The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm

Chapter 89: Eleventh World SS Class Westworld


Sick and bloody kindness text 09-10

Ye Junyan put away the crystal bottle. Although she didn't know why Ruth helped them, it seemed that she could be trusted. If she can know about 004, then she is either a person of the Heavenly Dao or a person of the Heavenly Territory. Ye Junyan intuited that Ruth should be a person of the Heavenly Territory.

The next day Ye Junyan bid farewell to the members of the Holy See and escaped smoothly.

At the same time, Ye Junge found a time to secretly leave the castle and came to Ye Junyan's castle to meet her.

"I got it." I thought that vampires couldn't touch it directly, but I didn't expect it to be fine after touching it. This holy water is really strange.

Ye Junyan took it and looked at it: "Are you sure you didn't take it wrong?"

"It should be right."

Ye Junyan shook his head: "But someone told me this is fake holy water."

Ye Junge was a little surprised: "Fake? But there is an aura of law on it."

"I don't know too well." Ye Junyan took out the crystal bottle, "This is the spring of life she gave me. She said it is more suitable than holy water."

Ye Junge pondered for a while, then glanced at 004 lying on Ye Junyan's shoulder, and had an idea in his mind.

"004, scan these two items."

I don't know if I can scan anything, but it doesn't hurt to try.

[ah? good. ] 004 blankly opens the scanning program.

It took a long time to scan this time, and the final result made 004 a little confused.

"How about it?"

[The spring water cannot be scanned... the holy water is indeed fake...]

After speaking, 004 opened the system interface and showed the results to them.

There are only a few words in the column of the fountain of life: a liquid containing mysteriously declared energy, presumed to be from the upper world. Harmless, too powerful, use with caution.

In comparison, the information in the column of holy water is a little more detailed: bright water, taking it can make people feel warm, has no side effects, and can be used to treat body deficiency and cold. After the war between the blood race and the Holy See, the 32nd pope disguised it as holy water and passed it on to this day in order to cover up the loss of the holy water.

The following is an introduction to how the pope obtained the bright water and how to replace it, who are the insiders, and by the way, why the holy water was lost.

Ye Junge and Ye Junyan were silent, fortunately they were reminded, otherwise if they used it directly, 004 would be in trouble.

[That... I also collected information about the spring of life... Do you want to see it? ] "Look." Ye Junyan smiled, a little relieved in her heart, she really chose to believe that Ruth was right.

The information about the spring of life is very simple. After all, it is something from the upper realm. There is not much information about it in the lower realm. I only know that the spring of life belongs to the goddess of life. It should be a sacred object of the elves. etc. The number of elves is small, relying on this thing to continue without being exterminated.

"So Ruth is an elf?" Ye Junyan asked suspiciously. She has never seen an elf, but she has read many novels. It is said that elves have pointed ears, but if Ruth is in disguise, she can say the past After all, there are quite a lot of elves who are pure in mind to her level.

Ye Junge raised his eyebrows: "Did Ruth tell you?" His sister really has an abnormal relationship with Ruth.

"Well, she suddenly gave me this yesterday and told me that the holy water is fake. I was still in a daze for a long time."

She has nothing to do with Ruth. If Ruth is an elf and not a person from Outer Worlds, why help her? Just out of kindness

Leaving Ruth's identity aside, Ye Junge decided to take a look first, and not worry about separating 004 now, since the holy water is fake, then go back, maybe there will be a good show to watch.

So within two days, the pope found angrily that the holy water hadn't been lost, but had just fallen on the ground and was blocked by other things, so he couldn't find it unless he looked carefully. The Pope originally wanted to check if there were any evil weapons that had been missed and not taken away, but instead he found the holy water, which was a surprise.

Too bad he wasn't happy at all.

The Pope wanted to hide the recovery of the holy water from everyone, but then he thought that this is not good, the cost of a full-scale war is too high, it is better to suppress the matter, find a chance to find out the whereabouts of the pile of evil weapons, and get it back secretly. So the personnel of the Holy See were summoned again, and the Pope said with a dark face that the holy water was not lost.

Everyone wanted to ask something, but seeing the expression on the pope's face, they didn't dare to ask. Although things went wrong, no one had the guts to blame the pope for causing them a false alarm. Anyway, it was just a useless holy water. Lost is not bad.

But the bishop wasn't so relaxed. The pope didn't look like he was unhappy after putting on an oolong to save face. Thinking back to the day when he guessed that the evil weapon was lost, he probably really lost it.

Originally, the bishop was still wondering why the vampires took the holy water. If it was to make them unhappy, why didn't they take it and then spread the word, so as to embarrass the Holy See? It seemed that their target was just the pile of evil weapons, and the holy water was just accidentally brought to the ground.

Ruth returned to the room in a happy mood. Since Ye Junyan and the others returned the holy water, it was obvious that they believed their words.

Although Ye Junyan had tricked her as a teammate before, he was smart at the critical moment and did not doubt her.

When the 32nd pope replaced the holy water, he destroyed all the records that recorded the function of the holy water to be on the safe side, and those who knew about the holy water also died in the war. In the end, only the pope and the priests worked together to cover up the truth , and the pope did not tell the next pope about this before his death, so only the priests were left to know the secret of the holy water.

Losing a sacred object is a great sin, and it is normal for the pope not to want to tell his successors.

After Ruth regained her memory, she was no longer that innocent and stupid priest. Her ingenuity and wisdom returned, and she quickly realized what was wrong before.

that book…

Ruth sneered, the Pope is really crazy, he actually wants to use dark sacrifices to deal with the vampires, isn't he afraid of going to hell if he does such an outrageous thing

The bishop could have guessed that the things used for the sacrifice had been stolen, so Ruth could have guessed it too, but I should thank Ye Junyan and the others for their help, otherwise Ruth would have to find a way to destroy the sacrifice.

Angus was closely monitored for a few days, and then the watchers retreated suddenly. It is not clear what happened, but it seems to be in his favor.

Angus didn't take it lightly, because after that day, the bishop often came to hang around these new clergymen. Although he almost came for Kyle, he occasionally looked at him with guarded and suspicious eyes.

Before making Angus wait too long, Ye Junge came back to him and told the story at night. When he talked about the spring of life, Angus suddenly felt his heart skip a beat.

"Emerald green?" He seems to have seen something similar somewhere, but it's hard to confirm without seeing the real thing.

"Well, emerald green, I'll show you later."

"When will I leave here? You messed up the sacrificial offering, so it shouldn't be a big deal here." He didn't really want to stay here anymore, and he couldn't get tired of being with his baby all the time.

Ye Junge looked at him with a smile, knowing what this guy was thinking: "Since you don't want to stay anymore, then go, and take Kyle away by the way, or they will all suspect you."

Ye Junge left after finishing speaking, and quickly brought the knocked out Kyle here. After thinking for a while, he cut Kyle's body and let the blood flow all over Angus' room. He took a few blood-enriching pills, and only let him go when the bleeding was almost enough.

Every time Kyle was about to wake up, Ye Junge knocked him out again, and he was so sad that he never had a chance to resist.

Leaving with two things to worry about, Ye Junge pondered for a while, and decided to leave Kyle here temporarily and take Angus away.

Instead of returning to the castle, they found a place to stay in the small town and paid close attention to Kyle's affairs.

Angus disappeared in his room, the room was full of blood, so much blood, probably all the blood on Angus' body was drained!

In such a big place as the Holy Church, any news spread very quickly. In less than one morning, everyone knew about it.

Kyle panicked when he heard the news. Angus' life or death was uncertain. Like Angus, he was rescued by the prince. Will he be the next one

Because of the elixir, Kyle's lost blood has already been replenished, and the wound on his body has healed without a trace. Even the back of the neck that was repeatedly attacked by Ye Junge did not feel sore, so he didn't know that his body what happened. When Kyle washed his face in the morning, he saw from his reflection in the water that his face was much rosier than usual, and he couldn't see any problem at all.

Kyle had seen the horror in Angus's room, and was too scared to approach after just one glance.

Could it be the prince who did it? To punish Angus for his betrayal? What about him, the traitor? Is it impossible to escape such a fate

Kyle wanted to go to the bishop and the others to seek asylum, but he didn't expect to meet the suspicious eyes of those people after the past.

Kyle doesn't understand why everyone sees him like this? Do you think he killed Angus and hid Angus' body

Of course he didn't know that before he came, Ruth had already resorted to the usual tricks to draw all the suspicions to Kyle.

She and Tiandao are hostile, so naturally she will not support the protagonist selected by Tiandao.

"Kyle, where were you last night?" the bishop asked.

"I'm sleeping in my room!"

"Lie!" The knight commander was furious, "Knight Andre found the window of your room open when he was watching the night, he kindly stepped forward to help you close the window, but found that you were not in the room at all, where were you at that time?! "

Ye Junge deliberately chose the time when the Knights Club passed by to kidnap people, and deliberately left a window facing the bed. Fortunately, these arrangements were not in vain.

Kyle looked at him incredulously, he really didn't go anywhere last night, how could he not be in the room? Who is that Andre? Why slander him

At this time, Kyle finally found out that he had been designed by someone belatedly. He even suspected that Angus had colluded with Andre, but it didn't make sense. The blood in Angus' room was not fake, he himself It's gone too, he couldn't be the one who got someone else's blood and deliberately set the blame on himself in order to cover up his departure, right? So how did he leave? And how did he persuade the knight to act with him? Perhaps Angus was taken away by the prince, and the knight is also the prince's man

Thinking about it, I feel something is wrong, which is a bit too unbelievable.

"I didn't do it. I don't know why Andre lied, but I won't admit it." Kyle said with a look of death rather than surrender, "Besides, how could my weak body kill Angus who is so strong? The person?" Even if he could take advantage of the other party's sleep and stab the other party's heart with a knife, the other party would suddenly wake up and struggle? There will definitely be scars on his body and blood on his clothes, but there are none of them! So this group of people can't slander him at will!

"But..." Ruth said slowly, "We didn't say that your absence at night had anything to do with Angus's affairs. Besides, how do you know that Angus is dead? Maybe it's just missing?"

Kyle was dumbfounded, he accidentally brought out his deduction, and instead became a handle to be caught by these people.

"That's right! How can you be sure that Angus is dead?" The knight commander stared. He has always hated things like mutilating his companions, and it is said that Kyle has always been obsessed with the prince. He should not have been allowed to stay in the first place. !

Speaking of which... why did they agree to let Kyle stay

The knight commander thought suspiciously, but he couldn't think of a reason. It seemed that at that time they all agreed that Kyle should stay, and no one had ever thought of a reason.

This is strange in itself, and in this magical world, everything strange is associated with black magic.

Had this Kyle used some wicked black magic on them to confuse them

"Although we have no evidence to prove your relationship with this matter, you can't prove that you have nothing to do with it." Seeing that no one spoke, the bishop had no choice but to make a judgment himself, "Kyle, we must first lock you in the house Li, I will give you an explanation after the matter is found out."

I didn't intend to bother the Pope with this matter. The Pope was already irritated enough about the evil weapon, but he couldn't deal with it hastily. There is nothing wrong with the death of a new ordinary clergyman, but it is very problematic to die in a church, and it is the core of the Holy See - the Holy Church. This kind of thing is a slap in the face, whether it is done by a vampire or an insider Whatever you do, you can't be tolerated.

No matter how Kyle resisted, he was eventually taken down. The knight commander specially sent two knights to guard the gate, in case he would escape.

The good times didn't last long, and that night, Kyle still disappeared.

This time it wasn't Ye Junge who did it, before he had time to do it, he sneaked into the room and found that the person had disappeared, Ye Junge thought that Kyle had managed to escape by himself.

There was no other way, Ye Junge had no choice but to go back and take his old Gong to find his sister.

At this time, Kyle was drinking tea in Ruth's bedroom.

"I don't believe you did it." Ruth looked at him with a smile, "Angus is much stronger than you, you can't kill him, and you can't hide his body alone .”

Kyle didn't take it lightly because of her words: "Are you trying to say that I have an accomplice? You want me to confess?"

"No." Ruth shook her head, "I didn't mean that, you misunderstood. I just want to make my position clear, I don't believe you did it."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to hear your guess. After all, the truth of this matter must be found out. As a priest, it is my duty to do so. Now that the matter is at an impasse, I also want to hear different opinions."

This reason can still be said in the past, in order to find the truth and brainstorm or something...

"I think the prince did it. I'm not lying to you. The prince really doted on Angus before. Maybe the prince was angry at Angus' betrayal, so he killed him." Kyle was a little excited as he spoke. People knew the panic in his heart, although there were two knights guarding him, but these two knights were not strong enough to be the prince's opponent, he was afraid that the prince would kill him. Now that he was beside a powerful priest, he was truly relieved.

Priest Ruth is famous for being kind and never hurting anyone. She can't even kill vampires. She is the safest by her side, and it is said that her strength is second only to the Pope.

Kyle wanted to seek Ruth's asylum, so he knew everything he wanted to say. He analyzed his speculations to Ruth, hoping to stay here longer and help Ruth more. She could beg Ruth to keep him with her, even if Ruth had to watch over him.

"I'm very scared now. I also came out of the prince's castle. I'm afraid the prince will kill me in a fit of anger. Sir, can you allow me to stay by your side? I don't mind if you take care of me personally. I just hope you can protect me."

Ruth nodded cautiously: "Naturally, I think your speculation is very reasonable. I will take care of you for a while, and I will tell the bishop about it during the day tomorrow."

When Kyle heard that she was leaving the palace during the day, he quickly opened his mouth to speak, and Ruth shook his head.

"I know what you're worried about, don't worry, vampires can't appear during the day, don't be afraid, I'll go back to the palace at night. But after all, it's guarding, so you can't walk around at will. I'll arrange a room for you, don't leave that room The house, I will lock the doors and windows and add an enchantment."

Kyle was relieved and nodded again and again.

Ruth thought for a while, and then she continued, "Of course, for your safety, I will only secretly tell the Bishop and the Knight Commander about this. If necessary, there may be rumors that you have escaped, I hope you can understand."

Because the person opposite was Ruth, Kyle didn't doubt it, but agreed very much: "Thank you, Priest, for thinking about me."

"You're welcome." Ruth took him to the room next to the bedroom, and then set up an enchantment like that of the cultivation world, leaving some bigu pills to tell him that these can replace food, and finally closed the door and locked it, using a blindfold to hide the door.

In fact, all the maids serving Ruth knew that there was no door on this wall, and the back room was only connected by a secret door hidden somewhere. It was a room where priests of all ages practiced behind closed doors. It was actually useless. , that is, there are more barriers to be blessed to prevent disturbance.

Ruth used spells to open the door and tricked Kyle into it. These small tricks from the upper world are very simple for her.

Not long after it was done, a knight hurried over to spread the news. It turned out that the guard knight discovered that Kyle was missing and reported it to the knight commander. The knight commander sent someone to invite the priest and others.

When Ruth rushed to the bishop's bedroom, the others had already arrived.

The atmosphere is heavy.

One person died yesterday and another is lost today.

Kyle is just an ordinary person, how could he disappear by himself? So there must be accomplices.

Now they can no longer lie to themselves that it's just an internal problem. The bishop and the others have basically confirmed that Kyle and the vampire have colluded. They killed Angus first, and then found that Kyle was suspected, so they rescued Kyle.

Just, why did they kill Angus

It's been an eventful season recently, and everything happened in these days, one after another, without giving people a breather.

Ruth listened quietly to their conversation, making no attempt to reveal Kyle's presence by her side, which she hadn't intended to do in the first place.

She hid Kyle just to mess up the water in the pool, and only when she got busy would she have a better chance to fish in troubled waters.

The gods believed by the Western Holy See are also ranked among the top six realms, but it is a pity that they belong to the camp of heaven. Now that Ruth is here, they cannot be let down.

However, these have nothing to do with Ye Junge and others, but Kyle is the key part of the plot after all. If he wants to leave this world, he must complete the task. They don't care about Ruth's plan. After a little attention, they found that the plot has been completely controlled by Ruth. Mess up, they just have to wait to get completely off track. Kyle's attack 4567 hasn't appeared yet, but these people have a lot to do with the Holy See, and Ruth will help them clean up.

Now they have another problem.

"I've seen this water before." Angus said with certainty.

Ye Junge frowned slightly: "How did you meet?"

"I don't know, I don't have an impression, I only remember a short scene." Angus shook his head, he really couldn't remember clearly, "It seems that I followed a child in a beautiful palace and passed a certain courtyard. At that time, I saw many fountain pools in it, and the color of the water in each pool was different, and one of them was the same as this water."

Emerald green water is rare, and this spring of life is not only emerald green, it also has some bright green light spots suspended all over it, these light spots are all emitted from the water droplets, and sometimes they will drill back into the water droplets, just like naughty Like elves, very cute.

The pool water that Angus saw was the same. During the day, many bright green light spots could be seen flying around, and some of them were swimming and playing in the pool water. If you look at it at night, it is absolutely beautiful.

004 was fascinated by Angus' description, and wanted to see it too, but Angus himself couldn't tell where he read it, nor could he tell the cause and effect.

"It should be an image in Ye Yiming's memory." Ye Junyan leaned back and stretched, "It's normal if you can't remember, brother, think about it carefully, you haven't been to where Ye Yiming has been."

Of course, there are plenty of places. Ye Junge used to retreat all year round. When he was in retreat, he didn't even know what Ye Yiming was doing and whether he had left, but thinking about the introduction of this spring... from the upper realm...

Ye Junyan took out the supplementary volume of Hetu: "004, come and scan it. Does the data of this thing also show that it comes from the upper realm?"

Ye Junyan holds the river map, and Ye Junge holds the Luoshu, both of which come from the outside world.

He understood what his sister meant. This upper bound refers to the outer world, so the palace in Angus's memory should also be in the outer world. It is related to the spiritual world. Ye Yiming didn't come to the spiritual world because he was brought into the world. Went to Tianwaijing, got the supplementary volume of Hetu Luoshu by the way, and saw the pool of water.

"I thought only the elves had the fountain of life." Ye Junyan simply lay down on the bed, found a comfortable position, and planned to take a good rest. These days, he has been wondering whether this thing is true or not, and he is really tired.

"Ruth has indeed been helping us all the time. Although the main purpose of what she is doing now is not to help us, she is also helping us by the way. It seems that turning the plot around is also one of her tasks."

[Is that Ruth also a ghost of something?]

"If it is, it is probably much more advanced than Chen Sheng." Ye Junyan smiled, "Chen Sheng doesn't have to worry about so many things, unlike Ruth, who makes trouble behind the scenes and does bad things, even intervening in the plot."

"Isn't it good for her to intervene? I just happen to be lazy." Ye Junge was quite happy.

Angus quietly listened to their analysis. He suddenly felt that he was useless. He always felt that Ye Junge wanted "Ye Yiming" to be by his side. Even though he already had memories of several worlds, the other party still relied on Ye Yiming the most. This is understandable, Ye Yiming is indeed very capable, relatively speaking, even if Angus has a little bit of strength, it is not enough.

Ye Junge was keenly aware of his lover's depression. Fortunately, the matter was over, and they agreed to settle 004's matter tomorrow. Ye Junge dragged them to the bedroom that Ye Junyan had arranged for him.

"What's wrong?" Ye Junge pushed him down on the big bed, pinched his chin and forced him to look at himself.

Angus lowered his eyes and remained silent for a while without speaking.

Ye Junge was a little unhappy, and he didn't have mind reading skills, so he could guess what Angus was thinking, but if the other party deliberately kept him from guessing, there was nothing he could do.

Compared with Angus, who has been immersed in the mall for several lifetimes, Ye Junge's own temperament in the city can be regarded as "white". But Angus's.

Since the other party doesn't say it, then do it.

Ye Junge smiled slyly, pinched his chin and kissed him. It took a long time to separate, the two of them were panting slightly, Ye Junge's cold body temperature completely aroused the other's desire, and the hard thing underneath pressed against him, showing his urgency.

Don't talk too much at this time, Ye Junge and Angus tacitly stopped bringing up the boring topic, and started to tease each other quietly. The clothes of the two men disappeared at some point, and Angus held his waist, ready to rush in and gallop into battle.

Ye Junge suddenly tapped his acupoints.

Angus was dumbfounded.

Ye Junge smiled and touched his lover's chest muscles, which felt good in the hands: "Tell me, why are you unhappy." He kept moving his hands, fanning the flames everywhere, just not to vent his anger.

Angus was so suppressed that the veins on his forehead were tingling, but he couldn't move at all. The wonderful entrance was close at hand, but it was a pity that it was only a little bit short.

"Speak, I didn't hit your dumb acupoint." Ye Junge patted his face.

Ye Junge was a little tired from the posture of kneeling on both sides of his body with his legs apart. He withdrew his hands and rubbed his sore waist. Seeing that Angus still didn't say anything, he straightened up and prepared to leave: "Don't say anything, you just Keep it like this for a day, after a day the acupoints will be untied naturally."

"I said." Angus took a deep breath, he really couldn't do anything with this goblin, he devoured him to death.

Ye Junge looked at him with raised eyebrows, and listened attentively.

"I just... feel a little useless." At first, I was a little embarrassed, after all, these words are really worthless, even if I say it to my lover. But since he opened his mouth, Angus simply lost his sense of shame, and slowly spoke out what was in his heart.

"You would rather have 'Ye Yiming' by your side, right? In fact, I will only let you take care of me." Angus smiled wryly, "Junge, you make me feel unworthy of you."

Ye Junge was stunned for a while. To be honest, he never felt that his man was not good enough for him, but it is easy to overthink a man's self-esteem once he is frustrated.

Ye Junge slowly leaned down and kissed him: "You are very good, you are not unworthy of me."

No amount of love words can be uttered now, Ye Junge can only think of using the simplest words and kisses to comfort his lover. He gently stroked Angus' acupuncture point to untie it. Since words are too shallow, let's use actions to appease him.

On the second, third, and fourth day, neither of them came out of the room.

Ye Junyan played with 004 boredly, really, they agreed to change 004's shell, and these two guys went out of their way again.

"Hey!" Ye Junyan sighed, looked at 004, filled with resentment.

004 was so nervous that his hair exploded immediately. Whenever this young lady who has been upgraded to Her Majesty makes moves that do not conform to the queen's domineering image, bad things will happen. 004 would rather she be noble, glamorous and domineering every day He squinted at himself sideways, and didn't want to see her collapse.


"Hey..." Ye Junyan sighed again, "004... I feel so depressed..."

004 endured and endured, but still couldn't help answering: [What's the melancholy?]

"Melancholy, you are going to become a human! From now on, I won't have hairballs to play with."

[…] Why does it want to answer the phone

"Hey... 004..."

[ah? what happened again?]004 habitually answered the words, and then realized that he wanted to sew his mouth shut, although he could speak without his mouth...

"So, in order to make up for the loss that I won't be able to play fur balls in the future, you have to become a boy paper that I like~"

[... What kind do you like?]

"Hmm..." Ye Junyan thought of the little fat man he saw at the door of the church a few days ago. If the little fat man grew up to be a teenager, what would it be like

"Be as tall as 1.6 meters." A head shorter than myself.

004, who doesn't have a deep understanding of human height, nodded. This request is not too much and can be accepted.

"Has short, soft tan hair, the kind that sticks out in the middle."

[Damao is too stupid, don't! ] 004 resisted.

"Stupid sister, do you understand that is called cute? Now little girls like boys with stupid hair, they think they are very cute." Also very popular.

004 Xiaochumeng was indeed deceived, hesitated for a while, and agreed.

Ye Junyan smiled secretly, and continued to ask it with a serious expression on his face: "The facial features should be exquisite and delicate, and you should have a pair of bright and big eyes."

After thinking about it, the sea blue eyes are not suitable for the cute little 004, so he added: "The black pearl kind, clear and pure black eyes, remember that."

[Ah, I remember. ] 004, who originally wanted to refute the statement of delicate facial features, was attracted by the eye problem, and forgot what he wanted to say just now.

"The physique can be a little thinner. I don't like Ye Yiming's stupid big man. I like petite boys."

Then there is Ye Junyan who likes a stupid and rough brother, how good are you...

"The skin should be fair and smooth." Only in this way will it feel good.

"Be full of dependence on me." Satisfy Her Majesty Queen's masculine self-esteem.

"besides… "

004 flew away silently, leaving Ye Junyan immersed in fantasy alone, it, only, no, wants!

Relying on something... what a shame!

After Ye Junyan came back to her senses, she grabbed 004 back again, completely ignoring 004's resistance. She won't have hair balls to rub in the future, and rubbing 004's hair is also very good. I believe the touch must be great!

She couldn't wait to see 004 turn into a delicate and beautiful boy like an elf.

[I do not want…]

Ye Junyan drank the red wine and pretended not to hear.

[I don't want QAQ...]

Have another drink.

[Yan Er, you are too much!]

Ye Junyan put down his wine glass and rubbed the hairy dumpling vigorously: "What are you calling me?"

[… QAQ Sister Yan.]

"Good~" Ye Junyan held the Maotuanzi in front of her and kissed it, and the Maotuanzi immediately turned pink in embarrassment, it was so cute!

004 hastily broke free from Ye Junyan's palm, hid under the quilt, and refused to come out desperately.

After comforting his lover with his body, Ye Junge rubbed his waist and walked in. After scanning around but not seeing 004, he asked strangely, "Where is 004? Where did he go to play again?"

"I'm about to turn into a human. I'm a little shy. I'm hiding under the quilt. Go and get it out."

Ye Junge didn't doubt it either, walked over and lifted the quilt, and grabbed the pink hairball out.

"Why did it change color? It turns out that it can still change color. Let me see if it turns green."

004: ...

Ye Junyan chuckled and collapsed on the sofa: "004 will soon turn into purple, let me see~"

004 became angry and didn't want to talk to them anymore.

Too many points! Beep!

Angus came in with breakfast, Ye Junyan and Ye Junge didn't have to eat, he still wanted to eat, so he called 004 over to eat.

004, who had delicious food, immediately lost his temper, and followed him, and became heartlessly happy again.

Ye Junge squinted at the man's satisfied face, feeling very upset.

Why was he so stupid to believe that this guy would not be confident? It's useless to be begged for mercy by that guy these days, the expression on the other side's face is obviously treacherous for achieving the goal.


If he believes that this guy will have a delicate mind, he will die! asshole.

To your sister's lack of self-confidence, to your sister's frustrated self-esteem!