The Magus Era

Chapter 59: Break the plan


A dozen ugly men with light green skin and large stripes were running around in the dense forest.

They screamed and cursed, turned their heads from time to time, and fired hard at Ji Hao with strange-shaped weapons that looked like hard crossbows.

Metal projectiles the size of fists burst through the air. The projectiles were filled with either dense thorns of quenched poison, thunder, lightning, or ice hurricanes. Each projectile exploded, and more than a dozen towering ancient trees were blown to pieces. .

However, a pair of fiery red wings on Ji Hao's back vibrated gently, and when his feet moved, his body brought up afterimages, and he easily avoided the incoming projectiles. Amidst the loud rumbling sound, the jungle was blown into pieces, but Ji Hao was not injured even a hair.

"Run, run away!"

The ugly men screamed in exclamation. Sometimes, like hyenas, they would suddenly get on all fours and run forward in a strange manner. Whenever they ran away in this way, their speed would suddenly more than double.

But Ji Hao was hanging far behind their butts, and no matter how much they ran, they could not escape Ji Hao's pursuit.

After running away for half an hour, there was a sudden light in front of them. The dense forest suddenly disappeared at this point, and the bright skylight shone down without any obstruction.

The sound of "rumbling" water makes people's internal organs tremble. Thick water vapor rushes straight into the sky. The sun shines on the thin mist. A dozen small rainbows tremble violently in the mist with the mountain wind. .

A fast-flowing river tore through the jungle. The river was more than twenty miles wide. Just in front of Ji Hao, the river bed suddenly broke here, and a cliff thousands of feet high appeared. The rolling river plunged from the cliff and turned into a majestic waterfall here.

The creation of heaven and earth is mysterious. Above such a magnificent waterfall, an old banyan tree that has grown for unknown years stretches crookedly from this side of the river bed for more than 20 miles, firmly across the waterfall, and connects countless The air roots are firmly rooted on the other side.

This old banyan tree with strong vitality actually built a rainbow bridge over such a big river and such a waterfall.

What is even more shocking is that it is not known whether it is man-made or natural. There are more than a dozen suspended peaks with a radius of less than ten feet at the smallest and seven or eight miles in size at the largest. They are covered by this big banyan tree, which is as thick as a hundred people can hug it. Tangled with dense air roots, these peaks can no longer float around and are now suspended above the waterfall.

The mountain wind roared, and these suspended peaks swayed gently in the air several miles above the ground.

The aerial roots of tens of thousands of old banyan trees are pulled straight by these mountain peaks. The mountain wind passes through the aerial roots, and the straight roots make a sound as clear as the Yao Qin.

The ugly men who fled jumped on the old banyan tree and fled to the other side of the river with a "chirp" sound. Finally, the ugly man at the back turned over, raised his hand, and shot six fist-sized fiery red projectiles in Ji Hao's direction.

The metal projectiles exploded with a bang, turning the mountain forest within a hundred feet into a sea of fire. Countless giant trees collapsed, and raging shock waves swept out, stirring up large waterfalls and turning into dozens of circular neon lights in mid-air.

Ji Hao strode into the sea of fire without fear. An invisible force field surrounded him. Before all the flames could get close to him, they were distorted and expelled by the force field. A layer of dim fire light shook violently three feet outside his body. Ji Hao He easily crossed the fire scene and stood at the edge of the dense forest, smiling and waving to those ugly men.

"Let's go, don't send me away!"

After a slight pause, Ji Hao laughed loudly and said: "Tell the people behind you that if you want to lure me out, you can find a few young and beautiful girls to lure you idiots who are as ugly as plucked orangutans out. Is it because you are disgusting?"

The ugly men who had already sprinted more than a hundred feet on the old banyan tree were dumbfounded. They turned around at a loss and looked at Ji Hao blankly.

This, doesn't this go with their plan? This is not how the script was written. Why did Ji Hao just stand on the edge of the dense forest and stop chasing him

On the other side of the river, a dozen Jia warriors wearing heavy armor suddenly sprang out of the dense forest. They were holding ropes and large nets, looking at this side angrily and yelling with gritted teeth. There were even a few grumpy Jia warriors who raised their heavy weapons and swung them fiercely at the jungle around them. Hundreds of big trees were immediately uprooted and violently blasted into pieces by these guys.

Above the old banyan tree, on a suspended mountain with a radius of a hundred feet, Di Cha, who was dressed in rich clothes, sneered, turned around and left.

"Honored Witch Ji, you didn't say this little guy is so shrewd! He doesn't look like a child from your Southern Wilderness tribe at all. His cunning and shrewdness are comparable to those of our young people from the Yu tribe. "

"You need to pay more, or you can find a way to lure this doll out of that damn valley yourself."

Jiang Wei stood aside, gritting his teeth and growling in a low voice: "Di Cha, you have so many people under your command, and I gave you such a generous reward, you..."

Di Cha interrupted Jiang Yu's words simply: "Honorable Witch Sacrifice, since we are old friends, you should know my code of conduct - the soldiers of the Blood Fang Regiment do not belong to me, but to the one behind me. Your noble lord, so I will never take risks with their lives!”

"Di Luo was persuaded by your sweet words. He took an adventure, so he lost an eyeball and an arm. This was the result of his adventure. And I, as my brother who is nearly five hundred years older than him, I just Wouldn’t do something so stupid.”

"On the territory of the Fire Crow Tribe, storming a military fortress guarded by tens of thousands of elites and guarded by an old man? Am I so stupid? I will never let my soldiers fight for your personal grudges. sacrifice."

Di Cha smiled frivolously and whispered: "Or, why don't you just take action yourself? As long as you kill the fire crow above that kid's head, I'm sure to capture him alive now."

Jiang Yu fell into deep thought, then shook his head. Kill Crow Lord? The fire crows raised by the Fire Crow Department have become extinct in flight. The war beasts raised by the Bi Fang Department, Bi Fang, are no match for them. It is really too difficult to kill them.

Di Luo, whose eyes and arms had grown back, sprang out of the dense forest, angrily pointing at Ji Hao on the other side of the river and shouting.

More Jia warriors came out with nearly a thousand dark-skinned servants. They jumped on the big banyan tree and quickly chased Ji Hao.

But soon these Jia tribe warriors stopped, because Lord Crow had slowly fallen from the sky, grabbing Ji Hao's shoulders and pulling him up into the air. None of these Jia warriors could fly with their own strength. Facing an enemy at high altitude, they could only do nothing.

Ji Hao looked at Di Luo on the other side of the river and smiled: "Di Luo, right? It's a bit too whimsical to use such a small method to deal with me, isn't it?"

After laughing a few times, Crow Master pulled Ji Hao and flew straight up, turning into a stream of light and flying quickly towards the direction of Lengxi Valley.

Turning over on Crow Crow's back, Ji Hao's smile suddenly turned gloomy.

Di Luo actually led a large group of subordinates to patrol around the Cold River Valley. They, or the people behind them, still had not given up!

This time they used a trick to lure the enemy against Ji Hao, but Ji Hao easily destroyed it. However, the other tribesmen of the Fire Crow Tribe or the Qing Yi Tribe were not as smart as Ji Hao. If someone fell into the trap and was captured alive, then It’s so annoying.

(End of chapter)