The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm

Chapter 40: Punishment World Grade A Ancient World


Women wear men overhead Suwen 05-06

"That day, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince pestered the minister's elder brother. I knew that the brother's resignation had offended the Ninth Prince and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but it seemed that the Ninth Prince did not pester him endlessly because of anger. After all, the two parties were not married, so the minister I had no choice but to step forward to reconcile, but His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince was very unhappy and told the minister some intimate matters between him and his husband. No friendship." Ye Junge raised his head and stared into the eyes of the prince, "I don't know, since my husband has no friendship with His Highness, why is it rumored that my husband is in love with His Highness Ninth Prince? Why does His Highness take it for granted that my husband is close to him? Ninth Prince Who is the intimate thing His Highness said about?"

The prince was embarrassed by his questioning, and he was also a little confused. Originally, he was convinced that the general was also Luo Annian's servant, but when he mentioned Ye Junge at the palace banquet, his reaction was obviously happy, obviously he loved him. It was Ye Junge, so how did the news about him and Xiao Jiu get out? If Xiao Jiu went out of the palace to meet Mo Yuanling, who would he be meeting? Which of Xiao Jiu's servants does he not know

No matter how much the crown prince loves Luo Annian, he is still a domineering man. He has a desire for monopoly and will be jealous. Obviously, he has been soaked in jealousy for a long time, but now Ye Junge is making him even more jealous. He even wants to go to Luo Annian to ask him.

What Ye Junge said inside and outside the meaning is that Luo Annian not only wants to hook up with his brother, but also has a mysterious lover who hides well outside. He even uses Mo Yuanling as a shield, or not as a shield, but wants to hook up with Mo Yuanling In the end, they didn't hook up, so people spread rumors and brought the two of them together, forcing Mo Yuanling to stay with him.

The crown prince refused to believe it, and Ye Junge didn't force it. He lowered his eyes and said lightly, "No matter what, His Highness the Ninth Prince is not married yet, so it's better not to have too much involvement with foreign men, not to mention that His Highness is a royal family." …”

Seeing that the prince was in a daze, Ye Junge took the opportunity to leave and left without waiting for his reaction. Before leaving, he glanced at a certain place, and there was a secret guard hidden there, and the database showed that he was the emperor's person.

I don't know what His Majesty the Emperor would think when he found out that his youngest son was such a dissolute and shameless person

Believe it or not, he will definitely go back and investigate. Once he investigates, he will know that what he said is true, and maybe he will find out about the incest of several princes.

In addition, he has already used his mental power to tamper with the soul of the dark guard, and when the time comes, the dark guard will add oil and vinegar according to his wishes, anyway, he will not stop until he kills the prince and Luo Annian.

After Ye Junge returned to the General's Mansion, Mo Yuanling also hurried back. He was relieved to see that Ye Junge was fine. He didn't dare to say anything. He still hasn't forgotten what happened yesterday.

Seeing him like this, Ye Junge also felt bored, stepped forward and kissed his cheek, then stepped back and looked at him with a smile.

"Husband, madam?!" Mo Yuanling looked at him in surprise.

"I'm not angry anymore." Ye Junge pinched his face, and he has become a bit addicted to pinching recently, "Anyway, I didn't plan to have a baby, but I'm very angry because you drugged me."

Mo Yuanling breathed a sigh of relief, hugged him, and kissed his forehead: "It's good not to be angry, I thought you would never talk to me again."

Seeing the aggrieved look of the man, Ye Junge laughed angrily, it was clear that he had done something wrong, as if he was making trouble for no reason.

Ye Junge grabbed his ear and snorted, "What? Are you still wronged?"

"No, no, no, I was wrong, my fault, I dare not do it again." Mo Yuanling tentatively kissed his lips, Ye Junge did not resist, and immediately kissed him deeply excitedly, and began to fantasize about something in his mind Time to have the same room.

Ye Junge knew what he was thinking when he looked like that, and slapped him on the face: "I think you are dirty, so you are not allowed to touch me recently."

Mo Yuanling was very wronged: "I haven't touched anyone else."

"Is that couple in your backyard a display?" Ye Junge raised his eyebrows.

Mo Yuanling coughed in embarrassment: "Almost..."

Ye Junge looked at him in surprise, suddenly laughed out loud, raised his head and bit his chin: "Trust you once."

Mo Yuanling buried his head and breathed his breath, and didn't care about Ye Junge's ridicule: "I only want you."

"Hmph, sweet talk again." Ye Junge patted his arm, "Let go, I'm going to the palace."

"What are you going to do in the palace?" Mo Yuanling tightened his arms, refusing to let him go. He wished Ye Junge could stay by his side every day.

"Revenge." Ye Junge casually opened his arms, straightened his clothes, turned and left.

Mo Yuanling looked at his back very sadly, it was like this every time, the madam broke herself apart with a strong hand, then turned around and left, without any reluctance, just staring at him like a resentful woman back in a daze.

When he finally lost sight of anyone, Mo Yuanling reluctantly left and went to the school grounds again.

A general like him who is idle and has nothing to do can only drink and play with others, or go to the school to practice martial arts. After all, it is not very interesting to practice at home alone. It is better to be in the school. There is someone to accompany you in the fight.

"Hey, Lao Mo, what's the matter with that big bag on your head? I wanted to ask you before, but you ran faster than a rabbit." General Zhennan, who is also a first-rank general with Mo Yuanling, saw him coming. His eyes lit up, and he patted Mo Yuanling's back vigorously and asked. There are a total of four generals in the Tianye Dynasty, and Mo Yuanling is the general who suppresses the north, but because the south and the north have been relatively peaceful in the past two years, they all stayed in Beijing and got moldy.

Mo Yuanling swept away the depression in the morning, and started to show off again: "Of course my wife did it, so be envious."

General Zhennan smacked his lips and sighed resentfully: "It's better to be your wife, my wife complains about my rudeness every day, and I'm one of the elders, and I'm not a weak civil servant..."

Mo Yuanling looked at him sympathetically: "Let's go, Old Wei, let's go fight."

Ye Junge sent someone to the Empress Dowager's Palace with a note of greeting, and then brought the young servants into the palace, and when they reached a palace gate, a nun greeted them.

"Fu Zhengjun." The nanny saluted, "The queen mother asked this old servant to welcome you here."

"Don't dare to be." Ye Junge forced a smile and turned sideways, received half a salute, and then returned a salute, "How is the Empress Dowager?"

"Lao Zhengjun is worried that everything is fine, but I miss you and the eldest son very much." The Fu family is the empress dowager's uncle's family, and the relationship with the emperor's prince is relatively shallow, but the empress dowager still misses the Fu family very much, let alone If it wasn't for the full support of the Fu family back then, I don't know who is sitting on the throne now.

"What is Zhengjun's reason for entering the palace today? This old slave sees that you are not looking well, but what's the matter?" This nun has served the Queen Mother personally for many years and knows many things. For example, the queen mother likes her grandchildren when she is old, but the princes and grandchildren are not worried, and she doesn't really want to play games with them when she is old, so she especially likes the children of her natal family and uncle's family. It's a pity that the Empress Dowager's natal family supported the King Ling at the beginning, but later the family was implicated and exiled to other places. She rarely saw them for so many years, but she liked the children of the Fu family very much.

Ye Junge lowered his eyes and said nothing, his servant couldn't help but said, "Ma'am, you don't know, His Royal Highness has always..."

"Xiaoying!" Ye Junge reprimanded, and the servant named Xiaoying shut up obediently.

Mammy didn't say much when she saw this, she just thought to herself, His Highness the Crown Prince and Fu Zhengjun should not have had much in common, and the Crown Prince can still say that if he wants to win over the General, he shouldn't say "His Highness the Crown Prince is always" instead. It's "Her Royal Highness, she is always", it seems that it is something difficult to say.

After entering the inner hall, the nanny led the two of them to the side hall, where the empress dowager was sitting at the top with her eyes closed.

"See the queen mother." Ye Junge was about to kneel, but was quickly helped up by the mother beside the queen mother.

"You child, you have separated from me again!" The queen mother opened her eyes and looked at him, sighing helplessly, "Why are you losing weight again? That child Yuanling bullied you? Come here and let me have a look."

Ye Junge walked over, and was dragged by the Queen Mother to sit beside her: "You have been good since you were a child, much better than your elder brother, that kid is just a monkey, he looks polite now, but he was very noisy when he was young, me, I am happy every time I see you." The queen mother patted his hand with a smile, and it was obvious that she really loved this nephew and grandson.

"Grandma, Queen Mother." Ye Junge called out softly, although he felt a little goosebumps.

The queen mother looked at him carefully: "What's the matter? You child, you have been quiet since you were a child, and you won't talk about any grievances. You have to wait for me to ask?"

Ye Junge lowered his head, and spoke silently, with a hoarse voice: "It's nothing, but recently His Royal Highness always sends a little eunuch to look for me. I refused to go yesterday, but he sent another person today..."

"Did he bully you?!" The queen mother frowned, the queen mother and the queen did not get along, and even taking the queen mother to see the queen's child was not pleasing to the eye. At the beginning, the emperor's throne was not stable, so he had to marry the queen to stabilize the court with the help of the queen's natal family. The queen mother was not happy at first. She herself was not favored before, because her son was able to become the queen mother, but she still hoped that her son's wife would be a double son. , in the royal family, it is also important to marry a pair of sons as a regular wife, so as to save face. The queen is a real woman, and after becoming a queen, because the mother and son have to rely on the queen's natal family, they often don't give the queen mother a face. If the emperor has not cut their family's power in recent years, the queen can continue to give her air by.

When the emperor succeeded to the throne, the empress's natal family and the empress dowager's uncle's family, the Fu family, were the two dominant branches. I also knew that the relationship between the two families could not be good, and the empress dowager was very worried that the Fu family would be bullied. The others were fine, but Ye Junge was notoriously good-natured, and in the Queen Mother's heart, he was the kind who was easy to bully.

"He said..." Ye Junge looked at the Queen Mother with a pale face, and turned his eyes away, "He said that he has admired me for a long time and wanted me..." Ye Junge couldn't continue, bit his lip, and couldn't help tightening his grip on the Queen Mother some.

The Queen Mother trembled angrily. She knew that the prince was cruel and benevolent, and she was deliberately pampering him overtly and secretly. She also knew that the prince was blind and arrogant. The queen mother doesn't like the prince, but she won't show it. The best way is to kill him.

At the beginning, the marriage between Fu Yanqing and Mo Yuanling was given by the queen mother herself. The younger generation who the queen mother loves the most is Fu Yanqing. In order not to let him be wronged, she chose Mo Yuanling. In fact, Mo Yuanling and Fu Yanqing bestowed the marriage three years before they got married. Later, because of some things, they got married so late. When the marriage was bestowed, the two had a good relationship. The Queen Mother once let them get along for a while. Both parties felt that the other was okay, so they married each other. After the marriage was bestowed, there was no lack of contact. Fu Yanqing was knowledgeable, and he and Mo Yuanling also had some common language, and he was a very perfect confidant. If there was no time traveler to intervene, the two must be very affectionate.

Now that the crown prince dared to play Fu Yanqing's idea, it was obvious that he didn't take the queen mother seriously. The queen mother didn't think about whether Ye Junge was lying to her. In her heart, the prince was a lustful person, and this was naturally a result of her petting.

"It's the other way around!" The Queen Mother slapped the cushion under the seat, "Is he threatening you?"

"Hmm..." Ye Junge slandered the Ninth Prince after smearing the Prince, "The Prince also said... Let me persuade my brother to accept His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince... Otherwise, after he ascends the throne, he will... deal with the Fu family..."

"And the matter of Luo Annian?!" The Empress Dowager's complexion became even more ugly. To be honest, she hated the Ninth Prince even more. At first glance, he was a restless master. The city was full of troubles, and he didn't look like he was staying in a boudoir. No elder likes a dissolute junior, what the elders value most is the reputation of the junior.

"I saw him pestering my brother at the last palace banquet. He said, 'When the prince's brother becomes emperor, you will have to marry me even if you don't marry me'." Ye Junge tugged at the Queen Mother's sleeve, "Grandma Queen Mother, I There is really no other way…”

The queen mother took a deep breath, hugged him lovingly, and stroked his hair: "Our little one has finally learned to look for the queen mother's grandma after being wronged."

... What the hell is Xiaomo? ! Fu Yanqing, you have such a low nickname when riding a horse? !

"I heard rumors about Yuanling and Luo Annian?" The queen mother said suddenly, she didn't believe it in her heart, after all, she had seen the interaction between Mo Yuanling and Fu Yanqing back then.

"Grandma, Queen Mother, those are all rumors." Ye Junge shook his head, and smiled happily (?), "He is very good to me."

It's too difficult to be shy, so I can only change my expression.

The queen mother nodded with satisfaction: "I'm relieved that you two have a good relationship. Yuan Ling is a good and responsible boy."

Fuck, do those men and women in the backyard act like they don't exist? Mo Yuanling was not a reliable man in the first place, and while he was flirting with Fu Yanqing, there were a lot of women in the backyard.

After Ye Junge filed the complaint and withdrew, the Empress Dowager felt sorry for him and gave him many things to make up for it, and then sent someone to the emperor to come over.

The hidden guards of the Prince's Mansion hurried back to the palace after Ye Junge left, and repeated the conversation to Emperor Qi according to Ye Junge's intention.

Emperor Qi thought for a long time after hearing this, and it happened that the eunuch came in to report the Queen Mother's invitation, and he knew from the chief eunuch that Fu Yanqing went to the palace to ask the Queen Mother after returning home, he probably knew what was going on.

When Emperor Qi appointed the crown prince, it was the time when the queen's mother clan was at its most rampant. To be honest, he was quite disappointed with this son. It's not that he didn't know about the fact that the queen mother deliberately raised the prince. A few years ago, he planned to raise this son well, but he was distracted by the matter of the ninth prince. The prince's memory, pretending to be amnesia, made the palace very uneasy, so he neglected his son's growth, and the prince finally grew completely crooked.

If it weren't for the prince of a country who is not easy to change at will, he would have abolished the prince long ago.

"Tell the queen mother, I will go to accompany him to have dinner."

Since Xiao Jiu lost his memory, this child has changed a lot. Emperor Qi thought disappointedly, how could he fail to see Xiao Jiu's alienation and fear of him, as well as flattery and calculation.

After returning from the Empress Dowager, Emperor Qi did not go to any of the concubines' palaces, and stayed quietly in the bedroom.

"Dark One."

A man in black jumped off the beam and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"How did the investigation go?" Emperor Qi's voice was dry, and suddenly he didn't want to know the result.

An Yiping's voice clearly reported the information he had found, and after a long time, Emperor Qi waved him off.

Emperor Qi had some headaches, he knew that the prince was cruel, and it was possible to become emperor if he couldn't wait, maybe he could even do something like regicide. No, once something happened, he would definitely be able to do this kind of thing, but he didn't expect that he would have the intention to replace him now.

Even the Ninth Prince knows the prince's desire to be an emperor, so the prince is not Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knows it? How long have you been fooled? The more Emperor Qi thought about it, the more frightened he became.

No, maybe only some people know.

The Queen must know, and the Ninth Prince also knows, and the Ninth Prince is also wishing that the Prince would become emperor soon. The rest of the people probably only know about it from the prince's confidantes, but the prince is also stupid, thinking that everyone in the East Palace is his own confidants

Emperor Qi smiled coldly, it seemed that he could no longer be left alone.

In the summer of this year, a big event happened. It was revealed that the queen gave the concubine contraceptive medicine, and the harem was shaken, because if it was just contraception, it would be fine, but some concubines were sterilized, and one was even pregnant. The inexplicable miscarriage of the beloved concubine is also related to the contraceptive pill given by the queen.

The harem is closely related to the former dynasty, and the mothers of the concubines obviously do not want to swallow this breath.

Now is not the era when the queen's mother's family was the only one. Her mother's family gradually declined under the pressure of Emperor Qi, and several big families came from behind. This time, two concubines belonged to these big families. Concubine Yu who had a miscarriage inexplicably, especially the neutered husband.

Several ministers jointly signed a letter to deal with the queen, the queen's mother's family was in dire straits, the prince became more and more irritable, and the nine princes were worried every day and couldn't smile.

Luo Annian endured it for a few days, but still couldn't hold it back, and hurried out of the palace to meet the son of Prince Huaimin. The son wished that the prince's backer would collapse soon, so that his rebellion and ascending to the throne would bring a better day for his beauty. So Shizi didn't directly agree, he said vaguely that he would try his best, and then coaxed Luo Annian back. Luo Annian was just a scheming high school girl before time travel, if it wasn't for the halo of the protagonist, she wouldn't be able to make any waves. Unaware of the perfunctory and coaxing in Shizi's words, Luo Anian went back to the palace with peace of mind.

Emperor Qi snorted and threw the memorial to the ground, his cold eyes swept towards An Yi who was kneeling in front of him.

"Go down."

An Yi led the order to retreat.

Only the emperor and the chief eunuch were in the empty study room. Emperor Qi took out the memorial to intercede for the empress, and didn't read it, just muttered to himself with a sneer.

"Threatening important officials of the court, colluding with kings of different surnames, seducing generals, ignoring palace rules and regulations, good, very good, the queen really gave me a good son!"

The chief eunuch buried his head lower, pretending that he didn't hear the emperor's words.

Emperor Qi asked him to get out all the memorials for intercession, and planned to throw them back one by one when he went to court tomorrow.

After Ye Junge came back from the palace, he became much more peaceful and clean.

—I didn’t see the prince, but he was repeatedly reprimanded by the emperor after inviting him twice, and he didn’t even get the queen and the ninth prince to please him

At this time, everyone suddenly remembered that Fu Yanqing had always been the most beloved junior of the Empress Dowager, the kind that even his own grandson would stand aside. Before secretly mocking Fu Yanqing for marrying into the general's mansion as a display, he dared not say anything anymore. With such a big backer, whoever touches him will seek death.

If the Empress Dowager cares most about whom, it must not be Fu Yanqing, of course it is her own son Qidi, the Prince's eagerness to become emperor is simply against her scales, she may not care about her grandson, but her own son must not. This is also the biggest reason why Ye Junge's provocation works.

Whether it's the queen mother or the emperor, as a superior person, he must be suspicious. As long as Ye Junge tells them that the prince has a different heart and does nothing else, the prince's ambition can kill himself.

No, the queen was the first to suffer.

What happened to the queen must be the fault of Emperor Qi. The queen probably made the contraceptive pill, but the sterilization and abortion are not necessarily her handiwork. The emperor, especially the wise emperor, is more ruthless. It's just sacrificing part of the concubine and a child who doesn't know if it's male, female or Shuang'er. Anyway, he has a lot of sons, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't have a daughter or Shuang'er.

The next step is to abolish the empress, and then the prince can't help but do it, but the prince may not be able to do anything but be used by the emperor, and then the prince can be abolished. Of course, it is unlikely that both of them will be abolished. What the empress's mother's family will consider next is to protect the empress and protect the prince.

Almost needless to think about it, the Queen is abolished.

After Ye Junge took a bath, he asked someone to move a couch to rest in the courtyard. The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently, and his body is not in good health.

"What are you thinking?" As soon as Mo Yuanling entered the yard, he saw his provocative appearance, and unconsciously breathed a lot faster, but it was still natural and did not make a fool of himself. For the past two months, he had to endure his wife's seduction every day, but someone refused to give him food.

Sure enough, he is still angry QAQ.

Ye Junge looked up at him: "Come here."

Mo Yuanling hurried over and squatted down beside the couch.

"Go take a bath." Ye Junge stroked his hair, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten." Mo Yuanling replied obediently, "I'll take a bath right away."

"Well... tonight..." Ye Junge paused hesitantly, and then said, "You know..."

Mo Yuanling's eyes lit up: "Daughter-in-law, do you agree?! I'll go right away!"

Seeing his anxious look, Ye Junge smiled helplessly, it seemed that he had held back for too long.

Mo Yuanling quickly finished the battle bath, came out in a robe, waved away all the servants, and told them to wait outside the yard.

As soon as the courtyard door was closed, Mo Yuanling rushed over and pinned the person under him.

Ye Junge pushed him: "Go to the house."

"No." Mo Yuanling smiled softly, "It's right here."

Ye Junge: ==#!

"Meow!" A kitten struggled to crawl out of Ye Junge's clothes, its pitiful appearance was obviously crushed and uncomfortable.

"Why is it here?" Mo Yuanling looked at it with a dark face.

Ye Junge chuckled: "The one who just climbed up disappeared in a blink of an eye. I didn't expect to crawl into my clothes. I said why did I feel itchy in my chest just now."

Mo Yuanling's eyes were red with jealousy, where he could only touch occasionally, how could this little thing nest there all the time? ! He raised his hand and wanted to sweep it to the ground, but thought that his wife seemed to cherish it very much, so after a pause, he picked it up and put it aside gently, so as not to get in the way.

"You can eat the cat's vinegar too." Ye Junge rolled his eyes and nibbled on his chin.


Mo Yuanling doesn't care, all the places of his wife are his territory, so what is this cat? He is not happy, this time he must be punished severely.

"It's not even night yet." Ye Junge smiled half a smile.

"We'll be there soon, it's almost dark!" Mo Yuanling said solemnly.

... Forget it, hold back this guy.

Ye Junge pulled his ear and pulled him down, licked his lips: "Forget it, it's up to you."

The lazy expression looked very seductive, and Mo Yuanling choked for breath, this is really, a stunner.

Two words spit out in my heart, but I dare not say them, for fear of being beaten.

"Hurry up if you want to come, don't dawdle." Ye Junge raised his knee and touched the man's lower body, pulling back the lover who was wandering in the sky.

"Ma'am, don't worry." Mo Yuanling grabbed his leg and took off his pants two or three times. The speed at which this man stripped his clothes was getting faster and faster. It really made people don't know what to say.

Isn't it him who is in a hurry

Mo Yuanling stroked Ye Junge's thigh. Every life, he had a soft spot for this place. Maybe it was the memory deep in his soul that told him that this was Ye Junge's sensitive zone.

Sure enough, Ye Junge couldn't help moaning because of his teasing.

The man took off his clothes and stood naked on the soft couch with his legs spread apart. He wrapped his lover's equally naked legs around his strong waist and began to help him undress.

He likes that the two can be honest with each other, only the most primitive touch, without the barrier of clothes, it seems that this way can make the souls of the two touch each other.

The man is excited by his own thoughts, they should be like this, the soul blends, regardless of each other.

Ye Junge looked at the man standing there, straightened up and pulled the distance between them closer, and rubbed his lower body against him, silently inviting.

Mo Yuanling suppressed the excitement in his heart, and comforted his eager lover with his hands: "Don't worry, madam, my husband will satisfy you soon."

Hold his waist with both hands, let him maintain this contact position, and then hold himself and his penis in the palm of his hand. The sensitive avatars are rubbing against each other, and the effects, both visually and sensorially, are depressing.

Mo Yuanling stared closely at his lover and his avatar, the size contrast was very strong, Mo Yuanling smiled with satisfaction, he was doomed to be a gong from the capital.

Ye Junge doesn't care, he prefers to be possessed and possessed, so he is very satisfied with a man like this.

"Do you like it, ma'am?" Mo Yuanling let go of the avatar, sat up with his arms around him, and sat down himself, letting him sit on his lap, and looking down slightly, he could see the hideous figure sandwiched between the two. .

Ye Junge snorted, stretched out his hand to stroke gently, it's really, really big. When I thought about being penetrated by it soon, I couldn't stop looking forward to it.

Mo Yuanling slowly touched his back, and gently stretched him: "It will be fine soon." He kissed his forehead, telling him not to worry.

Ye Junge moved his body to match his movements, and when he felt that it was almost done, he sat down slowly while supporting the man's huge object. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel the process of the object being swallowed by him.

Ye Junge groped for his lover's object, described his huge fleshy crown and column in detail, then helped it into himself, and swallowed it bit by bit, first the fleshy crown, then the column.

The giant object was too huge, and it was not smooth to enter. Ye Junge tried his best to relax his body and stretch his inner wall, but unfortunately it had little effect. It was not easy to get to the innermost part after breaking through many obstacles. Mo Yuanling was sweating nervously. He was afraid that his wife would be injured because of his size, but luckily everything went well.

Ye Junge tried hard to adapt to the things in his body, and then moved slightly. This movement was like an invitation, and Mo Yuanling couldn't help but jerk upwards.

"Ah!" Ye Junge glared at him, "Don't move!"

Mo Yuanling was bigger than any previous life, and Ye Junge endured it very hard.

He put his hands on Mo Yuanling's shoulders and moved by himself, trying to get used to this size.

"Hmm... ha... but... you can move now... lighten up..."

Mo Yuanling was frightened by his painful expression before, and he didn't dare to thrust like a storm. He followed his lover's rhythm and moved slowly, which had a special charm.

Ye Junge swung his hips from side to side, swallowing his genitals, put his arms around his neck, put his cheek against the man's cheek, and said softly: "Yuanling..."

Mo Yuanling exhaled lightly, afraid of scaring him: "Yes."

"I love you."

"Me too."

The man slowly increased his strength, Ye Junge hugged him tightly, and couldn't move anymore, half-closed his eyes to enjoy, staring at the man's handsome and tough side face, no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't get enough of it.

"Are you satisfied?" Mo Yuanling smiled happily, such focused eyes completely satisfied his psychology of being a domineering husband.

Ye Junge raised his lips slightly: "Old Gong, you are so handsome."

"?" Mo Yuanling didn't know what Lao Gong meant, but he could probably guess that his eyes were slightly dark, and his usual silly look was completely gone, revealing the fierce and domineering that only on the battlefield, he said in a low voice Said, "Call my husband."

Ye Junge chuckled: "Husband~" Sure enough, he felt the man's more powerful possession.

"Are you comfortable?" Mo Yuanling's attack was domineering yet gentle, and he rubbed Ye Junge's sensitive part with his meat crown carefully, watching him trembling and moaning in his arms, the hands wrapped around his waist Tighter.

"Well...comfortable..." Ye Junge rubbed his cheek, and kissed the corner of his lips lightly, "Husband, you are great." The man was hit hard by him on weekdays, so he shouldn't boast about it. Something will happen in the future .

Mo Yuanling was indeed agitated, and his movements became more and more rapid, but he was careful not to hurt him, even the slightest pain would make Mo Yuanling's heart ache to death.

Ye Junge no longer suppressed his moaning, and his soft, muffled moans were the best encouragement for a man.

Mo Yuanling pushed hard to the deepest point, and then ejaculated.

Ye Junge looked at the already dark sky, and was a little speechless. This was too long, and his voice was almost hoarse.

"Ma'am." Mo Yuanling grabbed his lips and sucked them a few times, "You are so sweet."

Ye Junge licked his Adam's apple: "I want more."

Mo Yuanling's eyes darkened, he backed away a little, and then invaded and possessed fiercely.

The tired voice resounded in the courtyard.

Sure enough, as Ye Junge expected, there will be a follow-up to the abolishment incident.

In the early court, Emperor Qi reprimanded all the ministers who begged the queen one by one, and bluntly stated that he must abolish the queen.

Three days later, Emperor Qi didn't come to the morning court. At noon, the news about the emperor's poisoning was reported. All the imperial doctors were recruited into the palace to detoxify him, and the prince supervised the country.

Everyone in the capital is in danger, and everyone has a feeling that the rain is about to come.

The eldest prince and King Huaimin made frequent changes, while the other princes stood still for the time being.

Speaking of which, the son of King Huaimin actually said that King Huaimin rebelled. It seems that this king with a different surname had a heart of disobedience.

It's a pity he was too hasty.

The poisoning incident this time was the work of the crown prince. In other words, the crown prince was the principal offender and Emperor Qi himself was the accomplice.

The prince returned to the East Palace study, sent everyone away, and laughed at the memorial on the table. He didn't expect this strategy to be so successful. He thought it would take a lot of effort to poison the emperor, but he didn't expect it to be so simple. The old emperor is really old.

The prince sneered, the emperor didn't know what had happened in the past few months, not only blamed himself at every turn, but also received a lot of reprimands from his mother, and even treated Xiao Jiu a lot colder, which made Xiao Jiu often very sad.

He also suspected that it was Ye Junge's fault, but after thinking about it, he overturned this conjecture. It's just a twin, what can he do.

Soon, when the old emperor dies, he will be able to ascend to the position above ten thousand people, and no one can stop him from being with Xiao Jiu.

The prince happily opened a memorial, not worried that Emperor Qi would recover, he was poisoned by an unsolvable poison that he specially chose, it only takes seven days...

As time passed, the courtiers became more and more flustered, the eldest prince and King Huaimin became more aggressive, and even the fifth prince couldn't help but began to contact his own forces in the army.

On the fifth day, the eldest prince and King Huaimin were almost ready. Although the arrangement was made out of desperation, everyone was equally unprepared and there was no great disadvantage. As long as the capital was captured, Other places can take their time.

Both of them were going to do it very hard at dawn the next day, but unfortunately the plan couldn't keep up with the change - Emperor Qi woke up. No, or rather, Emperor Qi's poison was cured.

This blow caught everyone off guard, and when the prince received the news, he knocked over the inkstone in a panic.

"How can it be?!"

The eldest prince glared fiercely at the staff in charge of inquiring about the news: "Didn't you say that he was poisoned by an unsolvable poison?"

The staff member wiped his sweat and dared not speak.

The eldest prince waved his hand and let him go, now is not the time to blame him, what to do should come up with a charter.

"Your Highness, I can only fight desperately at this time, or I will wait for Your Majesty to recover and find out what you have done..." the eldest prince's grandfather said slowly, "The consequences will be disastrous!"

The eldest prince pondered for a while, then nodded heavily: "That's the way to do it! Only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!"

"Father, what should we do?" Prince Huaimin panicked.

King Huaimin frowned: "This matter needs to be discussed in the long term, and now we will wait and see what happens."

"Fortunately, I didn't do anything..." The fifth prince heaved a sigh of relief in fear, and then planned to watch a good show. His father is not easy to fool, he thought of an excuse before contacting the army, and now he is not flustered.

Emperor Qi was not poisoned at all, he just asked his confidant imperial doctor to prescribe a secret medicine, after taking it, it was as if he was poisoned, and he was waiting for the restless people to do it. I got the news that the First Prince and King Huaimin were planning to do something, and the time was right, so they came back into everyone's sight.

That night, the capital was in chaos.

"Ma'am!" Mo Yuanling hurriedly put on his armor and went out, seeing Ye Junge quickly grabbed his hand, "Don't run around, it's chaotic outside now, what if something happens to you? Just stay at home obediently, I'll keep half of it The personal guards will protect the mansion and will not let you be in any danger!"

"What about you?" Ye Junge calmly shook his hand back.

"I'm going to His Majesty's side to support him." Mo Yuanling pulled him into his arms forcefully, "Don't run around, don't make me worry."

Ye Junge nodded and looked at him seriously: "I won't go out, I'll sleep at home, come back early, be careful."

"Yeah." Mo Yuanling smiled, bowed his head and kissed him, then let him go decisively, turned and left.

Ye Junge looked at his back, wondering what he was thinking.

Ye Junge didn't know the turmoil in the palace that night, and he didn't care, as long as he knew what the result would be.

004 made inquiries early in the morning, and waited for Ye Junge to ask him.

Early the next morning, Mo Yuanling came back with blood all over his body. After hastily washing and taking a bath, he quietly came to Ye Junge's room. Looking at his peaceful sleeping face, he felt that the fatigue in his body had disappeared a lot.

He climbed onto the bed carefully, and pulled him into his arms.

Ye Junge moved, without opening his eyes, and asked in a vague voice, "Is it all over?"

"Well, go to sleep." Mo Yuanling gently coaxed him, and closed his eyes to rest when he saw that he was asleep.

The turmoil in the palace has been suppressed, but the capital is still not peaceful, there are imperial guards everywhere to catch the restless people, there are also the eldest prince's personal soldiers and some people who fish in troubled waters are making trouble.

Ye Junge was not actually asleep, but closed his eyes and asked 004 about the outcome of the matter.

[The eldest prince made a desperate rebellion last night. The old emperor had already prepared for it. He and his party had already been arrested and imprisoned, but the rest of the party slipped through the net and contacted the first prince's forces outside the capital. However, the capital was under martial law and they have not contacted yet The old fox of King Huaimin stood still and left himself clean, and the other princes were similar. The prince's people were not very peaceful, and seemed to want to do something else, but the queen's The mother clan pressed down; the capital was in chaos, many officials' houses were destroyed, and some officials were unfortunately stabbed to death by the rebel army. Taking advantage of the chaos to eliminate dissidents, it's just that the emperor's people did not suffer heavy losses, but many of the prince's people died.]

'What about outside the city? Has the army changed? '

[A general planned to take advantage of his unpreparedness to kill Shangfeng and bring people to support the eldest prince, but the emperor who knew the plan in advance destroyed it. Now most of the elder prince's people in the army have been wiped out, and some are hidden deeper. In investigation. ] 004 smiled gloatingly after finishing speaking, [The eldest prince must not know that his second hand has also been abolished, baahaha~]

'Shut up. After so many worlds, Ye Junge still can't stand this guy's devilish laughter and foolish pretending to be pitiful.

[…] Hey! Boo! Boo! Come again!

The author has something to say:

"Easter Egg 1: Snow White" 03

Ye Junge followed the maid to the hall, and his heart was overwhelmed by the muddy horse. After passing through the cliché without any trace, he had preliminarily determined that this world was really that damned fairy tale world.

When they arrived at the hall, the maid bowed and went down, leaving Ye Junge alone to deal with a group of men who coveted his beauty.

"Your Highness, the beautiful princess, may I ask you to dance?" A gorgeously dressed man came to him, bent slightly, and stretched out a hand.

Ye Junge glanced at the man's hand in distaste, and slowly put it on. Fortunately, he wore gloves according to the lady's attire, so he turned around and threw the gloves away.

Ye Junge danced with him absent-mindedly. Although the lady's dance made her very, very upset, who made him pretend to be a princess now, and find a chance to kill the queen and the king and become the king himself, and then try to find a way to go back.