The Magus Era

Chapter 101: Uncle


The turbid waves are emptying, the water roars like a dragon or a tiger, and the sound shakes the canyon.

Ji Hao hugged Manman tightly, fearing that she would be washed away by the flood. He tightly protected her with his hands on his chest, and used his back to help her block the huge trees and boulders washed away by the flood.

It was so heavy that it could be hugged by several people, and the giant tree with a length of more than ten feet slammed into the back like a mountain pressing down on the top. Clear light flowed on the soft armor next to the body, turning into a faint lotus, and all the power was easily removed. .

The boulders were rolled up by the whirlpool and hit on their backs. With the same clear light, the boulders were crushed into sand and gravel.

Ji Hao held his breath, and his fingers moved rapidly to change the seals. The water around his body rotated rapidly, and tiny bits of air were extracted from the water and turned into a half-inch thick air mask around him, which was enough to ensure that he and Manman could breathe.

The water flow pushed violently behind him. Ji Hao's body was like the most flexible fish, accelerating rapidly without any hindrance in the water. It brought up a dim white line under the water, which was hundreds of feet in an instant, like a ghost in the blink of an eye. They also fled quickly along with the flow of the flood.

This is the acquired spiritual water escape in the Nine-Character Mantra Sutra. It is a wonderful escape technique that Ji Hao obtained after reading the Taoist canon and Buddhist scriptures in his previous life, gaining the expertise of various schools, and extracting the essence of countless water escape techniques. In the end of the Dharma era in the previous life, when the vitality of heaven and earth was almost zero, acquired spiritual water escape could exert infinite magical effects, and it was even more sharp in this world.

The bodies of Ji Hao and Manman were almost integrated with the flood, without any breath or movement. In almost two breaths after he jumped into the river, he escaped for more than ten miles along the rolling river water.

Then the river behind Ji Hao suddenly exploded, and a section of the river that was more than ten miles long evaporated instantly.

Amidst the sound of "chichi", high-temperature steam rushed straight into the sky. Countless water beasts and big fish mixed in the flood were cooked, and then their bodies burned quickly, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a wisp of dust and disappeared without a trace.

A dozen three-eyed youths with pale and dead faces were suspended in the air, with terrifying flames emitting from the vertical eyes between their brows, and violent attacks from heaven, thunder, earth and fire sprayed out from their vertical eyes like raindrops.

"Master Di Luo is seriously injured, we must capture that kid!"

"He actually dared to injure Master Di Luo. Catch that kid, otherwise we will all be in trouble."

"Damn it, and that little girl, she must die, she must be killed!"

The dry river was trembling, struggling and twitching. A section of the river that was more than ten miles long was completely dry. Then the rocks in the river melted and evaporated rapidly. With the dazzling light, this section of the river sunk deeply and collapsed in place. It became a large crater nearly twenty miles in diameter and three miles deep.

Ji Hao hugged Manman tightly, and a terrible force came from behind along the flood, hitting him hard on the back.

Even with the armor refined by Abao to protect his body, Ji Hao still felt as if a hot torrent had penetrated his body so hard that his internal organs almost melted. The power with a destructive aura passed through Ji Hao's body and hit Manman's body hard.

Manman's petite body trembled violently. The wound on his back had not healed yet, but the wound burst open again. A large amount of blood continued to flow out. The blood, as hot as magma, caused the nearby river water to evaporate in large quantities, forming a formation on the river surface. Bubbles and white mist visible to the naked eye.

Hundreds of Jia warriors from the Blood Fang Regiment had keen eyesight, and they quickly followed the river bank to catch up.

They ran wildly along the river, staring at the bubbles and white mist on the river and bombarding them wildly. The broad strokes brought out dazzling bright lights, which hit the river fiercely.

Sections of the river exploded, and each blow from the Jia warriors caused a section of the river to completely collapse, creating a large crater several miles in diameter in the river. The surging river is like a long silk thread, and these large craters are like small beads, tightly strung into a string by the silk thread.

Ji Hao tried his best to use his escape technique to escape. The Zifu Yuan Dan was spinning like a windmill, making a "whooshing" sound. The power of water in the river continues to flow into the body, turning into pure mana to drive the escape method and continue to move forward.

The attacks from the Jia warriors were like thunder, coming from all directions. Ji Hao struggled to dodge under the water. Wave after wave of terrible explosions shocked him so much that he spurted blood. Several times, Ji Hao almost fainted without being able to breathe.

In the world of souls, a phantom suddenly appeared and shouted in a rumbling voice: "Little guy, you are always smart, why did your brain get damaged today? Could it be that my Sky Opening Strike can only be used to kill people?"

Ji Hao made Lingling shiver, and his eyes suddenly erupted with a divine light that looked like substance.

The vision in front of him suddenly changed strangely. Ji Hao forced himself to immerse himself in the wonderful artistic conception of the sky-opening strike. In the rushing river in front of him, countless twisting lights suddenly appeared.

Ji Hao's body was like an arc of light, lightly penetrating the fragile points where these lights connected.

The resistance of the river to him suddenly disappeared, and Ji Hao's escape speed increased by more than three times. With just a flash of his body, he escaped from the section of the river where the Jia warriors were bombarding them, and knocked these Jia warriors away from a distance. The warrior was left behind.

For a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, the Jia warriors and the three-eyed youths were chasing after them.

Three-quarters of an hour, four-quarters of an hour later, Ji Hao had pushed these people from the Blood Fang Group away for three to five miles. Manman's wounds no longer bled, and no bubbles or white mist could be seen on the river.

Five-quarters of an hour later, Ji Hao suddenly poked his head out of the river, took a deep breath, and found a valley with high mountains and dense forests and complex terrain. He struggled out of the river with difficulty, gritting his teeth and carrying it, unable to move. The barbarians fled towards the dense forest.

Those members of the Blood Fang Group would never have imagined that Ji Hao would come ashore halfway, so let them chase him down the river.

By the time they realized that they could not catch up with Ji Hao in the river, Ji Hao and Manman had already left.

One step, two steps, three steps, Ji Hao's feet suddenly slipped and he fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time. Ji Hao's eyes were twitching with anxiety. Now was not the time to rest. He had to hide in the woods before the people from the Blood Fang Group arrived. Otherwise, with the current physical condition of him and Manman, they would not be able to fight with them and would have to be captured without mercy. .

Stand up, stand up, stand up!

Ji Hao bit the tip of his tongue and exerted force. The tip of his tongue hurt sharply, and his mouth was filled with the pungent smell of fresh blood.

He staggered, and finally managed to gather some strength. He struggled to stand up, and a broad and powerful hand silently supported him.

Ji Hao and Manman were so frightened that they quickly looked around.

A middle-aged man with a stable and generous nature supported Ji Hao with both hands, frowned slightly, and sighed with a little heartache: "Whose baby? Who beat you like this at such a young age?"

Ji Hao laughed dryly and said bitterly: "Uncle, run for your life, there are evil spirits behind to arrest you."

The middle-aged man touched his nose and laughed dryly: "Uncle? Eh, what kind of evil ghost? Are we people still afraid of evil ghosts?"

He smiled and helped Ji Hao up, and said slowly: "No rush, no rush, you two babies are too seriously injured. It is only proper to help you heal your injuries first."

Manman grinned anxiously, but Ji Hao was shocked to find that in such a rainy season, with such heavy downpour, there was not a drop of water mark on the middle-aged uncle's body. He was dry and extremely clean.


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(End of chapter)