The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm

Chapter 44: The Fourth World Grade C Ancient World


Our Lady of the Court Musicians 01-02

[Ding! Welcome back to system space!]

[Ding! Settlement of contribution value...]

[Ding! The initial contribution value is 7900, the teleportation consumption (double) 2000, the teleportation talisman (double) 1000, the cleaning technique (double) 500; the main task (reward halved) gets a contribution value of 2500. Current points: 4400]

Ye Junge nodded: "Go directly to the next world."

[Ding! Due to the failure of the hidden mission of the last C-level world, the strategy of the C-level world was restarted. Automatically select the task world, the world level range: C level, please wait a moment...]

[Ding! A C-level world has been selected, type: Our Lady of the Court Musicians, difficulty: C.]

[Ding! Transmission deduction contribution value 1000, current remaining contribution value: 3400]

[Ding! Start teleporting... 10, 9, 8... 3, 2, 1. The transfer is complete, I wish you a happy time!]

This time the world is still the ancient times of the original mother star, but it is a normal ancient time without twins.

Ye Junge looked around. This is a remote alley. You can walk a dozen steps forward to enter the main street. The street is full of people and bustling.

Ye Junge looked down, what about the clothes on his body... it looks familiar...

'004. Ye Junge shouted expressionlessly. He found that the jade pendant he had been wearing and had already given to Mo Sheng was hanging around his waist. It was originally at the end of the campus world and he received it into the system space.

[Ding! The plot and character memories have been delivered, please receive them in time! ] 004 didn't answer and changed the subject.

Ye Junge's eyes darkened, probably because of a system loophole again.

What he is wearing now is the clothes he wore when he was kidnapped by the system and entered the system space that day. The flowing clouds patterns on them are exactly the same, but the material is different. Ye Junge's clothes are decent fairy clothes, made of silk from fire silkworms in his later years. Not to mention the ability of protection and the like, the ability to keep warm is first-class. The body on this body is obviously a counterfeit product, but it looks the same, and the material is completely different. It should be made of ordinary cloth.

[Ding! Character correction...]

After 004 made a sound, the dead silence returned. Ye Junge keenly noticed that the clothes on his body were starting to become a little worn out, no longer looking brand new, but as if they had been worn for a long time and washed a little white, but there were still some dirt that hadn't been washed off. There are also damages in some places.

'what happened? ' Ye Junge frowned.

After taking a breath, 004 slowly replied: [Ding! That’s right, because the loophole stowaway killed Bee before, which caused system data damage and some data loss, but before that, a lot of energy was used to restore Bee’s soul, so there was not enough energy to save all the lost data, causing the world If the character possessed by the host is damaged, a character must be recreated. Due to the loss of data, the specific data of the original character is not clear, and the time is limited, so I had to scan the image of the host to create a new character body to replace the original owner.]

'You just made me this body? All to be corrected? 'Ye Junge raised his eyebrows.

[Ding! Yes, just adjusting the inconsistency between the host body and the identity of the original host. In addition, the system and the people who have been in contact with the original body have been modified, and the image of the character in the memory has been changed to the appearance of the host.]

Ye Junge nodded, probably understood, anyway, this person's body was destroyed, and he needed to replace it with a new one.

'So, beep—what's it? It should be my man, right? Is it the code name given to him inside the system or his identity in the system? 'Ye Junge became aggressive in an instant.

004 was stunned for a moment, yes, what was it trying to say just now? It came out naturally, and then it was blocked, but now it takes the initiative to think, but it can't think of it.

[I don't know... Maybe it's... @#¥%... &)#@^%¥$...] The rest are all garbled characters.

Ye Junge paused, seeing that it really couldn't speak, probably there was some set authority blocking it.

'Forget it, don't say it if you can't say it. '

Ye Junge closed his eyes and still received the memory of the original owner.

This is the second time he got a body that looks exactly like him.

The first time 004 said that it was because of the novice world. In order to reduce the difficulty, he deliberately chose a body with the same appearance and name. At that time, he faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't think much about it.

Why does it have exactly the same appearance as his body, even the same name

It should be set up.

I don't know who is behind the scenes, set the framework of that world, and then wait for him to pass, maybe his man will appear in that world and be selected by 004 to match them, which is also pre-set.

If everything is set up, then Ye Junge's character must be taken into consideration. The other party knows that Ye Junge will accept 004's matchmaking to be with Ye Junjing.

Think about it this way...

Think carefully.

Ye Junge was a little skeptical. Was it planned by someone that he would fall in love with that person

Who the hell is someone

If there was a third person, he would get Ye Junge into the quick travel and match him with his man, and then let the loophole stowaway kill his man, it would obviously be wrong, unless the loophole stowaway was sent by the fourth person.

No, no, the system knew in advance that the stowaway would sneak attack his man, so it should be programmed, and when the stowaway was found, the task of protecting his man would be released.

Ye Junge made a few guesses.

The first one, besides him and his man, there are two other people, A and B. A made a game to bring them in, and then let them make a pair, the purpose is to match him and his man, but this doesn't make sense, because they have been together for a long time, there is no need to come to so many worlds, unless the system is running It cannot be modified later nor stopped early. Then B wants to kill the man, the reason is not clear, but one thing, B knows the loopholes of the system very well, so he can exploit them. Here, if A made the program setting in advance, then he already knew that B would come to destroy it, so why didn't he just fill in the loopholes? If there is a contradiction, get rid of it.

The second one is based on the first one, that is, A didn’t know that B would do it. He modified the program and released the task after discovering the loophole stowaway, so there are two questions, 1. Why didn’t he just stop the game, anyway The goal has been achieved; 2. How did he discover the loophole? The target of the stowaways was Ye Junge and his man, not Ye Junge himself. This item is difficult to explain and excluded.

The third one, there are three people in total, the person who brought them together was also the one who sent the stowaways, the purpose was to see Ye Junge in pain, let him get love first, and then let him lose what he loves, to see him in pain look. Ye Junge thought that no one hated him to such an extent, but it wasn't necessarily true, maybe there were narrow-minded people? However, there is almost no one in the comprehension world who can count him in, so this conjecture is not very likely.

The fourth is also three people, but these three people are divided into Ye Junge, his man, and the person who sent the loophole stowaways. That's right, Ye Junge guessed that his man made the system settings. Maybe his man had a crush on him for a long time. He created such a system and wanted to have a lifetime love with him. He probably thought that ten worlds should have A world tempted him, right? If you haven't, you have to give up, and don't expect extravagance in the future. Who sent the loophole stowaway then becomes a mystery.

The fifth, or three people, this is Ye Junge's most likely guess.

Someone wants to deal with him, and specially set up a system to control him to go to various worlds to do tasks. It would be better if he could not complete the tasks and be obliterated. This can be seen from the nature of the system—the right way system. If it is the fourth point, it is impossible to have a crush on him for so long and not discover Ye Junge's hidden character. From the clues, one can tell that Ye Junge's image in the righteous way is all pretending, and he is a sinister and evil boss in his heart, so he should be a man. Just get a magic system. Either the people who make the system don't understand Ye Junge, or they deliberately set up a righteous system to force Ye Junge to do good things.

But obviously, the system did not force him, and Ye Junge found these tasks very simple, which is not normal. If the other party wants to deal with him, the task must be very difficult, not as painless as it is now. Ye Junge's idea is that someone tampered with the system settings, this person should be the one who set Ye Junge's first world and set 004 to match him and his man - it should be Ye Junge and his old Gong.

Then it makes sense, someone wanted to deal with Ye Junge, so he set up this system to kill him. His man had been secretly in love with him for a long time, discovered the other party's conspiracy, tampered with the system data secretly, and came in to help him himself. Losing previous memories should be the price of entering the game world. The person who was going to deal with Ye Junge found out that his plan had been changed, and the system was no longer under his control, so he used the loopholes in the system to kill him and always attacked this variable. After the system has been transformed by his Lao Gong, it must be the first time to maintain the safety of his Lao Gong, and only after detecting the target of the loophole stowaway will he issue a task for him to protect his Lao Gong.

As for the reason for the setting, I am afraid that there is his selfishness in it.

Ye Junge would never fall in love with anyone, but 004's loopholes have been tried in the previous world, and it can affect Ye Junge's own character. There is no reason why it can't affect his emotions and desires.

Ye Junge didn't want to think about it any longer. He didn't want to care about who he fell in love with and was manipulated by the other party. This would cause cracks in the relationship between the two of them. Even if it was true, he didn't want to know. He just needs to know that his man really loves him, and he has done a lot of things for him, when he didn't know it.

Now that I decided not to care about the affair, I started to accept the plot and character memories with peace of mind when I met them.

This time, he was a down-and-out painter with decent painting skills, but because he offended the rich and powerful, he was kicked out, and then no one dared to buy his paintings. He was poor and fell ill, and he had no money for medical treatment. , and finally died of illness.

Yuanshen had a bookboy who was a very sincere servant and followed him unswervingly. Later, when Yuanshen died of illness, the deed of sale was returned to him to set him free. However, the bookboy sold himself to bury the owner after his death, and he still did not escape. Serve people's fate.

This little book boy is also unlucky. The person he sold himself to is Yonglehou. Yonglehou is a relatively affluent middle-aged man in his forties. He smiles and looks very kind. He is actually a pedophile and has abused The bed partner's habit has secretly played to death many little boys. The little book boy was only thirteen years old. He thought he had met a good person, but he turned out to be a beast in clothes. After being played with for two months, he died. After death, he was wrapped in a straw mat and thrown at the mass grave. There is not even a piece of clothing, and it is full of traces of abuse.

Ye Junge opened his eyes and sighed, he was a poor man again.

004 glanced at Ye Junge, Junjun had already begun to feel compassion, but he didn't realize it himself. It seems that the contractor's strategy is correct.

Um? Contractor

004 was taken aback for a moment, it finally thought of the blocked name, but it couldn't say it, and couldn't tell Junjun.

Forget it, so be it. The heartless 004 casually put the matter aside.

After receiving the original owner's memories, Ye Junge began to digest the original plot.

The protagonist of the original book, Shou, is a court musician with the attribute of the Virgin, the kind who is full of compassion and compassion.

The protagonist Shou was originally just an ordinary musician, but because the peace in his piano sound could relieve the headache of His Majesty the Emperor who had a miserable childhood, he was hand-picked to play the piano for the Emperor for many years, and gradually found that the Emperor was a poor man who lacked love in his heart . One time, the protagonist Shou couldn't bear it anymore, and he exposed the emperor's heart that he tried hard to hide.

The emperor became angry and asked him to drag him down to beat the board. The protagonist was bullied and did not fear death. Even so, he still said loudly that he wanted to help the emperor. The emperor was moved and let him go. From then on, he paid special attention to him.

Gradually, the emperor fell in love with this person who could give him warmth and bring him out of the painful area.

But the good times don't last long, because the protagonist Shou has another object of love in his heart, the unrestrained and unrestrained His Royal Highness Chen Wang who he accidentally caught a glimpse of during a performance at a palace banquet. Chen Wang is the same mother of the current emperor Yundi of the Chuyun Dynasty. Younger brother, Emperor Yun is the emperor who had a miserable childhood. Chen Wang was unwilling to let his elder brother sit on the throne, so he kept fighting against him secretly, but he wanted to snatch whatever Emperor Yun liked, so he deliberately approached the protagonist Shou, so that he would like Chen Wang because of a one-sided relationship and leaving a message in the palace. The protagonist Shou's love for him becomes more and more irresistible.

Emperor Yun found out that the person he had a crush on actually fell in love with another man, and was furious, so he targeted Prince Chen everywhere, and at the same time self-mutilated to win the attention of the protagonist.

In the end, the overwhelmed protagonist Shou chooses to end this relationship with death, and hopes that Emperor Yun can let Prince Chen go. Emperor Yun didn't expect him to be so decisive, after the protagonist Shou was rescued, he finally let them go. The protagonist Shou Hechen and Wang Hemei are in love with each other, and the two wander around the world, going to the sea to see the stars and the moon, so chic.

Ye Junge read it three times before and after, and finally confirmed that there is really no such thing as the original owner of his body here, and he is just a passer-by who hasn't been seen for a long time.

So, now, who is his man? Is it the main character or the secondary character in the original book or is it a cannon fodder? Or have you never played like him

'004. '

004 immediately began to scan the personal data in this world. Now that he knew that Xiao Gong was a contractor, it would be very convenient to find someone, instead of just scanning whether this person appeared in this world as before.

[I found it, Junjun, it is the emperor.]

Ye Junge narrowed his eyes, sure enough, 004 has a special connection with his man.

But... how the hell is his man an affectionate male partner? ! Still a jerk this time? ! ! Forget it, he is still an emperor? ! ! !

Ye Junge suddenly wanted to hit someone.

Whenever he was in a bad mood, Ye Junge wanted to do something.

So Ye Junge took the paintbrush and went to the street. By the way, where did the little bookboy go? Hmm... Ye Junge recalled it, oh, he went to the doctor's office to ask the doctor to give him some medicine, but it must be very bad if he didn't come back for so long.

What is the most annoying thing to maintain the city's appearance

Don't know anything else, but one thing they must have been particularly annoyed by was the fact that someone was scribbling on the walls.

Ye Junge was in a bad mood, very bad, very bad. Say important things three times.

So he went to paint on the street.

I don't understand why the poor and dirt-eating painter still has so much ink on his body, and doesn't the old man prefer to use ink to polish it now? No matter, it's good to be able to draw.

Ye Junge looked at the wall and wanted to draw whatever he wanted, and most of them were abstract paintings and wild grass. The onlookers were amazed, and even some knowledgeable people praised his wild grass. As for the portraits, forget it. Come.

By the time the officers and soldiers noticed that the commotion was approaching, Ye Junge had already painted many walls, the entire street in West Market was covered with paintings, and the officers and soldiers were trembling with anger. I have never seen such a bold guy! Dare to do anything wrong at the feet of the emperor! It's just... It's just...

The leaders of the officers and soldiers couldn't figure it out, and they didn't want to think about it.

Ye Junge waved away the salty pig's hand that was caught: "I can walk by myself, don't touch me!"

The heads of the officers and soldiers blushed with anger and were arrogant! Too arrogant! Extremely arrogant! He wanted to teach this guy a lesson, but unfortunately he couldn't beat him...

And the little book boy who really couldn't get any medicine ran back but couldn't find his master. He was anxious like ants on a hot pot, scurrying around in the entire West City, looking for someone like crazy.

"Hey, what are you doing?! Did you steal something?! Why are you running so fast?!" The chief of the officers and soldiers, who couldn't deal with Ye Junge, saw the little book boy who was passing by in a hurry, and immediately asked someone to stop him, really dozing off Sending pillows, he can't deal with Ye Junge or this kid

"I...I'm looking for my master...he's sick, I'm afraid something will happen to him..." The little book boy was startled, and explained the matter with his eyes closed.

"Nonsense!" The leader of the officers and soldiers sneered, "I think you stole something and were afraid of being caught, so you ran away in a hurry!"

Ye Junge frowned. He recognized the little book boy and stepped forward, scaring the officers and soldiers around him to take a step back. He didn't know what Ye Junge did to them during the confrontation just a few minutes ago.

"You... what are you going to do?!" The leader of the officers and soldiers calmed himself down, not to be overwhelmed by the enemy's momentum.

Ye Junge glanced at him indifferently, and shouted at the little book boy, "Hexuan!"

The little book boy heard the sound and looked over, he couldn't control his excitement: "Master!!"

The leader of the officers and soldiers patted his thigh: "Okay! So you are in the same group! Tell me! Did you discuss it! You are scribbling here to attract the attention of the people, and this kid took the opportunity to steal something!"

Ye Junge didn't bother to talk to him.

But the little book boy couldn't swallow this breath, and retorted loudly: "Nonsense! You spout blood! How could my master be such a person?!"

"Hexuan." Ye Junge stopped him aloud, "Don't quarrel with people who are not good at thinking."

… What does it mean to be out of your mind

004: ...Junjun, the ancients believed that people think with their hearts, not their brains.

in spite of.

In the end, Ye Junge and Xiao Shutong were taken to the prison in the yamen and locked up, waiting to be released.

"Master..." Cen Hexuan stared at the cell door for a long time, then turned his head to look at Ye Junge who was sitting safely on the haystack, with a worried look on his face, "Master, are you okay?"

Ye Junge looked up at him, "I'm fine."

Cen Hexuan couldn't understand him, he was obviously in a prison cell, but his expression was too relaxed, with a natural look, as if he was a fairy sitting on a futon and cultivating, he had never realized that the master was born so...beautiful, yes It is beautiful. Apart from beauty, there are no other words to describe him. The beauty is not like ordinary people.

"Don't worry, someone will let us out soon." Ye Junge closed his eyes and rested, he needed a clean environment to digest his previous speculation.

After venting crazily just now, he is much calmer now, it's just that his mind is messed up.

Ye Junge didn't know what expression to use when facing his lover, facing a deceitful or arranged love.

He is willing to believe that his lover really loves himself, instead of using him for entertainment.

If it was the former Ye Xianjun, there was no need to worry about it, just kill the other party directly, but no, he is now Ye Junge, a person who has begun to become flesh and blood, not a heartless and heartless fairy.

In fact, since the last world, after he saw the soul of his lover, Ye Junge has been restless. He thought that his lover was anyone, but he never thought it was him. No wonder, no wonder the divination back then said that that person was his lifeline.

Ye Junge remained calm all night, then slowly opened his eyes, the jailer came to deliver the food.

Ye Junge looked at the leftovers lying on the ground expressionlessly, and had no appetite at all, although he was already so hungry that he was about to have stomach cramps.

Why didn't his man come to him? Ye Junge was upset.

However, 004 couldn't read his face and shouted loudly: [Jun Jun! What about your attack? Why don't you come to pick you up?]Ye Junge glanced at it, but didn't speak.

004 thought for a while, and suddenly realized: [Ah! I see! He is the emperor now! Must be very busy!]

Ye Junge chuckled: "Yes, the emperor, there are three thousand beauties in the harem." '

004 trembled in fright, I am so stupid QWQ

At the same time, someone in the palace also shuddered, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Master, you should eat some." Cen Hexuan persuaded him earnestly, "I know you have a bad appetite when you are sick, but you haven't eaten for a day..." In fact, in his opinion, these meals are not bad. There is very little to eat, let alone the quality of the food.

Ye Junge would never wrong himself to eat this kind of food, and who knows where this food was picked out, he felt sick to his stomach thinking of certain possibilities.

The stomach ached to death, Ye Junge closed his eyes tightly, bit his lower lip, stubbornly refused to compromise, put his hands on his knees against his stomach, and pressed firmly, hoping to relieve the pain.

Cen Hexuan was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do.

Ye Junge heard a stomach growl, opened his eyes and glanced at him, and said kindly, "You can eat when you are hungry."

Cen Hexuan was slightly embarrassed, and shook his head stubbornly: "No, master, you eat first."

Ye Junge secretly looked at the food with disgust: "I won't eat it, you can eat it, if you don't eat it, I will get angry." Ye Junge's voice was light, but the meaning of threat was very strong.

Reflexively, Cen Hexuan picked up the bowl and started cooking rice, feeling very moved.

Ye Junge ignored him, and continued to close his eyes and meditate, his stomach seemed to be twisted, and his face turned pale from the pain.

On the other end, the protagonist, Shou Jiang Wenhe, was carefully cleaning his piano, and heard what his colleagues were talking about.

"I heard that the crazy painter actually has real skills."

"Tch, what is it? I can do scribbles too."

"No... I heard that there was a person who was very good at calligraphy at the time. He said that he was shocked by the crazy painter's wild cursive, and he was fascinated on the spot. Otherwise, I would have invited him back to the mansion long ago, why are we still waiting for the officers and soldiers to arrest him?"

"Huh? Really? Then that lunatic really has some skills? But which calligrapher is there?"

"It's the one who wrote "The Fu on the Sky"..."

"Oh, it's that one!"

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Wenhe gently put down the cloth towel and asked with a smile.

"Hey, Wenhe, don't you know?" The colleague laughed, "Yesterday, there was a painter in West Market who painted calligraphy on the wall, but the painting didn't seem to have any tricks. I've never heard of such a character."

"He was arrested by officers and soldiers?" Jiang Wenhe was more concerned about this, he frowned.

"Yes, yes, the officers and soldiers said that he disturbed the people, so he was arrested."

"If you want me to say that that person did it on purpose to attract the attention of dignitaries, or who would have known that there is such a person as him!" Another colleague sneered at this.

Jiang Wenhe glanced at him, knowing that he was jealous of the other party's talent, but he did not open his mouth to criticize, everyone has their own way of life, but he is born with a good heart, and he can't help but worry about this colleague . A person who is jealous of the virtuous and the talented cannot go far, but he also knows that he will not listen to the other party if he persuades him. Eh, it's really difficult.

That's all, let's help that painter first.

Jiang Wenhe went to Shangfeng to ask for leave, and hurried to the Hall of Supreme Harmony with the piano in his arms to ask to see Emperor Yun.

Emperor Yun was painting in the palace, just after the morning court, he prepared a pen and ink on a whim, and prepared to draw a picture.

The strokes of the pen are smooth and smooth, and the costumes of the people in the painting are not very exquisite, but they are full of immortality. Emperor Yun doesn't know who the other party is, but he is sure that he is very important to him, but he can't remember the face clearly.

Emperor Yun hesitated in mid-air holding the pen, not knowing how to write.

"Your Majesty, Master Jiang Yue please see me." The chief eunuch Luo Kangshun said softly. Recently, Master Jiang Yue has been favored very much. If he is not a man, the women in the harem would not be able to sit still.

Emperor Yun put down his pen, frowned unhappily, and waved.

Seeing this, Luo Kangshun quickly retreated quietly.

"Master Jiang Yue, Your Majesty invites you in."

Jiang Wenhe smiled at Luo Kangshun: "Thank you, Eunuch."

"Hey, I don't dare to take it." Luo Kangshun didn't hesitate to give anyone who looked at Emperor Yun a good look, and carefully invited them in.

"Your Majesty." Jiang Wenhe knelt down and saluted.

Normally, Emperor Yun would have helped him up before he had completely knelt down, but this time he did not represent Jiang Wenhe, but instead admired the painting on his own, thinking about how to fix the missing facial features. make up.

After a long time, Emperor Yun remembered that there was another kneeling, and glanced at him: "Get up."

Jiang Wenhe stood up slowly, his complexion was not very good-looking, no one could have a rosy complexion after kneeling for so long. He didn't blame Emperor Yun, what the emperor wanted to do was beyond the control of the subjects.

"Why did you come to see me?"

Jiang Wenhe breathed a sigh of relief, told the rumors he had heard, and then looked at Emperor Yun expectantly: "Your Majesty, it's a pity that such a person is trapped in prison, can you give him grace to release him?"

Emperor Yun's heart moved, clamoring in his heart to agree to this request, but his face remained calm.

Time passed slowly in the silence, and the ominous premonition in Emperor Yun's heart became stronger and stronger, which made him frown. He always felt that he had to agree as soon as possible and then take the person over, otherwise he would regret it.

"Okay." Not daring to go against the premonition, Emperor Yun finally nodded and agreed, "Come on, go to the prison in the capital and invite that... painter out." For some reason, he couldn't help but use the honorific.

Jiang Wenhe glanced at him in surprise, as if he didn't realize it, after the eunuch went down to deliver the order, he paced irritably in the study, walked back and forth twice, couldn't help it, and strode out the door . Can't wait any longer!

Jiang Wenhe and Luo Kangshun hurriedly followed, Jiang Wenhe didn't dare to follow after a while, Emperor Yun obviously wanted to leave the palace.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, you can't just leave the palace like this! You're still wearing a dragon robe!" Luo Kangshun screamed in shock.

Emperor Yun reprimanded in a low voice without looking back: "Shut up." There is no time to talk nonsense to him.

The palace guard saw the situation here from a distance, and hurried to find the captain of the guard. After the captain knew the situation, he photographed many guards waiting at the gate of the palace to escort the emperor out of the palace.

I have never seen such a tossing emperor. It was also the Empress Dowager who died early, otherwise how could His Majesty let His Majesty mess around.

Emperor Yun came to the capital, and the governor accompanied him carefully to welcome him in. Emperor Yun waved impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, where is the prisoner?"

Fu Yin is bewildered, who is it

The master's thoughts turned quickly, thinking of the crazy painter who was imprisoned yesterday, he immediately understood, and gestured to Fu Yin.

Fu Yin also understood in seconds: "Your Majesty, please invite this side."

Emperor Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with him: "Hurry up and lead the way."

Fu Yin suppressed the turbulent waves in his heart, what is the origin of that person locked inside, so that the Holy One is so concerned about him

Emperor Yun came to the prison, looked at the dirty and messy environment inside, and frowned fiercely. Such an environment...

Emperor Yun's footsteps became more urgent, and he passed Fu Yin and walked in. Fu Yin was taken aback and quickly pointed in the direction, and told which cell it was, thinking in his heart that it was bad, this time it was going to be bad luck.

Ye Junge leaned against his stomach, sat cross-legged on the hay, already bowed slightly in pain, even Cen Hexuan noticed something was wrong.

"Master?! What's wrong with you, master?!" Cen Hexuan asked anxiously.

"It's okay..." Ye Junge shook his head, cold sweat slowly dripping from his forehead.

When Emperor Yun walked over, he saw this scene. The figure who looked like a banished immortal curled up there weakly, and his heart trembled in pain.

"Dog slave! Why don't you release him soon?!" Emperor Yun kicked the jailer's leg.

The jailer was so frightened that he hurriedly opened the cell door tremblingly.

Ye Junge raised his head and glanced at them dully, only seeing that majestic figure in black dragon robes, eyes full of concern.

Emperor Yun stepped forward to pick him up, just as Cen Hexuan was about to say something, Ye Junge glanced at him, and he shut up.

Emperor Yun glanced at Cen Hexuan who was watching him vigilantly and the leftovers not far away, trembling with anger: "You just gave him this kind of food?!" He held the beloved baby in his hand, How bad is it? !

The jailer was frightened, because it was his own initiative to replace the meals of Ye Junge and the others with this.

Emperor Yun didn't have time to chat with them, so he left a sentence coldly, and walked away: "You can figure it out yourself." The words were spoken to Fu Yin.

Seeing this, Luo Kangshun quickly instructed a young eunuch who followed him to go to the imperial hospital to ask for an imperial doctor, and he followed the pace of Emperor Yun.

Fu Yin finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the man had left. Fortunately, the Holy Majesty did not punish him for offending him...

The author has something to say: "Easter Egg 1: Snow White" 06

Ye Junge dismissed the maid, and walked into the courtyard alone. It was too boring to stay in the room, although there was nothing interesting outside.

In the corridor, Ye Junge met a strange guard. Although he was wearing the costume of a guard, he felt weird. His skin was rough and dark like the one that had been exposed to the wind and sun in the wild all year round. It was definitely not comparable to the little white-faced guards in the palace. .

Ye Junge suddenly remembered that in the story about Snow White, the big-chested and brainless princess was tricked out of the palace by a hunter.

This is really an unreasonable world. He couldn't understand why such a fake guard could still deceive people. Could it be that Snow White really has no brains? But the queen's move is too low, right