The Magus Era

Chapter 60: Ask for help


Outside the Cold River Valley, people from the Blood Fang Group appeared again.

Not only Ji Xia, but also Ji Yao was furious. He personally led the contracted crow to search the nearby mountains and forests, but could not find any trace of the Blood Fang Group. After a few days of busy work, Ji Yao could only proudly boast to Ji Hao that the people of the Blood Fang Group were so intimidated by their reputation that they were far away.

Ji Hao didn't think things were that simple, but he couldn't find any evidence to expose the Blood Fang Group's conspiracy, so he could only bury all his doubts in his heart.

For the next half month, Cold Creek Valley was extremely quiet, and nothing happened.

Ji Hao also seemed to have returned to Jinwu Ridge, living and practicing according to a fixed schedule every day.

In the early morning, before the sun rose, I would go to the top of the mountain to practice qi and meditate, temper the Zifu Yuan Dan, and wait for the ray of pure Yang purple qi at sunrise.

After practicing in the morning, he and Qingying accompanied him and led hundreds of clan warriors to hunt in the mountains and forests to provide the cold stream valley with the meat they needed.

After devouring a large amount of ferocious beast meat at noon, he spent the afternoon working out his strength and tempering his body in the cold stream valley. In just half a month, the fluctuating energy and blood after breaking through the Little Witch Realm has been completely stabilized. A large amount of refined blood essence is fused with the Fire Crow bloodline every day. The power of the Golden Crow increases every day, and the power of the three major innate magical powers is the same. It is improving steadily every day.

At night, Ji Hao either learned the art of tempering witch medicine with Qing Fu, or practiced with them in actual combat under the guidance of Ji Luo and Ji Xia.

Ji Yao and Ji Xia are the representative figures of the Southern Wilderness tribe warriors. They have no fixed fighting techniques. Each of their blows follows physical instinct, imitating the ferocious birds and beasts in the mountains and forests. What they focus on is using the fastest speed, The shortest attack route and the most efficient way to kill the enemy.

Under the almost rigorous training of Ji Yao and Ji Xia, Ji Hao's exquisite and complex fighting skills like works of art in his previous life gradually lost their flashiness, and became mature, ruthless, and decisive day by day.

The combat skills of the previous life and the killing instinct of this life were gradually kneaded and fused by Ji Hao's powerful soul power, and gradually transformed into a unique and terrifying 'combat skill' unique to Ji Hao. In just half a month of dedicated training, Ji Hao's combat effectiveness and destructive power were increased by more than ten times without making much breakthrough in his cultivation.

This day, dusk.

Ji Hao stood on the wall of the Cold River Valley, using a small branch to tease a two-headed snake that was all silver with black ring markings.

The venomous snake, which is over 10 feet long, is agile and moves like the wind, with its body twisting and twisting weirdly and making it difficult to prevent. But Ji Hao stared at the poisonous snake with empty eyes. The eight-foot-long, thumb-thick branch in his hand lightly tapped the snake. No matter how wildly the two-headed snake pounced, it could never get even half a step closer to Ji Hao. , can only flapping back and forth more than ten feet away from him.

A large group of warriors from the Fire Crow Tribe and Qing Yi Tribe surrounded Ji Hao, tut-tutting in admiration.

"As expected of the cub of Brother Ji Xia and Sister Qing Fu. Such a young little witch. Bi Fang doesn't have such a powerful baby, right?"

"Ah, compared to this baby Hao, I am too shameless to see anyone. I am ten years older than Hao, and I am still at the twelfth level of the shaman realm this year!"

"Isn't that right? I can kill this two-headed black-ringed viper with an axe, but I don't dare or can't play with this poisonous insect like this!"

Amid the admiration, on an arrow tower rising more than ten feet high, a Qingyi warrior suddenly screamed, leaned out half of his body from the arrow tower, and pointed hard at the dense forest ahead. deep.

"Hey, there's something moving over there! I saw the reflection of the sunlight on the human blood. It's fresh human blood. Someone is injured there!"

The sound of "clatter" came, and in the forest a few miles away, a nest of tree sparrows flew into the sky in panic. The soldiers on the parapet were shouting one after another, and the tree sparrows were alarmed for no reason. Someone must be running quickly in the jungle to fight.

Ji Hao took a deep breath and stabbed forward with the branch in his hand. With two "snap" sounds, the two heads of the double-headed venomous snake were smashed to pieces. Kicking the viper's squirming body off the guard wall, Ji Hao jumped up more than ten feet, grabbed a guard post protruding from the arrow tower, turned over and rushed into the arrow tower.

'Yo~yo~', the Fire Crow warriors on the wall let out a long cry.

In the jungle of the Southern Wilderness, this long and monotonous cry means that this is a place owned by the owner. If it is an enemy, please do not invade here randomly; at the same time, the cry with a special rhythm also guides the direction. If it is one's own clansmen or partners, , they can follow the guidance of the cry and come here.

The sound of branches breaking could be heard endlessly. After about ten breaths, with a "whoosh", a figure covered in blood staggered out of the dense forest, sprinkling large amounts of blood along the way and shaking. The son ran towards the entrance of Cold Creek Valley.

This man had just rushed out more than ten feet away, and was still more than two miles away from Lengxi Valley. Ji Hao's eyes flickered with fire, and his Golden Crow Divine Eyes opened, and he could see his appearance clearly - this man had his chest exposed and was full of blood. On his long-haired chest, a flaming leopard totem was tattooed with blood-colored dye.

The Fire Leopard Tribe is a medium-sized tribe that takes shelter under the Fire Crow Tribe. Their territory happens to be located in the northernmost part of the Fire Crow Tribe's territory. The people are brave and good at fighting, and they have an extremely close relationship with the Fire Crow Tribe. For many years, in the conflicts between the Fire Crow Tribe and the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe, the Fire Leopard Tribe soldiers often acted as the vanguard and charged at the front.

"He's a brother of the Fire Leopard Tribe!" Ji Hao leaned out half of his body from the arrow tower and shouted to the tribesmen on the wall below: "Go and save him!"

A loud roar sounded, and a dozen Fire Crow warriors mounted their war beasts, jumped directly from the wall, and faced the Fire Leopard soldier who was covered in blood as quickly as possible. Go up.


From the dense forest behind the Fire Leopard Soldiers, there was a screeching sound and two "chichi" sounds. Two arrows shot out from the dense forest and arrived behind the Fire Leopard Soldiers almost in the blink of an eye.

"Are you qualified to use arrows in front of me, Qingying? I, Qingying, am the most handsome archer in the Qingyi tribe, and the youngest great witch in the history of the Qingyi tribe!" Qingying's stinking voice came from afar. , accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking through the air, a green arrow shot out, and it arrived behind the Fire Leopard soldiers in an instant.

The green arrow circled in an arc and knocked two arrows to the ground lightly.

The Fire Leopard Soldier staggered and fell to the ground. His head made a big crater on the ground and splashed a large amount of dust.

Looking up in embarrassment, the bearded warrior screamed: "Save my tribe! The bastards from the Blood Crocodile Department and the Ghost Frog Department are teaming up to attack my tribe! Oh my God, a few days ago , all the young warriors of our tribe were taken away by the Golden Crow Ridge!"

The soldiers of the Fire Crow Division heard the big man's cry and roared loudly and angrily.


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(End of chapter)