The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm

Chapter 73: The Eighth World S-Class Modern World


University dormitory supernatural essay 04-05

"Brother, why do you trust him?" Ye Junyan finally couldn't help it when she followed Ye Junge out of the apartment, she always felt that guy was untrustworthy.

Ye Junge asked indifferently: "Why do you have prejudice against him?"

Ye Junyan choked for a moment and refused to answer the question.

She wouldn't say that it was because that bastard didn't know how to be sympathetic and he threw her on the ground, so she didn't believe him.

"Girls, don't be so narrow-minded." Ye Junge knew it without telling her.

Ye Junyan: Hehe.

"Brother, aren't you looking for your brother-in-law?" Ye Junyan decided to change the subject.

It's okay not to mention this, but when Ye Junge is mentioned, he feels depressed. He has been here for so long, but he has not sensed his manly breath at all.

This world of supernatural texts is full of weirdness, and it is not under control at all, so... I blame 004 for why he insisted on creating supernatural texts.

004 lying down.

"Don't worry about him, let's find a place to live first." Ye Junge coughed lightly, and walked out of the community.

The supernatural novel in the university dormitory has been changed beyond recognition. The protagonist is dead. In fact, the mission has been completed. Ye Junge originally planned to kill him directly after finding his man, and then the two of them will go to the next world together. Stay here as little as possible. wonderful. But man is not as good as heaven is. Just now Xiao Si sent him a scanned data, and the situation is not good.

Ye Junge's expression was not very good, Ye Junyan didn't say anything when he saw this, and followed him quietly.

Ye Junge glanced at the information passed by Xiao Si, but didn't read it seriously, but even so, it was enough for him to get a general idea.

This world is controlled by unknown forces. To put it simply, someone has cut off the transmission channel between the worlds. They are now trapped in this world and cannot get out. What Xiaosi meant was to find a way to open a hole. After all, if the other party controlled the passage, he could put random things in at will, but Ye Junge could only bear it passively.

'So, how do you break your mouth? 'Ye Junge frowned, he didn't have much research on space magic and the like.

[have no idea.]Xiao Si said very bachelorly,[Find your man first, he knows a lot—of course, the premise is that he has the memory of being Ye Yiming.]

... crap.

The bad premonition in Ye Junge's heart became more and more intense, and the pressure on his heart made people feel a little breathless. There is no news about Ye Yiming at all, Ye Junge is not at all sure whether the other party is really in this world, what if the other party is not there

[If he doesn't come, we can only ask Chen Cheng for help, but you still have to plan for the best and worst. After all, Chen Sheng is just a wisp of soul. No matter how powerful his body is, he is just an ordinary person now. Even if there are any weird means, it doesn't mean that he can open the world channel again.]

Ye Junge suddenly smiled: 'No, you are wrong. '


Ye Junge didn't explain, if Chen Sheng's main body was here, then he might still be a little worried, because he was more confident because of the split soul.

Ye Junyan interrupted suddenly: "I know." Since Chen Sheng's main body dared to throw the souls into this world, it must have given some guarantees to the souls. It is estimated that various situations have been considered. Aren't they going against the law of heaven? Since this is the case, it must be more cautious. The connection between the split soul and the main body is very close. Many formations that isolate sound transmission are helpless in this situation. As long as Chen Sheng reports the situation to the main body, there will be an extra foreign aid. The way of heaven isolates this world, but this isolation mainly prevents us from going out, so it is probably difficult to break through from the inside out, and maybe the opposite is true if it is broken from the outside. '

[But how can you be sure that the other party will care about a small soul? Chen Sheng also said that his main body has divided many souls into different worlds, maybe he doesn't care that one or two souls have accidents.]

' But they care if we have an accident. Ye Junge chuckled, "They still need us to deal with the Dao of Heaven." '

It stands to reason that their strength should be considered insignificant in the eyes of that group of people, but why did that group of people rely on them to deal with Heaven? Obviously Chen Sheng and the others couldn't do it themselves. If there was a suitable person, Dao would have been wiped out that day and it would be Ye Junge's turn? So it must be something special on my side, without this specialness, I can't deal with Tiandao.

A suitable "chess piece" is hard to find, Ye Junge's bet is that they won't give up easily.

Ye Junge didn't think there was anything special about him, if he had to say something that other people didn't have...then only the exercises left by his father left him.

Could it be this

"Let's go, first find a place to live."

There's no rush to do this, let's figure out the situation first.

Ye Yiming opened his eyes, carefully looked at the place he was in, and felt a little strange, it seems that this is not the mission world

"My lord, are you awake?" A female voice sounded softly, Ye Yiming looked around, and saw a woman in ancient attire standing by the bed, she seemed to be a maid.

Something is wrong, in the order of the task world he arranged, this time it should be the world of supernatural literature, why is there an ancient costume

"Since the young master is awake, please go to the front hall to meet your lord." The maid smiled warmly, and the smile did not change from the beginning to the end.

Ye Yiming frowned, and sized her up a few times. Doesn't this person seem to be alive? puppet

"I see."

Ye Yiming decided to respond to all changes with the same.

To be able to make a puppet like a real person, even with a sparkle in the eyes, the owner of this place is definitely not easy.

Outside the door is a warm spring scene, the golden sun shines down, and the whole yard is as beautiful as a painting.

I don't know where the front hall is, Ye Yiming was about to go back to the room to find the puppet maid to lead the way, but he saw a fruit fell from a tree in the yard, it turned into a half-meter-tall child the instant it fell to the ground, and approached with a smile : "Are you a guest invited by the adults? Come with me, and I will take you to see the adults. Don't even think about looking for the elder sister in the house, she can't leave the house."

Ye Yiming nodded: "Then I'm sorry."

He probably knows where this is.

The front hall was not far away, and he arrived soon, but the child did not lead him into the main hall, but turned to the side by another path.

"There is no one in the front hall." The child explained self-consciously, "Adults don't like to go to the front hall. At most, they go to the main hall to meet Emperor Gui when there is an important event."

"Return to the emperor?"

"Ah, you don't know even if you tell me." The child stuck out his tongue, "His Majesty Guidi is the master of this world."

Ye Yiming closed his eyes, returning to the emperor... returning to Wushen

The forces behind Chen Sheng are the forces in the outer world headed by Gui Wushen, and it seems that they are indeed responsible.

In his previous life, Ye Yiming had no choice but to accept the help of the Heavenly Outer Realm. In this life, the Heavenly Dao is even more difficult to deal with. After all, turning back time is not really reborn to the past. The Heavenly Dao has already been killed once. After being killed for the second time, Ye Yiming didn't know how much the Heavenly Dao had changed and how much stronger it was, so he took the initiative to contact Tianwaijing. It's also because the people in Tianwaijing have a good temper, otherwise Tianwaijing would not let him go if he let all his efforts fall short in order to save Ye Junge.

However, Tianwaijing's good temper doesn't care about how many of them are based on the fact that they can only cooperate with Ye Yiming and others, so I don't know.

"It's here." The child pointed to the small courtyard in front of him and said, "Okay, I'm going to play, you can go there by yourself!"

After speaking, the person disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

Ye Yiming has calmed down, everything here can be deduced according to common sense, after all, it is the method of "God".

In addition to the astonishingly beautiful scenery in the courtyard, there is only one more stone table, and a man in green shirt sits casually beside the stone table, playing with the stones and branches on the table.


where to sit

Ye Yiming silently sat down opposite him.

There is thick green grass growing on the ground, and it is quite comfortable to sit on.

The man ignored him after greeting him, and fiddled with the things on the case. After a long time, Ye Yiming looked at the sun above his head, which still hadn't moved, and gave up waiting. When is this going to happen

"What are you doing?"

The man's hand kept saying, "Divination."

... I have raised my posture, so divination can still be like this

The man seemed to know what he was slandering. He smiled lightly, but stopped his hands, took out a book from his sleeve and threw it to him.

"Take it, that's why I brought you here this time."

Ye Yiming took it and looked at it. There were no words on the cover, and different river waves were drawn on the front and back. The book looked very thick, but when he opened it, he found that there was no page inside. Ye Yiming was speechless, and with a trembling hand, he accidentally tore the book into two parts.

Ye Yiming: ...

"Don't worry." The man looked at his constipated face leisurely, "There are two volumes in the first place. When this book is put together, it cannot be opened. After it is separated, you can open it separately."

Ye Yiming heard that he put down half of it, and wanted to open the other half to have a look. The pages of the book were stuck tightly together, let alone opened, there was not even a single gap to be torn open.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, they didn't recognize you as the master, you can't see it."

This guy must have done it on purpose!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." The man waved his hand to put away the branches and stones on the stone table, and with a relaxed smile on his brows, he explained seriously, "This is Hetu Luoshu, not for you, you Take it well, and go back to Ye Junge, he and Ye Junyan are direct siblings, and they have been in "intimate contact" for thousands of years, with the highest degree of cooperation, they can barely use this thing without recognizing the owner."

Ye Yiming felt incredible: "This is Hetu Luoshu?" Are you kidding me

Hetu Luoshu, Jiuzhou Mountains and Rivers Map, Jiuding Atlas, Jiangshan Sheji Map, these four things he heard them say when he was cooperating with Tianwaijing, they are the four treasure maps of Tianwaijing, how could they be given to him directly? Although it is true that using them to deal with Tiandao is of the best use, but... the problem is that he, Ye Yiming, is an outsider anyway, and he is an outsider with a criminal record.

"Of course—I lied to you. This is the supplementary volume of Hetu Luoshu. Our people made it according to Hetu Luoshu. It can barely be regarded as a substitute. It's not as powerful as the original, but you can only Use the supplementary volume, the main volume will not be of any use to you.”

Ye Yiming didn't want to talk. This person was so tired of talking about something, he insisted on breaking it into several paragraphs, which was obviously bad taste.

"Time is running out, and I won't be fooling around anymore. It's a bit difficult to deal with the Heavenly Dao just for the side volume. I remember that the last world you arranged is the cultivation world? You give me the coordinates of that world, and we will take the rest of the world." Don't change the plot in the last world, follow the plot, the things will be placed in the secret realms that the protagonist has experienced, near the treasures that the protagonist got, only you can see." The man stretched out his hand and gently touched Ye Yiming He nodded, then withdrew his hand, and with a wave of his sleeve, Ye Yiming disappeared.

It looked very mysterious, but Ye Yiming, the person involved, felt terrible. He felt that he was blown out by a violent fan, and then began to fall crazily. The supplementary book of Hetu Luoshu turned into a stream of light and shot between the eyebrows, disappearing.

Never come to another foreign country again!

Ye Yiming thought.

Ye Junge and his party were staying in the house that Ye Junge had obtained through some unknown means. There were two rooms and one living room. From the decoration point of view, it was still a new house, so it probably came from a wrong place.

"Brother is really not here, it's unscientific." Ye Junyan checked the system map radar over and over again, but Ye Yiming couldn't find a hair.

Ye Junge ignored her. The person who had been with him all this time was suddenly gone, Ye Junge was not used to it for a while. He always thought his lover would be with him forever...

"Forget it, don't worry if my brother-in-law doesn't come." Ye Junyan was in a good mood, "If he finds out that he has gone to the wrong place, he will definitely be more anxious than you. He is probably trying to find a way to find you now."

"... The premise is that he recovers his memory." Ye Junge said quietly.

"...Brother, you don't need to be so sober in life, it's good to deceive yourself once in a while." Ye Junyan was powerless to complain.

"Okay." Ye Junge stood up and stretched, "I'm going to bed, you can play by yourself."

Ye Junyan secretly rolled his eyes: "Your man isn't here, and you can't sleep at night. Why are you still sleepy? Are you pregnant?"

Ye Junge turned around and smiled at her: "Yan'er, are your wings stiff?"

"I was wrong brother..." I didn't even complain...

Ye Junge went back to the room and locked the door. He wasn't sleepy, but decided to deal with Yao Heyu's affairs. He didn't want Ye Junyan to follow her, so he pretended to sleep and separated her.

004 followed up, and when he heard that the host was going to deal with Yao Heyu, he immediately threw out the corpse and soul happily. Its system space is where it puts snacks! It's not for putting weird collectibles on the host!

One of the collectibles, Yu Yang's body, was flamboyantly ignored by Ye Junge, and the soul of Yao Heyu, the second collectible, was caught in Ye Junge's hands again. This time Yao and Yu woke up, struggling desperately to no avail, and uttered ear-piercing ghostly screams.

"Shut up." Ye Junge pinched slightly, but unexpectedly crushed the soul that was not solid.

004: ... Mrs. QAQ is too cruel!

Ye Junge: ... I really didn't use much force!

Ye Junge shook his hand, shaking off the black air wrapped around his hand.

Yao Heyu didn't know what other crimes he had done before, the black energy formed by the evil obstacles on the surface of the soul was nothing compared to the black energy inside the soul. It stands to reason that Yao Heyu, an ordinary college student, shouldn't have to bear so many evil obstacles. His soul should have collapsed long ago.

"Another variable." Ye Junge took a deep breath, and condensed a cluster of soul flames with the flick of his fingers to completely reduce the black air. These black qi vainly tried to cling to him and pollute his soul. The soul is too important for a person to be sloppy. Ye Junge carefully burned all the black qi away, lest there would be any left over.

[It's so scary...] Before 004 could recover, the whole system curled up in Ye Junge's neck with tears in his eyes.

"... It's alright, Yao Heyu's soul was already corroded by evil obstacles, so he shattered with a light pinch. Even if I don't touch him, he will still be completely corroded by evil obstacles in a few years."

[Eh? Is that so? But why is Yao Heyu haunted by evil? Didn't he just steal a body and release ghosts to scare people?]Those who are treacherous and evil do not necessarily have so much black energy.

Ye Junge patted the fur ball comfortingly, but didn't speak, feeling more and more depressed.

Yao Heyu's soul is such that there is only a beautiful skin left, and the inside is full of thick black energy, so what about the others? Is it the same for the people around Yao and Yu? Maybe Yao Heyu is not the center of the mutation, he just happens to be one of them, which is a little more terrifying... In this world of supernatural texts, are there any normal people? Are all souls like this

This matter is not easy to investigate, Ye Junge can't just catch a few people on the road and crush their souls to take a look, right

"004, can your system scan scan out the contents of the soul?"

[ah? ] 004 looked at the host blankly, what is the thing in the soul

"It's just... Can you scan out the situation like Yao Heyu's, which has an empty exterior but is full of evil obstacles inside?"

004 understood, it hesitated and said: [Not sure... you can try it.]

I would have scanned Yao and Yu before I knew about it, but it doesn't use this function much when it's fine.

"That's the only way to go." Ye Junge sighed, and things became more and more complicated. Ye Junge was always afraid of trouble, but this time Ye Yiming was not around, so he had to do everything by himself, maybe he had to tell Chen Cheng about this matter.

Ye Junge went out and dragged out the younger sister who was eating snacks from the sofa, and dragged her downstairs to find someone to do experiments on.

004 complied with the host's wishes and started scanning from the child first.

Ye Junge waited beside him, frowning and thinking about the connection of these things. He didn't know whether the matter of Yao and Yu's soul had something to do with the Dao of Heaven, but thinking about it, it didn't feel right.

If there is only one Yao Heyu or other important supporting characters in the novels, then it is likely to be aimed at them. If this phenomenon is common, then it is hard to say, Tiandao will not use the whole world to deal with him It is too expensive to come as a bargaining chip. Although the derivative world is not as good as the small world, it is still a world, and the soul in it is not the monotonous words in the novel, but a real living being. No matter how capable the Heavenly Dao is, it can't ignore the rise and fall of the whole world like this, can it

Ye Junyan and Ben didn't know what was going on, she yawned on top of Ye Junge boredly, holding a bag of potato chips in her hand. Ye Junge casually glanced around and saw her yawning and eating potato chips, the corners of her eyes twitching.

"Yan'er... Pay attention to your image."

"Well... so sleepy... what kind of image? Um... delicious..." He started chewing again.

Forget it, my sister can't control it when she grows up.

Ye Junge turned his head away, out of sight and out of mind.

004 flew back in a big circle and shared the system analysis with the two of them.

Probably because the scanning cannot reveal the internal situation of the soul, but the external clues are still captured. From children to the elderly, the older the older, the thicker the black air on the surface of the soul. Compared with men and women, it is similar, but life is not going well. It is more concentrated in smooth people.

I'm afraid these evils are not pure evils, they are probably related to the negative emotions of human beings, the darker the heart, the thicker it is. In addition, the elderly should have accumulated over the years and are weak, so the black air is obvious.

[Before, Yao Heyu's soul was similar to the old man's, but Yao Heyu was still very young. ] 004 is puzzled.

'It's probably because he committed too many crimes. Let's take a walk around the prison and see if the prisoners inside are much thicker than others. '

So it seems that it is really universal. Speaking of it, why is the world suddenly not right, and the whole world is not right.

[You can’t say that, Junjun. ] 004 couldn't help but use the mind reading technique, [The previous world may just have not been discovered, but it doesn't mean that it definitely didn't exist, just like that Chen Sheng, if Yan'er hadn't discovered it, we probably would never have known about these things.]

It's rare for 004 to say something so reasonable. Indeed, if it wasn't for Ye Junyan's sudden incident, they would just continue to struggle with the plot. Since Yao Heyu took Yu Yang's body and Ye Junge wanted to deal with him, they would not need a few Yue is afraid that Ye Junge will snatch his body back, and Yao Heyu will end up badly as losers. I'm afraid they won't know about the problem with Yao Heyu's soul, because Yao Heyu has already received the lunch in advance. As for other people who are related to the plot, they didn't commit too many crimes. Like other people, they will slowly accumulate evil obstacles, and they will explode when they get old. At that time, who would suspect that something was wrong with their death? I guess I just thought it was the end of my life when I got older.

Were there really no problems at all in the first few worlds

Ye Junge tried hard to recall the previous details, but unfortunately it was too long, and he never cared much about it, so he couldn't figure out why, so he had to give up.

The most urgent task is to find out why these people are like this, and whether it has anything to do with the way of heaven, and then they must find a way to leave this world.

Ye Junyan listened for a long time and finally understood what happened. She glanced at the light curtain in front of her thoughtfully, and guessed in her mind.

"Brother..." Ye Junyan tugged at the corner of Ye Junge's clothes.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you still remember what Chen Sheng said? He said that these souls were sent down for some reason, and they came here to collect information... Is it possible... They came to pay attention to whether there is a large-scale explosion in these derivative worlds. There are things that are not right, such as this soul incident."

Ye Junyan's words were like enlightenment, and instantly gave Ye Junge another way of thinking. He always felt that everything was aimed at him, but in fact it was not, just like what Ye Junyan said, maybe it was for Chen Sheng and the others

"Did you say Chen Sheng found out about this?"

"Probably not." Ye Junge made a decisive decision, "Let's go, let's go find him."

If, if Chen Sheng and the others know what a force is going to do, and the way they use it is to cast a net on a large scale in various worlds, then it is very possible to send out souls to pay close attention to the development of the situation. And this force with malicious intentions... I am afraid it is the force behind Tiandao.

The two forces are competing in various aspects, and the war between Ye Junge and Tiandao is just one of them, and for both parties, it may be just a battle of testing the waters, and they don't pay attention to it. They pay more attention to things like soul incidents.

It can be explained in this way, no wonder Chen Sheng and the others didn't find other people to deal with Tiandao, it should be due to Ye Junge's special features, there is also the reason of time constraints, there is no time for them to wait for the next suitable one people.

But Ye Junge doesn't care about these things. He and Chen Sheng are just taking what they need, and they happen to have the same interests, so they cooperate and benefit each other. After dealing with Tiandao, they have nothing to do, and he doesn't want to get involved in this messy water at all. go inside. He was just flopping around in the shallow water on the bank, and when the time came he could get out of trouble and go ashore without having to wade himself into the deep water. Now, he is going to find Chen Sheng. The sooner he leaves this world, the better. Let Chen Sheng take care of the soul.

Chen Sheng's apartment was still as dirty and messy as before. Ye Junge stood at the door, not wanting to go in at all.

"Why are you standing at the door? Come in and sit down." Chen Sheng shyly beckoned them in, as if he didn't notice anything.

Ye Junge took a look, and it was really inconvenient to talk about things outside the door, so he could only reluctantly go in.

"Did you encounter any trouble when you came to me suddenly?"

Ye Junge didn't talk nonsense with him, and said bluntly: "People in this world are riddled with evil, do you know about this?"

Chen Cheng was silent for a moment: "You also found out?"

"Yes, did you come to this world just for this?" Ye Junyan threw away the snack bag in his hand, anyway, the house is like a garbage dump, and Chen Sheng would not care if she added bricks and tiles to his garbage dump.

Chen Sheng didn't admit it, nor did he deny it. He smiled and didn't say anything.

"Okay, I hate seeing you like this." Ye Junyan snorted, "I guessed it all."

Ye Junge took a look at her and told her to settle down. Ye Junyan was still young and unsophisticated, sometimes she acted recklessly and spoke recklessly, but she became more disobedient as she got older. Maybe it was the late rebellious period.

"We are not interested in the game between the two forces. I just came to confirm whether the matter of the soul has nothing to do with us. If it is, then we can find a way to leave here immediately."

Chen Sheng nodded: "It's good for you to think so, and it really has nothing to do with you, but I'm afraid you will encounter similar things when you go to the next world—I'm not talking about the soul, but other things caused by the confrontation between the two parties. To be honest, we had been in a stalemate with Fate God, but Fate God was very annoyed by the loss of the way of heaven before. She felt that she had lost face, so she broke the deadlock and started to fight. , such as the matter of the soul. I can’t tell you what she wants to do. Anyway, it doesn’t have much to do with you. You just need to deal with the Heavenly Dao and go back to your original world to live your own life. It won’t affect the other side. The method is basically this kind of large-scale attack regardless of the consequences. Many worlds have already been involved in the war. For example, the Abowen world you are going to next is where humans and Zerg are at war. However, the mission world you selected The situation has been basically controlled, so there is no danger, so don’t worry about it. Including the zombies in the apocalyptic world you are going to later, they are all created by the other party.”

"Is she crazy?!" Ye Junyan exclaimed.

"Almost." Chen Cheng smiled wryly, "You have to know that sometimes it's irrational for a woman to be offended."

"It's the same with men." Ye Junyan snorted, and seeing Ye Junge looking at her, she stuck out her tongue quickly and obediently shut up.

Ye Junge doesn't care about these things, as long as he knows that the world he lives in will be fine, other worlds have this group of people to worry about, it's not nice to say, anyway, it's because they insist on fighting against the God of Fate, it's up to them solve.

Chen Sheng saw through Ye Junge's thoughts, and couldn't help but shook his head: "It's not what you think, in fact... Forget it, think what you want."

Ye Junyan still wanted to ask, but after looking at Ye Junge, she finally chose not to get involved, knowing too much is not good.

004 didn't understand what they were fighting. It was overwhelmed by Chen Sheng's remarks about Zerg fighting and zombies. When he recovered, the atmosphere became weird.

[That...] 004 said hesitantly, [Can you help us leave this world? The passage is closed and we're stuck here.]It doesn't know if the host asked this question when it was in a daze, but it was really curious about this matter, so it had to ask itself.

Chen Cheng smiled at it, and the strange atmosphere eased slightly, he took out a jade plate with many strange patterns and handed it to Ye Junge.

"This can collect the black energy of evil obstacles, and then condense into grape-sized black pellets in the center of the jade plate. You can collect more and bring them to me. I know which side of the barrier is the weakest. When the time comes, use these pellets to Set up a formation over there and use the evil barrier to break the blockade."

Ye Junge accepted the jade plate and nodded at him: "Thank you, but how many balls do you need for this formation?"

"The more the better... How about this, I'll give you a jade bottle, it's almost half full." Chen Cheng took out a jade bottle that depicted a space formation. The bottle is not big, but the capacity inside is estimated to be terrifying.

In an instant, the supernatural text changed to the visual sense of the real cultivation text, and the formation and jade bottle came out...

"Looks like we're going to go to the prison again." Ye Junyan grimaced. She doesn't like that kind of place, but the prison is the place where they found the most evil, and the collection time can be greatly shortened there.

"Let's go, don't complain." Ye Junge said goodbye to Chen Sheng, and dragged his sister away.

The process of collecting evil obstacles was very boring, so Ye Junyan ran away again, and tried to abduct 004, but unfortunately 004 could not leave the host too far. In the end, Ye Junyan came back again, holding a bunch of snacks, sitting on the wall with 004, eating snacks and playing with the mobile phone—I don’t know where I got the mobile phone.

Fortunately, the collection speed of the jade plate was very fast, not only one ball was condensed at a time, but one plate at a time... So after about two days, the jade bottle was half full.

When he returned to Chen Sheng's residence, Chen Sheng was not at home, so he left a note with his address, and Ye Junyan found the note from his desk. Originally, Chen Sheng's desk was the only neat place in the whole house, but now it's in a mess like other places, it's hard for Ye Junyan to find that note. If it wasn't for Ye Junyan who came back with Chen Cheng and knew very well what this desk meant to him... Cough, anyway, they wouldn't have to wait in the room like headless chickens.

The weakest part of the barrier that Chen Sheng mentioned was Yao Heyu's dormitory.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. In the same way, Tiandao took advantage of this mentality to put the weakest hole in such a place where Ye Junge would normally stay often.

At that time, Chen Sheng was standing on the roof of the dormitory, drawing formations with a brush dipped in some kind of water. I don't know how he got here.

"Okay? Give it to me." Chen Sheng took the jade bottle with one hand and put it away, and continued to paint and draw on the ground with his right hand.

Ye Junyan looked at the "ink" placed next to it, it was not the kind of pitch black and opaque, but like black air constantly swimming in the water, making the water black.

"What is this?" Ye Junyan asked his brother in a low voice.

"It's what we've been collecting for the past two days."

"Well, yes." Chen Sheng finished the last stroke, and put everything into the space magic weapon, "That is to put the meatballs you got into the special water to melt, and the evil black energy will shrink in the water. It can be used to draw formations and cooperate with meatballs to get twice the result with half the effort."

Ye Junge doesn't know much about formations, but his level of strength determines that his vision will not be too low, so he knows quite a few formations, although the formations drawn by Chen Sheng were brought by him from the outer world Yes, Ye Junge can't fully understand it, but it's okay to take a rough look. After all, the basics are pretty much the same.

Chen Cheng poured out several balls, and shot them to different places with his fingers. Some were attached to the formation on the ground, and some were suspended in the air and moved slowly, maintaining a mysterious trajectory. Ye Junge frowned slightly , pulling Ye Junyan and 004 back outside the area of the dormitory building. This formation is very powerful, and it uses too much power of evil obstacles, and it will hinder the soul and body if it is close. The two were watching from a distance in the air, and by the way, helped to cover it up with mental power, so that the students would not notice the strangeness.

After the half bottle of meatballs was placed in a good position, the densely packed classrooms in the dormitory were almost completely covered, and the innermost figure could be vaguely seen.

Ye Junge had a bad feeling in his heart, why didn't Chen Sheng come out

"Brother." Ye Junyan clenched the corner of Ye Junge's clothes, she also sensed that something was wrong, only 004 was still out of state, it just expressed its amazement at this battle.

"The time to break the formation is coming soon, you stay there and don't come over, and then rush into the broken passage when I call out." Because it was too far away, Chen Sheng's voice couldn't be heard clearly. He is an ordinary person, and what makes the balls levitate is the spiritual power of the magic weapon. He can't fly out by himself, he can only stay inside, and he has to preside over the formation inside.

Ye Junyan immediately asked back: "What about you?"

Chen Cheng seemed to chuckle slightly: "Don't worry about me, I don't need to leave."

This seems to be true...

At the moment when the sun and the moon alternated, Chen Sheng made a sudden movement. He waved his hand and threw the balls one by one towards the sky. Black air enveloped the sky in an instant. Chen Sheng kept his hands on, while directing the balls to fly up, while activating the formation, a dazzling black glow lit up on the ground, entangled and stabbed towards the top of the head.

Seeing the spectacular sight of continuous black objects hitting the sky, they lost their voices for a moment. Fortunately, the movement here was covered up in advance, otherwise it would definitely cause panic.

"It's now! You guys go!"

A crack appeared at the junction of the black air and the barrier, Ye Junge decisively forced Ye Junyan to enter his consciousness sea dormancy, grabbed 004 and galloped towards the gap.

It seemed that in just a moment, he was in front of the crack, the power of the formation began to decrease slowly, and the crack was also shrinking, Ye Junge rushed into the crack without caring about other things.

The situation is not so good, there is actually another enchantment outside the enchantment.

Before Ye Junge frowned, he suddenly saw a hole in the barrier in front of him, and the other end was Ye Yiming who was holding the supplementary volume of Hetu Luoshu.

Before he could talk nonsense, Ye Yiming stretched out his hand, hugged him into his arms, and started flying out with him. He was able to use the supplementary volume of Hetu Luoshu only because of his outburst of impatience, which could not last for a few breaths.

Seeing his lover, Ye Junge heaved a sigh of relief, and when he was being held in his arms and speeding away, he turned his head to look at the scene inside the barrier, only to see that Chen Sheng was engulfed by the backlashing black energy, and after a while, the black energy dispersed. Nothing was left in place.

The author has something to say: oh oh oh finally this world of pain is over... Ahem, the gods unfolded at the end of the writing... I can't laugh or cry.jpg... Chen Sheng is not dead, no, it should be said that he is fine, don't worry~

In fact, this world ended in a hurry mainly because I was too timid (…) to write supernatural essays that were too scary, but I didn’t forget that there was nothing to write about horror… So it unfolded! !

Actually, the forces behind the Heavenly Dao and the forces in the outer world are not something I just pulled out, I have thought about it a long time ago, but I didn’t intend to mention it in this article...

Let me explain here the reason why the God of Fate and Gui Wushen confront each other~

God of Destiny is the first god, and she is a woman, and she is a willful female lunatic. She has no sense of right and wrong at all. In her eyes, the world is created by her for fun (at the beginning when she was born, the world was in chaos. Nothing, she used the power of fate to give birth to creatures, etc.), and then, the god of fate, she has lived too long and is in urgent need of entertainment, so the six realms are toys in her eyes.

No one will be responsible for toys, so when the God of Fate goes too far, Gui Wushen can't stand it anymore.

Guiwu is fate's minion. My setting is that the highest level is Chaos God, and there is only Fate God at this level.

The second level is the God of Creation, there are nine, and Gui Wu is one of them. The nine creation gods were the first beings created by the god of fate. They were supposed to be the confidants of the god of fate. Unfortunately, when the nine gods had their own territories, there was a "dispute of faith", similar to believing in god A There was friction between the person who believed in God B and the person who believed in God B. Both parties thought that their god was the best, and then they started to fight, and finally got out of hand... So the relationship between the nine people is very delicate.

Gui Wu is considered to be more responsible among the nine gods. Although his subordinates are all mentally ill, Gui Wu is more miserable... After all, he is a normal person...

The outer realm of heaven is the territory of returning to nothing. The world where Ye Junge was mentioned earlier is the territory of the Outer Realm. The Outer Realm is divided into several parts, including the human world, fairyland, sanctuary, etc., where people, immortals, immortals and gods live. It can be understood in this way. Ye Junge was born in the human world, he naturally went to the fairyland after cultivating immortality, and then he would go to the sanctuary after he really ascended to immortality.

The place where Ye Yiming woke up and appeared was the core area of the sanctuary, which belonged to the Godless Shrine.

Think about it, there is a Heavenly Dao in Guiwu's own territory to intervene in things, and the Heavenly Dao is also a tool used by the enemy God of Destiny to rule the world, so it must be a thorn in his throat, and he must bear the brunt of it. Of course, his own territory must be completely controlled by himself in.