The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm

Chapter 55: The fifth world B-level future world


[One Hundred Questions about Husband and Wife Sex] (By the way, Yan'er is cute and 004 is stupid and jumps into the building~)

Hello everyone, I am Anyue (Anyue with a paralyzed face) who is the host of the special program "One Hundred Questions about Sexuality of Husband and Wife". Since today is the first anniversary of the marriage of the two presidents, the senior leaders of the two major guilds specially invited me to host (continue to face paralyzed), so now, let's start.

1. What is your name

Ye Junge: Yun Xiyu, the name of the game is Killing Love.

Qi Hao: Qi Hao, the name of the game is Zhu Jun. (Ye Junge pinched him, this name is really inexplicable.)

Ye Junyan: (·.·) The nickname is Yan'er, and the real name is Ye Junyan. (Huh? Why did my brother say his name is Yun Xiyu?)

004: Silly goose, they didn't ask you!

Ye Junyan: (·.·) That’s right, but I heard there was a problem.

Anyue poked Yan'er's little face calmly, oh, oh, the boss's pet (?) is so cute!

Ignored 004: …

2. What is your age

Ye Junge (with bulging veins, smiling): I refuse to answer.

Qi Hao: Probably... less than thirty

Ye Junyan: (·.·) I don’t know, my brother didn’t tell Yan’er.

004: I told you and didn't ask you!

3. What is your gender

Ye Junge: Male.

Qi Hao: Male.

Ye Junyan: (·.·) The Lun family is a girl.

004: ... not made.

The vice president who appeared suddenly (nodding in understanding): Unidentified creatures, I understand, I understand.

004: =dish=!

4. What is your personality like

Ye Junge: Insidious? Black belly

004: He is a snake man!

Ye Junge (smiling): Shut up.

Qi Hao: Overbearing.

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Meng.

004: Cuteness is not a character, is it

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Isn’t it? But my brother said he was cute.

004: ...well, my personality is...

An Yue (interrupting 004): I didn't ask you, let's continue.

004: ...

5. The character of the other party

Ye Junge: Wife slave, loyal dog, perverted, shameless

Qi Hao: _(:з」∠)_My dear, how can you call me shameless? My baby is of course cute, beautiful, and very, very attractive...

Ye Junyan: (·.·) This is not a personality, right, brother

Ye Junge: Yes.

Qi Hao: ...

Ye Junyan: =w= My brother is very, very gentle.

004: Hehe.

Ye Junyan: (·.·) 004 is stupid and cute, what my brother said.

004: ...

6. When did the two meet? Where

Qi Hao: We have known each other since childhood, at parties

Ye Junge: When I played the game that day, I saw him being stupid, running to the headquarters to make a fuss, and then ran away shyly (When did you know each other? Do you want me to say that we went up... We knew each other in the previous life?)

Ye Junyan: (·.·) I have been with my brother for a long time!

004: Refusing to answer, you don’t even know.

An Yue: It's okay, I didn't ask you.

004: ...

7. What is your first impression of the other party

Ye Junge: Stupid (If we talk about the first time, I have no impression→_→Who will have any first impression of the shriveled little boy he rescued from the boiling hot pot?)

Qi Hao: Beautiful (the baby is the most beautiful!)

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Brother-in-law is so scary.

Qi Hao: No way!

004: You are so weird that you scare the little loli, hahahaha

8. What do you like about each other

Ye Junge: Domineering and strong, then think of me as the center and put me first in everything.

Qi Hao: My house, baby, I like everything. (Hehehe, I like his seductive look on the bed the most →_→)

Ye Junyan: (·.·) I like how gentle my brother is.

004 (nympho face): My male god is the most handsome when he is serious!

9. What do you hate about each other

Ye Junge: Once in heat, it will never end

Qi Hao: Nothing to hate!

Ye Junyan: ╭(╯^╰)╮I hate brother-in-law, all of them

004: The host is sometimes too inhumane!

10. Do you think you have a good sex with the other party

Ye Junge: Very good

Qi Hao: Can't be better

Ye Junyan: (·.·) What is that

004: You are young, so don’t ask

Ye Junyan: 0_0

11. What do you call each other

Ye Junge: Ah Hao

Qi Hao: Baby

Ye Junyan: brother, brother-in-law

004: Stupid host (flyed by pia)

12. How would you like to be called by the other party

Ye Junge: This is good

Qi Hao: Actually, I prefer my baby to call me Lao Gong

Ye Junyan: (·.·) The wild goose is cute

004: ... what the hell

13. If you use an animal as a metaphor, what do you think the other person is

Ye Junge: Wolf

Qi Hao: How can you use animals to describe my family, baby? ! No one can compare to my baby!

Ye Junyan: (·.·) I like bunny paper, kittens, puppies, small...

004: Didn't ask what you like

14. If you want to give a gift to the other party, would you give it

Ye Junge: Already delivered, my personal jade pendant

Qi Hao: Can you give me to him

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Huh? Gift? let me see…

004: Don't think about it, the next question

15. So what gift would you like for yourself

Ye Junge: I have everything I want, right

Qi Hao: I want him to give me himself

Ye Junyan: (·.·) I have to think about this...

004: Next question!

16. Is there any dissatisfaction with the other party? What is it normally

Ye Junge: This guy is dissatisfied with his desires

Qi Hao: My baby is good everywhere, no dissatisfaction, it would be even better if he doesn't look at others and just stares at me Ye Junyan: (···) I...

004: Next question!

Ye Junyan: QWQ You bully others, they hate you! People still hate brother-in-law! Hate it all!

Dark Moon: ...

17. What is your shortcoming

Ye Junge: Heartless and heartless

Qi Hao: too possessive

Ye Junyan: 0_0 I am fine

004: Sometimes I get stupid...

18. What is the opponent's problem

Ye Junge: He has problems all over his body

Qi Hao: My baby is so perfect, what's wrong with it

Ye Junyan: (·.·) brother is right

004: You all have problems! (Flyed by pia again)

19. What kind of things does the other party do that make you unhappy

Ye Junge: Too much control

Qi Hao: Getting too close to others

Ye Junyan: My husband hates everything

004: When the host bullies me

20. What do you do to make the other person unhappy

Ye Junge: Getting too close to others

Qi Hao: Too much management

Ye Junyan: Brother will not be angry with me

004: I refuse to answer!

An Yue: Then you can shut up.

004: ...

21. How far is your relationship

Ye Junge: Old man, old man

Qi Hao: Newlyweds!

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Huh

004: ... I don't talk

22. Where did two people first date

Ye Junge: In the game, when I was doing a task and he suddenly rushed out to help

Qi Hao: I think we are dating all the time

Dark Moon: The answer is irrelevant

23. How was the atmosphere between the two at that time

Ye Junge: It's okay, this guy is pretty stupid anyway

Qi Hao: I thought I was pretty handsome at that time, a flower protector or something

004: Hehe

24. How far has it progressed

Ye Junge: I ate a lot of tofu after being hugged by him

Qi Hao: Hey, I got his dress size, what do you think

Dark Moon (=皮=#) can't bear it! asshole!

25. Where do you go on a date

Ye Junge: The place with the best scenery in the game

Qi Hao: I said that every moment is a date

26. What kind of preparations will you make for the other party's birthday

Ye Junge: Wash up and go to bed

Qi Hao: Make a big meal

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Birthday

004: none of my business

Dark Moon: ...

27. Which party confessed first

Ye Junge: He

Qi Hao: It should be me, right

28. How much do you like each other

Ye Junge: I like him so much that I want to die with him. If he dares to make me unhappy, I will kill him first and then commit suicide Qi Hao: I can die for him

Ye Junyan: (·.·) I also like my brother!

004: The question is about the degree! Silly goose!

29. So, do you love each other

Ye Junge: Nonsense

Qi Hao: nonsense

30. What does the other person say that makes you feel wrong

Ye Junge: Say it very gently, one more time, baby, just one time

Qi Hao: With tears in the corners of his eyes, he said in a weak tone, I am so tired and want to sleep

004: ... Fuck. You guys are so dirty!

Anyue (=皮=#): Everyone copy guys! Kill that hostile guild master!

31. If you feel that the other party is suspected of changing his mind, what will you do

Ye Junge: Kill him, then commit suicide (my dear, we will love each other again in the next world)

Qi Hao: I will not let him have a chance to change his mind, I will kill all men and women who get too close Ye Junyan: (·.·) What is a change of heart

004: Children, don't ask so many questions!

32. Can you forgive the other party for a change of heart

Ye Junge: What do you think

Qi Hao: Yes, as long as he falls in love with me again (so sad_(:з」∠)_)

33. What if the other party is more than an hour late for a date

Ye Junge: There won't be such a situation, he pesters me all day long, and it's hard to be apart for a minute Qi Hao: Then go find him yourself

34. Who do you think is your rival in love

Ye Junge: I don't have a rival in love, the protagonist is not a rival in love at all

Qi Hao: I think there are many rivals in love, and the men and women around me all have plans for my baby!

Dark Moon: =dish=dirt

35. What is the other party's sexual expression

Ye Junge: Looks domineering and incomparable

Qi Hao: I think my baby is sexy all the time! He must have been seducing me Ye Junge (kick): fuck off

36. When two people are together, what moment makes your heart beat faster

Ye Junge: When he fucked me

Qi Hao: Lying on the bed, squinting

37. What do you think is the sexiest look

Ye Junge: Whatever I do is sexy to him

Qi Hao: ...Maybe it's when I show off my abs

Ye Junge: Hehe

38. I feel happiest when I do something

Ye Junge: He is happy when he protects me carefully

Qi Hao: When he curled up in my arms and obediently ate my food

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Yaner is very happy

Ye Junge (touching his head): Good boy

004: I'm not happy!

39. Have you ever had a fight

Ye Junge: In this life, no

Qi Hao: Why am I willing to quarrel with him

Ye Junyan: (·.·) What is the quarrel

004: Don't talk when you don't know

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Okay

40. What is the content of the quarrel

Ye Junge: About him taking care of too many things

Qi Hao: No quarrel

004: I would quarrel with the host about his disrespect for me, keep telling me I'm stupid and tell me to shut up!

Dark Moon: Oh.

004: Oh what a reaction!

41. How to reconcile afterwards

Ye Junge: Seeing how affectionate they are, and how they are justifiable, I will forgive him Qi Hao: _(:з」∠)_ I really never quarreled, even if I quarreled, I ran to apologize because of my heartache Bar

42. Do you still want to be lovers after reincarnation

Ye Junge (smiling): We have been in love for many lifetimes

Qi Hao: Of course I would!

43. When did you feel loved

Ye Junge: When he thought I was first in everything

Qi Hao: When he wronged himself for me, he also took the initiative to care about me

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Yaner has always been loved

004: The host must have never loved me!

44. How do you express your love

Ye Junge: How can he come on the bed

Qi Hao: Put him first in everything

45. When will you feel that the other party "doesn't love me anymore"

Ye Junge: No, he has always loved me, although sometimes he is stupid and crazy

Qi Hao: I always feel that he doesn’t love me enough_(:з」∠)_

46. What do you think is the flower that matches the other party

Ye Junge: Him? Where can a big old man have flowers to match? Piranha or dog tail flower

Qi Hao: No flower is worthy of my baby!

Ye Junyan: (·.·) Brother is prettier than Huahua

004: The piranha must be the host!

47. Is there anything the two of you are hiding from each other

Ye Junge: Too many

Qi Hao: I thought there were none (Ye Yiming: Actually there are many)

48. Where does your inferiority complex come from

Ye Junge: I am not inferior

Qi Hao: I feel that my baby is too perfect, and I am a bit unworthy of him

49. Is the relationship between the two public or secret

Ye Junge: Open

Qi Hao: The whole world knows that the baby is mine!

50. Do you think the love with each other can last

Ye Junge: What do you think

Qi Hao: What do you think

———The following are fifty harmonious questions——

51. Do you mean the attacker or the receiver

Ye Junge: By

Qi Hao: attack

Ye Junyan: (·.·) What is offense

004: Children should avoid the following questions

Ye Junge: (·.·) Alright, then I'll go to bed

Ye Junge: Be good

52. Why did you make such a decision

Ye Junge: Because I am willing

Qi Hao: Because I can't bear it

53. Are you satisfied with the current situation

Ye Junge: Very good

Qi Hao: Could not be more satisfied

54. Where was the first H

Ye Junge (gritting teeth): In the game room

Qi Hao: =v= game room~

55. How did you feel at the time

Ye Junge: okay

Qi Hao: Baby is so attractive! Can't stop!

56. What did the other party look like at that time

Ye Junge: I closed my eyes and didn’t see

Qi Hao: Very very delicious, I can't help but want to eat it in one bite

57. What was your first sentence for breakfast on the first night

Ye Junge: We do it during the day, there is no morning of the first night

Qi Hao: If there is something I want to say, do it again

Qi Hao was kicked away by Ye Junge.

58. How many times per week

Ye Junge: I haven't counted it, it feels like he is in heat all day long

Qi Hao: I haven't counted it, I want him when I see him

59. How many times a week do you think is ideal

Ye Junge: Three or four times

Qi Hao: Whenever you want, you can be the most ideal

An Yue: =皮= The president of the hostile guild, I think it is necessary for me to launch the guild to fight you Qi Hao: →_→ Come here

Ye Junge: Oh

Qi Hao: No, no, dear, I was wrong, how could I possibly fight with you!

60. So, what kind of H is it

Ye Junge:? ? ? What does this question mean?

Qi Hao: I don’t know, just skip it.

61. Where is your most sensitive part

Ye Junge: Inner thigh

Qi Hao: Chest muscles, every time my baby pokes my pectoral muscles, I feel uncontrollable

62. What is the most sensitive part of the other party

Ye Junge: Abdominal muscles, every time I touch here he will go into heat

Qi Hao: I think baby is sensitive everywhere, a deep kiss will soften him, but the most sensitive one is the inner thigh

63. Use one sentence to describe the other party at H

Ye Junge: Like a hungry wolf, I think I haven't eaten meat in my life

Qi Hao: An evildoer, every frown and smile is very seductive

64. Frankly speaking, do you like H

Ye Junge: I like it

Qi Hao: I like it very much

65. In general, where is H

Ye Junge: On the bed and in the game room, the game room has to take off his clothes every time he logs in, so it's convenient for this guy to do something, so he took the opportunity to show off Qi Hao: I think all the places in the house are

66. H place you want to try

Ye Junge: I think it’s fine on the bed, so don’t try it

Qi Hao: I want to try it in the game...

An Yue: Do you dare to come to the game and try it? Believe it or not, my old lady killed you? !

67. Is the shower before or after H

Ye Junge: When I take a shower, I'm usually in H...

An Yue: ... This answer...

Qi Hao: Take a shower during H or after H, I want to see him take off his clothes, before H is impossible

68. Is there any agreement in H

Ye Junge: No, I just acquiesced that he can come wherever he wants

Qi Hao: No, but he can do whatever tricks I want

An Yue (distressed): Boss! You can't pamper him like this!

69. Have you ever had sex with anyone other than your romantic partner

Ye Junge: No

Qi Hao: No, I only have feelings for my baby.

70. Do you agree with the view that "if you can't get the heart, you should at least get the body"

Ye Junge: Agreed, it doesn't matter if the heart is mine or not, as long as the person is in my hands Qi Hao: Agree, it would be nice to have the body

An Yue: →_→Why do I feel that the hostile president is not as courageous as our boss

71. If the other party was raped by thugs, what would you do

Ye Junge: Which thug is so reluctant to rape him? Is there any aesthetic

Qi Hao: I can't even rape him, let alone other people, the rhythm of being killed every minute

72. Do you feel embarrassed before or after H

Ye Junge: How is it possible? old couple

Qi Hao: No, but my baby will be shy in H, but he will definitely not admit it Ye Junge: =皮=#

73. If a good friend said to you "I'm lonely, so only tonight, please..." and asked for H, would you

Ye Junge: What is a good friend? I do not have friends

Qi Hao: Please what? Invite us to dinner? No, my baby is not used to it, he only likes my dark moon: hostile president, be serious!

Qi Hao: Okay, do you want me and Bao Er to accompany him? Can he bear our show of affection as a single dog

An Yue: ... you won

74. Do you think you are good at H

Ye Junge: How could I be good at that kind of thing!

Qi Hao (touching his chin): It’s okay

75. So is the other party good at it

Ye Junge: He can't be better at it, I don't know where he learned it

Qi Hao: Baby doesn’t need to be good at it, he just needs to enjoy it

76. What do you want the other party to say when you are in H

Ye Junge: I love you

Qi Hao: I want

Ye Junge: You don't love me anymore

Qi Hao: _(:з」∠)_No, I want to hear "I love you" the most!

An Yue: Hmph, Virtue!

77. Which expression do you like more when the other party is H

Ye Junge: The expression that arrogantly announces that I am his

Qi Hao: The red eye sockets of being bullied hold back the panting expression

78. Do you think it is okay to have sex with people other than lovers

Ye Junge: I haven't tried it, but I think it's very appropriate

Qi Hao: How is it possible? i just want my home baby

79. Are you interested in SM

Ye Junge: No

Qi Hao: I dare not

80. If the other party suddenly stopped asking for your body, what would you do

Ye Junge: Has he withered? Give him a new body

Qi Hao: He doesn’t love me anymore, it looks like he’s going to use force

An Yue: ... change, another body

81. How do you feel about rape

Ye Junge: I think every time I do it with him, except for the first two times, he rapes me afterwards Qi Hao: I really like my baby to rape me, but he rarely does that

82. What is the most painful thing in H

Ye Junge: He is too big, every time he has to expand for a long time

Qi Hao: He won’t let me eat enough

83. In the H so far, which place makes you feel the most excited and anxious

Ye Junge: Hehe

Qi Hao: Why should I tell you

An Yue: ... Fuck who wrote the question? !

Vice President: I...

84. Have you ever been seduced by the recipient

Ye Junge: Yes, quite a lot

Qi Hao: Yes, it makes me want to stop every time

85. What was the expression of the attacking side at that time

Ye Junge: I am a hungry wolf in my eyes, I have been hungry for several meals

Qi Hao: flattered

86. Has the attacker committed any acts of violence

Ye Junge: Like I said, except for the first two shots every time, the rest is considered rape

Qi Hao: No, I'm afraid of hurting him

87. What was the recipient's reaction at that time

Ye Junge: Powerless to refuse, I have no strength left

Qi Hao: Did you say it

88. What is your ideal H object like

Ye Junge: Let him be like this, domineering and strong, I am very satisfied

Qi Hao: Baby, I don’t like anyone else

89. Does the current partner meet your ideal

An Yue: Well, this question is skipped, it has been answered

90. Are small props used in H

Ye Junge (gloomy): Yes, I am the one being used

Qi Hao (laughing): Baby, don't you like it

Ye Junge: Hmph

91. When did your first time happen

Ye Junge: I was with him

Qi Hao: Same as above

92. Was the object at that time the current lover

An Yue: Well, skip this too

93. Where do you like to be kissed most

Ye Junge: The corner of the mouth

Qi Hao: I am happy wherever he kisses me

94. Where do you like to kiss each other most

Ye Junge: Chin

Qi Hao: forehead and lip corners

95. What is the most pleasing thing for the other party during H

Ye Junge: Call him Lao Gong softly, praise him for being great, and say that I want more

Qi Hao: Kiss him tenderly

What do you think about at 96.H

Ye Junge: I wonder when he will be full

Qi Hao: I think baby is too tempting

97. What is the number of H times in one night

Ye Junge: By the time he has had his fill, I will lose my mind, who knows

Qi Hao: It depends

At 98.H, did you take off your clothes yourself or did the other party help you

Ye Junge: I don't have the opportunity to take off my own clothes. Sometimes I help him take off his clothes Qi Hao: I take off my baby's clothes. Sometimes I let him take off mine

99. What is H to you

Ye Junge: Enjoy the process, come and send it when you want

Qi Hao: The process of confirming ownership, the baby is mine from inside to outside

100. Please say a word to your lover.

Ye Junge: Don't think about it tonight.

Qi Hao: Why QWQ

Ye Junge: My back is sore.

Qi Hao: =w= Then tomorrow will be fine, baby, I love you

Ye Junge: Nonsense, I still need you to say it

Qi Hao: _(:з」∠)_Don't you love me

Ye Junge: You don't know

Qi Hao: Well, I know

An Yue: ... the show of affection is enough!

Singles: The torches are ready!

Ye Junge (raising eyebrows): Huh? What do you want to do

Audience: Ahaha, nothing, we are going to have a barbecue!

Ye Junyan: (·.·) I heard that eating

004: ... just know how to eat

[Silent Cold Night Episode]

For Mo Ran Han Ye, love is a new thing.

Mo Ran Han Ye has a stubborn and indifferent personality, which often makes people want to open his brain to see how he grows, so there are really not many people who can tolerate Mo Ran Han Ye.

Just when Mo Ran Han Ye thought he was doomed to be alone, Chu Si appeared.

Isn't there a saying that chasing an iceberg is to have the consciousness of being broken to pieces, the skill of stalking and the persistence of showing face, Chu Si is this kind of person.

In a sense, Mo Ran Han Ye is very innocent, of course, the premise is that the other party's approach is not for any other purpose.

After countless calculations, Ye Junge was missed, so Chu Si was completely defeated.

Chu Si's guild was completely disbanded, and he rebuilt it a month later, but not many people were willing to come back, and those who came back were also for money.

The studio hired by the Chu family with a high salary simply left with people, and Chu Si couldn't support him anymore, and the top executives with other advantages and brains didn't have the status of Chu Si, and these days they focused on fighting for power and profit, let alone revitalization The guild is now, it's good not to hold back.

The departure of the professional studio dealt the final blow to Destiny. Even if Destiny is rebuilt, it may only be hovering on the thirteenth line, not to mention that he is always ready to clean up his holy land and imperial career.

Chu Si once came to Mo Ran Han Ye and wanted to ask him for help.

Mo Ran Han Ye didn't listen to what he said at all, and simply refused, then turned around and left to continue the task.

Chu Si stayed there alone in a daze, unable to believe that her charm was useless at all.

It shouldn't be, why does Mo Ran Han Ye hate him so much

It must be what Yun Xiyu said!

Chu Si gritted his teeth and cursed a few words, and then went offline slumpedly. He could not deceive himself anymore. He, Chu Si, had no chance to make a comeback. A few days ago, the Chu family held a meeting to discuss removing Chu Si from the heirs. And quitting this holographic game, and he, Chu Si, can only have a place in the corner, so he has no right to say anything.

After Mo Ran Han Ye left, he turned his head and forgot about Chu Si, a clown who didn't deserve his attention.

Recently, Moran Hanye met a professional female player, who was very good at playing. Although her appearance was only above average, her temperament was beautiful and chilling.

This one is also an iceberg.

The two met on the same task. They thought that the task could only be completed by one person, so after a fierce battle, the outcome was irrelevant. When the two sat down to discuss how to solve the problem, they unexpectedly found that the task could be completed by one person. Do it at the same time, so we shook hands and made peace, and worked together to finish the task.

Moran Hanye has a cold personality, and the other party is even colder. She finds that Moran Hanye is very capable, and it happens that she lacks a partner to do missions together, so she often invites Moran Hanye to do missions together.

Mo Ran Han Ye didn't know about feelings at first, but after experiencing Chu Si's incident, she suddenly became enlightened.

A girl asks herself out from time to time, does she have a crush on herself

After all, Mo Ran Han Ye only scratched the surface of feelings, and did not dare to jump to conclusions, but couldn't help but pay more attention to her, and gradually became attracted to her.

It's only a matter of time before they fall.

It's just that the girl may have an outrageously low EQ, which is still entangled with Bingshan.

Ye Junge smiled with interest after listening to 004's report. It was the first time he had seen Bingshan fall in love with Bingshan. Generally speaking, most couples have complementary personalities, like a person in the dark yearning for the sun, so silently cold Ye actually fell in love with an iceberg, this is simply an interstellar anecdote.

The big iceberg is enlightened.

"Easter Egg 1: Snow White" 17

The queen transformed herself into a kindly old woman with witchcraft, and appeared in the forest in a bulky hooded robe and carrying a basket. There were several bright red apples in the basket, but they were not ordinary apples. They were poisonous apples that the queen made specially, the kind that would kill you instantly if you took a bite.

The queen thought she had a good plan, so she walked briskly into the forest.

She didn't even think about it, how could an old lady go to the forest to sell apples? Also, does she really know where the elf princess lives

The queen didn't know where the elf princess was, so she wandered around in the forest for three days. She didn't know how to barbecue and couldn't tell which fruit could be eaten and which one couldn't. The apples in the basket were eaten.

↑This is really a sad story.

Fortunately, she was still a little sensible and didn't really chew on it.

Then she was lucky enough to meet seven little fools. (what's wrong)

The seven dwarfs heard that the old woman came here specially to see the beauty of the elf princess, and they couldn't help being excited: "What, what, there is an elf princess here?! Why didn't we know?!"

Dwarf Six asked Dwarf Seven: "Have you heard that?"

Dwarf Seven honestly shook his head: "I've never heard of it."

The fourth dwarf poked the fifth dwarf curiously: "Is there really any elf princess?"

The fifth dwarf was thoughtful and ignored him.

The little dwarf turned his head and asked the little dwarf: "Brother! Where is the elf princess! Let's go and have a look!"

The dwarf looked at his brothers with contempt: "This rumor is a lie, do you believe it?"

The second dwarf didn't care about the teasing six brothers, hesitantly said: "Could they be talking about Her Royal Highness who lives next door to us?"

Dwarf Dasan4567: ... That makes sense!

The author has something to say: Listening to their nonsense, the irritated queen cheered up: "Oh? There is a princess living next door to you?"

"Yes." The seven little fools nodded in unison, quite honestly, "She is very beautiful, you will definitely be astonished (blinded) by him!"

The queen was overjoyed, these people are so stupid, so easy to deceive!

"Then can you show me the way? I specially brought a basket of apples, bah, a basket of apples, and I want to give it to Her Royal Highness to taste."

The seven dwarfs agreed very kindly, and took the queen home.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha The place where the queen accidentally said the poisonous apple was actually typed out by me when I was typing, and I found out that it was wrong when I checked it...

ps: I haven’t written a side story for a long time, it’s a pain to write, I really can’t make up 9000 words, so I just added a few hundred words of easter eggs _(:з」∠)_ It’s enjoyable to watch this time, don’t say I’m stingy anymore, Each egg is only put a little...

In addition, the next world is the world of supernatural powers... The copywriting is reversed, it should be supernatural powers first, then house fighting...

Thank you for your mines and nutrient solution~