The Madman and The Doll

Chapter 51


The Human Resources Department approved Qin Qing's transfer to the 22nd floor assistant secretary group for the general manager within a week - this disappointed those employees in the company who were waiting to see a conflict between Luan Qiaoqing and Qin Qing.

After approval from the Human Resources Department, Song Shu's transfer to the 22nd floor was completely finalized and could not be changed. All that remained were some basic procedures.

This includes an appointment interview from the head of the Assistant Secretary Group.

The appointment interview is usually conducted by the direct superior to the new employee. In the more special place of the assistant secretary group, the special assistant An Xingyun is in charge.

On the day Song Shu was officially transferred, all the assistant team members on the 22nd floor were present and gave her a small welcome party that seemed, at least on the surface, joyful.

During this period, the only one with a stern face was An Xingyun.

Xu Jiajia even came over to comfort Song Shu: "Don't worry, Sister An is just like that. When you get to know her more at work, you'll find she's a pretty good person."

The girl in front of him didn't show any signs of sneakiness as she did outside the general manager's office that day. Song Shu stared at her for a few seconds, but he couldn't see any flaws or omissions in her eyes. After two seconds of silence, Song Shu lowered his eyes and smiled.

"Well, Assistant An is my senior in the workplace. No matter how she treats me, I will respect her."

Xu Jiajia seemed relieved. "That's good, that's good."

In addition to An Xingyun and Xu Jiajia, the other three assistants also expressed varying degrees of gratitude for Song Shu's arrival.

What’s interesting is that the other three people also mentioned An Xingyun, either intentionally or unintentionally, as if they were afraid that Song Shu would not be able to detect An Xingyun’s dissatisfaction and hostility towards her.

Although he dealt with it perfunctorily on the surface, Song Shu felt somewhat indifferent in his heart: whether it was the attitude of some senior executives or the self-interest of the people in the assistant secretary team, it was obvious that no one wanted An Xingyun, who was impervious to water and fire and could not be persuaded by soft or hard tactics, to continue sitting in the position of special assistant to the general manager.

She had to remind Aunt An to be careful.

The small welcome party ended, and An Xingyun, who had only greeted Song Shu when he first came in, finally responded. She stood up, raised her eyelids, and glanced at Song Shu lightly.

"You have another appointment interview, come with me."

"Okay, Assistant An."

Song Shu nodded and followed.

The two kept a certain distance and left the assistant secretary group's office area. An Xingyun walked in front and was the first to turn around and enter a small meeting room on the 22nd floor.

Song Shu followed in and glanced around the corner of the conference room. After confirming that there was indeed no surveillance in the conference room that An Xingyun brought her to, she turned around, closed the door, and locked it silently.

An Xingyun, who had stopped in front of the window at this time, turned around and saw her movement. His originally stiff and cold expression melted like ice and snow.

An Xingyun waved his hand and smiled, "When the four of them are here, no one will dare to sneak over here alone."

Song Shu nodded in agreement, "Just in case."

"Well, it's better to be cautious."

They both eventually stopped at the window of the small conference room.

An Xingyun got straight to the point: "I won't go into the formalities of the job interview. I came to see you today because I have something very important to tell you."

Song Shu looked up curiously, "What can't be said over the phone?"

An Xingyun frowned, she turned her head and stared at Song Shu for two seconds, "Promise me that you won't be impulsive after I tell you about this. Let's go back and discuss it with Yu Yuntao, and then we'll make a decision."

Seeing how seriously An Xingyun took this matter, Song Shu nodded and said, "Okay."

"… I got the news yesterday that the drunk driver in your car accident nine years ago was released on medical parole yesterday."


Song Shu looked up suddenly.

After a few dozen seconds, she frowned again and lowered her head thoughtfully.

"What a coincidence? Just at this time."

"Yeah, I think it's a coincidence too." An Xingyun frowned and looked out the window. "In the past nine years, he has been as quiet as a dead person. There has been no news from him, not even a single visitor. But one or two months after you returned to China, he was suddenly released on medical parole."

Song Shu's eyes flickered slightly, "This person has been in prison all these years?"

"Of course. When Qin Lou investigated your car accident, he produced all kinds of evidence to classify this drunk driving accident as an impulsive homicide and put this man in jail. We should thank Qin Lou for this. If it weren't for him, this man would have probably escaped our surveillance and disappeared without a trace in some corner of this world."

Song Shu rubbed her fingertips unconsciously. After thinking for a few seconds, she seemed to have thought of something and looked up, "Auntie An, you don't seem optimistic about this matter?"

An Xingyun turned around and gave her a deep look. "Just like your first reaction, I also think this coincidence is a bit weird."

"You mean... someone set a trap? Like I appeared in their sight, giving them the greatest uncertainty and uneasiness, and this man was the bait they set for us?"

An Xingyun nodded and frowned. "If that's the case, then once someone approaches this man, no matter who it is, they will think of you. At that time, your identity will change from vague to certain, and your situation will become very dangerous!"

"I don't care about the danger. What I care more about is whether I can achieve my goal." Song Shu said.

An Xingyun frowned, "Do you remember what you promised me just now?"

Song Shu's thoughts were interrupted, and he looked up helplessly, "Aunt An, even if this is a trap, I have to try it. As long as we can get this person's confession, we will have the most direct and powerful evidence, and it is very likely that we can directly catch one of the hands. This will be the most straightforward human witness in the court in the future. Compared with such benefits, a certain risk is worth it. Even if there is a 1% chance, we should try it."

"But you're risking your own safety. I don't agree!"

Song Shu was quiet for a few seconds, then smiled faintly and said, "From the moment I chose to return to China and stepped into VIO, my safety has long been at stake. The reason why they have not taken any action so far is probably because they don't want to cause any trouble - but if they don't take any action, they can't make any mistakes, and it's even less likely to leave any traces. Isn't it their actions and mistakes that we want? Isn't this exactly the purpose and reason why I need to return to China and personally participate and come in front of them?"

"—So I didn't agree with your plan at all from the beginning!"

"… "

The conversation between the two reached a deadlock.

The small meeting room was silent for a while before Song Shu spoke up to break the silence.

She smiled and said, "Then let's do as you said and call Uncle Yu to discuss this matter."

An Xingyun thought hesitantly for a few seconds, then nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later.

Song Shu stood by the door, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, listening to An Xingyun talking in a low and irritable voice to the person on the other end of the old-fashioned mobile phone in the room: "—Are you crazy?! How can we let her go for this? If something goes wrong, how are we going to explain to Bai Song!?"

On the other end of the phone, Yu Yuntao spoke calmly, "If you don't agree, will she really not go? Even if she doesn't go today, can you guarantee that she won't choose to take a greater risk just to get the answer she wants today?"

An Xingyun remained silent.

Yu Yuntao sighed on the other end of the phone. "Can't you see how stubborn this child is over the years? Just let her do what she wants. We can't stop her in this matter, and we have no right to stop her. All we can do is to take good care of her to the best of our ability and help her accomplish what she wants to do. If there are risks, help her eliminate them, and if there are traps, help her prepare a way out. Besides that, what else can we do?"

"… "

An Xingyun was silent for a long time and hung up the phone.

She stood alone in front of the window for two minutes before finally turning around and looking at Song Shu.

Song Shu walked back to An Xingyun from the door of the conference room. She smiled faintly, "Aunt An, how did you discuss with Uncle Yu?"

"..." An Xingyun glanced at her, "You knew Yu Yuntao would agree, right?"

Song Shu smiled but said nothing.

An Xingyun snorted coldly, "He speaks so righteously and as if he is thinking of you! In my opinion, he is clearly resentful of your mother's death and only wants revenge. Even if he goes crazy, he will take the younger generation with him!"

Song Shu lowered his eyes, "If you say that, Uncle Yu will be sad if he hears it."

"Sad?" An Xingyun was obviously very angry today. He sneered again, "Why would he be sad? I think there is only a piece of cold stone left in his arms. How can he still have a heart?"

Song Shu realized that any further persuasion would only make An Xingyun even more unhappy and more resentful of Yu Yuntao. So she could only smile bitterly and keep her words to herself.

An Xingyun frowned and wandered around the room anxiously for a long time before he stopped in front of Song Shu again.

"It's okay to do this, but do you have to go in person? We can find someone else-"

"Auntie An," Song Shu interrupted her and advised softly, "Let's not talk about what we are planning for now. The fewer people who know about it, the better. Let's just talk about the purpose and the result - I went there to find out the real reason why he hit me with his car. Even if he was just instigated by someone maliciously and committed intentional homicide, this can still be used as evidence in the court in the future."

"Why do you need to take the risk yourself? Someone else can go..."

Song Shu shook his head. "If I go, we can maximize the possibility of getting the answer. No matter if he thinks I'm dead or still alive, my appearance will be the biggest shock to him. Under such a shock, no matter what threats or inducements are used, he is most likely to tell the truth about what happened back then."

"… "

After a few seconds of silence, An Xingyun gritted his teeth and said, "So you have decided to leave?"

Song Shu said nothing, but just looked at An Xingyun helplessly.

"—I can't stop you. But let's make one thing clear. His medical parole will not last for just one or two days. You must not rush—we must plan carefully before we act on this matter!"

Song Shu smiled and nodded, "I'll listen to Aunt An."

An Xingyun glared at her, turned around and walked out with a sullen expression.

As soon as Song Shu took office as assistant, Qin Lou went out on a business trip for half a week, and he didn't bring any assistant with him.

On the last day before Qin Lou was to return, Song Shu finally obtained An Xingyun's final consent and went to the designated hospital where the drunk driver was at around eight o'clock in the morning.

When she went there, Song Shu was very cautious and armed herself fully - mask, sunglasses, baseball cap, hood and everything else. Only after making sure she was fully covered did she leave.

After arriving at the hospital, Song Shu did not rush to get out of the car.

She sat in the back seat of the taxi, quietly observing the entrance and exit of the hospital for a long time. When she didn't see anyone acting unusually nearby, she paid the driver more money and got out of the car.

The flow of patients in hospitals of all sizes in Q City is huge, and it is not uncommon for the waiting time to reach a two-week mark for an appointment in a department with a large number of patients.

Even though it was only a weekday morning, there were already so many people coming in and out that it was bustling.

This was obviously good news for Song Shu. It meant that even if this was a trap set by someone in the dark to spy on her identity, the difficulty of the other party setting up control and discovering her had greatly increased.

After entering the outpatient building, Song Shu pretended to walk to the signboard to confirm the medical treatment process, and quickly went over the information that An Xingyun confirmed with her in her mind.

The disease for which the drunk driver was released on medical parole was coronary heart disease. According to records, he had repeated attacks of severe angina pectoris in prison. After receiving standardized treatment, he still showed signs of severe coronary insufficiency and developed serious arrhythmia.

Now, the man is receiving inpatient treatment in the cardiology ward of this hospital.

Song Shu no longer had a deep memory of the car accident that year, or perhaps her brain was instinctively avoiding such nightmarish memories - over the years she had almost forgotten what that man looked like.

But yesterday, she forced herself to look at the ordinary face in the file and forced herself to write down all the information that could be used to coerce or bribe that person.

She survived the tragic car accident nine years ago. This time she was going to have that man's nightmare.

Above the mask and under the baseball cap, Song Shu's eyes were gradually soaked and covered by coldness, and then completely occupied.

She unconsciously tightened her hands in her pockets until her palms felt stinging. Only then did Song Shu come to her senses and walk towards the hospital's outpatient building.

The information about the ward where the person was hospitalized appeared in her mind, and the route map leading there quickly drew red lines in the darkness.

Song Shu lowered his head slightly, occasionally covering his mouth and nose and coughing, trying his best to avoid making eye contact with anyone.

After wandering around the first floor of the hospital's outpatient building for a few times, Song Shu finally walked towards the elevator.

At this moment, Song Shu's cell phone suddenly rang.

Song Shu hesitated.

She picked up her phone and saw that it was Qin Lou's number. Thinking of what she was doing at the moment, Song Shu instinctively felt a little guilty and even wanted to hang up the phone.

But according to the madman's mindset, if she hung up the phone at this moment...

After thinking about the possible consequences for a few seconds, Song Shu walked to the side with a headache and answered the phone.


"Who told you to go to that kind of place alone!" A man's low, angry voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

Song Shu was speechless, "How do you know..."

"Of course I know! How can I leave you alone on a business trip without someone by your side?!"

Song Shu was helpless and lowered his eyes. "Since you know where I came, you should also have found out why I came. I can't give up this opportunity, Qin Lou."

"That was a trap! That person isn't even in that hospital right now!"

"!" Song Shu's figure froze. "How could it be..."

"I'll explain the details to you later! Now just keep talking to me like this, don't go anywhere, just stay where you are!"

Song Shu was silent for a long time, then smiled bitterly and rubbed her brows with her hands. She lowered her voice to the lowest level.

"Besides the people you put next to me, there are others following me, right?"

There was silence on the other end of the line for a few seconds. When Qin Lou's voice came back, it was almost hoarse. "You knew it clearly but still went ahead with it - that incident back then was really more important than your life, right?"

Song Shu slowly sighed, "I don't want to quarrel with you, Qin Lou, so let's not discuss this issue, okay?"

Qin Lou refused to speak.

Song Shu pricked up his ears and listened for a few seconds, then suddenly frowned and asked, "Where are you now?"

“On the way.”

“… on what road?”

"Of course, on the way to the hospital to see you."

"!" Song Shu came back to his senses, his eyes suddenly darkened, "What are you doing here! You can't come here - if you show up in this place, they will confirm the truth that you already know, and then you will be more dangerous than me!"

Qin Lou gritted his teeth and forced out a vicious laugh.

"Are you worried? Are you distressed?... You deserve it, little clam."


Song Shu gritted his teeth and suppressed the sound just before it became uncontrollable.

She took a few deep breaths, turned sideways, and faced the bustling crowd behind her.

"Qin Lou, could you please stop putting yourself at unnecessary risk with such childish behavior! I came here because I had no choice. Even though I knew it was a trap, I still had to step forward, because we have been in a deadlock for these years. Only by breaking the deadlock can I get the truth and catch those black hands hiding in the dark that we don't know about yet. And you, you don't need to put yourself in danger unnecessarily now!"

"You were the one who put yourself in danger first." Qin Lou hissed. "We agreed before that we would face everything together and bear all the risks together."

"I only promised to tell you the truth, not the dangers I would have to put you in—"

"No matter what," Qin Lou interrupted her, "you were the first to disobey. You didn't even tell me about this matter and made the decision on your own."

Song Shu lowered his head, "... If I tell you, will you agree?"

"Of course not!"

"So," Song Shu said, "that's why I didn't tell you. I've already said that I have to do this, even if it's just to step into their trap and let them confirm that I am a threat to them - I need a way to break the situation."

"So you're ready to risk your life to test and break the situation?"

"… I'm sorry, Qin Lou, although it's dangerous, I have no other choice." Song Shu sighed silently, "I will cherish myself and try my best to protect myself. I know I don't live just for myself and that thing - but you have to understand me, I have no choice, I can only do this."

Qin Lou smiled again, gritting his teeth, "Then you should also understand me - wait here, don't go anywhere, I will be there soon."

"… "

Hearing the sound of wind passing over there, Song Shu leaned against the wall helplessly. She lowered her eyes and looked at the other end of the phone, sighing softly.

"But it's useless for you to come. Since they set up this trap and targeted me, they must have been able to confirm the purpose of my coming here - otherwise why would I dress like this?"

Song Shu paused.

"So you go back, Qin Lou, and I will leave directly - you don't have to come."

"I found the third floor of that car accident."


Song Shu was about to take a step forward when he suddenly stopped where he was.

She opened her eyes wide, and it took her a long time to find her voice, "What did you say?"

"You're not surprised," Qin Lou took a breath, as if he was doing some intense exercise, and even his laughter was hoarse, "Why would I go on a business trip for half a week when you just took the position of assistant, and even didn't take you with me?"

“—” Song Shu’s breathing tightened.

Qin Lou laughed, gloomily and angrily, "Yes, I also did dangerous things without telling you."

Song Shu couldn't help but grit his teeth and said, "Tonight, let's sit down and talk."

"It's time to talk. But if you leave now, you'll never get an answer from me about the car accident in your life."

"Qin Lou."

"Little clam, I told you, you deserve it." Qin Lou said fiercely, "What you did was much more dangerous than what I did. You risked your life, but you didn't tell me - then after today, all the dangers I brought to that place were because of you. You must always remember this so that you won't make the same mistake again next time."

“… … ”

For the first time, Song Shu felt like Qin Lou was driving him crazy.

She gritted her teeth and took the first step with difficulty.

"Then don't tell me. I'd rather not know - and I'll still leave here before you get here."


There was a sudden very light laugh from the other side.

Song Shu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next second, a gust of wind blew over from behind her, and she was hugged from behind.

—The voice that was still in the phone a second ago was now next to her ear.

"It's too late."

Song Shu’s teeth were almost broken.

How could she not react at this point? Everything Qin Lou had said to her before was just to delay time!


When Song Shu thought about how this man had sacrificed himself in vain and pushed him into the fire pit in vain, he became furious.

She turned around and raised her head when Qin Lou suddenly leaned over and kissed her.

"I'm sorry, little clam, I didn't mean to say such harsh words to you. But if I didn't say that, you wouldn't be angry. If you weren't angry... You are so smart, you will definitely realize my purpose."

Even he knew that he was her rare pain point - a madman knew her temper thoroughly, and Song Shu had to swallow it even if he gritted his teeth.

At this point, there is no point getting angry.

Song Shu could only quickly mobilize her thoughts and think about how to solve the situation in front of her - she could be labeled a threat by those people, but she could never tolerate Qin Lou being involved in such danger.

Before Song Shu could form any idea, Qin Lou had already taken her hand and turned to walk towards the lobby on the first floor of the outpatient clinic.

Song Shu was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and lowered his voice, "What are you doing?"

Qin Lou smiled hoarsely, "Save you."


A few seconds later, Qin Lou pulled Song Shu and stopped in front of a medical staff.

His voice was not masked at all, loud enough for anyone who might be watching from the dark within a few meters to hear—

"Excuse me, which department should I go to for pregnancy check?"

Song Shu: “…?”

The author has something to say: Congratulations to the little clam for being "pregnant" (not

I mentioned it in the last chapter, and I will mention it again in this chapter: Cricket is nominated for the "Most Popular Author" in the 2019 Modern Group, and the next door "Kissing Mole" is nominated for the "Most Popular Work" in the 2019 Modern Group; 10 bottles of nutrient solution = 1 mine = 1 vote, and all the nutrient solution votes for the "Most Popular Author" selection are included, so please feed "Kissing Mole" with nutrient solution~

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-19 10:52:20~2019-12-20 10:37:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 of mine;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Qingyi 2; Math and English will not change if they don’t reach 125, Kayla’s Sky, Shell Girl, Min, Bi Shaoxin Helena, I am also thinking about Veve today, Evan, 25680165, Yi, 25205602 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: deerdeer 34 bottles; Chang Ye You Deng 30 bottles; Jiang Nut 26 bottles; Xue Zhiqian., Zhu Zhu Ying, The Play is Still Playing, Jiangnan Feng Hao 20 bottles; Zi Muchen 17 bottles; Haner 16 bottles; Mu Feng, Mei Qiu, Shiyi, 18695407, 26148476, hjbg, Qian Chou Su, ?﹏? Mo Wang., Xiao Jiang Wants to Raise a Cat, Xinbei. 、lemon、twt、Jinghuayin、crystal、Youdongji、ting、yangyang、yoyo、yaoyao、wenjiuqi、xiaochima、xiao、luoshuisanqian、decus777 10 bottles; Sechunqiu 9 bottles; lei 8 bottles; big big coffee coffee 6 bottles; moonpie、juele、huanxie.、barbie、peachser 5 bottles; look at you don't like 3 bottles; little angel、doen、32993345、linymano 2 bottles; wind hall、zhuang、maoyangbiu、fanyangyang、lüshichunqiu、squirrel of yingjing's family、starry sky falls into the deep sea、old people?、chengjian、rongjing and rongjin. 、lemon who wants to sleep、retire soon 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!