The Madman and The Doll

Chapter 17


Song Shu held his breath in horror.

The room was too dark. Without any light, Song Shu had no way of judging whether the person in front of him was awake or what condition he was in.

After that name that made her dare not move, the man's voice was intermittent and hoarse, and he murmured with a drunken tone: "Song Shu..." He stretched out his arms to hold her, leaned his head against her, and spoke in a low and mournful tone like a helpless child.

Song Shu felt a pain in his chest.

She didn't struggle until the room grew quiet.

The man lying on top of her seemed to have found the warmest place, and he held her arms tightly. He buried his head in the long hair hanging down her neck, kissing her long hair that was lightly scented with shampoo, while his breathing slowly became steady.

After an unknown amount of time, the breath in her ears finally settled and became even, and Song Shu came to her senses. She carefully tried to free her right hand from the man's grip. But the man was holding it too tightly, and she pulled it several times, but her wrist didn't move at all.

Song Shu sighed silently.

She should know that no matter how many times she prepared herself mentally before and after returning home, she would inevitably lose control of her emotions whenever she met Qin Lou.

Perhaps she should be thankful that their first reunion took place when this person was not sober - she still had time and opportunity to adjust herself.

Song Shu thought about it, carefully pried open the man's fingers, and pulled her arm out. Then she gently lifted the man's hand and put it back beside her.

When her fingertips left, they inadvertently brushed across Qin Lou's wrist.

Song Shu stopped standing up again.

She subconsciously lowered her head, and felt a sticky texture on her fingertips, as well as a hint of blood hidden in the smell of alcohol.

With trembling fingertips, Song Shu took out his cell phone from his pocket, turned on the flashlight, and shone the small beam of light on Qin Lou's arm.

From the back of the hand to the wrist, the skin was torn and bloody.

—It was not the most terrible result she expected. Song Shu was worried but also relieved. She frowned and observed for a moment, and found that the wound had basically stopped bleeding on its own. The next treatment was to clean the wound, disinfect, apply medicine and bandage.

And this was obviously something she absolutely could not do.

Song Shu could only turn off the flashlight, and endure the pain in her heart as she struggled to get up and walk out.

Song Shu staggered as he stepped on a wine bottle rolling on the ground in the dark, and then he steadied himself by holding on to the sofa next to him.

When he reached the elevator, Song Shu picked up the bag on the ground and walked quickly into the elevator without giving himself the chance to hesitate or look back.

Watching the elevator door close before her eyes and the purple ocean-like soft-padded background disappear, Song Shu slowly exhaled and clenched her handbag.

On the mirror-like metal wall in the staircase box, the woman slowly revealed a gentle smile.

Only the eyes are cold, painful, and determined.

Whether it was for her plan or for Qin Lou—she must not let anyone recognize her.

vio capital 8th floor, main floor of human resources department.

In the tea room, two female colleagues standing side by side to get water.

"What's wrong with Minister Luan today? It seems like she's been in a low mood since she came up from the archives room on the 7th floor? I saw her walking around the office several times."

"This week is 'Hell Week'. She was also in a bad mood at this time two years ago. That's why people in the company said that there must be something going on between her and Mr. Qin."

"It feels different..." He glanced outside the tea room, then lowered his voice and said, "I heard from Dennis that Director Luan seems to have some prejudice against the newcomers sent by Junsheng Law Firm."

"Hmm? There's a new person at Junsheng? Didn't they always have a consultant from their law firm?"

"This time it's different. I heard that he is a top student from a famous foreign university and is here to work as a pliance officer in our company."

“… I only passed CET-4 and CET-6, so please don’t talk about English when chatting.”

"Hahaha, that's because there's no strict translation for this profession in China. There's a term called 'Assistant Compliance Officer', but this profession isn't popular in China... I don't know the others."

"It sounds like a sinecure that was obtained through the back door. Could it be that Minister Luan is unhappy with this?"

"No way? Why should she be upset? Isn't she - well, anyway, if it weren't for President Qin's face, how old is Minister Luan? How could he have sat in the position of Minister in VIO?"

"Tsk tsk, being good-looking is an advantage..."

"Yes, speaking of which, Dennis said that although the newcomer was wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, he looked very pretty."

"Wow, that's going to be interesting."

"Isn't it?"

"… "

In the minister's office at the end of the same floor, Luan Qiaoqing looked down at the resume in his hand, frowning in pain.

What a coincidence... What a coincidence indeed.

Is it really a coincidence that a woman who looks so much like her sister happens to come to the company on her sister's birthday

Luan Qiaoqing looked down at the woman in the photo.

The woman looking at the camera is smiling, gentle and even charming. Probably any man would be distracted at first sight - she is completely different from the sister in Luan Qiaoqing's memory. Even though her facial features are similar, that person's face is emotionless no matter what she does.

She still remembers that day very clearly - when the truck hit her, the girl next to her who was not even as tall as her rushed over and protected her.

Up to that moment, that person had no expression, except for a painful frown. When they were in a trance, Luan Qiaoqing could even hear that person's voice floating in her ears.

"Qiaoqiao... don't cry... someone will come to save us... everything, everything will be fine..."

Luan Qiaoqing suddenly clenched the document.

She gritted her teeth and stared at herself in the glass with red eyes - but that person had deceived her.

She was sent to the hospital but she only had time to see that person once from beginning to end!

You clearly said everything would be fine... Liar!

“Knock, knock, knock.”

There was a sudden knock on the glass door of the office, and then it opened a crack.

"Minister Luan, the person you met has arrived. Can you please let him in directly?"

"…" Luan Qiaoqing took a deep breath silently, suppressed the trembling in her voice, and tried her best to keep her tone calm, "Yes. Let him in."


Half a minute later, a man in a suit carrying a briefcase walked into Luan Qiaoqing's office.

The door was closed by the assistant who was leaving.

The man stopped and waited until he was sure the other person had left before he walked forward and extended his hand to Luan Qiaoqing: "Hello, Minister Luan."

"Hello." After shaking hands with the other party, Luan Qiaoqing gestured to the sofa, "Mr. Qiao, please sit down."

"Minister Luan, you're too polite."

"I'm grateful for the trouble Mr. Qiao has made to come here. I think this courtesy is only due to you."

After they sat down, Luan Qiaoqing said, "I won't waste each other's time - let's get straight to the point, okay?"

"Of course. Minister Luan is looking for me because...?"

"I'd like you to help me investigate someone," Luan Qiaoqing pushed the copy of her resume in front of the man, "This is a new consultant from Junsheng Law Firm, which our company often cooperates with. I'd like you to help me investigate her background."

"In the background that Minister Luan mentioned, are there any specific suspicions or uncertainties?"

"I hope to get photos of this person when she was a child, or enough evidence to prove whether she had plastic surgery."

"Do you suspect that she had plastic surgery to look like someone else?"

"… "

Luan Qiaoqing was silent for two seconds, her eyes dimmed, but her hands clenched unconsciously.

After a few seconds of silence, Luan Qiaoqing said, "That's right. I suspect someone wants to use some people and events from that year to deliberately get into VIO."

The man was stunned, his face changed slightly, "Minister Luan, are you referring to... industrial espionage?"

Luan Qiaoqing paused and said, "I just have doubts."

"Given Vio's current business level, we do need to be on guard in this regard." The man looked serious. He lowered his head and quickly flipped through the documents. He asked uncertainly, "But the position of this new employee seems far from enough to touch the core of Vio."

"You don't have to think about this question, just give me the results as soon as possible."


The man put the documents into his briefcase.

Just then, Luan Qiaoqing's phone suddenly rang.

Luan Qiaoqing motioned to the other party to wait a moment, and she stood up and went to the corner to take out her cell phone. After seeing the caller ID, she was stunned for a moment, and almost subconsciously turned her head to confirm the date on the desk.

It is indeed Song Shu’s birthday.

Then why did Qin Lou call her today

Luan Qiaoqing didn't think too much and picked up the phone.

"elder brother?"

"This morning..." the voice on the other end of the phone was tired and hoarse, "Has anyone been to the 23rd floor?"

Luan Qiaoqing was stunned. "How is that possible? Everyone in the company knows that they can't disturb you this week. No one would dare to go up without permission."

“… … ”

"What happened?" Luan Qiaoqing asked cautiously.

After a long silence, a low, hoarse laugh came from the other side.

"It's nothing. I just dreamed about her again."

Luan Qiaoqing was stunned.

Qin Lou has hung up the phone.

The phone hit the floor, making a hollow echo.

Qin Lou leaned against the sofa with his legs propped up, and after a while he gave a short laugh. He looked up at the ceiling, his eyes empty and crazy.

"But this is the most real dream I've ever had, doll."

"Minister Luan? Minister Luan?"

"… Ah, um, sorry." Luan Qiaoqing hurriedly put away her phone and turned to look at the man standing next to the sofa. When her eyes touched the briefcase in his hand, she suddenly remembered something and her face changed. "Did she go upstairs?"

"Hey? Minister Luan, what did you say?"

Luan Qiaoqing came back to her senses, her face had changed. She frowned and said, "You go back first. I'll contact you if there's anything. Tell me the result as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay."

As soon as the other party left, Luan Qiaoqing immediately returned to her desk, picked up the landline and dialed the number of the Information Technology Department. After the call was connected, she said, "I need to retrieve the information record of the elevator operation this morning - to find out if anyone went to the 23rd floor."

"… "

A few minutes later, Luan Qiaoqing's face turned pale after she got the answer. She stared closely at the woman in the elevator surveillance video.

"Qin Qing, who are you and what do you want to do in Vio?"

Luan Qiaoqing pressed the thermos cup she had picked up and put down hard against the corner of the table. She leaned over the computer and looked at the woman inside with gritted teeth.

"No matter who is behind you, I will never, ever let you succeed! And... you even dared to use her face. When I find you, I will tear you all into pieces and chop you up and feed you to pigs!"

On the computer, in the frozen surveillance video, the woman smiled gently and said nothing.

Luan Qiaoqing stared for a few more seconds, and finally couldn't help but her eyes turned red. She pressed the computer screen down with a "snap" -

"You are not allowed to smile so ugly with her face!"

The glass is not good for sound insulation.

Outside in the cubicle, all the staff on the 8th floor of the Human Resources Department looked up in confusion.

For dinner, Yu Qisheng took Song Shu to a famous open-air restaurant with a river view in Q City in the name of "welcoming him and celebrating his birthday".

He went out to answer a phone call in the middle of the trip, and when he came back his expression was a little complicated.

Song Shu noticed and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yu Qisheng said hesitantly: "Vio called me and politely expressed the hope that a new consultant could be found."

Song Shu's expression remained unchanged. After thinking for a few seconds, she smiled faintly, "I understand."

"Know what?"

"I know. I probably 'offended' someone."

Yu Qisheng was stunned. "Aren't you just going to register for employment today? How could you offend someone?"

"Well, because I met my 'old friend' there."

"!" Yu Qisheng stopped the knife and fork in his hand and looked up suddenly, "Have you seen Qin Lou?"

Song Shu's eyes flickered slightly, and after a moment she raised her eyes and smiled, "Mr. Yu, there's no need to be so excited. I just met Director Luan from the Human Resources Department."

"Then how..." Yu Qisheng paused in the middle of his words, his thoughts turned slightly, and he smiled helplessly, "It seems that Minister Luan feels that you threaten her position?"

"Mr. Yu, Qiaoqiao is not that kind of person. Besides, she saw with her own eyes that I was issued a death notice and cremated. She would not doubt that I was already dead."

"Oh? Then how do you explain the decision of the Human Resources Department?"

"There's nothing to explain."

Song Shuqing narrowed his eyes and his fingertips unconsciously rubbed the cup holder of the goblet.

After a moment, she came back to her senses and smiled at Yu Qisheng, "Maybe I still haven't completely gotten rid of the traces of my past. She thinks I look too much like Song Shu. Vio's family business is huge, and there are many people who want to take advantage of it. It's always better to be careful."

Yu Qisheng said: "You really trust her."

Song Shu smiled and turned his head slightly, "Because I know her very well?"

"But people can change."

"If it's really that easy to change, there wouldn't be the saying 'It's easy to change a country, but hard to change one's nature', Mr. Yu?"

"…" Yu Qisheng seemed to be reminded of something, and his eyes moved slightly. After a moment, he lowered his eyes and smiled, "That's not a nice thing to say."

Song Shu also laughed, "Qiaoqiao doesn't have a good personality either."

"Hahaha, you must have been a very strict sister back then—from this point of view, you haven't changed."

"… "

Song Shu's eyes flickered, and a yacht whistle sounded across the river, blasting out the water mist and the night.

Song Shu came to his senses and gently raised his slender wrist.

A bracelet of tiny shells jingled on her wrist.

She raised her glass and smiled faintly.

"Respect remains unchanged."

Yu Qisheng was stunned for a moment before he also raised his glass, and the glass made a crisp sound when it collided in the air:

"Okay, respect remains unchanged."

—As for what remains unchanged, everyone has his own thoughts in his mind.

at the same time.

vio capital, 23rd floor.

A figure numbly leaned against the French window, the moonlight coming in was lonely and cold. The room was as quiet as death, and there was no sound for a long while.

It was not until the wine bottle held by a hand on the knee shook and the sound of an empty bottle was heard that the person leaning against the window finally raised his eyelids slightly.

After a two-second pause, the bottle was thrown aside. Qin Lou stood up, holding onto the low table behind him, and walked towards the wine storage room in a half-drunk and half-awake state.

The room was in a mess and it was impossible to see anything without the light from the window. Qin Lou staggered several times, and the last time he stepped on a round wine bottle, which hit the corner of the sofa hard.

There was a muffled "bang" sound.

The wound on his wrist that had not yet scabbed over was also scratched, and blood dripped onto the floor.

Qin Lou laughed softly, but the emotion in that laugh was empty and numb.

“… turn on the light.”

He opened his mouth and spoke with difficulty in his hoarse voice.

The automated voice recognition system in the bedroom beeped softly, and the floor lamp connected to the system closest to Qin Lou turned on automatically.

Qin Lou didn't care at all about the blood flowing from his arm again. He supported himself on the sofa and prepared to get up.

Then Qin Lou's figure suddenly froze.

He stared at the black leather sofa under his hand without blinking.

After a few seconds, his eyes moved suddenly—

A few centimeters below his palm, there was half a fresh bloody handprint.

Woman's hand print.

The author has something to say: Song Shu: ... I suddenly felt a chill on my back

If I can update twice today, it will be at 12 noon. If I don't update by 12 noon, it means I'm useless (not

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-11-27 01:32:30~2019-11-28 22:18:05~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: sillyplayer, 1 person;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Puff is super cute 3; Huahua doesn't want to take a bath?, Brother Mian wants to flash 2; Yuqi, Wei Daxun's yellow flash, a little A Yue, ?_?, Peach Devil Ovo, promise, soyoung, Mushroom is a clever ghost, ss, cfudysfyydyfu, Green Green Green Green Green Fairy, Bi Shaoxin Helena, Kayla's sky 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles; the most adorable little fairy, the box spirit's stop words 30 bottles; the giant panda loves to eat oranges and buy clothes 27 bottles; the little prince 24 bottles; 22655593 23 bottles; Wei Daxun's Huang Shanshan, Waka Waka, Nuannuan 20 bottles; skeleton 15 bottles; there are stars in his eyes 13 bottles; 40848668 11 bottles; Xiao Lazi, Miniman, Qinghuan., smile:-d, Xiaochen doesn't eat sugar, yy8g, Nanxie, Xue Zhiqian., audrey, big face, ?_?, Suiting, mikazuko, 23192491, fff, Qingxuan, sweet snail 10 bottles; Xuan, little devil, Luo Wen 8 bottles; nyx 7 bottles; Hanchen cute, midnight ghost 6 bottles; nannan, sour plum, Fu Beibei, a bug, Zhang pink, Xuancan, Xixihe, Mo Wang, Mo Xiaosang, milkshake, Sunny Day, Ji Yu, Niuniu's Ma Family, Pepsi Cola, Yang Han, Shen Xingchen, poison. 5 bottles; Puff is super cute, lollopop, crispy shark 4 bottles; Bai Yi, An Bai, not as good as the monkey in the circus, Zai Zai., Mom doesn't like my Weibo name, Qi Yanlu, 26334934, 40535591, crazy. 3 bottles; Aju, Xiaonv, Suyebanhe, Yanchen, Naxiaohai, 36859707, 26874588, Heji, Cat who loves to eat crabs, Space, Yangliu Yiyi 1314, Stupid Yunyun is me, 6v6, Enirehtak 2 bottles; Nicole, Muimuig, Li Zhifei, Whispers. Wanyin, Mango Flavored Milk Cap, Yunyue Little Bear, One Night of Rain, Lan, If You Say It's You, I'll Praise You, Little God Who Came to Earth, Bettertutu, Sallie, Chenchen Loves Baby, Gofortaylor.?, Your Little Sweetie, Reward Meals and Punish Hunger, Embarrassing, Laughing Little Fairy~, Heyim, Qingsi, Hair Loss Girl, Nannan, Rain Hidden in the Heart, Hihihahahoho, Kiaseller, Yuzu Loves Oranges, 37545617, Xiaoyang, Xiaochi's Mom 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!