the two of them should have been instructed by Concubine Jing, and she was very thoughtful. After thinking about it for a while, she smiled and said, "Qing Ruo has always been happy since she was a child. .”

The two servant girls didn't hesitate, and answered, "Mrs. Gong was joking. The concubine said that Miss Gong is a wonderful person two days ago. It's not that Miss Gong caused trouble. A few days ago, some empresses went to Miss Gong's Qingming Palace. , I don’t know why the words of the empresses were not thoughtful, and Miss Gong has a pure and kind personality, so there were some conflicts.”

Mrs. Gong's heart trembled, and she heard the two maids continue, "Miss Gong had a conflict with some empresses. Considering that Miss Gong was young, the slave maids in Qingming Palace did not let these empresses approach Miss Gong. No, it’s just that a few empresses got hurt a little bit because they dragged each other.”

Mrs. Gong twitched her lips, but the servant girl was defending Qingruo every word and every word, the two conflicted, and the concubine was injured, but the two maidservants didn't say anything about Qingruo's fault, obviously they got the master's instruction.

Sure enough, "Your Majesty, Long Yan was furious. The empresses didn't know the etiquette and violated their status. Now they are thinking about their mistakes behind closed doors."


Mrs. Gong didn't ask any more questions.

All the way to the gate of the Qingming Hall of the Messenger's Palace, the two maids bowed to her and left.

The guards at the entrance of Qingming Hall seemed to know her identity, and they all saluted her.

Mrs. Gong looked up at the domineering palace nameplate, and led the maid into the palace courtyard.

The Gong Mansion also has warm pavilions in the yard, and there are more than one. In the old lady’s yard, they have them all. It's a warm pavilion, the old lady likes it, and she likes it a lot.

It's just that it's not easy to make this pavilion, Mrs. Gong glanced at it again, and found that it was more comfortable than the one she had in Gong's mansion.

Turning her head and looking around, Mrs. Gong saw something unusual. Although it was winter, except for the plum blossoms, the protected vegetation was sickly, but some of the flowers, plants and trees in this yard were not as clear as they are now. can be taken out.

Ruyi Linglong came out to meet her with a roomful of servant girls, saluted and greeted her, "Madam is here."

"Yeah." Mrs. Gong pulled them inside, "Where is Qingruo?"

"Go back to Madam, Miss is in the kitchen."

Mrs. Gong laughed, "Kitchen? What is she going to do?"

Ruyi leaned over and said softly, "Isn't this every year when you and the master come back, the lady will make welcome soup for you. When you know you are coming, the lady will cook soup for you. Your Majesty just came over. Seeing the freshness, this meeting will also Where's the kitchen?"

Mrs. Gong suppressed the smile on her face, stepped up her pace, "Your Majesty often comes here?"

"Sometimes it will come for two days in a row, and sometimes it will come once in ten and a half months."

Mrs. Gong felt a little preoccupied.

Ruyi Linglong led her all the way to the kitchen door.

The room was warm and harmonious, and Qingruo was busy working in only a lavender skirt.

The tall bright yellow figure stood aside, Qing Ruo opened the lid of the stew pot with a handkerchief in his hand, stirred it with a spoon in one hand, and white mist rose from the pot, bringing out waves of thick and clear water. "Your Majesty, put in the white one at hand."

She has something in both hands, and it is natural to instruct Emperor Yongkun next to her, "Yes." Emperor Yongkun responded, took the things on the chopping board with his hands behind his back, and leaned towards her a little , and put the thing into the pot with a slight movement.

"The courtier's wife sees the emperor, long live your majesty, long live long live."

Mrs. Gong entered the kitchen to salute Emperor Yongkun, Emperor Yongkun and Qingruo turned around together, Qingruo said in surprise, "Mother." She put down the spoon and lid together.

Brows and eyes are bright and joyful.

"Madam Gong, please get up." Emperor Yong Kun raised his hand to signal her to get up, and seeing Qing Ruo's movement of putting things away from the corner of his eye, he reached out and took the handkerchief that was about to fall and put it aside.

The last ingredient is in the saucepan, now it's just waiting to be cooked.

Qing Ruo came over and took Mrs. Gong's hand. She clasped her four hands together, turned her head slightly to look up at Emperor Yong Kun who had a mild eyebrow, "Your Majesty, let's go back and sit down."

Emperor Yongkun nodded, Qingruo had already pulled Mrs. Gong around and left the door.

Mrs. Gong frowned, she wanted Emperor Yongkun to walk in front of them, but before she could speak, the emperor behind her had already ordered Ruyi Linglong, "Serve tea and pass on the desserts from the imperial dining room."


There is a corridor between the kitchen and the main room. Mrs. Gong was afraid that if she went out of the kitchen, her clothes would be frozen by the cold wind. She was about to ask her maid to fetch the cloak, but Dezhi who followed Emperor Yongkun had already taken the cloak. Come over with the cloak that you just took off.

Ruyi Linglong was instructed to leave, and Emperor Yongkun took the cloak that Dezhi was holding in his arms, opened it, took a step behind her, and put it on her body.

Qing Ruo was holding Mrs. Gong's hand and talking to her, turned around to look at him and smiled, then continued talking to Mrs. Gong.

It seems that this kind of action is already normal, and there is no need to say thank you.

Before Madam Gong entered the palace, she was full of anger. She thought of ten thousand ways in her mind how to deal with this bold girl. Just now, what the two maids of Concubine Jing said to her dissipated one-third of the anger. , I feel that I can't get angry anymore.

The three of them entered the room, and the maids in the room hurried forward to work around the master. Emperor Yongkun took the chief seat, and Qing Ruo pulled Mrs. Gong to sit on the wider chair. Squeeze to sit in a chair with Mrs. Gong.

Mrs. Gong looked at the face of the previous emperor, raised her hand and poked her forehead, helplessly and indulgently, "You~"

Qing Ruo looked at her with a smile, and stretched out a finger to slip from the corner of her eyes, "Mother didn't have a good rest last night."

As soon as I got home yesterday, I found out that the girl had thrown herself into the man-eating place of the palace without telling them. Mrs. Gong didn't have the mood to sleep, and her father and her two almost stayed up all night, full of sorrow.

Mrs. Gong glanced at her, Qingruo's little head leaned against her arm and rubbed, "Mother, don't be angry."

She didn't say that she was wrong, what Mrs. Gong wanted was for her to say that she was wrong, then go back and talk to Gong Shoufu and the old lady to take her out.

However, looking at her, Mrs. Gong's heart softened so much that she touched the top of her head, "How old are you, please sit down properly."

Ruyi brewed tea and came in, served it to Emperor Yongkun first, followed by Mrs. Gong and Qingruo, "Madam, you use tea."

For the freshly brewed tea, the lid of the teacup could not be closed, there was a slight gap, and Mrs. Gong could already smell the dewy tea fragrance in the air.

Qingruo doesn't like tea, and doesn't like tea. Gong Shoufu loves her. In the past, the good tea rewarded by His Majesty would always be given to her, but she couldn't make any difference. She often left it for a long time without drinking a little. to her.

Now this tea, smelling the fragrance, knows that it is more precious than the one rewarded to Gong Shoufu.

Mrs. Gong glanced at the emperor sitting comfortably above her, she curled her lips and raised her cup to take a sip of tea, "Good tea."

With these words, the eyes of the little girl who was attached to her lit up, "Ruyi, go and wrap this tea, and let mother take it back later."

Then he said to Mrs. Gong, "Mother, take it back and give it to grandfather."

Mrs. Gong nodded, and the emperor in the seat didn't fluctuate at all.

Ruyi will be back soon.

Divided and wrapped into two portions, Mrs. Gong almost spit out the tea from her mouth when she saw the tea bag which was almost the size of a pillow.

She remembered that Emperor Yongkun usually rewarded Gong Shoufu with a palm-sized box, and Gong Shoufu was very precious.

Mrs. Gong twitched the corners of her mouth and patted Qing Ruo's hand, "The soup in the kitchen should be ready, go and serve it."

"Well, good." The little girl got up obediently, blessed the two of them and went out.

Only Emperor Yongkun and Mrs. Gong were left in the room, as well as De Zhi and Mrs. Gong's maids.

"Your Majesty, my wife dares to..."

Emperor Yongkun put down his teacup and interrupted her, "Mrs. Gong, my promise to Gong Shoufu is valid. She can live in this palace with peace of mind."

Mrs. Gong originally lowered her eyes to talk to him, but now she will raise her head to look at him. He didn't look him directly in the eyes, but the current Emperor Yongkun, with a somewhat domineering and chilling aura, had a much gentler breath just now.

Mrs. Gong sighed in her heart, but for the sake of her daughter, she bravely said, "Your Majesty, this palace is not suitable for Qingruo."

"En." Emperor Yongkun agreed, squinting his eyes slightly, "You can't protect her forever, she won't be able to marry an ordinary family in the future, I won't say much about the back house, in this palace, I can let her not Take a little risk and learn everything you need to learn.”

Mrs. Gong trembled in her heart, she could tell that Emperor Yong Kun's words were serious. He was planning for Qing Ruo's future, even thinking further than Gong's planning for her.

"My wife thank you Lord Long En."

"Need not."

Qingruo brought Ruyi back with the soup, and naturally served Emperor Yongkun, who took Dezhi out and said, "I still have something to do."

Qingruo blinked, and gestured to him with the tray in her hand, meaning, what should I do with this soup.

Seeing that she looked good, Emperor Yongkun curled his lips when he saw her anxious eyes, and ordered De Zhi, "Go to the kitchen and prepare a copy to take to the Government Affairs Hall."

Qing Ruo laughed, handed the tray in her hand to the maid behind her first, and lowered her head a little closer to him and asked in a soft voice, "Your Majesty, mother won't scold me, will she?"

Emperor Yongkun laughed lightly, lowered his head a little and whispered in her ear, "If I don't handle it for you, can I leave you and go?"

Qingruo's long eyelashes slapped twice like a small fan following the blinking movement, and she stretched out her fingers to lightly catch the hem of his clothes, and the bright yellow and majestic golden dragon made her fingertips look like green jade, "Thank you, Your Majesty." .”

Emperor Yong Kun looked at her brows and eyes with gentleness. In fact, even if he was not there, Mrs. Gong would not do anything to her. She leaned up to stick to Mrs. Gong and said a few soft words. Mrs. Gong's heart softened. How about it.

He raised his head and stroked her hair, "Then learn more seriously from Mammy tomorrow. Huh?"

He did send someone to teach her, Mammy replied that she was clear, she could understand a little bit, but she was still playing with her heart, and she was lazy to learn things that she was not very interested in. Just to deal with it.

The little guy frowned, raised his eyes and looked straight into his eyes. It was as if there were many twinkling little stars hidden in his bright eyes, which was painful. He nodded seriously, and obediently promised him, "good."

Gentle big palms smoothed the hair on her forehead, "Good boy~"

"Go in, have a good conversation with your mother, ask Mrs. Gong what she wants to eat for dinner, and order the Imperial Dining Room to make it."


Qing Ruo was brought up by Gong Shoufu and the old madam Qianjiao Baibao when she was young, and whenever there were good things in the Gong family, she would take care of her first, especially some novelty and beautiful gadgets, she would bring them with her when she entered the palace.

At this moment, Madam Gong looked around the furnishings in the room, and she could see that the cost of many things was ordered by Emperor Yongkun, and even many of the furnishings were priceless at first glance.

Madam Gong was drinking the soup, Qingruo moved a round chair and sat beside her, with her hands on her lap, "Mother, please help me bring a copy to father later."

Mrs. Gong smiled and nodded, "Is there a lot of things in this room that the emperor rewarded?"

Qing Ruo herself also turned her head to look, "It's not a reward, but Eunuch De said it looked good, and His Majesty said it was for display. Sometimes I brought it over here, and sometimes I asked Ruyi to go to Eunuch De to get it. And Eunuch De sent it over."

"..." Mrs. Gong can only say that her daughter is really a cute girl who loves flowers when everyone sees them...

No wonder the group of women in the harem who had been silent for several years were stimulated to come back to life.

"Are you having conflicts with a few empresses?"

Qing Ruo blinked her eyes, with a sly smile on the corner of her mouth, "Mother, there will be no next time."


"Cough, one is scared of being beaten by me, and the other is that your majesty got very angry. I heard that the first concubine Xian was so frightened that day that she fainted."


"Oh~ Concubine Jing said that, in order to make them feel at ease behind closed doors and contemplate their mistakes, the monthly routine for one year will be cut off."

"..." Feeling sorry for these concubines, to be honest.

The dinner was delivered by Dezhi and the people from the imperial dining room, and each meal was exquisitely cooked and delicious.

Mrs. Gong felt relieved after worrying for a whole day. The little girl was by her side, and the food was delicious, so she was full.

In the evening, when I went back to Gong's house and went to the old lady's room, Gong Shoufu was also there. Knowing that they were worried about Qingruo, Mrs. Gong told the story of what happened in the palace today to ease the hearts of the two elders.

Gong Shoufu looked at the huge tea bag and was silent for a while, "Your Majesty summoned several ministers who set up a code of law to the Government Affairs Hall after the morning court today, in order to perfect and finalize the new policy to be implemented after the beginning of next spring. According to the past practice , tonight must be busy until the third watch."

"Sigh." Mrs. Gong sighed, "It's a blessing, not a curse, please don't worry about it, father."

It's a blessing or a curse, and even a disaster can't be avoided.

What Gong Shoufu said means that today's emperor has always been busy with government affairs. The reason why the emperor will be in the Qingming Hall after she enters the palace is for the sake of clarity.

Her own daughter, no matter what, was her heart, and no matter how angry she was, at most she would scold her and slap her on the back.

These emperors would not understand, but they still pulled away and said those words to her, apparently unwilling to block her even after a few curses and clapping.

At midnight, the government affairs hall was still brightly lit.

Emperor Yongkun said a few things, and the courtiers sitting next to him were discussing together.

Dezhi leaned over to his side, "Your Majesty."

"En." Emperor Yongkun leaned on the dragon chair, raised his hand and pinched the Qingming point on the bridge of his nose.

Dezhi pursed his lips, thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, Ms. Gong said that she hopes that His Majesty will go to bed when she is here."

Emperor Yongkun put down his hands and turned to look at him

The light in his eyes reflected the lights, deep and unclear.

De Zhi bent down and knelt down, but his words were still steady, "A few days ago, Miss Gong told the servant that if your majesty is still busy with government affairs, let the servant go to bed when you are talking to your majesty."

Dezhi lowered his head, unable to see the emperor's expression clearly, only the voice from above his head said, "Little guy, I'm in charge."

There was no anger in the words, and even a slight smile.

Dezhi knelt down and didn't answer, he didn't need to speak at this time.

Emperor Yongkun turned his head and looked at the courtiers below, "Okay, come here today, go back and draw it up for me, and present it to the court tomorrow morning."

"It's Your Majesty."

Emperor Yongkun raised his hand to signal Dezhi to get up, and he also stood up from the dragon chair and walked out.

The courtiers below knelt and respectfully sent it off, "I wait to send you off to Your Majesty."


People have birth, old age, sickness and death.

The Gong family can't protect you forever, and I can't protect you forever.

Learn things obediently, and I will give you the best and most ruthless things.

What you want, you have to be able to hold it in your hands in order to live comfortably.

—[Black box]