The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife

Chapter 103


After making arrangements for Shen Xiuqi, Su Yaya turned around and left room 208. When they got downstairs, Xu Chengkun and Yan Junyi were also tired, so Su Yaya arranged for them to rest in other rooms.

After arranging the three people, Su Yaya turned to the kitchen and arranged for the fat chef to prepare a sumptuous dinner. After thinking about it, Su Yaya left two more dishes, both of which were Shen Xiuqi's favorite dishes, and told the chef: "I will cook these two dishes later."

The fat chef smiled and said yes, "I have watched your show before and know that you make these two dishes very delicious. They are in for a treat today."

Su Yaya said with a smile: "It's not easy for them to come here. Since they are here, let them eat to their satisfaction." In fact, she felt a little guilty when she said this, because those two dishes were actually for Shen Xiu Made by Qi.

After agreeing with the fat chef, the fat chef started to make preparations, and Su Yaya turned around and went out.

She went to the yard and found a place to sit down. She recalled today's events in her mind, and her heart was filled with sourness and mixed emotions. She knew that after she was pregnant, Shen Xiuqi would definitely come to her, and she would definitely not be able to hide it from him, but she didn't expect that he would come so soon. And those words he just said to her, she could hear his sincerity. Maybe for the sake of the baby in her belly, she really could only stay with him. He could protect her and the baby, which would be more reliable. But she couldn't let him take it too easy, otherwise she would be at a huge loss. The grievances she had suffered could not be in vain, Shen Xiu had to be given a taste of it.

Thinking about it, Su Yaya found it funny again. She felt that her personality had changed a bit after she became pregnant, and she felt that she had become a bit pretentious.

But it seems like it should be like this, she is pregnant and she is the biggest, haha!

After a long time, it was almost time, and the preparation work on the side of the chef was done. She had already started cooking, and she was waiting for her to make the last two dishes. Su Yaya went to the kitchen again and prepared the fat chef. I took out the good ingredients and made a braised beef brisket and a tomato fish head soup.

After the two dishes were ready, she sent someone to the high mountain flowing water private room, turned around, washed her hands, and called Shen Xiuqi and the others to come for dinner.

When she arrived in room 208, Su Yaya stood outside and knocked on the door. There was no response from the room. After waiting for a while, she took out the key, opened the door and went in.

There was no light on in the room, the light was a bit dark, and you could vaguely see a bulge on the bed.

Su Yaya stepped forward and walked over, standing by the bed and looking at Shen Xiuqi who was sleeping peacefully. His brows were still slightly frowned. Even if he fell asleep, he did not completely relax. The green color under his eyes was also very... Obviously, it can be seen that he has been having a hard time during this period, so he can't even sleep so peacefully.

Su Yaya bent down slightly, leaned into Shen Xiuqi's ear, and whispered: "Xiu Qi, it's time to get up and eat."

Shen Xiuqi didn't sleep very peacefully. He dreamed about the scene where Su Yaya was hit by An Yuting's car and died. He wanted to save her, but still couldn't save her. Finally, he saw Su Yaya being knocked away. He went out and fell to the ground with blood all over the floor...

Vaguely, he heard someone calling him in her ear, telling him to get up. He opened his eyes in a daze and met a pair of bright smiling eyes. Those were Su Yaya's eyes. He It couldn't be more familiar. The fear and heartache in his sleep gradually faded away. He looked at her and called out in a hoarse voice, "Yaya..."

Su Yaya smiled and said softly: "It's time to get up. The food is ready. I've prepared your favorite dishes. Get up and eat quickly."

The voice was close at hand. Shen Xiuqi heard her words and reached out to touch her face. She was alive in front of him, not as scary as in his dream.

"Yaya, how are you doing?" His hand finally touched her face, and his voice was hoarse as if he had just woken up. It was deep and low, as if he was suppressing many emotions, as if he was asking her this. Was her life going well? It was as if she was asking her in the dream if she was having a good life.

Su Yaya replied calmly: "I'm living a good life."

Shen Xiuqi paused, then hummed, and said as if he was relieved: "Just live well."

Su Yaya smiled.

Shen Xiuqi looked at her intently and said, "Then can I give you a hug?"

Why does it sound so pitiful when you beg

Su Yaya thought for a while, nodded, stretched out her hand and hugged him actively.

Shen Xiuqi felt her hug and hugged her back excitedly. He also rubbed her body and smelled the faint fragrance of her body. He felt that he was back to the good times before, and she was still in his arms. It’s great to be around!

After a while, Shen Xiuqi suddenly said: "I want to touch your belly."

Su Yaya hummed and patted his shoulder with her hand, "What are you thinking about?"

Shen Xiuqi said hurriedly: "It's not what you think. I just want to touch the baby and say hello to the baby. After all, I am also the baby's father."

Su Yaya paused after hearing this. It turned out to be like this. It sounded like a reasonable request. After all, he was the baby's father. There was nothing wrong with wanting to say hello to the baby. Then she thought about it and said, "Then you can touch it." .”

Fortunately, Su Yaya was wearing jeans and a long T-shirt over a long windbreaker. If Shen Xiuqi wanted to touch her belly, he only had to lift up the long T-shirt to expose her belly.

Su Yaya's belly was still as flat as before. Pulling up her T-shirt revealed her flat belly and her round pink belly button, which looked very cute and made people want to touch it.

Shen Xiuqi reached out to touch Su Yaya's belly. His fingertips were trembling a little, as if he was afraid of hurting the baby inside. His movements were very light and gentle, with deep love, and then he lowered his voice. Lowly said to his belly: "Hello, baby, I am daddy."

Su Yaya couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing, "Don't you think it's funny how you are doing this? Are you stupid? The baby is just a little bean sprout now, it's weird that he can hear you!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Xiuqi said very seriously: "I am the baby's father. Even if the baby is just a little bean sprout now, he is still related to me. The baby and I are heart to heart, and the baby can hear anything I say."

This sounds okay, but when I think about it carefully, I feel that this is too unlike Shen Xiuqi's personality. Su Yaya thinks to herself, why is Shen Xiuqi now more like a nanny and less like a domineering president? ? Hey, man! After having a baby, things really changed.

"Okay, okay, let's get up and eat." Su Yaya didn't want to be stupid with Shen Xiuqi anymore, so she reached out and pulled down her clothes to cover her belly, stood up and was about to leave.

Shen Xiuqi hurriedly grabbed the hem of her clothes and said, "Wait a minute, I bought a gift for the baby."

Su Yaya looked at him with a surprised look on her face and said: "Shen Xiuqi, the baby is just a little bean sprout now, so you buy a gift for the baby?"

Shen Xiuqi nodded very seriously: "I am the baby's father. If I want to buy it for the baby, I can buy it for the baby, regardless of whether the baby is a little bean sprout or not."

Well, it’s good to have a domineering father. You can buy whatever you want and give whatever you want as a gift, as long as you’re happy!

"Then what did you buy?" Su Yaya asked curiously.

Shen Xiuqi said: "Because I don't know whether the baby is a boy or a girl, I bought a longevity lock that can be used by both boys and girls."

Well, this sounds pretty good. Anyway, every family with children will prepare this way. If Shen Xiuqi hadn't bought it now, she would have bought it for her baby later. Even if Shen Xiuqi had considered it carefully.

Su Yaya and Shen Xiuqi stretched out their hands and said with a smile: "You actually bought it, just bring it!"

Shen Xiuqi said: "It's in my bag, you can get it yourself."

Su Yaya went to open his bag and asked, "Where did you put it?"

"Inside the inner bag in the middle." Shen Xiuqi said.

Su Yaya went to open the inner bag and saw two boxes inside.

Shen Xiuqi's voice came from behind, "The big box contains the longevity lock bought for the baby, and the small box is for you."

Su Yaya looked at the box for a moment, then said "Oh", "Mine is smaller, and the baby is indeed more favored!"

"Where did you think you were going?" Shen Xiuqi hurriedly explained: "It's just that the sizes of the things are different and the prices are the same. You and the baby are equally important in my mind."

That's pretty much it, Su Yaya's lips curved into a smile.

Shen Xiuqi's voice came from behind again, "Why don't you open it and take a look?"

Su Yaya opened the box as he said. Inside was a love bracelet. It was a new model from the Xiang family and was worth a lot of money.

"Where did you buy it?" Su Yaya asked.

Shen Xiuqi had already gotten up from the bed. While getting dressed, he replied: "I bought it while waiting for my flight at the airport. I thought I couldn't come to see you and the baby empty-handed, so I bought you a gift."

This person is quite thoughtful, Su Yaya thought, very satisfied with it.

Shen Xiuqi walked over and said softly: "Take it, I want you to be happy."

Of course I have to accept the gift, and she is not stupid. The gift given to her is actually given to the baby, hehehe.

"Thank you then." Su Yaya happily put away the gifts and asked Shen Xiuqi: "Are they all packed? Let's go down to eat."

Shen Xiuqi said, wait for me for a while, then he turned around and went to the bathroom. After a while, he came out and the two of them went downstairs together.

When they got downstairs, Xu Chengkun and Yan Junyi were already there.

It was still in the high mountain flowing water private room. The food was all served. Su Yaya asked everyone to sit down and said with a smile: "These are the signature dishes of my farmhouse. They taste very good. Eat more!"

Shen Xiuqi sat next to Su Yaya. Su Yaya scooped him a bowl of his favorite tomato and fish head soup, and said with a smile: "Try it."

"Okay." Su Yaya was the first to spoon soup for him. Shen Xiuqi realized this, and the smile on his face was much brighter than before. He lowered his head and took a mouthful of fish head soup to drink. When he ate it, he could tell that it was made by her herself. , the taste was as delicious as ever, just like the many times he had eaten it, and his heart was suddenly filled with warmth.

The author has something to say: Yaya scooped the soup for me first, and Mr. Shen was delighted.

Mr. Shen said that he would give out red envelopes today and asked everyone to bless him and chase his beloved wife as soon as possible ^_^