The Magnate’s Six-year-Old Niece

Chapter 875: There will never be such a day


Si Xiyou was also very excited. He couldn't wait to enjoy the results of the experiment.

"Increase nutrition for Niannian and make sure her physical data is not affected."

This is the issue that Si Xiyou is most concerned about now.

Once Si Niannian's body becomes abnormal, all hope will be in vain.

"Don't worry, teacher, I know how to do it."

Lin Qing nodded.

He was as excited as Si Xiyou.

Once this experiment is successful, his name will be recorded in history.

Si Nian Nian became a porcelain doll in the laboratory, just about to be raped.

Although she was still confined to the bed, both Si Xiyou and Lin Qing had very good attitudes towards her.

Various nutritious foods are provided in rotation, so you can eat whatever you want.

It was Master Guo who struggled in the kitchen at the beginning. After all, he was not a first-class chef and was not good at many things.

With no other choice, Si Xiyou could only nod and allow the purchase outside, but he had to be more careful.

"Nian Nian, please eat more so that your body can recover as soon as possible."

Si Xiyou personally fed Si Niannian with great care and gentleness.

This kind of treatment has never been seen before, even in the past ten years of getting along like family.

Si Niannian's face finally turned rosy and he could start the second blood transfusion.

"Teacher, now half of the cells in your body have been regenerated. This is like cleansing the marrow and cutting off the menstruation, completely transforming your body."

When the blood volume reached about 800cc, Lin Qing terminated the blood transfusion.

"Teacher, how do you feel now?"

Lin Qing strode forward and asked.

Si Xiyou sat up from the bed, feeling that his mind was clearer than ever before, his whole body felt relaxed, and his whole body felt light and airy.

He didn't have time to go out and try his powers directly in the laboratory.


An instrument was shattered.

But Si Xiyou just moved his fingers.

"Teacher, your cultivation has improved a lot." Lin Qing was very happy.

But Si Xiyou frowned, still a little dissatisfied.

"Let's go out."

It was dark night, the starry sky was beautiful, and the full moon was only a few days away.

Si Xiyou stood outside, looking up at the moon in the sky, closing his eyes slightly and feeling the baptism of the moonlight on him.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes.


"Why doesn't it still work?"

He waved his hands repeatedly and concentrated his efforts, but he could not feel the existence of the new power.

Lin Qing also saw the crux of the problem and quickly stepped forward.

"Teacher, maybe the blood transfusion is not enough. Only half of your cells have been regenerated now. It is normal that you cannot awaken the moonlight power."

Si Xiyou naturally understood this truth, but he was just very anxious.

The longer time passed, the more anxious he became.

There was an ominous feeling lingering in his mind.

It seems that if this is not done as soon as possible, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

"Have a night's rest and do the third blood transfusion tomorrow morning." Si Xiyou said.

Lin Qing was slightly startled, "Teacher, why don't you let the little princess rest for a while? With such a short interval between two blood transfusions, her physical fitness will decline rapidly, which may affect the quality of blood supply."

Si Xiyou naturally understood this truth, but he could not wait any longer.

The closer he got to success, the more anxious he felt and the less patient he became.

"Let her eat more tonight, and make her a medicated diet with all the blood-replenishing medicines in the warehouse. If she can't eat, she will be force-fed. Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, the third blood transfusion will begin."

After saying that, Si Xiyou left.

Lin Qing did not dare to disobey Si Xiyou's order, so she could only prepare quickly.

In the laboratory, Si Niannian's face was pale and she looked very haggard, but her eyes were bright and there was a faint smile on her lips, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

In order to allow Si Niannian's body to recover as soon as possible, Lin Qing did not rest that night. She stayed around Si Niannian and fed her in various ways.

Finally, at dawn, her complexion had almost recovered.

Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief, "Little princess, we will conduct the third blood transfusion soon. Maybe this time our experiment will be successful. By then, you will be the person who contributed the most to this experiment, and you will be recorded in history and your name will last forever. "

Si Niannian's slightly mocking eyes fell on Lin Qing, "Lin Qing, do you still remember your original intention of studying medicine?"

This was a question that did not require waiting for an answer. Si Niannian closed his eyes after asking.

As for what Lin Qing would think and whether he would have an epiphany because of this, that was all his own problem.

Some people are born as devils, and even if they put on a guise of kindness, the evil thoughts in their bones still exist after all.


The door opened.

Si Xiyou walked in energetically.

It can be seen that he has great expectations for this blood transfusion.

"Nian Nian, we are only one step away from success. Once the success is achieved, my second uncle will definitely repay you well."

Si Niannian opened his eyes and glanced at him.

"I used to think that the word 'hypocrisy' would never appear in the Si family."

Si Niannian's words made the smile on Si Xiyou's face suddenly freeze.

He clenched his hanging hands tightly, "Nian Nian, one day you will understand my second uncle's choice."

"This will never happen."

Si Niannian looked back and said, "Let's get started."

Si Xiyou looked at her, swallowed everything he wanted to say, narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a deep breath.

He will succeed.

He will make those who do not understand him and oppose him recognize his success and look up to his existence.

"Lin Qing, start."

Si Xiyou was lying on another bed, his eyes burning, and he had even begun to imagine the grand occasion when night came and he awakened the moonlight power.

As the blood transfusion began, Si Niannian suddenly twitched all over, so violently that all the instruments on his body were overturned.

"Little princess, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Qing nervously wanted to go over and check.

But just halfway through, another accident happened to Si Xiyou.

Si Xiyou, who was originally in high spirits, suddenly started twitching all over. The pain made his facial features hideous and he was trembling and struggling. His symptoms were exactly the same as Si Niannian's.

While enduring the pain in his body, Si Niannian looked at Si Xiyou with a smile on his lips.

"How is this going?"

Lin Qing quickly returned to Si Xiyou to check his physical condition.

Didi didi!

The nearby instrument sounded a warning sound.

Lin Qing suddenly turned her head and looked over.

"Impossible! Why is this happening?"

Before he threw himself together, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the abnormal data on the screen.

"How could it be? Why do these regenerated cells become diseased? What went wrong?"

(End of chapter)