The Madman and The Doll

Chapter 27


"… "

Song Shu's figure froze slightly. After a moment, she sighed softly, and regardless of Qin Lou still standing at the end of the file shelf, she turned around and opened the file in her hand again, seizing the time to engrave the information she had not yet written down into her mind.

Qin Lou saw that Song Shu was giving up on treatment, and the corners of his mouth curved up even more. He walked forward, his footsteps very light, and stopped behind Song Shu, who was quietly and attentively looking down at the file.

Qin Lou looked at her from behind. The woman's long hair was tied behind her ears, revealing half of her face. Her skin was white and delicate. Perhaps because she was too focused, she didn't care about the usual cover-up, and at this moment, there was no emotion between her delicate and beautiful features.

It looks just like the little clam that used to hold a book quietly.

Qin Lou's eyes dimmed.

He didn't want to delay her work, especially when he saw how hard she was working. But some emotions had been suppressed for too long, and they were surging and difficult to suppress, like a volcano on the verge of eruption, ready to tear open his body and rush out at any time, devouring and burning everything he longed for, leaving nothing behind.

It's better than that.

Qin Lou thought so and could not help but lean forward slowly. The first thing he kissed was her long hair that slipped down from behind her ear, tinged with a faint violet fragrance.

Song Shu paused as she flipped through the files. She couldn't help but feel the faint breath approaching her ear. But the next second, Song Shu's attention returned to the files, leaving Qin Lou to play behind her.

Qin Lou saw that Song Shu had no intention of stopping him, and the little black Qin Lou with two small horns on his head could no longer be suppressed. He took a step forward unsatisfied, and gently climbed on Song Shu's side, forcing her between the file rack and his fixed station, so that she could not move even a little.

Song Shu also did not resist, and his subordinates quickly turned over another page of the file.

The smile of success in Qin Lou's eyes deepened. He pushed the long hair beside his lips aside, leaned closer, and gently kissed the tip of Song Shu's ear.

"Little clam..."

He called out in a low, hoarse voice.

"…" Song Shu's hand finally stopped again. This time she reprimanded helplessly, "Stop it."

After he finished speaking, Song Shu glanced down at his watch. According to the time, the staff member who was going to the restroom should appear within a minute.

"You should go." Song Shu reminded, and took the last bit of time to browse the new page.

Qin Lou understood, "The person you sent out is finally coming back?"

"Urination is a normal physiological process of human beings and has nothing to do with me." Song Shu had a blank expression and refused to admit it.

"..." Qin Lou stretched out his hand, closed the file in Song Shu's hand, and held it against his side.

"What are you doing?" Song Shu raised his eyes.

"you guess."

Qin Lou laughed dumbly, and he stretched out his hand to turn Song Shu around, so that she stood face to face with him, and then he pushed the person who did not resist against the file rack. He leaned over and pressed her down.

He reached out and gently lifted the woman's chin, revealing her red lips in the most beautiful and alluring shape, tempting to pick them.

The light in Qin Lou's eyes darkened.

After a few seconds, he seemed to be unable to resist the temptation and slowly lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Song Shu was startled, came back to his senses, and struggled to get up: "This is not your place..."

Before he could finish his words, the door of the archives room was pushed open again, and a staff member walked in with a guilty smile, "I'm sorry, Miss Qin, I've been out for a while. But it's almost time, I still have to check the archives later, you... Hey, where are you?"

As he spoke, the man walked past the first few rows of file racks, and then stopped in front of the row where Song Shu and Qin Lou were. He looked at the two overlapping figures not far away, and the woman who was pressed on the file rack, struggling to resist but was "suppressed" again and again.

The staff member in the archives room had a blank mind: "Who? If you don't let go of Miss Qin, I'm going to call the police!"

"… "

At the innermost side of the file rack, Qin Lou held the person in front of him in his arms. He raised his head and glanced outside, with a smile on his lips, but his eyes looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"Call the police?"

The man took a step back when he saw the man's appearance: "—Boss Qin?!"

"Why are you shouting so loudly? Call the police?"

"No, no, no, no... Mr. Qin, why are you here?"

"Didn't you see it?"

"—?" The other party looked confused.

Qin Lou laughed wantonly and crazily, "Sexual harassment in the workplace."

Staff: “…”

Staff: “????”

Qin Lou, who had the advantage of speaking, immediately suffered retribution - just as he finished speaking, the woman who had stopped moving since the staff member stood still and talked raised her head and hit him in the lower abdomen lightly.

"Hiss." Qin Lou took a breath and turned back, "You dare to bite me?"

Song Shu: “—?”

Staff: “…”

The staff member tactfully lowered his head and pretended not to hear anything - even at this moment, Miss Qin, who was pressed on the file shelf, did not cry for help. He had already guessed that this was the two people's trick of playing hard to get and he cursed them in his heart, calling them "bastards".

Qin Lou pressed the person down again and took the opportunity to kiss him, then he turned around and looked at the staff member, his eyes revealing an impatient and irritable mood.

"I'm ready to continue, are you ready to watch?"

The staff member came to his senses and quickly shook his head, "No, no, no, I'll be out right away. Mr. Qin, please feel free to do as you please."

After saying that, the other party couldn't wait to turn around and leave.

After the door of the archive room was closed again, Qin Lou turned around. He restrained his domineering attitude and kissed the girl's long hair.

"Did I perform well enough, Director?"

"..." Song Shu knew what he had done at this point, and he didn't want to argue with him any more. He reached out to take the file back and continued the unfinished work of recording in his mind.

Qin Lou's eyes were filled with greed, and he asked unwillingly, "Is there no reward for my hard work?"

"What reward?" Song Shu asked without even raising his eyes.

But the more she spoke in such a cold and emotionless way, the more she gradually overlapped with the little clam shell in the past. Qin Lou couldn't hold back the anxiety and irritation he had been tossing and turning for so many years.

He whispered in her ear, "How about giving yourself to me? Even for one day."


"An hour?"


"Before you leave the archives room."

Song Shu finally raised his eyes and glanced back at him, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. "Whatever you want."


When Qin Lou heard these three words, he almost pounced on the man and ate him on the spot.

Unfortunately, he turned back and added, "Don't disturb me while I'm reading the files."

Qin Lou: “…”

In the end, the person who was ready to do something didn't do anything. He just stood by her quietly and held her in his arms while she finished reading the file.

Then the two people walked out of the archive room in "disheveled" clothes, and left under the condemning gazes of the staff who said "Bah, you bastards".

Until they parted ways, Qin Lou never asked Song Shu what file he was reading.

This made Song Shu feel even more uneasy.

At noon, in the staff cafeteria.

Song Shu came with Yao Yiqin. After the large-scale rumors about Xinyi in the past two days, Song Shu has become extremely well-known throughout the company.

Moreover, unlike the previous discussions which were difficult to distinguish between positive and negative, this time, all the remarks related to her were full of ridicule and sarcasm.

"We really misunderstood Minister Luan. It turns out that she is just the younger sister of President Qin's first love. The real vixen is here."

"How disappointing! Is this what Mr. Qin's first love looks like?"

"She is beautiful, but I always feel that she looks a bit artificial and unpleasant. No wonder Minister Luan is so angry. If I saw a vixen like this trying to get a high position by using a face that looks a bit like her after my sister died, I would be so angry that I would die."

"It doesn't matter if we don't like it, as long as President Qin likes it. Besides, doesn't she have a fiancé who runs a law firm? I wonder if President Yu knows that he is about to get green lights on his head?"

"Boss Yu is a young talent, but it's a pity that he has such a fiancée. If I met my boss's first love in the company and he looked like me, I would definitely find an excuse to resign."

"I can't do that. No matter how powerful the law firm is, it's just a private domestic law firm. Mr. Qin has so many shares and financial power. If I hook up with Mr. Qin, it will definitely be different..."

"So let's just be envious. Who can blame us for not looking like that 'general' first love?"

"… "

Yao Yiqun's face became increasingly gloomy as he listened, but Song Shu didn't react at all, and even the smile on his face seemed more sincere.

—At least now the direction of the message was what she liked, and she also picked Luan Qiaoqing out.

Everyone is happy.

Song Shu took the plate with the food and chose an empty table to sit down.

Yao Yiqin was about to take a seat when she heard a few people from the Legal and Compliance Department at the next table waving at her, "Sister Qin, come sit over here."

He only called out to Yao Yiqin and not Song Shu, and his intention was clear. Yao Yiqin looked at Song Shu with a complicated expression, and Song Shu also looked up at this time.

There was a charming smile on that delicate face.

"Sister Qin, please go over and sit down."

Yao Yiqin frowned, "Can you do it by yourself?"

Song Shu smiled, "It's just a meal, what else can they do? They are not elementary school students who like to play those obvious tricks."

Yao Yiqun glanced at Song Shu in surprise.

From what happened with Lisa, she originally thought that she was a person who had just graduated from school and had no social sense, but she didn't expect that she could see things so clearly now.

It's like they are two completely different people...

Yao Yiqin muttered in her heart, but she still walked to the other side apologetically - they were in the same workplace, and there was no real conflict of interest, and everyone was smart. So even if she didn't like those remarks and got angry, she would never stand up for Song Shu, and she would not rashly offend the majority for her.

When you think about it this way, no matter how ridiculous the tricks that elementary school students play in public are, at least their emotional thoughts are clear.

It's also being put on stage as a show, but the ones who are really ridiculous might be the adults themselves.

Song Shu looked back with a calm expression.

There were more voices of gossip, but she didn't care at all - rumors? They were the least of her worries for the thick calluses that had accumulated over the years from body to mind.

Can rumors be eaten as food or as poison

Song Shu raised the corner of his mouth and picked up a piece of cauliflower with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

But before he could chew, a figure sat down opposite the table.

Song Shu looked up, startled, then lowered his eyes helplessly.

“…Boss Qin.”

Qin Lou raised his eyebrows, "You sound like you don't want to see me?"

Song Shu glanced at him, gave him a look that said "it's good that you know it", and then smiled faintly, "Boss Qin, you are joking. This is your company and I am your employee. How could this happen?"

Qin Lou's eyes lit up, "You're right."


"You are indeed mine, employee."

"… "

Song Shu pretended not to hear the pause in the middle.

After Qin Lou appeared, the nearby noises died down, but the gazes and noises coming from other corners of the cafeteria increased.

Song Shu didn't put down her second chopstick. She looked up at the person staring at her and asked, "You don't want to eat?"

"I'll watch you eat."

"… "

Song Shu paused and nodded.

Qin Lou suddenly seemed to remember something and slapped the edge of the table.

Song Shu was stunned and looked up.

Then the man looked at her seriously and recited his lines in a serious tone: "Don't frown. You don't look like her if you frown."

Song Shu: “…?”

When did she frown

The author has something to say: Qin Lou: I knelt on the washboard with my own strength, why should you take it away from me

More updates at 10pm

ps: Every time I am late for more than 5 minutes, it means that I have written more than expected and I can't stop. Darlings, please be patient and wait. You can come back at 10:30.

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-04 22:17:26~2019-12-05 10:11:34~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: h Jin, [Hayato] 2; wjtt, Alice, Bi Shaoxin Helena, Mian Ge wanted to flash, three-point heat. 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: [Hayato], Xi., Yuna 30 bottles; Chaojiu, Yoyo 20 bottles; Sinnnn, 29889492 10 bottles; 28448358 9 bottles; Yangliu Yiyi 1314, Chumimi Mimi 5 bottles; Midnight Ghost 2 bottles; Lvshi Chunqiu, lollopop, whispers. Wanyin, Cat Who Loves Crabs, Yiyi, Voracity, Never Get Tired of Each Other, Sigma, Jinghuayin, Ah Sha, Stupid Yunyun Is Me 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!