The Madman and The Doll

Chapter 35


Qin Lou closed the cabinet door and stood up. When he looked back, he saw Song Shu's eyes fixed on him. Qin Lou raised the corner of his mouth.


"...What?" Song Shu came back to his senses from his thoughts that were being drawn deeper into the brown paper bag. He raised his almond-shaped eyes and met Qin Lou's gaze.

Qin Lou put one hand in his trouser pocket and knocked on the glass cabinet door beside him. "The things I just put in, and the person who came downstairs, who is he, what is he doing here, what did he give me, what do I need to hide from you - aren't you curious?"

The madman looked at her and smiled wantonly, as if he had placed a shiny fishing bait hook in front of her, just waiting for her to bite it.

Song Shu narrowed his eyes.

After that person left, she had returned to her usual emotionless state, and didn't show much reaction to Qin Lou's words.

"If you're curious, will you tell me?"

Qin Lou stood there and stared at her for two seconds, then suddenly came over. "Of course," he stopped in front of her, "but there are conditions."


"Well, this is an adult world, little clam. Everything given by others has a value behind it, visible or invisible. Nothing is free." While speaking, Qin Lou leaned over, and with one hand he hooked a strand of thin hair hanging from Song Shu's ear and wrapped it around his index finger to play with it.

After saying this, Qin Lou stopped talking, deliberately keeping her in suspense and waiting for her to "open her shell" on her own initiative.

Song Shu was quiet for a few seconds and asked, "What conditions do you want?"

“…” Qin Lou stopped moving and raised his eyelids slightly. The arc at the corners of his slender eyes concealed the unbridled laziness after success.

Song Shu looked at him.

She had never been deceived or bewitched by his face since she was a child, and it was still the same now.

Qin Lou was used to it and was not frustrated. He took the initiative to end the eye contact, then leaned forward, put the lock of hair that was hooked around his fingertips in front of his nose and sniffed it gently.

The movements are extremely ambiguous; even the half-closed eyes and the emotions flowing within the eyelids are very suggestive.

Then he laughed in a low, hoarse voice: "Guess what I want." At the end of his smile, he finally seemed no longer satisfied with just sniffing the hair, and instead brought it to his lips, rising and falling, and kissing it.

"… "

Song Shu finally couldn't stand his deliberate seduction which was so close and powerful. She turned her eyes away, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

Qin Lou smiled, without looking up, his eyes showing a feeling of success and satisfaction, "Little clam, your heartbeat is a little fast."

"… "

After a while, Song Shu sighed slowly, but still refused to turn back, "Boss Qin, is this how you developed your negotiation skills?"

"Negotiation skills?"

"Yes. First, deliberately reveal the good news to lure people into the trap; then find ways to confuse their minds, so that you can turn the tables when you make the conditions and make the other party reveal their cards; finally, you just need to pick the results and return victorious." Song Shu finished speaking, and finally looked back. After suppressing the emotions that he had provoked, his dark almond eyes were calm as usual, "Is there anything I missed, President Qin, do you want to add?"

Qin Lou looked at her for two seconds, then stood up in giving up.

"Ah, you saw through me."

"… "

"It was indeed my miscalculation."

Song Shu's eyes moved slightly, "Where did I miscalculate?"

Qin Lou answered seriously, "If you want to steal clam shells from someone else's pond, you can't use bait to fish, you should just cast a net and catch them directly."

The words "other people's pool" were emphasized intentionally or unintentionally, as if they had a deep meaning. Song Shu's expression changed slightly after hearing it. But before she could think it through carefully, Qin Lou grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the sofa.

The two of them sat down on the sofa one after the other.

This difference in order produced a result: Qin Lou sat on the sofa, but Song Shu was pulled directly into his arms.

Without giving the person a chance to struggle, Qin Lou turned around and placed the clam shell in his arms against the triangle area between the sofa back and the armrest.

Song Shu let him hold him for a while before speaking in a low voice.

"It's already working time, Mr. Qin."

"I've been working overtime for two days over the weekend. I'm so angry that I don't know where to vent. Who dares to blame me for being lazy for a while?"

"I don't have the confidence of Mr. Qin. I didn't even receive the work assignment for next week, so I didn't do any overtime on the weekend. I should go to work."

Qin Lou's ears twitched, and he raised his head from her neck, his eyes a little gloomy, "So you came up to see me for work."

Song Shu: “…”

Song Shu: "You're even jealous of my work?"

"You spend eight or nine hours with it every day, but you spend less than eight or nine minutes with me. Why can't I be jealous of it?"

“…” I couldn’t refute it.

Song Shu fell silent.

Qin Lou's eyes moved, and he smiled from the depths of his gloomy mood, "But I have a way to have the best of both worlds."

"What is the solution?"

"I'll give you work, work on the bed."

Song Shu: “.”

A few seconds later, a muffled groan came from the sofa area. Qin Lou rubbed his waist and abdomen, which had been punched by the angry clam, and bent over. Then a low and hoarse laugh came out of his chest.

He tilted his head slightly, with a playful smile on his face, "Can you get angry too, little clam?"

Song Shu had just reduced her strength halfway through her attack. Seeing him hunched over and feeling uneasy, she clenched her fingertips, turned her face away and said calmly, "I don't want to be special in work matters. It's too easy to give others a handle. Qiaoqiao will definitely find ways to embarrass me during the performance appraisal. Do you want me to be kicked out of the company?"

"She dares." Qin Lou stopped laughing and stood up. "I'll chop off the hands of anyone who dares to touch the clams I've scooped into the pond."

Song Shu glanced at him.

Qin Lou thought for a moment and said, "Luan Qiaoqing's body doesn't need to be chopped off. I'll leave it to you to handle."

“… I need a job, a normal compliance job.”

Qin Lou was silent for two seconds after hearing this, and suddenly spoke without warning: "Who in the company do you want to contact?"


Song Shu's pupils shrank slightly.

Qin Lou had been observing her emotions and reactions from a very close distance, and now he let out a low smile of triumph.

"I've got you by the tail, little clam."

Song Shu: “…”

Song Shu turned his eyes away. "I don't understand what you are talking about. Daily work is my duty, and I don't want to be special."

"You know it's useless to try to hide your true intentions in front of me, right?"

"… "

"It doesn't matter. I didn't expect to support you personally." Qin Lou said regretfully, "Go back to the legal department and wait for notification. I will give you a suitable position in the project team before tomorrow."

Emotions stirred deep in Song Shu's eyes, but he suppressed them all in the end.

She stood up from his arms, "Then I'll go back to the 12th floor."

Qin Lou raised his eyes sadly, "Get the benefits you want and run away immediately. This is too realistic. Is our relationship such a naked transaction?"

Song Shu paused and looked back. After a few seconds, she smiled and said, "Isn't this stipulated in your 'contract', Mr. Qin?"

Qin Lou choked.

Only when he saw the slippery little clam shell disappear did Qin Lou come back to his senses from the joke, deeply regretting that he had shot himself in the foot.

A few dozen seconds later, the mechanical sound of an elevator going down was heard from the elevator room on the 23rd floor.

Qin Lou's expression became lazy.

He sat on the sofa for a while, still smelling the pleasant fragrance of Song Shu, before slowly getting up.

Walking to the glass cabinet next to him, Qin Lou leaned over and took out the brown paper bag from the cabinet.

"Close the door." Qin Lou said in a low voice.

The intelligent automatic control system received instructions from the master whose voice matched itss, and an electronic protective door leading to the elevator slowly fell down.

The soft lights in the flat light up automatically.

Qin Lou returned to the sofa carrying the brown paper bag, untied the rope, opened it, and poured out the contents.

With a "rustle", piles of photos and documents scattered on the desk, spreading out in a fan shape.

Qin Lou picked up a few of the photos and then picked up the document on top.

The first page was Yu Qisheng’s personal information. Unlike the previous vague and general information, this time the information was much more detailed and contained all the traces he had left in the country in the past—before he changed his last name from Qiao to Yu.

But in the family column, I still didn’t get any information.

Qin Lou frowned slightly. He stretched out his hand and rummaged through the photos of Yu Qisheng from childhood to adulthood that he had collected from somewhere, and his fingers suddenly paused.

He picked up one of them.

It seemed to be some activity that Yu Qisheng participated in when he was in elementary school. The boy and several other children were standing proudly on the stage wearing bright red scarves.

Every child is accompanied by a parent.

Qin Lou stared at the man next to Yu Qisheng for a long time, and his brows became more and more furrowed.

He must have seen this face before.

Although he seemed much younger than the glimpse in his memory, that sense of familiarity still found Qin Lou at the first moment.

He closed his eyes and leaned back on the sofa, quickly mobilizing his brain, searching countless frames of memory for the familiar face...

Until one moment.

Qin Lou suddenly opened his eyes, sat up straight, and looked at the man in the photo with disbelief.

"Qiao, Tian, Bo."

—He had indeed seen it.

At Song Shu's funeral.

He was the defense lawyer for Song Shu's mother Bai Song in the Ponzi scheme case that year!

The author has something to say: This time we really grabbed the clam by the tail.

I will continue to update at 10 pm! (Short but not giving up (not

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-08 22:28:24~2019-12-09 10:27:20~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: yuky 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: -_-#, Bi Shaoxin Helena, Mian Ge will not charge money for Gou Die, Yuky 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Liangxi 15 bottles; Stupid Yunyun is me, Heyim, miomi, sinnnn 5 bottles; wanningzzz, 36859707, 29936319 2 bottles; Little Reader, Brother Tian said he wanted to drink Wangzai, 12 Sunny 9, Rain Hidden in the Heart, 40874625 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!