The Magus Era

Chapter 13: snoop


At night, a floating continent was floating over the Jinwu Ridge, blocking all the stars in the sky.

At the top of the Golden Crow Ridge, three giant crows yawned lazily and floated in the air, their wings emitting a faint light that illuminated the surroundings. The meager red light illuminates the hundreds of miles of mountain forest, eliminating the possibility of any external enemies taking advantage of the absolute darkness to make a sneak attack.

In the wooden house of Ji Hao's family, a bonfire was blazing in the fire pit. Half of the cleaned four-armed orangutan bear was placed on the bonfire, and it was already roasted and greased. Yellow oil and water kept falling into the bonfire, making a "puff" sound, and the rich fragrance caused the fat bear lying at the door to drool all the way to the ground.

During the day, Ji Hao cut hundreds of kilograms of honey from a hive of golden-winged bees, and applied the golden honey to the hot barbecue. The rich sweet fragrance immediately wafted out. Taking a satisfied bite, Ji Hao squinted his eyes, hummed a few times happily, and handed the piece of meat to Qingfu.

"Amu, Golden Wing Honey is good for your body." Ji Hao smiled brightly.

Golden-winged bees are ferocious and cruel in character. The honey they brew not only collects pollen and nectar from flowers, but also kills a large number of ferocious birds and beasts and absorbs their bone marrow essence. Therefore, the honey of Golden Winged Bee greatly replenishes vitality, and has a magical effect of nourishing the soul for witchcraft rituals such as Qingfu.

Qing Fu smiled and took the barbecue, took a bite, and glanced sideways at Ji Hao with squinted eyes.

"Hao, did you really go harvest the honey from the golden-winged bee? Eminem thought..."

"What do you think you are?" Ji Hao calmly chopped off a large piece of animal meat with a stone knife and started tearing it apart. The colorful firelight swayed in his lower abdomen, and the swallowed animal meat was digested almost instantly, turning into a colorful stream of light that blended into his whole body.

With a smile, he grabbed the home-brewed cassava wine and took a sip. Ji Hao looked at Qing Fu and smiled: "I heard that something happened to Jiang Wei and Ji Wu. Eminem, you don't think that I have the strength to kill them." How about it? Forget it about Ji Wu, as for Jiang Wei, I can't beat her."

Qing Fu narrowed her eyes and smiled slyly. She also grabbed the small stone wine jar and took a sip of wine. She said calmly: "Hao, of course you can't beat Jiang Wei. But, who knows? You are in the tribe. I never play with children of the same age, and you have a lot of friends outside the tribe."

Ji Hao was stunned, laughed a few times and said nothing again. The stone knife rose and fell, cutting the four-armed orangutan bear into pieces. The half of the orangutan bear that was ten feet long was chewed clean by Ji Hao in just half an hour.

Ji Hao patted his belly with satisfaction, wiped his mouth, and slipped down the stairs into the attic where he lived.

"Emma, I'm going to bed. I don't know when Abba will be back today, so you don't have to wait for him."

Qingfu smiled, slowly beat his waist, picked up the animal bones that Ji Hao had thrown all over the floor one by one, and placed them neatly in the corner of the room. The four-armed orangutan bear is a ferocious beast in the Little Witch Realm. Its bones are hard and dense. It is a good material for making various witch ritual utensils and cannot be discarded casually.

While busy, Qing Fu whispered to himself: "It can't be Hao, right? Well, it's okay if it's not, it would be better if it is."

In the attic, Ji Hao was lying on the ground with his back stretched out, looking through the window at the red light above Jinwu Ridge quietly. The sound of Qingfu's busy work kept coming. After about a quarter of an hour, the bonfire in the fire pit was covered with ashes and extinguished. Qingfu turned off the lamp and entered the bedroom.

Ji Xia is not at home tonight. He is bringing a group of close and friendly tribesmen to visit several elders and shaman priests who usually have a neutral attitude in the tribe.

Ji Hao waited for a while, and when there was a long breathing sound from Qingfu's bedroom, he was sure that Qingfu had fallen asleep. Then Ji Hao got up secretly, and carefully climbed up from the secret compartment in the corner of the attic. He took out a crimson crow feather that emitted scorching waves.

Biting his finger, he quickly drew three simple sigils on the crow's feathers. Ji Hao recited the spell silently, and the crow's feathers burned silently, turning into a palm-sized black crow that flapped its wings and flew out of the house. .

Sitting cross-legged in the attic, Ji Hao's eyes flashed with a faint red light. Everything he saw from the black crow transformed from the feathers of the giant crow was projected into Ji Hao's eyes. A very fine mental wave attached to the black crow, and Ji Hao controlled it to fly towards Ji Shu's camp.

On one side of the valley, near the entrance of the valley, the large group of tribesmen brought by Ji Shu established a camp on their own, erecting hundreds of large and small animal skin tents. The dark night gave the witchcraft crow controlled by Ji Hao the best cover. This invisible black crow silently crossed the night sky and landed lightly on the largest animal skin tent in the camp.

It was just a temporary living place. The craftsmanship of the animal skin tent was extremely crude, and there were huge gaps in the stitching of the animal skin. The black crow's scarlet eyes came to a gap and squinted into the tent.

There are two large clay vats in the spacious tent. A large vat is filled with red viscous concoction. Ji Wu is soaking in the concoction. A ball of flame is burning silently around the vat, burning the concoction. If you get 'gurgurrr', you will get blisters.

Ji Wu, who was boiled in hot concoction and seriously injured, had his face twisted in pain. He opened his mouth and kept yelling, but no sound came out.

Another large vat was full of green concoction. Countless poisonous insects and their limbs were tumbling in the concoction. Jiang Yu, who was also seriously injured, sat in the vat gritting his teeth. There were black and red worms in his seven orifices. Smoke puffed out.

In the attic, Ji Hao laughed coldly. This vat of green concoction was so powerful that all the blood congestion in Jiang Wei's body was turned into mist and discharged from the body.

Unlike Ji Wu who could not make a sound, Jiang Wei gritted his teeth and cursed with great hatred: "It's Ji Xia's people. He must have colluded with the people of the Black Water Black Snake Tribe to kill Wu and me! This is Jinwu Ridge. Ah, how could a bastard from the Black Water Black Snake Tribe sneak here?"

"Jishu, if you were still a man, you would have chopped Ji Xia alive in the ancestor worship hall. I would kill Qingfu and Ji Hao with my own hands!" Jiang Wei gritted his teeth and roared ferociously like a female ghost: "Ji Xia colluded with your arch-enemies from the Fire Crow Division and sneaked into your holy land, Jinwu Ridge, to kill me!"

Ji Shu stood in the tent without saying a word. He folded his hands on his chest, his face was expressionless, and even his breathing became vague.

There were two other middle-aged men in the tent. A tall and burly man, 90% similar to Ji Shu. The other man was tall and handsome, with a three-finger-wide black beard on his chin that was more than four feet long. The corners of his eyes and eyebrows were very similar to Jiang Wei's.

Hearing Jiang Wei's curse, the handsome man with a black beard slapped her hard on the face, causing Jiang Wei's mouth to spurt blood. The blood was mixed with the green concoction, forming an extremely weird mixture. beach color.

"Stupid!" the middle-aged man said calmly: "How come I have a daughter as stupid as you?"

"Ji Shu, it seems that among the witch priests and elders in the Holy Land, some people are dissatisfied with our clan replacing Ji Xia's family." Another tall and burly middle-aged man sighed helplessly: "This sacrifice In the ancestral ceremony, you just need to seize the position of leader of the Holy Land warriors."

After a pause, the middle-aged man said gloomily: "If you want to avoid future troubles, you can only think of a solution after the ancestor worship ceremony."


There are a group of authors such as Fengmei, Ergen, Dancing, Xiao Selang, etc. There are meetings all day long!

Let’s update two chapters first. If I can go back to the room sober today, I will update another chapter. If not, I will update it later!

I ask everyone with tears in my eyes - please vote for more recommendations!

(End of chapter)