The Magnate’s Six-year-Old Niece

Chapter 864: Severe allergies


Chi Zhiyu and Si Niannian have studied inner alchemy for so many years. He is indeed very talented, but he still knows little about these Western medicine data and is not good at it.

He never tries to be tough, nor does he pretend to understand.

"Master, these data are very complicated and I can't understand them. Is this all data from the second uncle's laboratory?"

Si Niannian nodded and opened another piece of data.

"Then why don't you take a look at this one again?"

Chi Zhiyu continued to read. He still couldn't understand it, but he felt that the data seemed a little familiar.

"Oh, part of this data is the same as the data just now."

Chi Zhiyu held the mouse, clicked on the data just now, reduced the two windows, and compared them side by side.

"Although this part is not exactly the same, 99% of the data is similar."

Chi Zhiyu looked at Si Niannian and said, "Master, where did you get this data? Is there anyone else doing the same experiment as my second uncle?"

Si Niannian's eyes were visibly colder.

There was no warmth in his tone either.

"This is the data from the blood analysis and cell isolation test that I just drew my own blood for."

Chi Zhiyu: "!!!"

He looked shocked, "So... the second uncle's experimental subject is really the master's mother? Is he using your mother's blood for experiments?"

Si Niannian suppressed all the sadness and hatred in his eyes.

"But, what does these have to do with the two medicinal materials that Master asked me to purchase?" Chi Zhiyu still didn't understand.

Si Niannian answered calmly, "I am severely allergic to hibiscus ginseng."

Chi Zhiyu stood up straight in an instant. If he didn't understand Si Niannian's intentions at this time, he would have been a disciple for so many years in vain.

"Most allergies are hereditary. Master, do you want to try using hibiscus ginseng to interfere with my second uncle's experiment?"

Si Niannian didn't say anything, but his expression was already acquiescence.

Chi Zhiyu looked down at the sticky note in his hand again.

"What about Zhenwu Ya? Why do you want to acquire Zhenwu Ya?"

Si Niannian touched the bracelet on her left wrist. There were several fresh pinpricks on the skin covered by the bracelet. Her tone remained calm.

"I have done experiments and found that hibiscus ginseng will form a toxin in my blood after I am allergic to it. To resolve this toxin, Zhenwu buds must be used."

Chi Zhiyu now fully understands.

"Master, don't worry, I will never let Second Uncle Si's people buy a Zhenwu Ya."

As for hibiscus ginseng, whether Si Xiyou gets it or not is not that important.

Si Niannian's lips curved slightly, "You are indeed very smart, so go ahead and do it."

After saying that, Si Niannian also stood up.

"Master, do you want to go out?"

Chi Zhiyu was a little worried.

On the way back, he had just received a call from En Shao, telling him to take good care of his master and not let anything happen to her.

Si Niannian also saw the worry in Chi Zhiyu's eyes and patted his head.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. My uncle was slightly injured in the attack. Please call me and ask me to come over."

"Then I'll find someone to accompany you."

Chi Zhiyu was still worried. He had also heard about the attack on the Presidential Office.

Si Niannian shook his head, "If there are too many people, things will be difficult to handle. You should quickly find your junior brother and do what I told you to do. Remember, all the Zhenwu buds have been burned by me. Not a single one can be destroyed." "Left."

Seeing the rare cruelty in Si Niannian's eyes, Chi Zhiyu suddenly felt distressed.

"Yes, Master."

Si Niannian walked through the back door, and when passing by the backyard, he happened to see Bian Churou inspecting the goods.

"Miss, are you going out? Where are you going?"

Bian Churou said hello with a smile, her tone was familiar and familiar.

The friendship between her and the young lady for so many years has long been like that of sisters.

"Yeah." Si Niannian just responded and went out.

Her face was so condensed that she looked like a different person, and when she looked at Bian Churou, her eyes did not contain any kindness.

Bian Churou was a little embarrassed, especially when the delivery workers looked at her with strange eyes. She felt as if there was fire on her face, burning, hot and painful.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Zhiyu also hurried over, as if he wanted to go out.

"Xiao Yu, are you going out too?"

Bian Churou stopped him, her attitude was not only familiar, but also a little more intimate.

"What's wrong, Miss? She seems to be in a bad mood. I just talked to her, but she didn't even pay attention to me."

Chi Zhiyu was in a hurry, so he looked a little more impatient.

"You don't need to know Master's whereabouts. It's working time now. Just do your job well."

Bian Churou's face became even hotter and more painful.

Looking at the empty back door, I felt the eyes of the workers.

She even felt that the curvature of their mouths at this moment was a ruthless mockery of her.

Bian Churou bit her lip, trying hard not to shed the tears that filled her eyes.

"Chu Rou." Lin Peipei's voice came from behind. Seeing her tears, he quickly asked, "What's wrong with you? Did Young Master Yu bully you again?"

Bian Churou wiped away the tears on her face and squeezed out a smile, "What nonsense are you talking about? My eyes just felt uncomfortable and I rubbed them hard twice, so I shed some tears. What does this have to do with Xiaoyu? Xiaoyu? Miss Yuhe is busy with other things."

Naturally, Lin Peipei would not believe her clumsy lie, "You always say good things to him. It's obvious that he is like this because of you."

Bian Churou smiled lightly and said nothing. The moment she lowered her head, a flash of unwillingness quickly flashed in her eyes.

Office of the President.

Although the current president is Bu Yifan and Si Muen works here, this is Si Niannian's first time here.

From the outside, the Presidential Office looks heavily guarded.

There were more than a dozen special police officers guarding the gate, each of them heavily armed.

Si Niannian silently circled around the Presidential Office, performed an invisibility trick, and walked in with a swagger.

The president's office was very large, with many luxury cars parked there, and a huge fountain in the center. None of these could attract Si Niannian's attention.

The only thing that made Si Niannian take a second look was the greening here, which was really well done.

She glanced around and walked quickly towards the office building.

The office building was already in chaos, with many positions unoccupied and offices empty.

Si Niannian walked around everywhere slowly before going to the fifth floor, the President's Office.

This is the top floor, and the entire floor is divided into two parts.

The east side is the office and the right side is the conference room.

As for the desk of the presidential secretary, it is placed at the door of the office.

"Stop, the president is injured and taking a rest. He is not in office right now."

A man who came to report to work was driven away by the secretary at the office door.

Si Niannian stood aside. After the man left, he suddenly appeared and grabbed the secretary's throat with lightning speed.

"Open the door."

(End of chapter)