The Lover’s Prattle

Chapter 90: Emperor Chapter (5)


As the Spring Festival is approaching, the small countries that depend on Jingheng and other neighboring countries have arrived in Kyoto one after another with Spring Festival gifts.

Qingruo's Qingming Palace took a lot of effort to redecorate, and she herself lived happily. Emperor Yongkun didn't let her move out, but ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to clean up the palace on the west side of the palace to separate the messenger's palace.

The arrangement of the Spring Festival banquet was entirely entrusted to Qingruo by Concubine Jing.

Originally, she was supposed to be the busiest one, but the fact is, she is now the one with the most leisure in the whole palace.

Emperor Yongkun ordered the other concubines to assist her. Qingruo gave the order leisurely after waking up in the Qingming Palace one day.

She is not afraid of anyone being lazy or making trouble for her. The big banquet is of great importance. Recently, she has learned a lot about the art of check and balance taught by Emperor Yongkun, which is enough to make the people in the harem obedient and do things well. .

Emperor Yongkun was also busy. Attendants from various countries came to the court one after another to have an audience. The war on Beihu was coming to an end, and the New Deal and imperial examinations after the beginning of spring were also on the agenda.

At this time, Emperor Yongkun summoned his courtiers into the government affairs hall after his early court. De Zhi ordered the maids to serve tea and snacks, and he carried the tray in and put it in Emperor Yongkun's hand.

There are fresh strawberries on the plate, which are beautifully arranged after washing, and the plate made of glass makes it even more delicate and pleasant.

Emperor Yongkun glanced at it, and it didn't even take a second to think that this thing was sent by the little guy from the Qingming Hall.

Grinding his teeth, he had a rare thought in his heart.

It seems that it's not good to learn things too fast, even he has a little taste of her leisure now.

The emperor has no preferences, and even De Zhi, who has followed him since he was a child, doesn't know that Emperor Yongkun's favorite fruit is strawberries.

He never deliberately ordered, but she knew it after only eating in her temple twice.

She's so clever that it makes one's hand itch to pinch her nose.

At noon, another pastry was delivered from Qingming Hall. Probably made by herself, the shape is not perfect, but the taste is not bad, Emperor Yongkun rarely ate two pieces with tea.

"Order the imperial dining room to prepare dinner in the Qingming Hall."

"It's Your Majesty."

When Emperor Yongkun came over, dinner was already on the table, because waiting for him, Qing Ruo was lazily leaning on the imperial concubine's couch reading a book, holding a book in one hand, her hair was loose on half of the skirt.

The servant girls were all guarding the door, Emperor Yongkun came over and waved his hand to stop them from saluting, and went straight to her side.

Qing Ruo felt that her nose was already pinched when a tall shadow surrounded her, she pinched it lightly and shook it, "You are free."

Qing Ruo burst out laughing, turned her head to look at him, because her nose was pinched, she was buzzing, "I've seen Your Majesty."

"Hmm." Emperor Yongkun let go of her nose. This concubine couch was one of the congratulatory gifts from neighboring countries. It was spacious and comfortable, exquisitely crafted and inlaid with many precious stones.

Emperor Yongkun sat down next to her, the maids in the room were already busy, she still looked leisurely, he felt that the force just now had been lightened, so he glanced at the book in her hand. "Read all the scriptures."

Qing Ruo raised her eyebrows at him, showing such an idle and arrogant little look. Hearing his lessons that are neither serious nor serious, he pouted, "The story is only interesting~"

He tapped her little head with his fingers, put the book aside and pulled her up, "Dinner first."

Eating without talking and sleeping without talking, it doesn't work for her.

But the etiquette is very good, and there will be no noise, only her clear and soft voice, "Your Majesty, today the concubine Xian asked me what talent I would like to perform at the banquet. She said it was to impress the envoys. Fight for face."

Emperor Yong Kun raised his eyes and glanced at her, his eyes were full of smiles, and he asked her teasingly, "What can you do to perform? Do you want to embarrass me?"

Qing Ruo rolled her eyes, "Nuo, I'm definitely an expert at rolling my eyes."

"..." Indeed, it's rare for someone to roll their eyes and reveal feeling.

Emperor Yongkun twitched the corners of his mouth, "Do you really want to perform?"

Qing Ruo hooked her lips mischievously, her translucent eyes were bright and cold, "Concubine Xian thought I was stupid, this is a clown's trick."

Emperor Yongkun's fingertips were itchy again, so he just held the chopsticks and let it go.

He laughed and teased her, "It's just stupid."

Angrily, he swallowed a piece of chicken and stared at him, and stopped talking to him.

After dinner, Emperor Yongkun sat and rested, and later he had to go to the government affairs hall to deal with government affairs. Qingruo made tea by herself. Although she didn't like tea, she made good tea. She said that she often Make tea for her grandfather at Gong Shoufu's place.

The teacup was placed on the table beside him, Qing Ruo went around behind him and took the soft pillow in Ruyi's hand and put it on the back of the chair, "Your Majesty leaned against the back of the chair with eyes closed."

Emperor Yong Kun didn't look back, he closed his eyes obediently and leaned back on the soft pillow.

Her fingertips were warm, but the fingers and palms further back were cool, probably because her fingertips were warmed up just now when she lifted the teacup.

Put it on the top of his hair just enough to press the acupuncture points for him to soothe.

He has a lot of things going on lately, and there is a slight tiredness around his eye sockets. When he opens his eyes, his sharp, eagle-like pupils cover up this layer of tiredness, which can only be seen when he closes his eyes and relaxes.

Emperor Yongkun waved his hand, and Dezhi led the servants in the room to exit quietly.

There is a gap in the lid of the tea cup, and the fragrance of tea spreads in the surrounding air around the water mist.

Her house does not burn incense, and it is always clean. When cooking wine, there is a clear aroma of wine, and when drinking tea, there is a sweet aroma of tea.

"Little guy." He called her with a rustling warmth in his voice.

"Hmm." The people behind him responded obediently.

Emperor Yongkun pursed his lips, the surrounding was very quiet, his five senses were sharp, and he could almost hear the friction between her fingers and hair when she pressed and twirled her fingers on the top of his hair.

"In this palace, you don't have to hold back anyone who provokes you. I will deal with the aftermath for you."

Qingruo smiled lightly.

Emperor Yongkun couldn't think about it, "No, you have to learn how to deal with the aftermath yourself. You have a long way to go in the future. It's okay to be ruthless, but you also have to learn how to deal with the aftermath yourself."

She doesn't answer.

Emperor Yong Kun opened his eyes and looked at her. She looked down at him from the top down, and her eyes fell on the top of his hair that was being pressed. Her delicate and beautiful face was somewhat backlit, but her expression was soft, her eyes were smiling, meticulous and attentive.

He originally wanted her to agree, but he just sighed softly and closed his eyes again.

I'm afraid I'm going to renege on my promise, he wants to teach her a lot, of course it's all for her benefit, but this time, he's not sure if she won't learn in the future, he won't be so ruthless.

The room was quiet for a while, Qing Ruo spoke first, "Your Majesty, Qing Ruo has something to say."

"Say it."

"Beihu is bound to fall soon. Although Beihu has a vast area and people are good at riding and shooting, the unsuitable land for crop growth is their fatal point. Winter is the shortcoming of Beihu."

"Yes." Emperor Yongkun turned her words around in his heart, he never talked about politics with her, because in comparison, these were of little use to her in the future.

"But after spring and summer, they will have enough food. If they blindly suppress and control, even if Beihu surrenders, they will rebel."

Emperor Yongkun opened his eyes, took her hand, pulled her from behind to the chair next to him and sat down, his eyes were a little cold, "What did someone say to you?"

Qing Ruo looked at him with a smile, shook her head slightly, and continued, "But if they can eat enough and have food in the winter in the future. Moreover, this kind of winter is only possible because of Jingheng."

Emperor Yongkun frowned, "Qing Ruo, it's not easy, the Northern Hu barbarians are cruel by nature."

Qingruo stretched out her hand and placed her fingertips between his brows, "Your Majesty, the people of Jingheng are devoted to you, even if there is a war, there will never be any adverse rumors, because they have enough food and clothing, and war will not affect their lives. Have any influence. His Majesty's politics, governing officials, restraining taxes, and controlling imperial merchants."

Her fingertips slid across, Emperor Yongkun's brows stretched, he hooked his lips, raised his hand and knocked her on the head, this time the knock was hard, Qingruo frowned and covered himself with both hands For a moment, she looked at him with teary eyes and a pitiful look.

The hand that was already in mid-air was changed into a big palm and pressed down on her two hands, with her hands gently saying, "Squeamish."

He really didn't use much force.

Qing Ruo still looked at him pitifully.

Emperor Yongkun turned away his eyes, and coughed guiltyly, "Okay, so what you want to tell me is that economic infiltration after Beihu's surrender is more beneficial than military power."

In the past two days, one of the issues that has really bothered him is after Beihu surrendered.

Qingruo just winked at him, Emperor Yongkun did have an amazing talent for governing the world, he had a lot to say, so don't need to point it out.

Emperor Yongkun laughed, sometimes he was so clever that he couldn't keep up, but sometimes he was as silly as a kitten who loves to sleep and eat.

Seeing that she was still covering her head, Emperor Yongkun made a mental note to control his strength when teasing her in the future, got up and took her hand away, bent down and blew on her, "Okay, be good, it doesn't hurt anymore."

In exchange, she raised her head and smiled obediently and softly.

Patting her head, Emperor Yongkun straightened up and told her, "I'm back to the Palace of Government Affairs. If you have any doubts about the banquet, ask Concubine Jing, or come and ask me."

"Okay. Your Majesty will go to bed early at night."

Emperor Yongkun took De Zhi out of the Qingming Hall, and Bu Huo was waiting at the door. In his hand was the heater that Qing Ruo had stuffed for him just now. His body had internal energy to warm his body, and he didn't feel much cold in winter. She just handed it over to him. Emperor Yong Kun still took it, and now there are many hand warmers taken from her in the Government Affairs Hall and his Qianlong Hall.

After entering the Palace of Government Affairs, De Zhi stepped forward and took off the cloak on his body and took the hand warmer in his hand. Hearing the emperor's cold and solemn order, "Send someone to Concubine Jing to deliver a message. The people who are here should teach me well, especially Concubine Xian."

Is the lesson from last time too light, and he still has the guts to provoke his little guy, Emperor Yong Kun twitched his lips, "Forget it, don't have to tell Concubine Jing, leave it to the little guy to practice."

Dezhi complied respectfully, and Emperor Yongkun lifted his foot up to the imperial case table on the high platform, and Dezhi pursed his lips and stepped aside.

His Majesty has never been so gentle and caring.

Even the tone of voice when it is just mentioned is full of tenderness and tenderness.



what to do.

Even for her own good, I began to feel reluctant.

Tsk, this little guy...

—[Black box]