The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm

Chapter 54: The fifth world B-level future world


Pure love holographic online game article 09-10

How to coax a little girl out to meet him

Ye Junge thought for a while and finally came up with a solution, and then pulled Qi Hao off the assembly line. The reason was that he was tired and wanted to go to bed early. Of course, Qi Hao didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly went off the assembly line with him.

Ye Junge was lying on the bed after dinner and washing, and his man also climbed up, stretched out his long arms, and hugged him tightly.

"Go to sleep." Qi Hao kissed his lips.

Ye Junge nodded, kissed back, and slowly closed his eyes.

He sank his soul into the sea of consciousness, and slowly emitted a soft and friendly signal, not the slightly unfriendly one during the previous investigation. That little girl should be easily scared away, right

An hour passed, but the other party did not appear, Ye Junge was not in a hurry, he continued to send friendly signals, and then slowly searched for the other party's whereabouts in the chaos.

Another hour passed, and finally, the soul slowly appeared from the hiding place, and lightly touched the corner of Ye Junge's soul force network that stretched into the entire sea of consciousness. Ye Junge immediately found her position, and wrapped her up carefully. . Only then did I see clearly that it was a palm-sized villain, a little transparent, slightly pink, and tender and cute. I didn't expect to have cultivated into a Nascent Soul.

The little Nascent Soul girl looked curiously at herself being surrounded by the light blue soul power. She poked her hand out, as if it was elastic, and immediately plunged into it happily as if she had encountered something interesting, and was then caught It bounced out, but was caught by the soul force behind her again, because Ye Junge specially protected her, so she was not thrown out again.

The little girl found something interesting and bumped it over and over again to play.

Ye Junge wasted three hours playing with her, and finally made her happy. The little girl had had enough, and yawned gracefully on top of Ye Junge's soul power.

"Can you speak?" Ye Junge asked softly, for fear of scaring her. This afternoon, she was very swearing and scolding, so she should be able to talk.

The little girl rubbed against Ye Junge, blinking her big eyes: "I, I, I can talk, are you my father?"

Ye Junge baffled for a moment: "I'm not your father, I'm your brother." Her appearance is 70% similar to Ye Junge himself, and it is clear that there is a close relationship at a glance.

"Brother?" The little girl propped her chin on Ye Junge's body, "Why do you look different from me?"

Ye Junge conjured up his own appearance, a man in ancient costume with a slender body and untied hair, all dressed in white clothes with a celestial aura.

The little girl was lying on his palm.

"Wow!" She screamed, then rolled on the spot in a nympho, flew towards Ye Junge's face, hugged Ye Junge's cheek and rubbed it, very happy, "You are bigger than me, But I found out, you are like me!"

Ye Junge smiled, dragged her with one hand to prevent her from falling, rubbed her chubby face with the other hand, and poked her belly: "My name is Ye Junge."

The little girl hugged her belly and laughed, falling into Singer Ye Jun's heart. The purple skirt transformed on her body was messy, her hair was loose, and a few hairs were sticking up. She looked very cute.

"Hmm, Ye Junge? What's that?" The little girl asked while lying on her back, biting her finger.

"That's my name." Ye Junge felt very surprised, he had always lacked patience, but in front of her, he was surprisingly patient.

The little girl nodded half-understanding: "What about my name? I want a name too!"

Ye Junge was helpless, how could anyone ask such a question, ask others what their name is, and ask for it confidently. Forget it, Ye Yiming's name was all given by him, and he doesn't care about having another one.

"What do you want to be called?" Ye Junge carefully recalled whether his father had named his sister at the time, but it was fruitless, so he couldn't remember.

"Same as you!" The little girl stared at him with bright eyes, her eyes were full of admiration, brother Sang is so powerful, he has grown up so much!

Ye Junge silently said to her little head, "It's better to call Yan'er, let the fish fall into the wild."

"It's not good." Xiao Yan'er rolled around in Singer Ye's heart, "I want to be like you!"

"The first name is Ye Junyan, and the younger one is Yan'er, okay?" Ye Junge looked at her with a funny face.

Ye Junge paused: "(·.·) Huh? What's your name? What's your nickname?"

"The big name is the same as mine, and the small name is only for you." Ye Junge found that this little girl seemed to have a high IQ only in certain circumstances. For example, when she scolded people in the afternoon, she usually had the disposition of a child, probably because she hadn't grown up yet. , That's why he only changes his temper when he is stimulated.

Ye Junyan became happy again: "Okay, okay, only I have it, and you can't have it either!"

"Well, I haven't, and I won't ever have one."

After coaxing Ye Junyan, the next step is to find out why she suddenly woke up. You must know that this soul has been in his sea of consciousness for thousands of years, and has never moved at all. Ye Junge coaxed her to sleep, and gently probed into her memory to check. Be very careful, otherwise it will damage her sanity. Perhaps it was because of the fetters deep in his soul that Ye Junge couldn't bear to hurt her, she was his only family member.

Ye Junyan's memory is intermittent, and most of them are asleep in the chaos, but he can probably guess that the first time this consciousness awakened was when he was still in the world of online distribution volumes. The lover had just been together, and when he entered the campus world, this soul began to spontaneously build the best growth environment for itself, that is, chaos, so Ye Junge's sea of consciousness turned into chaos.

'004, come out. '

004 appeared immediately, it had been peeping beside her for a long time, this little girl is really, really, really, really cute! It really wants to go up and rub it!

Action is worse than heartbeat, and then 004 was shot away by Ye Junge.

[QAQ host, why are you swollen? If you have a younger sister, you don't need the system!]

Ye Junge glanced at it: "I came to you to ask questions, not to watch you bully others." '

004 snorted, and refused to answer the question. Ye Junge raised his hand to bring it over to teach him a lesson. Scared, 004 hurriedly begged for mercy, and expressed that he knew everything without saying anything.

'Tell me why she suddenly woke up. '

004 thought about it: [I have a guess about that, I don't know if it's accurate_(:з」∠)_]


[Do you still remember your own mental state when she woke up?]004 Seeing Ye Junge's confused face, he knew he didn't remember, and explained without complaint, [At that time, you just fell in love with your man. Before that, you were in an emotional state of indifference and didn't care much about anything. I have no interest in any relationship. But the emotion you suddenly had stimulated your sister's soul, and then you became more and more emotional, and she received more and more stimulation, so the speed of waking up became faster and faster.]

Ye Junge didn't know what expression to make: "But why did she grow up so fast?"

Ye Junge has been doing missions in these worlds for hundreds of years. If you count it seriously, it is not fast, but the premise is to practice normally. Ye Junyan is in his sea of consciousness, and exists in the state of soul. He can't absorb spiritual power and can't cultivate. He can only train his soul. It stands to reason that without the help and guidance of exercises, it is basically impossible to cultivate the soul alone. It is said that the Nascent Soul will be condensed in hundreds of years.

[That's because your own huge soul power is divided into two halves, okay? She absorbs half alone. She doesn't need guidance at all. She only relies on instinct to swallow and absorb your soul power. It took hundreds of years for the world to reach the Nascent Soul Stage because of her I was lethargic and didn't absorb too much soul power.]

Ye Junge thought about it for a while, and it seemed quite reasonable, so he let go of this question, and it's good to have a younger sister, having a lover and a younger sister, and it's consummated. As for why his soul power was divided into two halves... that's not important.

After finding out about Ye Junyan's matter, Ye Junge, a lazy bastard, didn't plan to take care of it anymore, and went to sleep peacefully.

It was dawn on the other side, and Ye Junge was still in a deep sleep. Qi Hao was a little worried, but seeing that he looked good, he didn't wake him up, so he went to prepare breakfast by himself.

Ye Junge woke up relatively late. It took a lot of energy to check Ye Junyan's memory last night. He entered the game after breakfast, but the atmosphere in the guild was a bit strange.

"What?" There seems to be a lot of things recently.

"A guild executive stole guild supplies, and took a lot of things from the guild when he quit the guild."

Ye Junge asked coldly: "How much did you take?"

"Not much." Ming Yu couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he said this, "Fortunately, we discovered it in time and controlled the damage to a relatively small range, but now the members of the guild are all angry, and their emotions can't be suppressed at all. Live." The guild materials are all stored in the guild warehouse for guild members, and members can exchange them with guild points. If the higher-ups steal the guild materials, it is tantamount to violating the interests of the guild members, so it is difficult for them to appease their emotions.

"Got it, where is he now?"

"He went to Tianming." Ming Yu hesitated for a moment, but still said, "But I don't think what happened this time should be caused by Tianming."


"I don't know, it's just intuition."

Ye Junge raised his lips slightly. Of course, this matter couldn't be caused by Tianming, because it was Ye Junge's own order at all. That high-level executive was indeed bought by Tianming, but Ye Junge gave him a greater benefit, letting him return to Tianming to be an undercover agent. The face spy is the most elusive, you don't know who he is, but Ye Junge is not afraid, he has the soul power to set the mark, although the time limit is not long, it is enough.

"No matter who instigated his behavior this time, I will push it to Tianming. How to do it is up to you. Remember to pull out the previous few things together. We will launch a general attack on Tianming until the gang of Tianming disintegrates. stop." Ye Junge cut off the conversation after giving orders, and then contacted the high-level defector.

"Boss?" The other party was a little nervous.

"How did you tell the people of destiny? They actually accepted you."

The senior manager apologized and smiled: "I was an undercover agent sent by destiny before, and they didn't have any doubts when I went back this time, they just asked me why I came back early, and I said I was about to be discovered, so I packed a bunch of things and came back first. "

"They believed it?" Ye Junge raised his eyebrows.

"Almost, Chu Si believed it, and the others didn't doubt it much."

Ye Junge nodded: "Go ahead."

"Yes!" The other party responded quickly.

Ye Junge and Qi Hao went to brush a boss. This boss has a chance to drop a challenge token. The so-called challenge token is to allow one guild to challenge another guild. Each guild sends out 5,000 people and teleports them into a map. Within three hours, the guild with the most players who hang up will lose, and all members of the losing guild will lose level 5, and will be disbanded forcibly, and the guild will not be allowed to rebuild within one month.

Establishing a guild is not something you can do if you want to. You must issue a guild building order to establish a guild. So far, there are still many guilds that are in a loosely organized state because they do not have a guild building order.

The boss is refreshed once a day. Ye Junge and Qi Hao's luck is not bad. Maybe it's the effect of Ye Junge's 80 luck points. The challenge token exploded when the boss was killed for the second time.

Those 5,000 guild elites had already made preparations. They knew Ye Junge's plan in advance, so everyone desperately armed themselves and tried their best to crush the destiny.

Ye Junge took the challenge token and went to the city lord's mansion in the main city to register, and soon the system message made the players uproar again.

[System Announcement: The Holy Realm Gang uses the challenge token to launch a challenge to the Destiny Gang, and the challenge lasts for three hours. Each guild selects 5,000 members to enter the secret map. After three hours, the guild with the most surviving players wins. The challenge will start in half an hour. ]

The system announcement was sent three times in a row, and the Destiny Guild immediately fell into a panic. Five thousand against five thousand, although they don't want to admit it, they really don't have much hope of winning!

The top management of Destiny tried their best to appease the emotions of the members, and then quickly selected 5,000 people to participate in this challenge. There was only half an hour of preparation time, and there was no time to get a lot of things, so they could only do their best.

Soon, the challenge began.

Ye Junge arranged for 5,000 players to disperse into the surrounding jungle, and slowly moved towards the opponent's gathering point.

Since the number of players is the same but the quality of the players is slightly different, Destiny should not take the initiative to attack, but stay in place to defend. As long as you find a good position, you can take advantage of it, but Ye Junge doesn't want to fight with them.

Taking advantage of the fact that the opponent's people have not yet organized the battle line, the player who has learned the invisibility technique quietly blesses himself with the light body technique and usurps into the opponent's crowd, carefully avoiding the opponent's random lighting technique, because the opponent is confident that he will not Some people sneaked in, so the lighting technique was used sometimes but not once, but many players from the Holy Realm got mixed in. Most of their lighting skills were contributed to the open space outside the encirclement, and they did not expect that the other party had already entered the inner layer.

All the players in the Holy Realm are in place, and the distance between each player is about the same, making sure that all places can be covered with two layers of group attack spells. After being discovered, it didn't take long for everyone to gather a group of spiritual power in their palms. They were the most powerful. Ye Junge gave an order, and everyone left them in their positions. Since spells cannot harm themselves, they are safe and sound. But the destiny players around are out of luck.

Immortal cultivators have weak defenses. Except for better equipment, they are generally not able to withstand two group attacks, especially those with thin blood, who are instantly killed, and the remaining half of the remaining blood are driven by others to surround them The group or single damage thrown by players in the Holy Land will be bombarded and killed.

The players on the outer layer are alright, with a relatively high survival rate. They put shields on themselves because they have to guard against the coming of the holy land at all times, but the shields consume mana, so the players on the inner layer didn't put them on themselves, and they were ready to wait. Seeing that the people in front couldn't stand it anymore, they put on the shields to replace them, but they didn't expect them to launch an attack directly inside.

Ye Junge led such a group of players in the air with their swords, so there was no pressure to deal with the players with residual blood in the inner layer, and there was no situation where they couldn't see people so they couldn't attack.

This time the sneak attack directly caused the deaths of about two thousand Tianming people, which is considered a hemorrhage. The strength was not dominant, and now they are quite inferior in numbers, and the faces of Tianming's senior management immediately turned black.

The player quality of Destiny cannot be compared with that of Saint Realm. After all, Saint Realm has occupied the position of the top guild for so long. No matter from any aspect, it is not comparable to Destiny who has just stepped into the front line. Many Destiny players are still staying with other guilds. In terms of the thinking mode of the second-line guild battle, they misestimated the strength of the holy land and Ye Junge's tactics. They only fought in the standard positional battles, and they never imagined that they could play like this.

Half of the players in the Holy Realm who stayed inside the Destiny died, and the other half got lucky and escaped. The next thing was the confrontation between the two guilds. Because of the suppression of the number, Ye Junge didn't have to worry about being unable to crush the opponent, so he went directly Simple and crude tactics. There is no danger to defend the Mandate of Heaven. It would be difficult to defend, but you can't directly rush to the Holy Realm to fight recklessly.

Ye Junge directed the players to rush forward one by one, rapidly wiping away the opponent's vitality.

Two and a half hours later, the entire Destiny Guild had hundreds of escaped fish that escaped into the forest, and it was difficult to find them using the invisibility technique. Ye Junge simply told them not to look for them, since they had won anyway. The Holy Realm has won a complete victory this time, because they cooperated well and prepared well, so they only lost five or six hundred players, which is not a big loss. These five or six hundred players turned around and asked people with higher levels to take them to level up. Can catch up soon.

[System Announcement: The Holy Realm Guild's challenge to the Destiny Guild has ended, the Holy Realm Guild won the challenge, the guild level +1, and all members' levels +1. The Destiny Guild's defense failed, the guild was forcibly disbanded, and could not be rebuilt within a month, and all members' levels were -5. ]

The system punishment is quite severe, the entire Destiny is in a state of dead silence, the members of Destiny watched the badges of the Destiny Guild on their shoulders slowly disappear. Bless you, many times many things will cause a lot of trouble.

At this time, there was even worse news that the player who had defected from the holy land had seized all the guild materials of Tianming, and then disappeared without a trace.

The vice president was furious. He said that this guy was untrustworthy, and something was wrong when he came back early. He didn't expect to be a double agent! Just someone who doesn't know who he really is.

The players in the holy land laughed when they heard the news, and told you to send undercover agents to the guild! Now be punished! Without those guild materials, even if the guild is re-established, it will be difficult to develop in a short period of time, and the guild warehouse must be filled with materials purchased from spirit stones again.

These are not the main points, the main reason is that Destiny has been fighting against the Holy Land, but it loses every time. The last siege battle, Destiny lost three levels, and now the Challenger League is five levels, so it will be eight levels. Let those players wonder whether it is necessary for them to stay in the destiny. I am afraid that not many people will be willing to stay in a guild that is always suppressed and beaten. In addition, the top management of the destiny has repeatedly chosen to fight against the holy land , and it turned out that they made wrong decisions, which caused the guild to become like this, and they questioned whether the guild leaders could make the right choice that was beneficial to the guild.

Following a leader who is stupid and overreaching, I am afraid that this guild will only cause a lot of unnecessary troubles for itself, and finally be wiped out. Just like the destiny of the guild that has been forced to disband now, I am afraid that not many people will be willing to come back if it is re-established.

And in this game, if the two guilds join forces to prevent him from developing, no matter how much he jumps around, it will be useless.

Destiny is exhausted.

Ye Junge actually hates the name "Tianming", it reminds him of the way of heaven that has always wanted to kill him. The purpose of the way of heaven is the destiny of heaven, but Ye Junge has always been a person who goes against the sky, so he doesn't take destiny seriously .

"Brother." Ye Junyan woke up, children always sleep very long, especially Ye Junyan has to work hard to absorb soul power. She flew out of Ye Junge's body. Now Ye Junyan has grown up a little bit. Ye Junge can hold her in the palm of his hand and now he can only drag her. He can't bend his fingers at all. It seems that he is growing quite fast.

"(·.·) Huh? Where is this place?" The child was very interested in novelty things, since no one else could see her anyway, so she ran around looking around, and 004 followed after seeing this, He took the hair ball and touched her small body. They were about the same size, and 004 was slightly smaller.

Ye Junyan stared at the fur ball with wide eyes, and opened his mouth wide: "What are you?"

[I am 004. ] 004 bumped into her, knocked her a little unstable, and almost fell from standing to sitting, but Ye Junge already knew that this girl could always float in the air, and as long as she didn't want to, she wouldn't fall to the ground, so she didn't worry too much.

"004?" Ye Junyan tugged at its long hair, "You are so round!"

[I am not round, I am not round! This is rich and rich! ! ] 004 immediately exploded.

"(·.·) Huh? Standing up." Ye Junyan touched 004's raised hair, and now 004 is like a sea urchin with very dense spines, but it is white and the "thorns" are very soft.

004 was defeated by this innocent and curious little girl, and the hair on his body drooped limply.

"(·.·) Huh? It's softened again." Ye Junge tugged, but couldn't get it off, hugged 004, and walked towards Ye Junge with difficulty, "Brother, it's softened, what should I do?"

"Then make it hard." Ye Junge said with a smile.

"QWQ I won't."

"I'll help you."

Under Ye Junge's coercion and temptation, 004 had no choice but to prick up his hair again for the eldest lady to play with.

Why do I feel a little dirty...

"Brother, you are amazing." The little girl looked at him adoringly, and Ye Junge rubbed her head: "Good boy."

"Baby! Look... eh? What is this?" Qi Hao came over holding something as if offering a treasure. After seeing Ye Junyan, he was surprised for a moment. He always felt that the other party looked familiar.

"My sister." Ye Junge said flatly, "She is another soul living in my body."

Qi Hao petrified: "Nani?!"

Ye Junge burst out laughing, the man looks really cute like this.

"Is this the new pet you received in the game?" Qi Hao responded.


"Ah... what is that?"

Ye Junge chuckled: "Forget what you are, now she is my sister."

Qi Hao looked at Ye Junyan and then Ye Junge, and simply ignored it, and held the things he found in front of Ye Junge: "Look, I found it for you."

"What is this?" Ye Junge picked it up and looked at it in disgust. It was a sickly spirit flower, and it didn't look very good.

Qi Hao coughed dryly: "This is a spiritual flower that can increase cultivation, and it can be taken directly without refining it into a pill."

"Oh." Ye Junge raised his eyebrows, "Then why does it look like a wild flower that has been destroyed?"

"... I made it like this by accident." Qi Hao replied in shame.

The president of the dignified Emperor's Industry Guild, who can't even pick a spirit flower, wants to send flowers to beauties...

Well, forgive him, after all, where the president needs to do it himself, everything is done for him by his subordinates.

It can also be seen from the side that this flower was indeed found and picked by himself, and the appearance is so poor.

Ye Junge defended his lover in his heart, and then reluctantly accepted the flower.

"It's okay, next time you use this to fool me, I won't accept it."

Qi Hao nodded again and again: "Don't worry, it won't happen next time!"

It seems that in his spare time, he still has to learn the side job of collecting herbs.

"Brother?" Ye Junyan was dissatisfied with being ignored, so she sat in Ye Junge's palm and tilted her head ignorantly.

... The silly brother Ye Junge was suddenly bloodshot in his heart.

"What's the matter, Yan'er?"

Such a soft voice is definitely not his baby! Qi Hao was dumbfounded.

"Honey, you've never spoken to me like that before!"

Qi Hao's eyes were red with jealousy.

Ye Junge rolled his eyes at him: "Go away, you can eat the little girl's jealousy too."

"Brother..." Ye Junyan was ignored by the two of them again, very, very unhappy, lay down like a fool, and then began to roll and act coquettishly.

Ye Junge carefully put his hands together, fingers and palms slightly bent, for fear that she would fall.

"Okay, okay, what's the matter?"

It is really tiring to raise a child, especially a delicate and very young girl.

Ye Junyan pouted: "Brother, you ignore me."

"..." Are you going to rebel one or two? Is it enough to fight for favor and jealousy

Ye Junge poked his sister's little head, picked her up and put her on top of Qi Hao's head.

"Accompany, her, play." After the order, he ran away by himself, and he still had some guild affairs to deal with.

Qi Hao grabbed Ye Junyan off his head as soon as he left, but he didn't dare to use any force, such a small one, if it breaks, Ye Junge will definitely not let him go.

Ye Junyan looked at her brother Sang's back with tears in her eyes, clutching at the hair under her body and refused to let go, Qi Hao couldn't force her to let go, so after coaxing her for a long time, the little girl ignored him at all.

I had no choice but to go out with a little girl on my back.

The members of the Holy Realm looked at Qi Hao with a pocket man on his head wandering around in the guild territory with weird eyes, feeling that the world was absurd.

How long has it been? The bosses have actually made babies with the presidents of the hostile guilds. Look at this brow, look at this face, look at this... well, don't look at it, it's just a miniature version of their boss! Simply too exquisite!

A group of strange aunts and aunts were full of blood, and their eyes were green, but no one dared to touch it, and they didn't want to go to the resurrection point for a walk.

Woohoo, so cute!

Everyone was silently complaining inwardly, but there was only one idiot who said it carelessly. This idiot was the assistant to the vice president of the Holy Realm, a typical creature with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

The man scratched his head, smiled at Qi Hao very foolishly, couldn't help it, finally came over, stood still and asked something that made everyone cover their faces.

"President Zhu Jun, is the baby on your head the cub of you and our boss?"

Qi Hao: "..." Cub? ?

Everyone: "..." We don't know him!

The man still smirked, scratching his head, not knowing what he said wrong.

"She's not me and Baoer's... cub." The corner of Qi Hao's mouth twitched, this person had a big brain, "She is a pet that Baoer got from somewhere."

"Oh..." he suddenly realized, "So it's like this. I heard from people who have pets that some pets can transform into human beings, and then their appearance will be 70% or 80% similar to their owners. It's actually true!"

Qi Hao was powerless to complain, so he could only reciprocate with a few words—hehe.

"I'm not a pet." Ye Junyan suddenly protested, "Yan'er is not a pet!"

Qi Hao slapped the little girl down on the head with a blank expression: "Kids, don't talk."

Ye Junyan flattened her mouth and immediately burst into tears.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I want my brother! Brother..."


Qi Hao: Oops! Stuck it! It actually made people cry!

Everyone: Hehe, you have today too.

So Qi Hao could only look for Ye Junge with a bitter face, holding the little girl who was out of breath from crying.

Made Ye Junge's sweetheart cry, he probably will kneel on the keyboard tonight.

No, keyboards have long been eliminated in this era... Then why would Ye Junge punish him to kneel

Ye Junge was so busy that he was dying, and then someone came to make trouble.

"Why is she crying?" Ye Junge took the little girl and softly coaxed her, then stretched out her finger and poked Ye Junyan's itchy flesh. Not long after, the little girl started giggling again, but there were small tears on her face, why? Look how pitiful.

"I didn't do anything..." Qi Hao looked at him innocently, "This girl is too squeamish, she will cry after not seeing you for a while."

"Liar!" Ye Junyan stared at him with wide eyes, "You bullied Yan'er!"

Qi Hao: ... If you make a mistake, this girl will still sue.

Ye Junge looked at him expressionlessly: "Do you need to explain?"

What an explanation! fall!

Sure enough, a crying child has milk to eat, shouldn't he learn the magical skill of pretending to be pitiful

Qi Hao took a deep breath: "... I was wrong." Regardless of the facts, first admit your mistake.

... Where's your backbone

Ye Junge laughed angrily: "Are you learning to be good now? It's really cunning to admit your mistakes as soon as something happens. Do you think I won't deal with you?"

"No, I dare not." Qi Hao really didn't think he had done anything too much, and in the end he could only blame Ye Junyan for being too tempered.

Xiao Gong raised this kind of creature, it is better to keep it at a distance in the future.

While apologizing, Qi Hao secretly glared at Ye · Jiaoqi · Jun · Xiao Gongju · Yan.

On the one hand, there is the desire to possess the lover, and on the other, the desire to possess the elder brother. I am afraid that it will be difficult for the two of them to reconcile one day.

The hatred of seizing his wife is irreconcilable, Qi Hao is planning when to get rid of this unsightly girl, although it is difficult, but maybe he will succeed

The premise is to find out what the background of this little girl who suddenly appeared is.

Qi Hao ran away in a hurry after being reprimanded by Ye Junge, looking for his subordinates to investigate Ye Junyan's matter. Knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle, he doesn't believe it, he is no better than a little... girl? girl? kid

Forget it, don't worry about the title.

In short, the days to come are expected to be very exciting.

The author has something to say: The next chapter update is a pure extra: a hundred questions about sex + a silent cold night extra

"Easter Egg 1: Snow White" 16

Fuck! The queen thought Snow White was dead! How about the story? !

Absolutely impossible.


"Hey, have you heard? When someone went hunting in the forest, they saw a beautiful woman like a fairy, who is said to be a hundred thousand times more beautiful than Snow White!" Maid A covered her face with longing, " If I had one percent, no, one millionth of her beauty, I would wake up laughing!"

Maid B nodded again and again: "I heard that some people say she is an elf princess!"

The queen heard the news when she was admiring the flowers, and she was in a bad mood at that time.

=皮= It’s hard to kill Snow White, why is there another elf princess? ! Is she at odds with the princess all her life? !

The queen decided to kill the "elf princess" herself.