The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm

Chapter 109: Extra volume 004 Second Spring 2


Ye Junyan and 004's wedding was scheduled in half a month. During this period, 004 was bound by Ye Junyan's side with high-sounding reasons, and he was not allowed to go to Ye Junge.

Ye Junge didn't care too much, just waited for Ye Yiming to come, and the two teamed up to kidnap 004.

Ye Junyan was furious, but before he had time to chase, he was dragged back by the great elder who was catching up.

"Patriarch, it's not the old man talking about you." The elder said earnestly, "It's better for the two parties not to meet before they get married. Since you have nothing to do now, why don't you follow me back to handle family affairs? You can't always let the old man handle it for you? "

So Ye Junyan's pre-marital holiday was forced to end.

004 didn't know this, but after playing with Ye Junge and the others for a long time, he found that Ye Junyan hadn't come to him yet, and felt something was wrong.

"Junjun? When will Sister Yan come to pick me up?" 004 asked in a low voice.

Ye Junge patted his head: "You can't meet her before you get married, play with me these days, and you won't be so happy after getting married."

"Really?" 004 asked suspiciously.

Ye Junge nodded seriously: "Of course, I won't be called Ye Junge if I lie to you."

004 is relieved.

Ye Yiming was beside him speechless, Sister Qiangwei snickered, her name was not Ye Junge, but Ye Jun, unexpectedly Jun Xiaojun used a pseudonym! Cheating!

"Let's go, arrangements have been made for Qiushui Lake, don't keep my sister waiting." Ye Hao wrapped his arms around Ye Qiang and Ye Wei's neck from left to right, and dragged them forward. The girls with fried hair joined forces and threw it out.

"Little mouse, are you looking for smoke!"

Seeing this, Ye Yiming quickly pulled Ye Junge back three steps to prevent accidental injury.

"These two women are still so violent."

Ye Junge pinched him: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful of being beaten, they will run to Ye Zi to complain."

Thinking of Ye Zi, who was extremely talented and had already reached the semi-god state, Ye Yiming shut up obediently, he was more powerful than others, so let's play it safe for now.

Ye Zi is clearly the same age as Ye Yiming, one is still wandering around as a golden fairy, and the other is already a demigod, it's really more popular than others. Ye Yiming was really talented when he was in the realm of comprehension, but it's really not enough to put it in the outer world where geniuses are everywhere. Ye Yiming's talent was even worse than Ye Junge's by a large margin, so he had to work hard to make up for it.

"Okay, let's go."

Sister Qiangwei made Ye Hao obedient, clapped her hands, restored her gentle look, and smiled softly at Ye Junge and the three of them.

004 silently hid behind Ye Junge.

Then it was pulled out by Ye Yiming.

Ye Junge glared at Ye Yiming, telling him to restrain himself. Ever since 004 became a human, Ye Yiming was very unwilling to let the two of them have any intimate contact, and they were jealous indiscriminately.

The six of them finally arrived at Qiushui Lake, where Ye Zi had been waiting for a long time.

The last time their gathering in the tea house ended without incident, the main reason was that Ye Junge was dragged away by her mother halfway. Although everyone didn't know that it was her mother, but seeing that it was the princess of the Chai family, the three older people were very conscious. The two little ones broke up. So they agreed to meet at another time.

A few days later, they were dragged home by their respective parents, and then went to entertain other friends from the world who came to watch the ceremony, and they didn't make time until today.

004 is not familiar with these people, Ye Yiming is better, after all he has lived in Ye's house for four years. Although Ye Zi and the others were quite unhappy seeing Ye Yiming, they were still harmonious on the surface.

"Isn't it good for me to go?" 004 asked in a low voice, dragging Ye Junge to the back.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Junge smiled, "You just have to be responsible for eating. Ye Zi treats guests today, and you should eat more if you say anything."

"Yes, that's right! Sister is much richer than us, and I must eat her poorly." Ye Hao came over suddenly, startling 004.

Ye Junge gave him a look of contempt: "You still have the nerve to talk? You're a fool."

"Is that enough? Come up and talk?" Ye Zi stood at the bow of the boat and looked at them with arms folded. "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The rich and powerful girl Ye Zi directly bought a luxurious cruise ship. There were not many people on and off the ship, but the service was very appropriate, and she even brought along a very skilled cook.

"Ah!" Ye Qiang and Ye Wei whispered in surprise, "Is that cook the cook Wan from your Ji family?"

There is a girl in the Ji family who is different. She was judged to be the kind who was doomed to be lonely when she was born. food. Especially because Donghai Ji's family is on the island, and there are many kinds of seafood, so Ji Wanniang is best at all kinds of seafood and aquatic products.

Ye Zi nodded with a smile, and led everyone to the kitchen, not forgetting to turn around and tell: "When you see that one, remember to call Aunt Wan, she and my mother are good sisters, if it weren't for the marriage of the patriarch, I would I went to reincarnation to practice, and she won't come yet."

"So fast?" Ye Junge raised his eyebrows, "I thought you had to wait until the demigod state before going."

"Go early and come back early." Ye Zi smiled.

When she came to the kitchen, Ji Wanniang was processing fish. Yecheng is not far from the sea, and fresh sea fish are delivered every day. Several people quietly watched her cleanly handle a fish, and then said hello.

Ji Wanniang is a very gentle elder, and she was very happy to see them laughing: "Let's all go and play, the food will be ready soon, you guys have a good get-together today."

"Yes, Aunt Wan." Ye Zi obediently agreed, and left the kitchen with her siblings.

"There are also a lot of fish and shrimp in the lake, let's go fishing, there is nothing to do anyway."

Ye Zi greeted her, and asked the servants to fetch things, and then led them to the deck again.

Ye Hao got impatient with fishing, so he took off his coat and jumped into the water to catch fish. Ye Qiang and Ye Wei only liked to eat and didn't like to catch by themselves, and Ye Junge didn't like fishing either, so he kicked Ye Yiming to go fishing. Ye Yiming thought about it, fishing was too boring, so he simply jumped into the lake with Ye Hao.

Ye Junge stood on the edge of the railing and said coolly: "You two will be lingering in the lake to the end of the world, one or two will jump into the lake, and those who don't know will die for love."

Ye Yiming quickly climbed back onto the boat, changed his clothes, wiped off the water, and obediently went fishing.

Ye Junge was satisfied now.

In the end, only Ye Zi was left to fish alone, Ye Qiang and Ye Wei were exploring on the boat, planning to search every room, Ye Junge simply pulled 004 and sat on the deck to enjoy the scenery.

Ye Zi glanced at Ye Junge resentfully: "Aren't you going to go fishing with me?"

"Forget it, just wait for Ye Mo to come and let him come to accompany you."

"Oh, Jun, you are not good."

Ye Junge ignored him.

004 sat quietly. After sitting for a while, he couldn't stay idle anymore. He was not a quiet person himself. Once he became familiar with this group of people, he became careless again. He ran to Ye Zi to watch her fishing. , By the way, let's see how Ye Hao catches fish.

Ye Junge was bored sitting alone, so he also ran to Ye Yiming's side to watch him fish in a daze.

Ye Hao swam into the bottom of the water and caught a big fish. He was holding the fish and showing it to Ye Zi and the others. Seeing Ye Junge in a daze, he couldn't help laughing at him. Ye Junge casually grabbed a fish from Ye Yiming's bucket, threw it at him without looking at it, and beat him back to the bottom of the water.

004 laughed out loud, which made Ye Hao very embarrassed. He got into a fight with Ye Junge, and then every time he caught a fish, he threw it on the boat and threw it at 004. 004 quickly hid behind Ye Junge, so the fish aimed at Ye Junge It went through. Ye Junge was very upset when he was disturbed, so he stopped being in a daze. He picked up the fish Ye Yiming had caught and started throwing at him. 004 was still making trouble beside him.

"What are you playing?" Ye Qiang and Ye Wei heard the movement and ran over to watch, but was accidentally injured by Ye Hao's fish, and there was an extra fish mark on the colorful skirt, and there were two people, one half of each, and it just happened to be a whole when put together . Ye Qiang and Ye Wei screamed, ran to the kitchen to ask for a basket of small prawns, and threw them at Ye Hao overwhelmingly. The prawns attached to the celestial body smashed Ye Hao so badly that he quickly swam to the shore, gasping for breath while holding on to the rocks, and dared not go over again.

Ye Meng, who came late by the lake, was waiting for the boat to dock, but he witnessed this scene and sighed helplessly. Ye Zi didn't care about these children.

"It's okay, let them play." Ye Zi was unmoved, and went fishing on his own, very restrained.

It's a pity that she couldn't calm down after a while, Ye Hao couldn't stay idle, saw Ye Qiang and Ye Wei went to change her skirt, and ran to prepare to fight Ye Junge again. Thinking that every time Ye Junge throws a fish caught by someone else, and Ye Hao has to go into the water to catch it, he suddenly feels unbalanced. He swims to the side of the fishing hook and intentionally messes up and scares Ye Yiming's fish away.

Ye Junge glanced at him like an idiot, and dragged Ye Yiming away, there will be a bloody and violent crush, if you have time to watch the fun, why don't you go and see how the dishes are ready, can you steal some .

Ye Hao didn't know that the people above ran away and were still trying to drive the fish away, and then he felt as if he had risen

Looking up, he saw that his collar was caught by a hook and was being lifted up.

Ye Hao: ... who is so violent

Not long after, Ye Hao met Ye Zi's cold and beautiful eyes.

"Uh...hahaha, sister, what a coincidence, you're here too?" Ye Hao belatedly remembered that Ye Zi was also fishing...

"Oh." Ye Zi replied with a sneer with disdain.

"I was wrong, sister! It's good to have something to say..." Discuss...


Ye Hao was thrown into the water by Ye Zi swinging the pole.

When Ye Hao struggled to swim back to the surface of the lake, Ye Zi had already dropped his fishing rod and came by himself, picked up Ye Hao's clothes and threw him into the water far away. After repeating this more than a dozen times, Ye Hao was stunned. When he was thrown back on the boat, he still felt that he was in the water, and he thrashed from time to time.

004 watched the whole process dumbfounded, and then couldn't stop laughing with his stomach in his arms.

Ye Junge on the other end was trying to steal it.

"Look for me to see if anyone is coming." Ye Junge handed over the heavy responsibility to Ye Yiming.

Ye Yiming nodded obediently.

"Well... this shrimp is delicious." Ye Junge gnawed halfway, frowned, then stretched his brows and kissed Ye Yiming's lips, put the shrimp meat in his mouth into his mouth, then turned back and looked at him with a smile finish eating.

As soon as Ye Yiming ate it, he knew why Ye Junge was feeding it to him. It was delicious, but unfortunately it didn't suit Ye Junge's taste. Watching his lover finish eating, Ye Junge calmly stuffed the remaining half of the prawn into his mouth.

Ye Yiming has long been used to helping him taste food, so he simply stole a pair of chopsticks and came back, tasted all the dishes that would not be discovered by stealing, then wiped Ye Junge's hands, gave him the chopsticks, and told him by the way Which is delicious.

Ye Junge ate a few mouthfuls of food with satisfaction, then put away his chopsticks and slipped away with Ye Yiming.

Not long after, Ye Qiang and Ye Wei came to steal food after changing their clothes. There is also 004 in the same company.

"It's very lively on the deck, isn't it?" Ye Qiang and Ye Wei hid their chopsticks in their sleeves, chatted with 004 solemnly and walked towards the room that exudes the smell of food.

004 was not as calm as they were. He looked around with a guilty conscience to see if there was anyone around, and he was inevitably a bit slow in answering questions.

"Ah... yes, Ye Zi threw Ye Hao around, Ye Hao is swimming on the deck now."

The two sisters snickered, one can imagine that scene, it is definitely memorable! It can be used to laugh at the little mouse in the future.

"We're here, let's make a quick decision, eat what won't be discovered, don't eat too much, take a bite of each." Ye Qiang quickly ordered, Ye Wei had already eaten, and she still didn't forget to hold 004 together.

When committing a crime, it is better to have more accomplices. If you are caught, you may be punished lightly.

The three of them were also very lucky not to be discovered, and they slunk away after eating.

Then Ye Zi came over with a serious face and ate a few mouthfuls under the guise of tasting food. Ye Meng came to take a look, and he was very polite and didn't steal it.

The last one to come was Ye Hao, he managed to slow down and wanted to reward himself with something good, but he was bumped into by the person serving the food.

Ye Hao: ...

servant: ...

Ye Qiang and Ye Wei took 004 to look for Ye Junge, but when they passed by a certain room, they heard a strange sound.

"Is there someone here?" Ye Qiang and Ye Wei bit their ears.

"Probably not? We searched all the rooms before, this seems to be a guest room, is someone resting in it?" Ye Wei replied in a low voice.

"Who's in there? It seems that the servants can't live in the guest room?"

"It must be a few of them."

"It's a male voice. I don't know if it's Jun Xiaojun or the elder brother. It can't be the little mouse. The mouse is still swimming on the deck. Or is it Jun Xiaojun's wife?"

The two sisters looked at each other: "Unlike big brother, Jun Xiaojun should be inside."

"And his wife."

"But… "

"Why do they make strange noises when they rest?"

004 looked at the innocent two sisters and silently covered his face. He really didn't know anything, and he didn't know what was going on inside!


Ye Junge stopped Ye Yiming's hand from groping, and yelled in a low voice, "Restrain yourself! You're still on the boat in broad daylight!"

Ye Yiming looked upright: "You dragged me into the room, didn't you want it?"

Ye Junge: ...

"Don't make trouble, you will be found out."

"It's okay." Ye Yiming took the opportunity to lean his head closer, and hooked his soul with his soul, "They will definitely leave on their own when they hear the voice, anyway, they all know our relationship." He put his hand into Ye Junge's clothes.

Ye Junge thought about it, and although he was still a little embarrassed, he didn't stop him, bit his lip and moaned softly.

Outside the door, the ignorant sisters were about to open the door and enter.

004 hurriedly stopped them: "We still don't want to go in, they have something to do inside."

Ye Qiang and Ye Wei looked at each other, then suddenly squinted and smiled, and nodded: "Okay, okay, let's go."

004 heaved a sigh of relief, and let the two pull him away from the door. Then, the two sisters suddenly released him tacitly, and quickly opened the door.

Ye Junge Ye Yiming 004: ...

Ye Qiang Ye Wei opened her mouth wide: "What are you doing?"

I saw Ye Junge's clothes were wide open, and Ye Yiming was groping around with one hand, and the other hand was blocked by the two of them, but he probably touched something that shouldn't be touched long ago.

Ye Yiming closed Ye Junge's clothes in an instant, and then hugged him into his arms, preventing the trespassers from seeing the slightest view.

After realizing that they should not have come in, the two sisters hurriedly dragged 004 out.

004 covered his face in dismay. When it's over, he will definitely be angered by Ye Yiming, because he didn't stop the two young ladies.

Although Ye Qiang and Ye Wei didn't know the personnel yet, but they were as smart as them, and they probably already guessed what was going on inside. The two blushed and dragged 004 to escape quickly, and ran to the deck to get some air, trying to cool down the heat on their faces.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Meng, who went to the dining room and did nothing, came back to the deck not long after, intending to take a good look at the scenery and relax, but he saw the two sisters who were about to be familiar with each other and looked helpless. Love expression 004.

"'s nothing." Ye Qiang and Ye Wei were taken aback, thinking it was Ye Junge who came, but when they saw it was Ye Meng, they breathed a sigh of relief and avoided looking at him.

004 walked over silently and pulled Ye Meng away: "Don't ask, let them both be quiet."

So the two of them didn't know that the shy sisters in the back suddenly changed their style of painting, their eyes were like torches, and they leaned head to head together and whispered excitedly.

"Ah, I saw it! Jun Xiaojun's muscles!"

"Ah, I saw it too! Eight-pack abs!"

"His wife is so happy!"


"It's a pity that Jun Xiaojun seems to be the one below!"

"Nonsense, all the men in my Ye family are below!"

"Do you think Ye Meng will also..."

"Hey, he's sure, I don't know who he will be abducted by..."

"That's not the point! The point is the mice!"

"I can't imagine the mouse being crushed at all! What is he? Is he irritable and suffering to death?"

The two sisters looked at each other speechlessly, and suddenly burst into a horrifying laughter. The fish in the bucket next to it was so startled that it hit the wall of the bucket and passed out.

Ye Meng was walking and talking with 004 at this time, and originally wanted to ask him what happened to Ye Qiang and Ye Wei, but 004 refused to say anything, so he had to give up, and Ye Meng simply talked to him about other things.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet." Ye Meng smiled, "Are you from the Mo family? It doesn't seem like much, but it looks a bit like the Ji family."

In fact, none of the 004 families resembled it, but the Ye family said that they only married the five major families, but in fact they only married the Mo family and the Ji family. Therefore, Ye Meng never thought that 004 would come from other places.

004 was a little embarrassed: "Ah... I'm not, I'm a member of the Ye family... Uncle Ye Purlin asked the elder to record me in the Ye family tree."

"Huh?" Ye Meng was surprised.

"Because I'm not a human..." 004 said, "I don't have an identity, so I just..."

Ye Meng nodded indifferently. Although the Ye family has never accepted outsiders into the Ye family, since the previous patriarch spoke, it's okay to make a special case. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him as a side branch. The side branches are basically indifferent to the affairs of the direct branch, they should congratulate them, and when it's over, they don't care at all. If 004 didn't have a good relationship with Ye Junge, I'm afraid they wouldn't talk to 004 either.

Compared to 004, an outsider being included in the Ye family tree, Ye Meng is more concerned about how Ye Junge and 004 became good friends.

004 couldn't tell the truth, and he didn't know how to make up lies to deceive him, so he had to be vague and asked him to ask Ye Junge.

Ye Meng was helpless: "After talking for a long time, you still haven't told you what your name is."

004 was very embarrassed: "Sorry, I forgot, my name is Ye Zhuo." Ye Junyan chose the name, I don't know why he chose this name, 004 has no idea, he is satisfied with a name.

The names of the Ye family's first branches are all three characters, and the side branches are all two characters. Ye Meng nodded, so Ye Zhuo should have entered the side branch. Come to think of it, it's not that easy to join the direct branch, and the elders will definitely have to argue.

"The banquet should start soon, let's go back." Without further entanglement, Ye Meng smiled and said, "Let's go."

004 readily agreed when he thought of the delicious food he had just eaten.

When they came to the dining room, other people had already found seats and sat down, and everyone seemed to be very happy. Except for Ye Hao who drooped his head.

"Everyone is here, let's eat." Ye Zi asked his servants to fetch fruit wine, "We can indulge a bit today, and I don't think there will be any chance to get together in the next few years. After I go to reincarnation experience, I guess it will be the same. It’s Big Brother, then Ah Hao and Xiao Jun, and finally Qiang Qiang and Wei Wei.”

"Ah, I'm going to eat a little more today, and I won't be able to eat Aunt Wan's cooking in the future!" Ye Qiang quickly stuffed a big mouthful of vegetables.

"You can visit Ji's house in the future." Ye Zi poked her on the head with a smile.

"Well, when I went to Ji's family to propose a marriage, I stopped by to grab a meal, haha." Ye Meng also smiled.

Ye Qiang snorted: "I hate it."

"The third lady is so kind to us." Ye Wei ate the food reservedly, "Auntie Wan was invited to cook for us."

Ye Zi shook her head: "It's not my mother who invited me. Aunt Wan and I have a good relationship. She heard that we were going to get together, so she took the initiative to do it."

"Where's Aunt Wan?" Ye Junge asked suddenly after taking a bite of the food, "Let's invite her to the table for dinner."

"No, Auntie Wan said that we can't let her go if she's here, so we won't come here."

Ye Meng poured Ye Junge a glass of wine, told him to drink less, and then asked, "Aunt Wan is also here to attend the patriarch's wedding banquet this time, right?"

"That's right." Ye Zi looked at 004 with teasing eyes.

Ye Qiang and Ye Wei followed suit and looked at 004: "Hey, he's blushing! So cute!"

004: ...

Ye Yiming glanced at the noisy people over there, turned his eyes away and concentrated on serving Ye Junge's food instead of participating in their conversation. The same goes for Ye Junge, as soon as he opened his mouth, he guessed that he would be the next one to be teased.

However, these few people didn't intend to let him go. Except for Ye Hao who was working hard, the rest of them teased 004, and then turned to tease Ye Junge.

"When will Xiaojun let us drink wedding wine?" Ye Zi asked.

Ye Junge took a sip of wine slowly: "Sister, how about you? I heard that your fiancée is chasing you recently?"

Ye Zi: ...

Ye Meng was about to speak when Ye Junge said again: "I met Mo Fenghan at the border a few days ago, and he said he wanted to marry you."

Ye Meng: ...

Seeing this, Ye Qiang and Ye Wei obediently shut up, Jun Xiaojun is too powerful in fighting, they are not opponents, so don't run into them yourself.

A group of people made a fuss until midnight, and they simply spent the night on the boat, and hurried away the next day if they had something to do, and it was up to them whether they stayed on the boat to continue playing or left to go to other places to play.

There were more and more people on the street every day, Ye Junge and Ye Yiming discussed throwing 004 to Ye Qiang and Ye Wei, and the two of them had no idea where to live the two-person world.

More than ten days later, the patriarch got married.

004 was waiting in the new house, a little nervous.

Because it was Ye Junyan who married him, so I don't know who came up with the bad idea to make 004 wait in the new house like a bride-to-be. Because she was married to the Ye family, and the one who married was also from the Ye family, so she decided not to use those messy formalities, and started the banquet directly, and then Ye Junyan went to the bridal chamber by herself to perform the final marriage ceremony with 004, and everything else was kept simple.

Neither Ye Junyan nor 004 had any objections, but instead thought it was a good idea to save trouble.

Seven of Ye Junge sat at a table, and there were three empty seats on the table. Not long after, Mo Chengan came and sat down beside Ye Hao.

I haven't seen him for a long time, but Mo Cheng'an has changed a lot in these years. Mo Chengan was quite skinny in the past, but now he looks a lot more stable, at least he looks much more mature than Ye Hao, Ye Junge and others took this and despised Ye Hao. By the way, Ye Meng and Ye Zi also gave him a scolding, telling him to learn something in the future, don't act like a child.

In fact, we can’t blame Ye Hao, it’s mainly because of the Ye family’s education. In the ethnology, everyone fights if they don’t agree with each other. If they are happy, they go to the house together to dig out the eggs. , it got worse. At that time, Ye Meng and Ye Zi were all good students, studying hard every day, so just take care of him when you have time.

Besides Mo Chengan, Mo Fenghan also came.

Ye Junge met this person twice, once when he and Ye Yiming went to visit his brother, Mo Fenghan was a good brother of Ye Yiming's second brother. Another time, when he was looking for a strange beast in the forest, he ran into it by chance, and Ye Yiming chatted with him. After Ye Junge asked, he found out that he liked Ye Meng.

Mo Fenghan nodded to Ye Junge and Ye Yiming, and then moved to Ye Meng's side to show his courtesy. Mo Fenghan is not a boring gourd like Mo Chengan, he speaks decently, calmly and generously, while Ye Meng dealt with him, his eyes dodged, especially the knowing eyes of other people at the same table, which made Ye Meng very embarrassed . However, Mo Fenghan acted as if he didn't see anyone else, he only cared about Ye Meng, and didn't care about the other person's shyness.

The last one to arrive was Ye Zi's fiancée Ji Yue. She graciously sat down beside Ye Zi, and then leaned into his arms. Ye Zi was stunned for a moment, and graciously embraced her shoulder . Ji Yue inherited the fine traditions of the Ji family, being gentle and virtuous. During this period, she kept serving Ye Zi vegetables and asked Ye Zi what she wanted to eat very gently. Ye Qiang and Ye Wei were very jealous.

The fiancées of the two of them were young and did not come out with them. So far, the two of them have not seen their fiancées yet.

Ye Junyan toasted at the table, and after not much toast, he caught sight of Ye Lin who was late, and was overjoyed immediately, and pulled Ye Lin to block the wine for her. Before Ye Purn could react, he drank a few glasses of white wine and turned around to look for his daughter, but found that she had disappeared and slipped away.

Ye Purlin gulped down the wine in his glass depressedly, walked to Ye Junge's table, wanted to say something, saw Ye Junge raised his eyebrows at him, and silently swallowed the words in his mouth. Come to think of it, my son didn't want to be challenged about being reincarnated and rebuilt as a descendant. Forget it, this kind of thing really couldn't be forced.

Ye Purlin suddenly felt very depressed, feeling abandoned by his son.

It just so happened that Chai Yin came over, and seeing his expression of bitterness and hatred, she immediately sneered and kicked him: "Yan'er is getting married, if you are not happy, just get out, don't make a bad face." Really, I don't even look at what day it is today.

Ye Purlin quickly apologized, and smiled again to deal with the guests coming and going.

Most of the people here are well-informed, and most of them know that Ye Lin is chasing the royal princess recently, and it should be this one, who looks quite difficult to deal with. No one wanted to get too close to the members of the Chai family, so they hurriedly dragged Ye Lin into the side to continue drinking.

Chai Yin didn't bother to care about them, and walked directly to Ye Junge, smiling very softly: "Ge'er."

Ye Junge couldn't call her mother, so he stood up respectfully and called, "Your Highness."

Chai Yin didn't mind, she stuffed Ye Junge with a purse: "Just tell me if you don't have enough money, or go to Mingyan Tower or Mingge Tower to get money from the shopkeeper. I own both of these shops."

Ming Ge Lou is a tea house, and Ming Yan Lou is a restaurant, which is a national chain.

Although all of you present here are local tyrants, they were still surprised for a moment when they heard the words. Their little wealth is nothing compared to Chai Yin.

Ye Junge didn't want to take away his mother's kindness, so he obediently agreed. Speaking of which, her mother seemed to be the best at stuffing money. After meeting twice, she was stuffed with money five times. The first three times were sent by Chai Yin directly through the system, and the last two times were given during the two meetings.

Ye Junge waited for her to leave before sitting down. He opened his purse and saw that it was indeed a bank note.

After watching, everyone looked at him with strange eyes, and couldn't help leaning towards Ye Yiming.

"What happen to you guys?"

"What's the relationship between you and that princess?" Ye Zi couldn't bear to look at her, "She won't have a crush on you, would she?" As he spoke, he looked at Ye Yiming, strangely, why didn't this jealousy flare up today? Because the opponent who knows that he is not the opponent in terms of financial resources has no confidence to be jealous

Ye Junge said very calmly: "Oh, she is my godmother."

Everyone: ...

If I remember correctly, this princess seems to be only one year older than Ye Junge

Ye Junge didn't explain any more, and went to eat his own. Sure enough, money is something that can make people feel happy, mother, don't be careless and bring more money, my son is not too much!

004 didn't wait too long in the room, Ye Junyan had already sneaked back.

Although Ye Junge deliberately proposed to let 004 stay in the house like a bride, he still had a conscience and didn't say that 004 should wear a red hijab.

Ye Junyan is impatient with those messy etiquettes, anyway, the love in Tianwaijing only asks for Gui Wushen's approval and blessing, so she kicked out Xi Niang and everything, and planned to take 004 to the temple to visit Gui Wushen to ask God blesses.

004 was taken aback: "Is this good?" He glanced at the person who was kicked out.

"It's okay." Ye Junyan waved his hand, poured two glasses of wine, and after drinking the hentai wine with 004, he directly pushed him into the bed, "Because no one is coming to make trouble in the bridal chamber, let's get things done quickly."

004: ...

What's wrong? !

I have to say that Ye Junyan's prediction was really accurate. They had just finished their bridal chamber when there were people knocking on the door and window making all kinds of noises outside. You don't need to guess to know that it was Ye Qiang, Ye Wei and Ye Hao.

Ye Zi felt that he would lose his status and refused to go. Ye Meng didn't want to be so undignified in front of his sweetheart, but the two of them were worried that something would happen to those three, so they had to let Ye Junge follow and watch.

Ye Junge was full anyway, so he dragged Ye Yiming to follow.

Of course Mo Chengan followed Ye Hao, Ye Hao didn't realize it, but everyone at the same table could tell that Mo Chengan liked him. Ye Hao probably doesn't know what love is. He went to the bridal chamber with his sisters like a child. Fortunately, Mo Cheng'an didn't dislike him, but stood by his side to protect him, for fear that the people inside would become angry and Ye Hao would get hurt.