The Madman and The Doll

Chapter 38


The atmosphere in the elevator was tense.

Luan Qiaoqing stared blankly at the woman standing outside the elevator door. For a moment, she almost thought that the person standing in front of her was her sister.

"you… "

Song Shu's eyes flickered slightly under her black-framed glasses. This kind of loss of composure was unprecedented for her, but with Qin Lou on one side and Qiaoqiao on the other, it was really difficult to remain indifferent to these two people.

Fortunately, Qiaoqiao is not as sharp and intelligent as Qin Lou.

Song Shu thought to herself, and the corners of her rosy lips curled up. The coldness faded away from the corners of her eyes and eyebrows like ice and snow melting.

She took a step back, lowered her raised fingers back to her side, and showed a gentle and harmless smile.

"Minister Luan, if your sister were still alive, she would probably tell you this."


Luan Qiaoqing was instantly brought back to reality by this hypocritical smile from the familiar feeling that made her dazed. When she came to her senses, her expression was immediately filled with disgust and hatred.

"How much research did you do on her to get into VIO? Did you study very hard? But I tell you, no matter how much you learn from her, you will never be as good as her. You will just be an ugly imitator and make people laugh at you!"

After saying that, without waiting for Song Shu's reaction, Luan Qiaoqing fiercely pressed the elevator door closing button. Then she did not look up again until the elevator door closed, as if she did not want to look at the woman outside the door any more.

Take the elevator down to the 8th floor, which is the Human Resources Department floor.

The elevator door opened and Luan Qiaoqing walked out with an ugly expression. All the staff who passed by and greeted her were ignored. After she walked past, several people couldn't help but gather together to gossip.

"What's wrong with you, Minister? Your face is almost falling to the ground."

"What else could it be? He must have gone to the 22nd floor to complain to Boss Qin and got rejected, right?"

"Complaint, whose complaint?"

"Who else could it be except the new guy? I'd say Qin Qing is quite capable. She's only been in the company for a few days? Before she came, Director Luan was able to get whatever he wanted in the company, and Director Qin always followed her lead. Now it's different..."

"Just because she looks like Mr. Qin's first love, Mr. Qin was so easily bewitched by her? I still can't understand it."

"What's so hard to understand about this? Didn't you hear them say that Minister Luan has been taken care of and indulged by President Qin for so many years because she is the younger sister of President Qin's first love who passed away?"

"Then I guess they look alike, right?"

"What's the point of resembling her? My real first love died a long time ago. No matter how much she resembles me, she's just a substitute. How humble is that?"

"Too… "


The door of the minister's office slammed shut. Those who were nearby on the floor were startled. They didn't dare to say anything and dispersed to do their own things.

And in the office of the Minister of Personnel.

After closing the door, Luan Qiaoqing walked slowly back to her desk with stiff movements. Before she could sit down on the office chair, she reached out to hold onto the edge of the desk.

Her expression at this moment was very complicated, full of resentment and sadness, and her eyes were filled with a kind of long-forgotten nostalgia and reluctance.

She thought she finally understood why Qin Lou was bewitched by this woman.

At that moment, they were so, so alike.

She almost thought that her sister, whom she had seen with her own eyes being taken off the ventilator, covered with a white sheet, and then sent to be cremated after being kept for several days because there were no adult relatives to claim her... was standing in front of her again.

Zhuangzi was fascinated by butterflies in his dream at dawn.

Even though he knew it was just a dream, if the person whom he could never see or get in reality could be touched and obtained in a "dream", was it a dream or reality, and how many people really cared

Reality is so bitter and painful, and so many memories are like knives. Some people would rather die in their dreams and never wake up in this life.

If possible, why wouldn't she want to

Luan Qiaoqing leaned on the edge of the table and sat down on the office chair. Then she opened the cabinet door under the table, unlocked the combination lock of the safe inside, and took out a large box from the secret compartment at the top.

It was filled with a lot of random odds and ends.

Those were the years when she moved in with Song Shu, and Song Shu gave her gifts every year on her birthday.

Some gifts, such as five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation, almost made her throw the gifts away, but she obediently signed her class name under her sister's emotionless gaze and agreed to do a few questions every day.

There were also little things she had been waiting for for a long time. When she walked through the glass door of the jewelry store, she looked straight ahead and held her head high, but somehow Song Shu saw her and bought it for her. The fireworks on it were not as beautiful as the gift bag that contained five years of college entrance examinations and three years of mock exams...

At the top is a photo, a headshot.

She forgot which year it was when she went out with Song Shu and Qin Lou. She was the most redundant one among the three of them. She was always angry that Qin Lou monopolized Song Shu and would not let her touch him at all, but she was forced to not even dare to fart under the man's tyranny - until Qin Lou was sent away by Song Shu to buy ice cream, she proudly pulled the person in front of the photo camera next to her to take two photos.

She looked so embarrassed in the photo, but the girl next to her was very quiet, with no expression at all. She didn't look displeased, but she didn't look impatient at all.

That person has always been so quiet...

When she left, lying on that pale, empty hospital bed, the seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl still looked the most beautiful.

Everyone can live in a dream, including Qin Lou. She kept blaming Qin Lou, but she also knew that Qin Lou had done nothing wrong in this matter, he had not committed any crime, and he was the most desperate one left.

So Qin Lou can also live in a dream.

But she can't.

Because in this world, my sister no longer has anyone else who loves her - if everyone forgets her, then it would be as if Song Shu had never been here...

So she couldn't forget.

No matter how happy she is in her dream, she must live soberly and remember it in this bloody reality.

After the elevator left, Song Shu returned to the general manager's office. Qin Lou still had a pile of documents to deal with - the training of the senior management of each department last weekend had a very good effect, and everyone rushed to send their performance reports that they had worked overtime to the 22nd floor.

Seeing Song Shu coming in, Qin Lou put a note on the document he was reading, closed it and put it aside.

Then he stood up and walked over, pulling Song Shu, who was standing a few meters in front of the door, towards the sofa.

Song Shu paused, "I came up to get my work assignment."

"I know. It's already on the table. The Investment Development Department worked overtime on the weekend and Monday to select several investment projects that can be tried from the newly established project database. These are all investment project teams that will be established or have already been established in the near future. You can choose one you want to go to later."

"Why not choose now?"

"Well, the contract says that all gains must be paid for - I give you work and you sell yourself to me, fair and square."

Song Shu: “…”

Qin Lou suppressed his fatigue and calculated: "A position as a member of a key investment project team can at least buy two or three hours, right?"

As they were talking, Qin Lou had already pulled Song Shu to the sofa. He stopped and raised his eyes lazily.

"Tell me, what position do you like?"

"… "

Facing Song Shu's emotionless pretty face, Qin Lou held on for a few seconds and scratched his forehead, "According to the book, shouldn't you be resisting fiercely now? I prefer excitement."

Song Shu ignored his flirtatious words, his face expressionless, "Why are you in a bad mood?"

Qin Lou paused.

After a few seconds, he lowered his eyes and pulled Song Shu to the sofa. It was obvious that he didn't want to say more, let alone explain.

Song Shu did not force him to speak, nor did he resist, he just walked along with him.

She glanced hesitantly at the folders that were pushed aside on the sofa, "Will my coming up affect your work efficiency?"

"It's normal for beautiful women to bring disaster to a country." Qin Lou said lazily, then he pulled Song Shu to the sofa, lay down on his side, and rested his head on her legs.

"...Headache." He said in a hoarse voice, with his eyes half closed.

Song Shu has become accustomed to this kind of awkward and somewhat annoying "Qin's coquettishness".

She lowered her hand and gently rubbed his temple.

"Didn't you get enough rest last night?"

"Last night?" Qin Lou's brows relaxed, and his thoughts turned lazily, "I didn't rest."

Song Shu stopped and asked, "What did you do?"

Qin Lou said nonsense without opening his eyes, "The empty bed is lonely, and I indulge in lust all night long."

Song Shu: “.”

Qin Lou didn't stop yet, "I'm dirty, just throw me away."

"… "

After two seconds of silence, Song Shu smiled. She lowered her eyes slightly, her smile was filled with helpless indulgence, "What's the matter with you, Qiaoqiao?"

Qin Lou closed his eyes and remained silent.

He is just "dirty".

The dirty thing is the surname Qin, and the dirty thing is the grandfather who he thought had taken care of Bai Song for so many years, so after that incident, he completely believed what the other party said after the investigation.

He could understand what Qin Liang was thinking behind his choice—

By the time they returned to China, the matter was already settled, and the misfortune of Bai Song and her daughter was irreversible. It was useless to save them, and further investigation would only involve more people and create more sacrifices.

What’s more, for Qin Lou at that time, the truth would probably be the last straw that broke the camel’s back - Qin Lou couldn’t sleep for the entire second half of the night, thinking, if he knew the truth at that time, what would he do

Killed Song Chengjun and Qin Fujun personally? Killed everyone who might be related to Song Shu's death

He was originally a madman.

Without Song Shu, the only switch of the madman's bomb was removed.

He might drag those people to death with him.

That was probably the most unacceptable ending for Qin Liang.

Compared with the senseless sacrifice of loved ones, is the truth more important

For Qin Liang, the final answer is obviously no.

Qin Lou could understand.

But he couldn't forgive.

Because it is a Song Dynasty book.

In that unexpected disaster, the one who died so alone and tragically was his doll.

Someone who is more important than his life.

"… "

Song Shu's fingertips stopped and she lowered her head.

Qin Lou, who was lying in her arms, frowned tightly at some point, and the pale blue blood vessels on his forehead tightened slightly, like a winding and twisting worm, gnawing at his handsome face.

It was the pain and hideousness that could not be concealed even with his eyes closed.

"Qin Lou?" Song Shu stopped and looked at him worriedly, "Qin Lou?"


Before she finished uttering the last word, the person in her arms suddenly opened his eyes.

At that moment, there was only empty pain and despair in his eyes.

"Let me die for you, doll."

The author has something to say: I saw some readers questioning why Song Shu said in the previous chapter that he owed Qin Lou. This idea is too Mary Sue (? ) balabala, so let me briefly explain it.

This question will be felt differently if you approach it from different angles. There are too many rational aspects that I don’t want to talk about, so I’ll just talk about Song Shu - if we look at it from the perspective of these two people, they must feel that they owe each other, so they feel sorry for each other, worry about each other, and try to avoid danger as much as possible...

This is what love is all about.

If two people feel that the other party owes them something, then they are not in a relationship. As for what it is... well, it's probably debt collection.

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-10 10:37:53~2019-12-10 22:19:09~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Yiqian 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Aishenghuo Aiyingying 10 bottles; Miomi, Wind 6 bottles; Xiaohuahua, ivz18 5 bottles; Alice 4 bottles; Aiduo 2 bottles; Zanbaobei, Aju, Whispers.Wanyin 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!