The Magus Era

Chapter 57: Awakening


The fire was blazing and the soul was flying. Ji Hao fell into a dreamlike and confusing state.

In the clear, distant blue sky with no visible edge, dozens of three-legged golden crows with wingspans of hundreds of miles were quietly suspended in the air. Around each Golden Crow, there is a circle of golden fire surrounding them. The golden halo shines in the sky, like orbs dotting the blue sky.

Under the blue sky, there are overlapping mountains and primeval jungles covered by clouds and fog.

Tens of thousands of naked, messy-haired humans stood on the top of the mountain, holding up the bloody prey with their hands, looking desperately at the motionless Golden Crow above the blue sky.

An old man with pale hair and beard raised his hands tremblingly, with blood hanging from the corners of his mouth, shouting at the top of his lungs to the largest Golden Crow: "Elves bred by heaven and earth, please have mercy on us weak and humble people!"

"We don't have sharp claws or strong strength, so we can't fight the animals that prey on us."

"We don't have sharp eyes or huge wings, and we can't escape all kinds of fatal dangers in time."

"We can't find enough food, and our tribesmen are starving to death one after another; we can't find shelter, and wind, rain, frost, and snow keep our tribesmen falling; the mountains and forests are too dangerous for us, and too many of our tribesmen have died. It’s unclear.”

The largest Golden Crow slowly lowered his head and looked at the white-haired old man calmly with wise eyes: "The ethnic group favored by heaven and earth, the blood descendants of the most powerful dragon and phoenix brothers... people, we can help you again. what?"

"Strength, and hope!" The white-haired old man shouted hoarsely: "We just need the strength to live!"

The Golden Crows were indifferent and just looked at the humans on the mountains quietly.

A bloodthirsty roar came from the forest, and a saber-toothed tiger roared out, swatting a dozen weak humans to death with one claw. After swallowing them, he burped with satisfaction and slowly returned to the forest.

A large, colorful snake as thick as a water tank swam out of the mountain forest. It breathed lightly at the crowd, and dozens of humans cried and were sucked into the snake's mouth and swallowed whole.

A large group of ferocious vultures ignored the golden crows that were suspended high in the air and did not release any breath. They swept over with a 'quacking' cry, grabbed one or two humans, and flew triumphantly to a high mountain in the distance.

"Strength, and hope." The leader of the Golden Crow sighed softly: "We give you strength, let us share your hope."

"Under the witness of heaven and earth, let us make an unbreakable oath. The blood of the Golden Crow clan gives you strength and protects you to thrive in this mountain forest; and you protect our souls so that we...can escape from that place. The terrible eternal darkness.”

The Golden Crows looked up to the sky and roared at the same time. Their bodies were burning fiercely. From the roots of their feathers, countless golden blood seeped out, turning into golden fire crows the size of human heads, roaring and falling downwards.

The humans standing on the mountains opened their arms and chests to welcome these falling golden fire crows.

The Fire Crow, transformed from the Golden Crow's essence and blood, seeped into the chests of humans, turning into golden heat that rapidly shuttled through their bodies. Among the countless meridians that are densely packed and crisscrossed in the human body, dozens of originally dim meridians gradually light up.

Traces of golden torrent continuously seeped into these lit meridians, and the terrible heat ignited these meridians. As the golden torrent washed away, little by little mung bean-sized witch points on these burning meridians gradually lit up.

At first glance, the totem outlined by the dozens of meridians that light up in the human body is roughly 80% to 90% similar to a three-legged fire crow.

The humans on the mountains burned, their bodies were enveloped in a faint golden flame, the fire became more and more intense, and the surface of their bodies lit up little by little. Their witch acupoints quickly opened up under the wash of the essence and blood of the Golden Crow. Nourished by the essence and blood of the first generation of the ancient Golden Crow, which contained infinite power, their witch acupoints became extremely powerful in just a few dozen breaths.

There are dozens of meridians, and each meridian has dozens to hundreds of witch points of varying sizes.

All the witch caves were opened and powerful at the same moment, and golden flames spurted out from the opened witch caves, turning tens of thousands of humans standing on the mountain into golden burning men.

A black tiger with two wings on its back roared out of the mountain forest and pounced on the 'weak' humans as usual.

But this time, the humans who were usually hunted by it suddenly let out loud roars. A human whose body size had more than doubled, and whose height swelled to nearly five meters, rushed towards the black tiger with long strides, and fiercely attacked the black tiger. He punched Black Tiger in the head.

The black tiger exploded into sparks all over the sky.

A stream of rushing flames spurted out from the fist raised by this human being, like a lava river that shot out dozens of miles away and landed heavily on a large mountain in the distance. The tens of thousands of feet high mountain suddenly collapsed and melted, leaving only a large crater hundreds of miles in diameter with boiling magma.

"Power!" All humans raised their hands at the same time and gave a thunderous cheer to the Golden Crow suspended in the sky.

The leader of the Golden Crow calmly looked at the ecstatic crowd, and suddenly his voice resounded throughout the world: "People, listen to me... you gave up your endless possibilities and chose to inherit the power of the Golden Crow clan, so from today on, You must claim to be descendants of the Golden Crow clan, you must build altars, worship us, offer sacrifices to us on time, and you must always praise the name of my Golden Crow clan!”

Between the sky and the earth, traces of purple and golden mist emerged out of thin air and flowed towards the dozens of golden crows suspended in the air.

The Golden Crows happily opened their mouths and swallowed the purple and golden mist. Their bodies became larger, the fire around them became brighter, and the divine light shining in their eyes became more and more wise and profound, as if they were high above. The gods are inviolable.

"The people of the Fire Crow Tribe are not descendants of the Golden Crow Clan. Our ancestors just received a drop of blood essence from them, imitated the Golden Crow's mana veins, and obtained the Golden Crow Clan's cultivation methods."

"Humans are people. The meridians in the human body are endless, but the meridians in the Golden Crow's body only have a few dozen. The potential of human beings is more than a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times more powerful than that of the Golden Crow clan?"

"You can never rely on external forces. The true Dharma can only be sought from yourself!"

With a calm smile, Ji Hao suddenly realized that the external magic of the Golden Crow clan was not enough to make him truly powerful. If he wanted to become powerful, he had to rely on his own practice and hard work to truly tap into the endless potential in the human body. .

His eyes were filled with fire. When he opened his eyes, the energy and blood all over his body were rushing like a tide, and dozens of blood vessels in his body were burning at the same time. His eyes felt sharp pain, his feet felt hot, and there was a blazing flame in his chest.

With a 'hoo' sound, the intense flame behind Ji Hao exploded, and a complete three-legged fire crow silhouette slowly spread its wings in the firelight.

With the powerful blood essence of the Great Witch, Ji Hao jumped over the eleventh and twelfth levels of the Witch Realm in one fell swoop, fully activated all the Golden Crow bloodlines in an instant, awakened the three innate magical powers of the Golden Crow clan, and entered the secret realm of the Little Witch.


Okay, this is a little explanation about 'bloodline inheritance'.

All of the Southern Wilderness bloodline power does not mean that they are the descendants of a mixture of powerful creatures and humans.

Rather, they received power inheritance from some powerful creature, and at the same time inherited their unique secret cultivation method.

The content of this chapter involves a big pitfall of this article.

Therefore, I warmly ask for recommendation votes!

(End of chapter)