The Magus Era

Chapter 56: elixir


'The mind is like flowing water, the body is like flowing clouds, coming and going at will, not stained by dust'!

Singing a simple and crude tune loudly, Abao left the Cold Brook Valley and walked all the way south in the cool breeze.

The territory of the Fire Crow Tribe is located in the northernmost part of the Southern Wilderness. In the far south that Ji Hao could not imagine, there are countless magical and powerful creatures, countless powerful and prosperous tribes, and a magical country established by the master of the Southern Wilderness.

'Little brother, if everything goes well, I will return here in three years. As soon as we hit it off, I think my master will definitely be happy to accept you as a disciple. You will be my little junior brother'!

Three-year agreement!

Three years later, if Abao successfully completes his journey of penance, he will return to the Fire Crow Tribe, take Ji Hao out of the Southern Wilderness, and become a disciple of Taoist Yuyu.

Ji Hao stood on the top of the mountain, looking at Abao's retreating back. He was carrying a huge wine gourd in his left hand, and a plump barbecue leg in his right hand. The wine gourd and barbecue leg swayed easily with his steps, exuding an elegant and unrestrained charm.

A black tight-fitting armor as thin as cicada wings was worn close to Ji Hao's body. Abao stayed in the Cold Brook Valley for two more days to refine the carapace of the Wind Scorpion he killed that day into this strange set of armor.

The extraordinarily hard carapace was made as pliable as water by Po using miraculous methods. The carapace originally weighed a million stones, but after being refined by Po's skillful hands and filled with countless magical talismans, it suddenly became as light as nothing. There is no obstruction or inconvenience when wearing it.

Ji Hao was astonished by Abao's weapon refining skills. Compared with his skills, the most proficient witchcraft priests in the Fire Crow Department were so ashamed that they died on tofu. Fortunately, this Southern Wilderness In this place, Ji Hao has not found the shadow of tofu yet, otherwise he would definitely give a piece to each of the old witches.

Only when Abao's back could no longer be seen, Ji Hao took a long breath, leaped tens of feet high, slid over the towering cliff with a few bounces, and landed lightly in the cold stream valley.

Some people and some things can be deeply engraved in our hearts in just a short time. Abao is such a person. With his generosity, simplicity, generosity and demeanor, Ji Hao has already regarded him as a trustworthy friend and a reliable brother after just three days of getting along with him.

"Abba, Abba! Where is Eminem?"

The cold stream valley was bustling with busy mining slaves. Ji Hao found Ji Xia at a mine who was gesticulating and directing the construction, and dragged him towards the wooden house where he lived.

Ji Xia quickly told Ji Ying and others, and followed Ji Hao with a smile: "Hao, your friend is gone? Tsk, this Abao is an amazing person. It's a pity, it's a pity, Huo Why can’t he look down on the girl from the Crow Department?”

Ji Hao was laughing and joking, ignoring Ji Xia's words.

The father and son returned to the wooden house where they lived. Qingfu was sitting at the door, grinding herbs carefully with a pestle. The mining work of the mineral veins in the Cold River Valley is on the right track, and the number of injured mining slaves is also increasing day by day. Qingfu is the only witch doctor in the Cold River Valley who is proficient in witch doctors and medicine. She is very busy these days. Every day A large amount of life-saving medicine must be prepared.

Seeing Ji Hao forcefully dragging Ji Xia over, Qing Fu smiled and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Hao, don't disturb your father, the serious business of the mine is important. If you have nothing to do, ask your uncle to catch him Let’s play, parrot?”

Ji Hao helped Qing Fu up without saying a word, pulled Ji Xia and Qing Fu into his wooden house, and carefully closed the door.

Ji Xia and Qing Fu's expressions became serious. Ji Xia lowered her voice subconsciously: "Hao, what's the matter? Did you find anything wrong?"

Ji Hao took out the medicine bottle given by Abao from his sleeve and handed it to Qing Fu: "Emma, look, this is the medicine that Abao gave to me before he left... witch medicine! He said this It’s something his elders gave him to save his life, and it’s good for Abba and Eminem’s injuries.”

Qingfu looked at Ji Hao in surprise and shook his head with a smile: "Hao... Amu and your father's witch points were broken and their blood was injured. They want to heal the wounds. Ordinary witch medicine can..."

The stopper of the medicine bottle was pulled out, and wisps of bright golden light came out from the medicine bottle like golden needles. Qing Fu suppressed all the words he didn't finish, and poured out two pills from the medicine bottle in shock. People become demented.

Two golden elixirs the size of sparrow eggs were spinning in the palm of Qingfu's palm. A trace of warm golden light kept pouring out of the elixirs. A trace of glowing aura surrounded the elixirs. The elixirs were visible to the naked eye. There are nine purple pill patterns shaped like little dragons running back and forth like living creatures.

"This witch medicine... is alive?" Qing Fu looked at the pills with distracted eyes. The appearance of these two pills completely overturned Qing Fu's understanding of witch medicine. None of the witch medicines in the Southern Wilderness have such an appearance. This is a completely different existence.

"Amu, I don't care if he lives or dies, just eat it!" Ji Hao ignored everything and grabbed a pill and stuffed it into Qingfu's mouth.

Ji Xia laughed loudly and without any urging from Ji Hao, he grabbed another pill and threw it into his mouth.

Ji Hao didn't know the effectiveness of this pill, nor did he know how it tasted. He just watched helplessly as a faint, extremely gorgeous purple-gold glow suddenly appeared on Ji Xia and Qing Fu's faces.

The energy of purple clouds appeared and disappeared, repeated nine times between birth and death. In the sound of "chichi", wisps of purple mist poured out from the heads of Ji Xia and Qingfu, and condensed into a flower about ten feet in diameter above their heads. Purple clouds shaped like Ganoderma lucidum.

A strange aura shimmered on Ji Xia and Qing Fu's skin, and a large amount of thick black blood continued to seep out of their pores.

Ji Xia's body, which was originally as withered as a skeleton, only skin and bones, expanded as if inflated, and her flesh and blood quickly became plump and plump. Also haggard and haggard, the green-bodied appearance of a forty-year-old woman changed rapidly. The gray hair on the temples turned dark and shiny in the blink of an eye, and the face also rapidly changed into the dewy appearance of a twenty-eight-year-old girl.

"It seems, it seems to be of some use!" Ji Xia stammered: "Hao, dad's witch points, those broken witch points, seem to have feelings!"

"There are four more pills left, hurry up and take them all!" Ji Hao didn't care so much, took out the remaining four pills and quickly stuffed them into Ji Xia and Qing Fu's mouths.

Qingfu was so anxious that he stamped his feet: "Hao, leave one for Eminem to take a closer look at."

But Ji Hao couldn't care less about Qing Fu's research spirit and forced the pills to Qing Fu as quickly as possible.

Qing Fu snorted, no longer caring about complaining about Ji Hao, and sat on the ground like Ji Xia, his body trembling violently.

Red light and green light reflected each other in the wooden house. Ji Xia's body was surrounded by a ball of golden red fire, and Qing Fu was wrapped in a cocoon made of countless vines that grew out of thin air.

After an unknown amount of time, a flame above Ji Xia's head condensed into a three-legged fire crow.

Following the slight chirping of the three-legged fire crow, a green air swirled rapidly above Qingfu's head, and a beautiful Qingluan slowly appeared.

Ji Hao laughed loudly, and the shadow that had accumulated in his heart due to his parents' injuries since childhood was swept away, and his heart suddenly became ethereal and clear.

Amidst the laughter, Ji Hao sat cross-legged on the ground and worked wholeheartedly on the Heaven-Mending Technique. The colorful flames suddenly became several times more active than usual, and began to devour and transform the great witch essence and blood obtained from Ji Xiao at full speed with nearly ten times the efficiency!

There was a roar in his body, and the obstacles in Ji Hao's heart were cleared. At the same time, he could no longer suppress the power of his body, and he finally fully activated the power of his blood. A piece of fire slowly emerged behind him, and two narrow flaming eyes slowly emerged from the fire.

(End of chapter)