The Magus Era

Chapter 7: parents


While Ji Hao was eating as much as he wanted, Ji Xia and Qing Fu stood by the bedroom door, looking at Ji Hao quietly through the crack in the door.

Qing Fu smiled softly when he saw that Ji Hao had eaten up all the meat in the house, especially the moment when his aura broke through.

Ji Xia grinned, and her huge body passed through the window silently. After a few ups and downs, she slipped into the dark jungle without alerting anyone. After running all the way out, Ji Xia muttered in a low voice: "It's better if you can eat. Eat more to have strength and be like a man!"

After a slight pause, Ji Xia chuckled softly: "As expected, he is my Ji Xia's son. He has been obsessed with things since he was a child. What did he learn from the shaman priests? No matter what, it is always a good thing. It’s my Ji Xia’s son!”

The sun has not yet risen, mist has enveloped the mountains and forests, and there is already a commotion in the Fire Crow Department's station.

The giant green mulberry trees on Jinwu Ridge emitted red glow, and nearly a thousand giant crows flapped their flaming wings and soared into the sky, shouting happily and flying in all directions. In the mulberry forest in the camp, countless small fire crows were chirping, like a dark cloud rising into the sky, circling and dancing around Jinwu Ridge.

The adult warriors of the Fire Crow Tribe, armed with spears and axes and riding their own war beasts, walked into the jungle in groups to start a day of hunting.

The women of the tribe happily kicked their children out of the house and started a busy day. The animal skins hunted yesterday need to be processed, the metal ores dug out by the mining slaves need to be sorted, and a large amount of natural plant fibers need to be processed. There is always a lot of work for such a large tribe.

Ji Hao stood on the roof of his house, facing the gradually brightening east, his chest and abdomen slowly rising and falling, traces of lavender heat shot rapidly from the extremely distant eastern sky, and Ji Hao inhaled it into his body cautiously and unusually with small mouthfuls.

Silently reciting the nine-character mantra of "Lin, Bing, Du, Zhe, Jie, Formation, Row, Front, and Line", with his hands on his chest changing the seals like running water, the first ray of pure Yang purple energy that naturally breeds between heaven and earth before dawn is slowly absorbed. The body absorbs it and turns it into dense air that blends into the soul. His mental strength slowly increased, and hot sweat dripped down Ji Hao's forehead.

Before last night, Ji Hao could only absorb a trace of pure Yang purple energy every morning, and his body and soul were overwhelmed. But with dragon blood to temper his body and phoenix blood to temper his soul, early this morning, Ji Hao had absorbed a full thirty-six rays of pure Yang purple energy, but he still had not reached the limit.

"It's wonderful!" Ji Hao's heart was full of joy, and there was a faint ray of fire rushing out of his head. The deal with Phantom, at least from now on, is not a wrong choice.

'Hao', 'eldest brother'!

Accompanied by loud shouts, hundreds of children slightly younger than Ji Hao carried boulders the size of hills and ran past Ji Hao's house in neat steps. Seeing Ji Hao standing on the roof in a daze as usual, the children shouted loudly.

Ji Hao put away his skills, calmed down the raging breath in his chest, and waved to these children with a smile.

Hundreds of children rushed past. On the boulders on their shoulders, the runes carved by the shamans shone with earthy yellow light, making these boulders dozens of times heavier than their actual weight. The children ran past carrying boulders, their footsteps sounded like thunder, and sweat continued to slide down their rough skin.

"Ah, these little guys will soon become first-level shamans and qualified warriors!" Ji Hao looked at these dolls from the Fire Crow Department and admired them sincerely.

Cultivation in the shaman realm is a pure process of exercising the body and strengthening the foundation.

Take the densest and hardest green steel rock in the Southern Wasteland and carve out a stone with a length, width and height of three feet. The weight of such a huge stone is the power of 'one stone'. The shaman on the first level has the power of ten thousand stones! The shaman on the second level has a huge strength of 20,000 stones!

After Ji Hao broke through last night, he was already at the fourth level of the shaman realm, and his pure physical strength was as much as 40,000 stones.

"It's just that Ji Wu's strength..." Ji Hao looked at the children running away, frowning and lost in thought.

In the brief exchange with Ji Wu in the meeting hall, Ji Wu had a strong vision of fire. This was clearly a sign that his physical strength had reached the tenth level and was beginning to break through the last two realms of the shaman realm, stimulating the innate blood power.

With Ji Hao's current strength at the fourth level, it is not difficult to gain some advantage through magic changes, but it is still a bit difficult to defeat Ji Wu whose strength is much greater than his own. Not to mention, after defeating Ji Wu, he would still have to face the persecution of Ji Shu and others.

"These days, we have to find more powerful beasts to eat." Ji Hao said silently to himself: "Can you ask Duke Crow to help? Duke Crow is a powerful person in the Great Witch Realm. If he can kill a hundred prey in the Little Witch Realm, swallow Go down..."

While I was thinking about it, a strange smell of meat wafted up.

Qingfu walked into the yard, raised his head and waved to Ji Hao: "Hao, come down. Your father went hunting for a prey early in the morning to replenish your body."

Ji Hao glanced at Qing Fu in astonishment and hurriedly jumped off the roof.

The huge head of Ji Xia's war beast, the Bronze-skinned Bear, blocked the door of the hall, and saliva dripped from its gaping mouth. It lay on the ground, whining, coquettishly like a child.

Ji Xia, who was sitting by the fire pit in the hall and grilling prey, grabbed a thigh-thick piece of firewood and threw it out fiercely. With a miserable howl, the firewood hit the fat bear's head, and his fat body rolled out dozens of feet like a ball.

"Get away, fat bear!" Ji Xia shouted in a low voice: "You know how to eat all day long. Sooner or later, one day, you will be so fat that you can't run. I can only kill you and eat meat, and then choose A war beast."

Ji Hao walked into the hall while shouting and cursing, looking at the prey on the firepit.

Judging from the appearance, this is a big snake. But the muscles of this big snake have a strange fluorescence, the muscles, aponeurosis, and tendons are faintly translucent, and the bones are as dense as steel, emitting a sharp cold light in the firelight. Muscles are like jade and bones are like steel. This is the physical appearance of the peak of the shaman realm.

Ji Hao knew very well that within thousands of miles around Jinwu Ridge, there were endless common ferocious birds and beasts, but the prey at the peak of the shaman realm were very few. Usually a large group of tribesmen would go hunting in the mountains and forests, and they might not encounter one in two or three months. Prey of this caliber.

"Abba!" Ji Hao walked to the fire pit and sat down.

"Hao!" Ji Xia glanced at Ji Hao and grinned: "You ate all the meat at home last night. My father was afraid that you were still hungry, so he hunted a white-spotted python and brought it back."

The white-spotted python is a highly poisonous creature at the peak of the shaman realm. It moves like the wind, moves in mysterious ways, and is extremely difficult to catch. At the same time, the bone marrow of the white-spotted python is extremely powerful, and it is best at replenishing vitality and replenishing the power of essence and blood.

Qingfu walked in and gently touched Ji Hao's head: "Hao, you ate so much last night, it's because your strength has broken through. This is a good thing. You have just broken through a level of strength, so you must eat more." Only by eating can we replenish our strength."

Ji Xia and Qing Fu looked at Ji Hao with smiles, without any intention of asking what happened last night.

Ji Hao looked at Ji Xia and Qing Fu, the corners of his eyes burning slightly, and waves of warmth rippling in his heart. Never ask why, just silently protect yourself and provide yourself with everything you need. Is this the true meaning of 'parents'

"Well, I'm really hungry. Abba, Amu, I'll eat it!" Ji Hao laughed a few times, grabbed a stone knife inserted into the white-spotted python, and quickly chopped off a section of the bucket. The thick snake tail was swallowed into the belly with bones and meat.

The multicolored flames in his lower abdomen suddenly lit up, and the snake bones and snake meat simultaneously turned into heat and poured into the multicolored flames. In the blink of an eye, streaks of multicolored light spurted out and continuously integrated into Ji Hao's body.

Visible to the naked eye, the muscles under Ji Hao's skin rippled like water waves, and his bones made a crunching sound.

Ji Xia and Qing Fu laughed happily. Ji Xia touched her chin and said, "Well, it's a good thing to be able to eat. Hao, eat more. As much as you want, my father can find good things for you."

Qing Fu smiled and gently stroked Ji Hao's head.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door of the courtyard, and a delicate, somewhat artificial voice slowly sounded: "Is the Qingfu Witch Festival here? I want to ask Sister Qingfu for advice on potions."

(End of chapter)