The Magus Era

Chapter 91: Open the sky


Yingyan was easily killed like this

Yingyan was easily killed like this!

Ji Hao looked at the blood moon above his head with a cold look, and was speechless for a long time.

He slowly put Manman, who was also stiff, on the ground. The little girl's face was already full of tears. She blinked her eyes desperately and looked at Yingyan's body: "Lao Yan, wuwu... Lao Yan... I will never bully you again. You have grandchildren... wuwu, don’t die!"

Manman, who was crying silently, tightly grasped Ji Hao's arm with both hands, and his natural terrifying brute force made Ji Hao's muscles and bones crack. If Ji Hao hadn't just absorbed a large amount of earth essence milk and a piece of earth essence crystal, Manman would have broken his arm long ago.

Despite this, Ji Hao's arm was still in excruciating pain, awakening him from the deepest despair and forcing him to concentrate all his attention.

"Give it to me, break it open!" Ji Hao roared angrily, drank a secret mantra, and a ball of fire surged in his right hand. The crimson fire changed wonderfully under the control of the Nine-Character Mantra Sutra, absorbing the freedom between heaven and earth. After absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, it condensed into a ball of red lightning the size of a human head, and struck a trace of blood a hundred feet away behind him.

There was a loud noise, and lightning exploded on the blood.

The seemingly hazy and weak blood remained motionless, and the fire and thunder exploded, large firelights and electric rays shot out, and a rolling heat wave hit his face, causing Ji Hao's long hair to stand up straight on the back of his head.

"It's useless, idiot!" Di Luo crushed the rose flower in his hand into pieces, pointed at Ji Hao and yelled extremely wildly: "It's useless! This is the 'Blood Moon Ghost Killing Formation', it is a cultivator The great craftsmen of our Blood Moon lineage have forged a battle-level magic formation for our Blood Fang Group. It is impossible for you to break through the blockade of this formation, so you can only surrender obediently!"

Di Luo pulled out a long sword and pointed at Ji Hao fiercely: "I remember, you cut off my arm and gouged out my eyes. Savage indigenous creature, how did you abuse me? Yes, I will come back with a hundredfold or a thousandfold revenge!"

Manman's guards ran down the steps one after another. They stood in a semicircle, blocking Ji Hao and Manman behind them.

One of the guards shouted in a low voice: "Little master, find a way to leave, let's stop these guys."

Manman's pretty face felt ugly for a while, and she slowly took out the token she had used to seriously injure the mountain god not long ago, and whispered: "There is no sun, and the token my father gave me did not replenish the sun's true fire, so it is useless... Usually... I thought it was too much trouble to carry around the treasures my father and mother gave me, so I didn’t even take them with me."

The faces of the dozen guards suddenly turned pale, and their eyes were filled with endless despair.

'Haha.' A sharp laugh came suddenly. Jiang Yu, who was dressed in fine clothes and acted coquettishly, slowly walked out of the blood mist, holding a bloody head in one hand and threw it down from the steps. With a "dong dong" sound, the head rolled down the steps, sprinkling a large amount of semi-solidified blood along the way.

More than a hundred dark-skinned servants of the Blood Fang Regiment walked out with strange smiles. They carried a large number of heads in their hands and dropped them one by one from the stone steps. Thousands of heads rolled down the steps with a "dong-dong" sound. The scene was like a nightmare, and Ji Hao felt a wave of evil in his heart suddenly rush to the top of his head.

These are the three thousand young men from the Fire Crow Tribe brought by Ji Hao, and they are all dead!

They were all killed and their heads chopped off.

Looking at their bloody faces, we can see how desperate and fearful the teenagers were before they died.

"Jiang~~~Yao~~~" Ji Hao had veins all over his body. He shouted hoarsely, pointing at Jiang Wei: "I must kill you bitch! There are also Ji Shu and Jiang Bo who have something to do with you. No one will survive!"

Jiang Wei twisted her slender waist and stood beside Di Luo with a smile. She smiled coquettishly and raised her finger at Ji Hao: "Want to kill me? Come on, come on! Look, you guys Are you heartbroken that so many cubs from the Fire Crow Division were slaughtered?"

Ji Hao remained silent and just glared at Jiang Wei.

"Scream, scream quickly, hee hee, I know you must be very heartbroken and angry! When A Wu was killed by you, I was so heartbroken and angry too!" Jiang Wei's face gradually distorted, she She screamed at the top of her lungs, and her originally beautiful eyes suddenly became bloodshot and turned into a terrifying scarlet color.

"Do you know how heartbroken I am? My son, Ah Wu, that's my son!" Jiang Wei roared sternly: "Even if he is going to be killed, it can only be me, it can only be me! It shouldn't be It’s you, those lowly Fire Crow tribe idiots!”

"I, Jiang Yu, am the daughter of the great shaman of the Bi Fang tribe. I have noble blood and an extraordinary background. I am the most noble Jiang Yu, and my son is also the most noble person in the world! He was actually killed by a little bastard like you - You're dead!" Jiang Wei was already hysterical and incoherent, her hands convulsing like chicken claws and dancing crazily.

"Escape, struggle, hurry up, use all your methods and all your strength to find a way to escape!" Jiang Wei waved his hands and roared breathlessly: "Despair, cry, I will give you a quarter of an hour. Time, you hurry up and find a way to break the Blood Moon Ghost Killing Formation, and hurry up and cry in despair and kneel down to beg for mercy! If you can't escape, I will kill you!"

Di Luo laughed loudly. He pointed at the blood moon in the sky, and the sharp but invisible blood flashed. The mountain god who opened his hands to block Man Man groaned, and his forehead was pierced. A transparent hole appeared, and the huge body fell heavily to the ground.

The companion beast of the mountain god let out a shrill cry, quickly circled around the mountain god, and kept making sounds like a wounded puppy.

The blood flashed and then flashed, and the guards who stood in front of Manman fell to the ground one after another. Their chests were either pierced, or their lower abdomens were torn open and the wounds of the squirming internal organs could be seen, or their arms and legs were chopped off. When they came down, everyone was seriously injured and fell to the ground, making involuntary cries of pain.

"Quick, Ji Hao, I'll give you time, I'll give you time to break this big formation!" Jiang Wei's face was red, and she was extremely excited and smiled: "Don't say that I am bullying you, as long as you can break this big formation, I will Give you a quarter of an hour to escape!"

Ji Hao roared, he turned around, and dozens of thunder and fire blasts hit the blood.

Crow Crow, who was standing on Ji Hao's shoulder, let out a long cry, flapped his wings and sprayed a pillar of fire on the blood, but the blood remained motionless.

Di Luo snorted, and with a finger, a stream of blood light shot out. A small transparent hole was punched through Crow Lord from his chest to his tail. He fell on Ji Hao's shoulder covered in blood and kept struggling and twitching. .

"Boy, you can only use your own strength, don't borrow the strength of this damn big crow!" Di Luo smiled proudly like a god who dominated everything.

In Ji Hao's soul space, the phantom 'Longlong' spoke:

"Little guy, these days, I have studied your alchemy scriptures and combined with my own strength, I have also figured out some mysteries."

"Relax your mind and let me temporarily take over your body. I can use the 'Open Heaven' technique to help you break through the formation."

Ji Hao gritted his teeth and without any hesitation, all his mental power instantly retracted into the Zifu Yuan Dan.

Xuying took a deep breath and slowly stood up on the white disc. Ji Hao saw him stand up for the first time in so many years.

The shadow made a strange movement, and Ji Hao's body also made this movement. With a slight wave of the shadow, Ji Hao stretched out his right index finger and drew an indescribable arc mysteriously.

The flesh and blood on Ji Hao's fingers exploded, and the finger bones that shone faintly with large amounts of blood lightly scratched the blood that was blocking the way in front of him.


"The Chronicles of the Witch God" is coming to Sanjiang!

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(End of chapter)