The Magus Era

Chapter 118: Stay


"Fellow Taoist is so young and so naughty!"

A young man smiled softly, raised his little finger on his right hand, and a ray of white light shot towards Ji Hao: "Naughty, you should be beaten. That thunder just now was so scary, my fellow Taoist must be taught a lesson." "

The faint white light was very inconspicuous in the rain curtain, similar to the fish belly white that occasionally appeared on the edge of the rain clouds in the sky, but after the appearance of this white light, the huge mountain forest became soft.

The wind is no longer violent, the rain is no longer turbulent, and the swaying postures of the grass and trees in the mountains and forests have become more rounded. Even the dark and obscure mountain forest under the gray sky became bright and warm because of the appearance of this white light.

A faint white light penetrated the rain curtain, and wherever it passed, all the raindrops within a dozen feet bloomed one after another, blooming like flower buds, turning into crystal clear water lotuses the size of a fist, accompanied by a low voice. The majestic chants drew long arcs and struck Ji Hao's body.

Ji Hao's eyes widened and he looked at this inconspicuous white light in surprise.

Water lotuses flying all over the sky fill your eyes. Wherever you look, there are only crystal clear water lotuses flying and circling. The small and delicate water lotus flowers cause the air to rush violently, and behind each small flower, there is a whirlwind like an angry dragon.

The seemingly delicate and harmless water lotus brought pressure to Ji Hao, but it was like a mountain crashing down on his head.

"It's interesting." Ji Hao laughed loudly, and a golden-red fire erupted from behind. Two round golden black eyes flashed in the firelight. His fists were covered with a faint firelight, and he raised his hands. The fist hit the water lotus coming towards him.

"You are so arrogant and rude. You are indeed a barbarian from the Southern Wilderness." The two young men mocked at the same time.

A water lotus hit Ji Hao's fist, and Ji Hao used all his strength to punch it away. However, the empty water lotus in front of him, and the water lotus coming towards him with no pressure, turned out to be a phantom. Ji Hao punched the empty air with his fist, and all his strength was lost. He smashed a ball of fire with a radius of several feet in the air, causing a loud noise.

"Fake?" Ji Hao exclaimed!

In the next moment, hundreds of attacks came from all directions, hitting Ji Hao hard. Each blow was like a hill falling down, causing the soft animal skin armor on Ji Hao's body to break almost instantly, revealing the close-fitting soft armor underneath.

The close-fitting soft armor refined by Abao emitted a faint light and transformed into a palm-sized lotus that slowly rotated close to Ji Hao's body.

Countless transparent water lotuses appeared out of thin air, whizzing and falling, constantly hitting Ji Hao. The clear lotus on the armor rotated, and despite being bombarded by water lotus all over the sky, they were all crushed to pieces by the clear lotus.

A wisp of white light fell from the sky and hit Ji Hao's heart hard. With a loud noise, the soil around Ji Hao suddenly flew up and turned into waves of soil a hundred feet high and sprayed out in all directions. A large pit a few miles wide and a hundred feet deep appeared at Ji Hao's feet. Ji Hao was hit by the huge force and fell into the pit involuntarily.

"Interesting, interesting, look what we found?" The young man who did not take action said with a smile: "This close-fitting soft armor is really amazing!"

The two young men did not hide the greed in their eyes, staring at Ji Hao like evil wolves.

The young man who took action just now hurriedly shouted: "Senior brother, it was me who took action. This armor is destined to me!"

The senior brother who had not taken action shouted sternly: "Junior brother, your Taoism is still not enough, and your state of mind is still a little poor. You are right in taking action, but this baby has not been killed by you. This armor has a deep fate with me! "

The two of them simultaneously raised the bamboo sticks in their hands and swung them vigorously. Suddenly, the wind and rain for several miles around simultaneously emitted a faint white light. Countless raindrops bloomed and turned into water lotuses and poured into the deep pit on the ground.

Ji Hao lay in the pit with a gray face and a gray face, his body covered with mud.

The finger he just pointed was an understatement but contained an extremely terrifying attack. It was definitely a powerful witch-level attack. If it weren't for the powerful armor on his body, Ji Hao would have been obliterated by this finger.

Although the armor withstood more than 90% of the attack power, the remaining power still penetrated through the armor, shaking Ji Hao's internal organs. This is the result of Ji Hao's repeated encounters and the great enhancement of his physical strength after absorbing the treasures of heaven and earth, including the Earth Vein Essence.

If Ji Hao's body hadn't been strengthened during this period, the finger just now would have damaged his internal organs.

Lying in the thick mud, Ji Hao frowned.

Where did these two guys come from? Their magical powers are extremely weird. The water lotus that Ji Hao focused on actually missed with one punch

Moreover, in their attacks, what is the origin of that kind of power that makes people relax involuntarily, making their body and soul become idle and relaxed, making them involuntarily sleepy, but yet extremely majestic and magnificent

While he was thinking hard, a light suddenly flashed above his head, and an attack that was a hundred times more powerful than the previous finger fell, and countless crystal clear water lotuses fell. Ji Hao looked up in shock, his eyes suddenly turned pure golden red.

The Golden Crow Divine Eyes are activated with all their strength, like two small suns shining across the sky, enough to break through all illusions.

The nine seals condensed by the nine-character mantra rotated rapidly around the golden-red pupils, and the world in front of Ji Hao suddenly changed color.

Through the faint, white light, the sky and the earth were still dark, and the mountains and forests were still full of bitter wind and rain. The raindrops falling all over the sky bloomed like water lotuses, falling straight from the sky like meteors, and smashed viciously at Ji Hao. down.

The graceful arcs caused by the water lotuses and the hurricane formed by the inflated air are all illusions!

In the illusion all over the sky, wrapped in countless water lotuses, two young men in white were holding bamboo sticks and had already disappeared to Ji Hao's side. The bamboo sticks hit Ji Hao's head hard.

Judging from the vicious postures of the two men, they completely regarded Ji Hao as an sworn enemy with the hatred of killing his father.

"What a big grievance. Two 'fellow Taoists', I won't keep you company." Ji Haolang laughed, shook his body, and suddenly turned into a ball of water and exploded.

Two bamboo sticks hit the water light formed by Ji Hao hard, and countless water droplets sprayed out. The two young men's attacks failed. Ji Hao had already used the wind and rain to use his innate spiritual water escape and instantly escaped a hundred feet away. .

A white lotus blossomed between the two young men's eyebrows, and wisps of pure spiritual fluctuations spread around. Soon their mental fluctuations locked onto Ji Hao's figure.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay. The precious treasure you carry is destined to be with me. Please help me, fellow Taoist!" The senior brother laughed loudly and shook his hand to knock out a white orb the size of a fist.


'Fellow Taoist, this treasure is destined for me'!

Haha, I really want to let the dog bite people!

Uh, even if you beat me to death!

Please vote for recommendation! ! !

These guys will be beaten to death sooner or later!

(End of chapter)