The Madman and The Doll

Chapter 86: Two in one


When Song Shu walked out of the small locker room cubicle, the first thing he did was for everyone to quiet down and focus their attention on him.

She had probably never felt so uneasy before, and her cheeks were flushed. Especially with the white dress and snow-white skin as a backdrop, all the exposed parts of the girl, from the ankles to the slender legs, to the collarbone and neck, looked like they were covered with a thin layer of bright pink.

-If the time had not been so short and there had not been any other sounds except for the inaudible whispers, they would have thought that Qin Lou was in the locker room, and they didn't know to what extent he had done whatever he wanted to his girl.

And even at this moment, knowing that the two of them definitely didn't have time to do anything, the looks of the people in the styling team as they cast toward the man who walked out from behind Song Shu with his tie loosened were still filled with mixed emotions.

There is mostly envy, but also amusement, jealousy, or condemnation... and so on.

Qin Lou didn't care how they looked at him, but some people looked at Song Shu with meaningful eyes - this made him very annoyed.

He raised his hand and pulled the already loose tie down a little, then took two steps lazily to block Song Shu. In his dark eyes, which still showed traces of desire that had not been completely suppressed, his sharpness was also highlighted with a bit more coldness and crazy aggressiveness.

He didn't even need to say a word. He just raised and lowered his eyes, and everyone in the styling team came back to their senses, quickly lowered their heads or looked away, and resumed their previous conversation and work.

But Qin Lou was still dissatisfied. He even regretted that he had just shown his lustful behavior inappropriately in any situation and caused himself extra jealousy.

Qin Lou frowned slightly and turned sideways, "Let's just go back to the old house."

"… "

Before Song Shu could completely recover from his abnormal state, he heard Qin Lou's words.

She certainly would not forget the "indenture" that she was "forced" to verbally agree upon in the locker room. She was even more aware that once she returned to the old house, there would be nothing that could delay or stop the man in front of her, who had already loosened the door of the cage of lust in his heart and might release the beast trapped in the human shell at any time.

As soon as the memory of the verbal contract was brought back, Song Shu felt annoyed again. She gritted her teeth slightly and looked up at Qin Lou.


On her face, which was still rosy, the slightly raised corners of her eyes were painted a bright red by her rare and sharp gaze.

When she uttered the last syllable, her eyelashes seemed to tremble slightly.

That slight tremor seemed like the soft eyelashes brushed across the deepest part of Qin Lou's heart, causing a slight itch, which then spread from his heart to every part of his limbs.

Qin Lou slightly curled up the fingers hanging by his side, and his thumb unconsciously rubbed the side of his index finger.

His eyes were fixed on Song Shu, not willing to let go even a little bit. Then Qin Lou leaned down, and the voice that came out from his thin lips was slightly hoarse.

"Little Clam, if you still want to attend the school anniversary ceremony, you'd better not look at me like that before we return to the old house tonight... I can't help it."


Song Shu felt that she was about to get extremely angry, but this was the first time that she felt a little bit of retreat towards Qin Lou - Qin Lou in the compartment tonight was indeed "scary" to her in a sense. She used to think that she was familiar with all his emotions, so she could guess his every choice or psychology.

Until tonight, she found that there were still times when she couldn't sit there. At those times, Qinlou made her instinctively want to hide away - as if if she couldn't hide away, she would be pried open and swallowed.

Song Shunan withdrew his gaze in annoyance, turned around and walked out around Qinlou.

Qin Lou stopped where he was for two seconds, lowered his head slightly, smiled silently, then turned around and followed.

The courtesy car that came specially to pick them up took the two of them all the way to the gate of Q City No. 2 Middle School and stopped in front of the auditorium.

Qin Lou got out of the car and opened the door for Song Shu. Then he took the hand of the girl who came up after a moment of hesitation, and walked into the main entrance of the hall under the guidance of Liu Yusheng who had been waiting anxiously outside the door.

Before the anniversary ceremony officially began, the school held a small alumni meeting for honorary alumni who were able to take the time to attend the ceremony.

The location is in the small exhibition hall of the school auditorium.

The exhibition hall was in the form of a small buffet dinner. Those who were allowed in were alumni with invitation letters from the school. Some were even the likes of Qin Lou and Song Shu - the school had sent special people to guide them in individually.

Q City No. 2 Middle School was established several decades ago, and the elite students it has trained have long been spread all over the country and even the world. In addition, the school attaches great importance to this anniversary celebration, and has made great efforts to invite alumni to return to school - so there are quite a few people present tonight who have more or less a place in various industries.

But even so, Qin Lou is unique in that there is an international investment company worth hundreds of billions of dollars behind it.

As soon as they saw him appear, the eyes of many people in the exhibition hall who were paying attention to the movements towards the entrance lit up.

The hall was originally filled with low conversations accompanied by the soft piano music, but now the focus was uniformly turned to the same place:

"He must be Qin Lou, and he is indeed as young as the rumors say."

"Of course. I heard that even though he is not yet thirty years old, Vio has no rivals in the domestic investment community. He has been ranked first on the list of young rich people for several years... Compared with such a prominent figure, we are not worthy of the title of 'honorary alumnus'."

"After all, we don't have a family heritage like his. The Qin family is an old and wealthy family that has been passed down for many years and generations. He, Qin Lou, is originally a child of destiny standing on the shoulders of giants."

"Hey, your words are too sour. The Qin Group is indeed great, but let alone the third generation, aren't there many wealthy families of all sizes that have gradually declined in the hands of the second generation in recent years? Especially after the major case that shocked the whole country, the Qin Group was seriously damaged. If Qin Lou hadn't taken over in time and made a drastic and even heroic decision to reform the old system, it would be hard to say what the Qin Group would be like now."

"Yes, I agree with this. Qin Lou's reputation as a 'genius madman' has been circulated in the financial industry for many years. His personal ability is unparalleled among young people in their twenties and thirties. There is no doubt about it."

“… … ”

After entering Qin Lou, people from all directions were talking about his "great achievements" and various strange stories and legends since he entered the industry. Even the originally deserted exhibition hall showed signs of becoming lively.

Many people were eager to come up and talk to this rare "noble man", but unfortunately those who came here were not stupid - Qin Lou was famous for his strange temper, and without knowing for sure what his mood was tonight, no one wanted to be the first to come up and speak out.

After all, in interpersonal relationships, it is much easier to offend people than to please them.

Qin Lou also enjoyed the quietness.

In fact, all the way from the moment he got into the car outside the temporary styling room, he had been trying to coax the little clam, who had been angry with him for the first time, to "change his mind."

Unfortunately, what he did in the locker room before had obviously completely irritated his little clam - no matter how much he tried to coax him, the clam didn't open even a crack for him, and there has been no effect so far.

However, what Qin Lou has the most in Song Shu is probably the patience and good temper that he lacks the most in others, or even does not have at all.

"What would you like to drink?" Qin Lou stood behind Song Shu, smelling the pleasant fragrance of her long hair, and asked in a low voice.

"..." Little Clam didn't even glance at him tonight and just pretended not to hear.

Qin Lou didn't care and still asked, "There's champagne and wine over there. There should be a bartender at the table. Would you like to drink some wine?"

"… "

Song Shu still didn't speak. There was no expression on her beautiful face, and her eyes were dull. Her eyelashes drooped slightly, and she looked a little listless. She ignored him anyway.

This different look from usual only made Qin Lou's heart itch even more. He took a champagne glass from the waiter holding the tray. Without even noticing what was in the glass, he took a sip and swallowed it to quench the thirst in his heart.

The sharp lines of his Adam's apple rolled slightly above the slightly loose shirt collar, and then Qin Lou finally frowned, his eyes reluctantly peeled off his little clam shell and fell on the cup in his hand.

"…Apple juice?" Qin Lou muttered. He took the opportunity to stick close to Song Shu again. "You can't drink much. Why don't you try some juice?"

"… "

Song Shu didn't know if he was annoyed by his pestering. He raised his almond-shaped eyes and glanced at him lightly, then turned around and seemed to be ready to walk in another direction.

Qin Lou stretched out his hand and hooked the girl's arm, pulling her back to him. He took another sip of juice and lowered his head as if to kiss the girl's bright red lips - that was the result of him not being able to help but "ravage" her in the car on the way here, and that was probably the fundamental reason why the little clam was so angry with him - and this action finally changed the expression on Song Shu's emotionless face.

She neither hid nor evaded, but instead raised her face without avoiding or retreating, staring at him with her clear eyes without blinking, with a hint of stubbornness and coldness in her eyes.

Qin Lou stopped just when he was about to succeed.

Qin Lou lowered his eyes and looked at the girl for a few seconds, but he finally couldn't bear to force himself on her even if it really angered her. He stepped away a little, drank the apple juice himself, and then put down the empty cup and lowered his body.

"I was wrong, don't be angry. Before we go home, if you don't want me to do anything, I won't do it."

Song Shu turned his face away expressionlessly, a trace of annoyance flashing across his eyes.

Rather than being angry at Qin Lou, it would be better to say that she was angry at herself for signing the "indenture" tonight...

This scene of Qin Lou and Song Shu quarreling quickly attracted the attention of everyone in the exhibition hall who kept looking over here.

"Who is that young-looking girl next to Qin Lou? She looks really clean, with long hair and a white dress, and a tender face... Why does she look like an adult?"

"Yes. Isn't it rumored that he and his mysterious and legendary first love have always been deeply in love? My wife was reading me some gossip a few days ago, asking me to learn more from Qin Lou's deep love for Song Shu. But in just a few days, he has fallen in love with someone else?"

"It's totally normal. How many men don't like to play? I didn't believe them when they said Qin Lou was so devoted. With his wealth and status, he has everything he wants. How could he be so desperate that he would hang himself on a woman?"

"But what he brought today is really quite good. He must be a top student from some university, right? He looks pure and clean, and most importantly, he has this kind of proud aura that makes people unable to take their eyes away..."

"Um, keep your voices down. I've seen the photo of Qin Lou's first love. This person seems to be Song Shu."


“Is this true?!”

"Oh shit, didn't he say his first love was the same age as him? This one clearly looks like a college student."

"Then please don't say a word - it's rumored that Qin Lou protects his first love more than his own life. With his crazy temper, you may be fine if you point your finger at him and scold him, but if anyone dares to say a word against Song Shu, he will come up and twist your head off with his own hands."

"… "

Song Shu's identity soon spread privately throughout the exhibition hall, and everyone looked at them with more complicated expressions.

In such a weird atmosphere, no one dared to come forward and talk to Qin Lou and Song Shu until the school sent someone to inform them that the school anniversary ceremony had begun and invited them to take their seats in the hall.

Just like the parties and ceremonies Qin Lou had attended when he was studying at No. 2 Middle School, this anniversary celebration was equally boring and lengthy to him.

He was arranged to sit in the center of the first row, alongside several important school leaders. But just like when the school leaders were delivering speeches on the stage, it did not stop him from turning the Rubik's Cube for the little clam next to him - now sitting there, it did not stop him from taking the hand of the little clam next to him into his palm and playing with it carefully.

In Qin Lou's opinion, counting the lines on Song Shu's palm with his fingertips was much more interesting and fun than the performances on the stage.

With such personal "interest", Qin Lou finally persisted until the end of the evening show and did not leave in annoyance.

Liu Yusheng came over, squatting in front of the first row and whispered to Qin Lou that the leaders would speak next, and then representatives of honorary alumni would speak - please go backstage to prepare for the speech.

Finally, he could move away from the place where he was about to fall asleep, and Qin Lou happily agreed.

He also took his small clam shell with him.

After an afternoon of getting to know each other, Liu Yusheng had gradually become numb to the fact that this guy had to hold his clam shell with him wherever he went. He was not surprised at all at this time and led the two of them to the backstage of the ceremony.

Listening to the faint sound of the speech coming from the front, Song Shu hesitated for a moment, and took the initiative to talk to Qin Lou for the first time since coming to school tonight: "Did they prepare a speech for you?"

"No," Qin Lou rubbed his hair, looking a little bored, "They let me do it on my own."

"So, did you prepare a plan?"

"Of course not," Qin Lou said without even thinking, "I've been thinking about 365 ways to eat clams all night, so how can I have time to think about this?"

"..." Song Shu was so angry that he wanted to kick him, "Then what are you going to say when you get up there?"

Qin Lou thought for a moment, "Happy New Year?"

Song Shu: “.”

Song Shu: "As a member of the assistant secretary team of the general manager on the 23rd floor of Vio Capital, I respectfully inform you that I looked before I came in and there are several cameras from municipal or provincial TV stations below the stage. If you really don't want to go on stage, don't go up and embarrass the company. It's not easy for us to maintain the image of our company, President Qin, okay?"

Qin Lou curled his lips and said, "To survive in the financial industry, you don't rely on the company's image, but on this place." As he spoke, he raised his index finger and tapped his forehead.

Song Shu glanced at him, not hiding his disgust, "I thought there was only yellow waste in there tonight."

Qin Lou nodded without any guilt, "You are right."

Song Shu: “…”

The last bit of time before going on stage was passed with Qin Lou's jokes.

A few seconds after Liu Yusheng excitedly ran over to Qin Lou and said, "Boss Qin, it's almost your turn," the voice of the ceremony host came from the front desk.

"Now, please invite Mr. Qin Lou, the honorary alumni representative and chairman and general manager of Vio Capital, to come on stage and give a speech to share his experience with the younger students."

"Boss Qin, you can go on stage now."

"Yeah." Qin Lou nodded indifferently, holding Song Shu's hand and preparing to walk to the stage.

Liu Yusheng was stunned for a moment, and quickly stopped him, "Boss Qin, um, you don't need Miss Song to accompany you on stage, right?"

Qin Lou frowned and looked back, "Is it not possible?"

"Yes, it's not very convenient..."

"Then let her walk onto the stage, but without showing her face. Just stand behind the curtain nearby. That should be fine, right?"

"..." Facing Qin Lou's eyes, Liu Yusheng really didn't dare to say "no", otherwise who knows if this crazy ancestor would turn around and say that he would not talk anymore in the next second

Liu Yusheng was defeated, but Qin Lou walked to the front desk holding Song Shu's hand with satisfaction.

When they were almost out of the curtain, he regretfully let go of her hand and whispered, "Don't run, little clam. I can only feel at ease if you stay within my sight tonight."

Song Shu glanced at him helplessly.

Qin Lou then walked out from behind the curtain.

The ceremony hall was large, but there were more classes and students in No. 2 Middle School—each class sent a certain number of student representatives to sit in the audience.

Most of them do not understand the adult world, and many have never heard of the name of the boss of Vio Capital in the financial industry, let alone the wealth that this name represents today. However, most of them have heard of "Qin Lou", a legendary student at the level of a devil who has gone down in the history of the school.

As the man under the spotlight on the stage walked out with a lazy look in his eyes, the hall was silent for a few seconds, and then drowned out by the applause that started from the girls.

In every corner of the hall, exclamations and discussions such as "So handsome", "Too handsome", "Oh, I'm so sorry I can't be in the same class with him" could be heard from time to time.

Qin Lou didn't mind or care. He walked to the stage, picked up the wireless microphone on the small podium table, and walked to the center of the stage while testing the sound.

At this time, the applause in the hall had just stopped, and Qin Lou's low, pleasant, and slightly lazy voice came through the microphone into everyone's ears -

"I've been waiting in the audience for half the night and I'm almost asleep. Most of you should be in the same boat as me. The good news is that I heard before I came up that I was the last one, so I'll keep it simple and you should be free soon."

As soon as this unexpected opening statement came out, the hall was almost instantly filled with the students' excited cheers, which could not be suppressed.

The school leaders sitting in the first row had complicated expressions, but they were not completely unprepared—most of them were veteran leaders who had worked in the school when Qin Lou was still in school. Even if they had not come into personal contact with this devil, they were at least familiar with his temper.

They had made certain psychological preparations before inviting him. Although they also had some lucky thoughts like "they have grown such a big company, they should be more mature by now", the facts have proved that it is difficult to change one's nature.

If he didn’t cause trouble, he wouldn’t be the crazy Qin Lou.

Moreover, a unique person whom students can truly admire, love and even learn from may be exactly what their school anniversary ceremony needs.

Qin Lou seemed a little surprised by the students' enthusiasm, but his surprise was only reflected in his raising his eyes and glancing around the hall briefly, and then his eyelids drooped again.

"Since it's simple, let's not beat around the bush. First of all, to be honest, I didn't prepare for the speech in advance, and I didn't have any manuscripts or planned speeches. My original intention was to say 'Happy New Year' and then leave directly, but my girlfriend said that wouldn't work, it would be too embarrassing."

"Then I still have to say something. You can ignore what others say, but you should always listen to what your girlfriend says - this is probably the most reasonable sentence in my speech. The rest is nonsense, so just remember this sentence."

The students in the audience burst into laughter.

The school leaders in the first row who had less self-control could not help but take out their handkerchiefs to wipe their sweat - it was not known whether they were feeling lucky that Qin Lou was stopped from just saying "Happy New Year" or whether they were worried about this most reasonable sentence.

On the stage, Qin Lou was not affected by the laughter from the audience at all. After the laughter died down, he still had that nonchalant tone.

"So you see, the rules of the adult world always have so many considerations, such as what to say, what to do, how to control the degree, how to control emotions - there are so many trivial things to do every day, and for each thing, you have to consider the right time, right place, and right people. It's tiring to live like this. But you are different."

Qin Lou paused.

"So the nonsense I want to say tonight is to cherish your present. Whether it's the people around you or the things at hand, they are now in front of you in the simplest and most harmless way, and if you miss it, it will be difficult to get it back... Of course, it's not completely impossible, but you have to pay a price."

Qin Lou paused.

This time, none of the students could laugh. They could vaguely hear from his words the heaviness, even deep pain, hidden beneath his indifference and carelessness.

Then they heard Qin Lou on the stage laugh.

"If I could be given a chance to go back to your age, I would give you everything I have now."

This sentence is indeed a cliché for students. They have heard it many times from many people, but those who say this are often frustrated. Obviously, some students do not believe that Qin Lou has current wealth and status and are willing to make such a choice.

Then a student in the audience said, "Is this true?"

A teacher frowned and was about to stop him, but Qin Lou on the stage raised the microphone and said in a rare serious tone: "Really."

The students in the audience became bolder, and someone asked again: "For example?"

"for example… "

Qin Lou raised his eyes slightly, and under the spotlight, this man, who was still extremely handsome, smiled slowly.

The moment they saw that smile, the students all thought of his nickname "madman".

Then they heard him say:

"Whatever... Break my arms or legs, it doesn't matter if they're all broken. But not my neck. I have to be alive to take it back."

In the first row of the audience, another new school leader began to wipe his sweat with a handkerchief.

The students were obviously intimidated by this, and after several seconds, a girl timidly asked, "So what do you want to change when you go back?"

Qin Lou paused.

After a few seconds, he turned slightly and took a look behind the curtain.

—In fact, he couldn’t see clearly because he was standing under the spotlight. He didn’t know that behind the dim curtain, the girl in the white dress guessed all his thoughts and her eyes were red.

That thought is, I want to sacrifice my entire life so that you don't get hurt at all.

Qin Lou still took a look, and then he looked away, "That's a secret." He lowered his eyes and said with a smile, "Everyone's is different. Mine will not become yours. You just need to cherish what you care about, no matter who it is, that's enough."

"Then how can we cherish it?" another student asked.

"How can I cherish it?" Qin Lou laughed, "Be careful not to be arrogant or impatient."

“…?” The students below were stunned.

Qin Lou said: "Don't think you are the best in the world, don't think that what belongs to you will always be yours, don't be blindly confident - always be careful and protect all the people and things you like, care about and don't want to lose, and always tread on thin ice. Don't test their durability - precious things will never stand the test, far more than human nature."

Qin Lou's tone was casual, like a joke.

But after he finished speaking, no student could laugh. Instead, they couldn't help but think about it, subconsciously thinking about the things they cherished.

Qin Lou is Qin Lou after all. His presence tonight and this level of participation are already "good deeds" that he would only do when he is in a very good mood.

He was basically satisfied up to this point, so he finally picked up the microphone and started walking to the side of the stage.

"I'm done talking nonsense. I'll fulfill my promise and let you be liberated as soon as possible—"

Before Qin Lou finished speaking, a student suddenly stood up and asked, "Senior Qin, is your secret related to your first love?"

Gossip is one of the students' favorites. This question quickly caught the attention of all the students.

Qin Lou stopped.

After a few seconds of silence, he raised the microphone and said, "Yeah."


"Is that the girlfriend you just mentioned? You said before that you can get her back by paying a price. Has she returned to you now? "

Qin Lou burst out laughing. When the school leaders in the front row were almost unable to sit still, Qin Lou's low, hoarse, pleasant laughter came from the microphone.

"Is your future career plan to be a paparazzi?"

The audience burst into laughter and shouted in unison: "Yes!"

"…Okay, I'll satisfy you then."

There was a sparkling light in Qin Lou's eyes.

If someone who is familiar with him sees it, they will know that this "madman" is going crazy again.

Unfortunately, the school leaders in the audience were not familiar with it and did not know about it, so no one had time to stop him—

Qin Lou turned around and faced the darkness behind the curtain.

He pulled out a box from his suit pocket like a magician and opened it with one hand. A ring sparkled in the box under the light.

Qin Lou knelt on one knee behind the curtain, lowered his head and kissed the ring, then looked at the vague figure standing in the darkness.

"Will you marry your crazy, doll?"

The school leaders in the audience went crazy.

The students also went "crazy".

There was a loud explosion in the entire hall.

Song Shu stood behind the curtain, his eyes still red, and he was touched in his heart, but more importantly, he felt a sense of powerlessness towards this madman who really didn't consider any consequences at all.

Liu Yusheng, the host and others in the backstage not far behind her were so anxious that they were almost barking like dogs. Everyone was so panicked that they didn't know what to do.

Song Shu took a slow, deep breath.

She is the only one who can calm a madman, so she can't rely on others to save the situation at a time like this.

Amid the screams of the students over there, Song Shu walked out from behind the curtain, came under the spotlight, and finally stopped in front of Qin Lou.

But she neither took the ring nor pulled Qin Lou who was kneeling on one knee. Instead, she took the microphone from his hand.

Then the girl's calm voice sounded, like some pleasant sound of ice chips knocking, cooling down the entire hall -

"He is wrong. I am the last person to speak. What I am going to say is simpler than what he said."

The students gradually quieted down in cooperation, wanting to see how Qin Lou would end the excitement on the stage. Then they heard the girl, who looked not much older than them, calmly admonishing:

"There is no good outcome from premature love."

The students waited anxiously for the second sentence, and then saw the girl put down the microphone.

The students were stunned, and then exchanged looks in disbelief:

"Is that all?"

"No more?"

"Only one sentence? So is this a yes or no?"

Perhaps the calls were too loud, so Song Shu whispered a few words to Qin Lou without them hearing, and then picked up the phone again.

"Ah, one more thing - I hope everyone can come back to school to attend the honorary alumni speech in the future, but don't learn from Qin Lou and save the teachers some trouble."

The students smiled knowingly.

"And most importantly," Song Shu said, "don't propose after your anniversary speech."

"Why?!" a student asked with a smile.

Song Shu blinked, his expression and tone were calm—

"Because they will be cruelly rejected."

After saying this, Song Shu turned around and walked off the stage neatly.

Amid the laughter, Qin Lou, who had probably expected this when he knelt down, put away the ring box, stood up calmly and chased after him.

Under the school's gaze that was like sending away a star of disaster, Qin Lou's special car left the campus of Q City No. 2 Middle School.

In the back seat of the car, Song Shu held his forehead with his hand.

"I think tomorrow, there will be a sign at the gate of No. 2 Middle School saying 'Qin Building and Dogs Are Not Allowed'."

“…” Qin Lou said nothing.

"Think about how you're going to explain it when you get to the company tomorrow."

“…” Qin Lou still didn’t speak.

Song Shu finally realized something and looked back.

"What's wrong?"

"You rejected my proposal." Qin Lou lowered his eyes, his voice was listless, and he looked a little pitiful.

Song Shu gritted his teeth slightly, "Can I agree to that? What do you think of proposing at the high school anniversary ceremony?"

Qin Lou pretended not to hear, "And you also said that premature love will not have a good result."

Song Shu frowned, "Isn't this the truth?"

Qin Lou raised his eyes sadly, "We didn't have a good ending either?"

"..." A suspicious blush flashed across Song Shu's cheeks, and she turned her eyes away, "We are not in a premature relationship."

"Why doesn't it count?"

"I remember we never admitted to the relationship."

"… "

Qin Lou's eyes became even more resentful.

At this moment, Song Shu's phone rang. She took out her phone and saw that it was a message from Luan Qiaoqing. Behind a row of gloating smiles, there was a browser link with a gossip headline -

《Surprise! The general manager of Vio Capital proposed to a mysterious female college student at the school anniversary ceremony! 》

Luan Qiaoqing: "Haha ...

Song Shu: “.”

Song Shu held up the phone in front of Qin Lou with a blank expression, "Look at the good things you have done."

Without Song Shu appreciating his performance, Qin Lou had already lazily leaned back in his chair. He finished scanning with his eyes lowered, then casually turned to the comment section at the bottom of the article.

The latest one is floating on the top -

"This female student is so pure, with long and white legs. I am so excited just looking at her. No wonder the big boss likes her. She must be very happy every night."

Song Shu held up the phone for a few seconds, and suddenly felt the pressure of the person next to him drop.

She looked back and saw that the smile on Qin Lou's face had disappeared and he was staring at her phone screen with gloomy eyes.

Song Shu was stunned for a moment, glanced subconsciously, and then understood.

Without waiting for Qin Lou to say anything, she turned her phone screen to black and put it away.

Qin Lou came back to his senses, glanced sideways, and pursed his thin lips into a sharp line, "Let me finish reading it."

"It's not necessary." Song Shu said calmly, "As the threshold for Internet users is lowered, it is normal for low-quality people to flock to websites that rely on gimmicks and fabricated news to win."

Qin Lou frowned, "Then show me that person's account information."

"..." Song Shu looked back helplessly, "What do you want to do? Lock that person with his nickname and take revenge in real life?"

"In a society ruled by law, he needs to pay the price for his words."

Song Shu was helpless, "Are you worried that this incident won't have a big enough negative impact on you? There are always people who hate the rich among these people."

Thinking of that content again, Qin Lou's eyes became colder, "Then settle accounts one by one."

“… madman.”

Song Shu muttered something quietly, then she jumped back to her phone page and directly deleted the link and cleared her browsing history.

By the time Qin Lou reacted and leaned over to stop it, it was too late.

He watched the browsing history disappear before his eyes, and a little annoyance rose in Qin Lou's eyes.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

Until the car drove into the Qin family's old house and stopped.

The door on Qin Lou's side of the car opened, and he got out of the car without looking back. Song Shu originally thought that Qin Lou was still angry with him about the news commentary.

It was rare to see this person so angry, and Song Shu felt a little amused. But before she could push the door on her side of the car, Qin Lou suddenly opened the door and appeared in her sight.


Before he could finish his words, Song Shu screamed and was held in Qin Lou's arms.

After a few seconds, she looked up blankly.

From her somewhat shaky perspective, the man's face had sharp lines from his neck to his jaw to his cheekbones, and his eyes were deep and unfathomable, as if he was suppressing some kind of emotion mixed with anger and desire.

At this moment, Song Shu suddenly remembered the verbal "indenture" that she had forgotten because of the disruption of the evening ceremony.

Song Shu's face quickly turned red. She nervously reached out to grab Qin Lou's sleeve and said, "Put me down first. I'll walk by myself..."

Qin Lou turned a deaf ear.

As the servants looked on in astonishment, he strode through the entrance hall, the corridor, and headed straight for the stairs.

Before he stepped onto the stairs, the housekeeper who had rushed over after hearing the news shouted anxiously, "Master, what are you doing—?"

"I'm going to sleep in the master bedroom on the third floor tonight. No matter what happens, no one is allowed to come up without my permission."


Song Shu, who was held horizontally in the butler's arms, could see the housekeeper's complicated look, and a feeling of embarrassment and shame surged into his heart.

Song Shu gritted her teeth slightly. Just before she could no longer resist and struggled, a low and hoarse voice suddenly came close to her ear: "Why, do you want to break your promise?"

"...!" Song Shu's figure froze.

This time, she hesitated so much that when she came to her senses, Qin Lou had already carried her, both her body and body, into the master bedroom on the third floor.

Qin Lou stopped in front of the soft master bedroom.

The next second, Song Shu's center of gravity shifted, and she was thrown directly onto the bed. She was stunned by the fall, and before she could come to her senses, a shadow had already covered her head.

Along with it, Qin Lou's low and hoarse voice was rang out, mixed with anger and desire that had been suppressed for a long time.

"I didn't even realize how much long, white legs would give me every night - what a shame."

Qin Lou slowly lowered his body, his eyes deep.

"But it doesn't matter. I can take a long, long time to understand everything."

Song Shu instinctively wanted to hide upwards, but Qin Lou noticed it in advance and grabbed her wrists and folded them above her head.

Qin Lou's eyes darkened as he leaned over and kissed her lips.

With a hoarse voice, the door of the cage that trapped the beast slowly opened—

"Little clam, I'm ready to eat."

The author has something to say: Driving while tired late at night is not a good idea and can easily lead to accidents