The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife

Chapter 131


"Xiu Qi!" Su Yaya's soul called Shen Xiu Qi, but Shen Xiu Qi couldn't hear her cry. He still looked at the person lying on the bed motionlessly, without any reaction to her cry. , all he could think of was her in the hospital bed.

"Xiu Qi!" Su Yaya floated towards Shen Xiu Qi and shouted loudly, but unfortunately Shen Xiu Qi still didn't react at all.

Su Yaya reached out to pull him, but her hand passed through his body. Su Yaya was anxious, and she quickly flew towards her body, wanting to fly into her body again and wake herself up.

However, even though she did this, her body did not accept her soul, as if it had a rejection reaction. She could never fly back to her body, and could only linger around it, unable to merge with it. One body.

If the soul cannot be integrated with the body, there is no way to wake up. No matter how anxious and worried Su Yaya is, it is useless. She can only watch Shen Xiuqi holding her hand and crying sadly, which is extremely heartbreaking.

Shen Xiuqi has been taking care of Su Yaya. He even brings his work to the hospital. He does everything by himself and never relies on other people's hands. Even if it is wiping Su Yaya's body, massaging, feeding water, etc., there is no It wasn't him either.

Every night, Shen Xiuqi stayed in the hospital, accompanying Su Yaya and not going anywhere. Even if Su's mother and Sun Qin came to persuade him and told him to go back and have a rest, he was unwilling. At most, he would just go home and take a shower. Take a shower, change clothes, and then go to the hospital to guard Su Yaya.

Mother Su saw everything Shen Xiuqi did and advised him: "Xiu Qi, you can't do it like this. You have done a good job during Yaya's coma, you still have to pay attention. Your body, go back and rest. If Yaya wakes up and sees you looking so haggard, she will definitely feel distressed. You have been in the hospital for so many months, so go back and have a good rest."

Shen Xiuqi held Su Yaya's hand and said in a hoarse voice: "How can I let her lie here alone? I just want to be with her. I don't want to go back alone. It's too deserted at home."

He would not be able to live without Su Yaya. He had said this before, so no matter what, he would stay with her and wait for her to wake up.

When Su Yaya heard what he said, she was anxious and sad. Unfortunately, her soul could not return to her body, so she could only stay around Shen Xiuqi, watching him busy every day and staying with him as much as possible.

That night, after Shen Xiuqi wiped Su Yaya's body, he was so tired that he lay down on the edge of the table and fell asleep.

While sleeping, Shen Xiuqi had a long and strange dream.

In the dream, Shen Xiuqi saw that he was married to a woman also named Su Yaya, but that Su Yaya was different from his beloved Su Yaya. She had an arrogant personality, a bad temper, and bad thoughts. She is arrogant and self-willed, greedy for pleasure, has no ambition to make progress, and just lives a life of sitting back and enjoying the gains. She has a bad relationship with her parents, and even dislikes her parents for making too little money and not being able to give her a more comfortable life.

Since Shen Xiuqi and Su Yaya got married, Shen Xiuqi still doted on her because she helped him successfully inherit his grandfather's inheritance, and gave her many valuable gifts. He would buy her whatever she wanted. Anyway, as long as it was a request she made, he would try his best to satisfy her and never let her down.

But even so, it still could not satisfy Su Yaya's vanity. She began to become more greedy and domineering, and even began to interfere in his private life, forbidding him to have non-work contact with other women, even his secretary assistant. , she was still full of precautions and vigilance, and even secretly hired paparazzi to follow him and investigate him, investigating all his whereabouts in detail.

Shen Xiuqi soon discovered that Su Yaya sent people to follow and investigate him, which made him very angry. He didn't like Su Yaya's suspicion and interference in him. The two had a fierce quarrel at home and even fought. .

Su Yaya cried and made trouble, smashing many things in the house, and many valuables were smashed to pieces. Shen Xiuqi looked at the messy home and was very angry and disappointed. He moved out that night and went outside. Went to the hotel to stay.

It was at this time that An Yutong came back from abroad.

Xu Kai took An Yutong, who had returned from abroad, to the Shen Group to find Shen Xiuqi the next day.

At this time, An Yutong was still as gentle as before. With a sweet smile, she invited Shen Xiuqi to have dinner together. She said, "I haven't seen a few friends for so long. It's rare to get together, so let's go and get together." .”

Shen Xiuqi had just quarreled with Su Yaya the night before. He was in a bad mood and didn't want to go home and face Su Yaya at all, so he nodded under the persuasion of Xu Kai and An Yutong. Agree to go to a dinner party together.

That night, they first went to the New Imperial City for dinner. It was rare for a few friends to get together, and they drank a lot of wine during the dinner. After finishing the meal and coming out, An Yutong suggested that everyone go to the old place to continue the stall. Xu Kai, Song Ming, and Jiang Chengguang all said they were going. Shen Xiuqi didn't want to go back and face Su Yaya, so he went with them.

That night, Shen Xiuqi didn't even remember how much wine they drank. Anyway, everyone was completely drunk.

The next morning, when Shen Xiuqi woke up, he found that he and An Yutong were sleeping together.

An Yutong woke up after he woke up. She didn't cry or make trouble with him. She just smiled bitterly at him and pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Xiu Qi, we were all drunk last night. , I don’t remember anything, so just pretend it never happened.”

She spoke very easily and calmly, but her eyes were red, and she choked at the end of her voice. After speaking, she turned away and stopped looking at Shen Xiuqi. She got up and got out of bed to get clothes and put them on.

Shen Xiuqi looked at her slender back and felt a strange feeling inexplicably. After all, she was the woman he once loved. When he saw her so sad, it would be a lie to say that he was not touched at all.

He hesitated for a moment, then walked towards her, took her arm and said, "I will be responsible for you..."

Before he could finish speaking, An Yutong was already crying and shaking her head and said, "No, it's okay. You are already married. I will forget about this matter and won't cause any trouble to you."

Shen Xiuqi frowned and said, "Listen to me, I will definitely handle this matter. If you give me some time, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

That day, Shen Xiuqi finally comforted An Yutong and then drove home.

After arriving home, Shen Xiuqi saw Su Yaya and filed for divorce with her very calmly.

Shen Xiuqi and Su Yaya originally agreed to get married. When they got married, they had already drawn up a divorce agreement, and now it was time to settle things.

Shen Xiuqi went to take out the divorce agreement and asked Su Yaya to sign it.

But Su Yaya disagreed. She cried and shouted not to get divorced, and begged Shen Xiuqi to forgive him. She promised that she would not do that again in the future and would not find anyone to investigate and follow him again.

It's a pity that Shen Xiuqi has been deeply disappointed with her for a long time. It's not that he hasn't given her a chance before. He has actually given her many opportunities, but she didn't cherish them. Moreover, she had people follow and investigate him and it also touched his bottom line. Coupled with the incident involving An Yutong, he really couldn't live with her anymore.

He said calmly: "Let's get a divorce."

Su Yaya shook her head and cried: "No, I don't want a divorce, I don't want a divorce!"

Shen Xiuqi looked at her quietly for a while, took out a pen and signed the divorce agreement, and then left home.

Seeing Shen Xiuqi leaving without hesitation, Su Yaya was so angry that she felt that Shen Xiuqi must have something behind her, so she continued to find someone to follow and investigate Shen Xiuqi. This time, she discovered Shen Xiuqi and An Yu What happened that night.

Su Yaya was furious. From the time she followed Shen Xiuqi, she knew that Shen Xiuqi had a Bai Yueguang whom he liked very much. That person was An Yutong. When she saw An Yutong and Shen Xiuqi together, After taking the photos of talking and laughing, he immediately lost his mind and frantically looked for someone to cause trouble for An Yutong.

An Yutong was accidentally injured on the way to the audition. After Shen Xiuqi learned about it, he had someone take An Yutong to the hospital and arranged the best ward in the hospital for her.

After learning about this, Su Yaya became even more angry, so she asked people to cause trouble for An Yutong again and again, making An Yutong unlucky and wronged.

Shen Xiuqi realized that something was wrong, so he asked people to find out what was going on. The people below quickly found out that it was Su Yaya who had people do all this.

After finding out the truth, Shen Xiuqi became even more angry and drove back to confront Su Yaya again. The two had a fierce quarrel.

Shen Xiuqi insisted on getting a divorce, but Su Yaya refused to agree to anything and even tore up the divorce agreement.

Shen Xiuqi looked at her coldly and said, "If you tear up the divorce agreement, I can ask the lawyer to write another one, countless copies, until you agree to the divorce."

"Shen Xiuqi, you bastard!" Su Yaya yelled with red eyes.

Shen Xiuqi ignored her and turned around to leave.

Su Yaya looked at his leaving figure and couldn't bear the tone. She immediately found someone to kidnap An Yutong.

The kidnappers who kidnapped An Yutong were not very clever, and were quickly discovered by Shen Xiuqi. The people he sent out did not spend much effort in rescuing An Yutong.

The kidnapped An Yutong was frightened. When she saw Shen Xiuqi, she cried and threw herself into his arms. She was shaking violently and said aggrievedly and pitifully: "Xiu Qi, I'm so scared. I thought I was I’ll never see you again, wuwuwu…”

Hearing An Yutong cry so sadly, Shen Xiuqi frowned.

This time, he said he would never be polite to Su Yaya again. He didn't even show his face, so he forced Su Yaya to sign the divorce agreement, and then she was unceremoniously She was kicked out of the villa, and she was strictly ordered to leave Kyoto and never come back again, otherwise she would look good!

Su Yaya, who was forced to divorce, never believed that Shen Xiuqi would be so cruel. She didn't want to leave Kyoto. She didn't want to go back like this. She didn't want to be kicked out of Kyoto in such a dejected manner. If the snobby people at home were allowed to When her relatives know about it, they might as well figure out how to ridicule her, which would make her lose face.

So she didn't leave Kyoto and go back to her hometown. She continued to stay and kept people secretly paying attention to Shen Xiuqi's movements, trying to find a suitable opportunity to get back together with Shen Xiuqi.

But Su Yaya's stay in Kyoto was not going well. She originally divorced Shen Xiuqi. Even if Shen Xiuqi did not give her the 10 million in alimony, she still had a lot of gold that Shen Xiuqi bought her. Silver jewelry and some savings. If she took these things and savings back to her hometown to live an honest life, she would be able to live quite well, but unfortunately she did not do so.

Su Yaya looked for help everywhere, wanting to see Shen Xiuqi again and get back together with Shen Xiuqi.

So, one day, she met a man who claimed to be Shen Xiuqi's business partner. She had indeed met him at a cocktail party when she was with Shen Xiuqi.

The man told Su Yaya that he could give her this opportunity to help her. He would hold a cocktail party in a few days and would invite Shen Xiuqi to attend. She could also go then, but she would need money to do this. busy.

Su Yaya, who was in a hurry and sought medical treatment, asked him how much he wanted. The man compared the numbers, and Su Yaya thought it was a bit much. The man smiled and said that he also needed money to hold a cocktail party, so the two bargained and finally reached an agreement. The amount, and that amount is exactly all the money Su Yaya has.

However, after Su Yaya gave everything to the man, the man ran away with the money and disappeared, never to be found again.

Su Yaya, who was deceived into losing everything, cried and went to Shen's house for help. Unfortunately, the staff at the front desk were not willing to let her see Shen Xiuqi. No matter how pitiful and helpless she said, the staff did not give in.

Finally, Assistant Chen happened to come down from upstairs and saw it, so he asked what was going on and found out that Su Yaya had been deceived.

Su Yaya cried and begged Assistant Chen, "Please let me go up and see Xiu Qi, I beg you."

Unfortunately, Assistant Chen did not agree. He just gave her some money and said, "Go home. Mr. Shen will not see you."

Su Yaya didn't want money and cried and made a fuss to see Shen Xiuqi. Assistant Chen was also annoyed by her pestering, so he asked the security guard to ask her out.

Later, Assistant Chen reported the incident to Shen Xiuqi and told Shen Xiuqi that Su Yaya had been defrauded of money and was living in poverty.

At that time, Shen Xiuqi sat behind the desk in silence for a long time, and then said to Assistant Chen: "Go and contact her family and ask them to take her back."

Assistant Chen was stunned after hearing his instructions. After thinking for a moment, he understood what he meant, and immediately arranged for someone to contact Su Yaya's parents.

Su's father and Su's mother quickly rushed to Kyoto, found Su Yaya, and took her back to their hometown.

When Su Yaya returned to her hometown, she did go through a period of being ridiculed. She hid at home all day long and did not dare to go out. She was afraid of seeing people and afraid of relatives at home coming to the door.

In order to take care of Su Yaya's emotions, the family finally moved to the countryside. There are no relatives to disturb me, and life is finally much better.

It's a pity that such good days did not last long, and Su's mother fell ill, a very serious illness. In order to raise Su Yaya, Su's mother and Su's father used to spend all their money on Su Yaya. After so many years, they had no savings. After arriving at the hospital, money was spent like water. Su's mother's illness required a lot of money, and the little savings the family had were quickly spent.

Su Yaya was very sad. She wanted to save Su's mother. She cried and held Su's mother's hand: "I was ignorant before, but now that I have grown up, I also understand your difficulties. I want to find Shen Xiu Qi asked for money, he once said that he would give me some money after divorce."

Su's father and Su's mother didn't want her to go, but Su Yaya still went to Kyoto alone with Su's mother and Su's father on their backs.

She went to the Shen Group and lingered outside the Shen Group's gate for a long time. She knew that she wouldn't be able to see Shen Xiuqi if she went in, so she wanted to wait for him outside and wait until he came out, then she would take the opportunity to appear.

But unfortunately, she waited outside Shen's for several hours that day but did not see Shen Xiuqi. Instead, she saw An Yutong first.

An Yutong had permed her long black hair into curls. She was wearing a tight long skirt and big red lips, looking enchanting and charming.

She raised her red lips and said to Su Yaya: "I won't let Shen Xiuqi see you. I'm going to marry Shen Xiuqi soon. I'm going to become Mrs. Shen. I won't let you do anything to destroy it. "

In order to prevent Su Yaya from seeing Shen Xiuqi, An Yutong had Su Yaya kidnapped.

The group of disgusting and dirty men took Su Yaya to a remote abandoned warehouse in the suburbs. Like a beautiful devil, An Yutong said to those people: "Enjoy her."

Su Yaya knelt on the ground and cried and begged, hoping that An Yutong would let her go. She screamed and cried: "I don't dare anymore. I will never bother you and Shen Xiuqi again. Please Let me go, please.”

However, An Yutong just smiled coldly at her, then took out her mobile phone and answered the call, and said softly to the person on the other end of the phone: "Xiu Qi, I have a little something to do outside. I'll finish it in a moment." Just come back, okay, I’m very good.”

Su Yaya, who was kneeling on the ground, heard An Yutong calling Xiu Qi to the person on the other end of the phone. She screamed hysterically like crazy, "Xiu Qi, help me, Xiu Qi, help me!"

However, An Yutong hung up the phone coldly and quickly, without giving Su Yaya any chance to ask for help. She turned around indifferently, stepped on her high heels and left the abandoned warehouse without looking back.

After leaving the warehouse, An Yutong curled her lips indifferently, looked down at the mobile phone that had not answered the call at all, and thought very proudly in her heart, it was just a little trick, and she completely deceived the woman Su Yaya. I collapsed, it was really a relief!

An Yutong, who had done bad things, didn't feel any guilt at all. She pretended to go back as if nothing had happened, happily put on her wedding dress the next day, dressed up as the most beautiful bride, and married Shen Xiuqi as she wished. .

The wedding was held very grandly. Many guests came to attend the wedding of An Yutong and Shen Xiuqi. An Yuting had been watching coldly from the side, with jealousy burning in her heart. She wished she could take An Yutong's place. Due to her position, she was the one who married Shen Xiuqi.

Before the wedding was over, An Yuting left in a rage. She drove like crazy. She knew what her sister had done. Her sister married Shen Xiuqi. She couldn't How about her sister, but it is okay to turn her anger on Su Yaya.

She drove to the warehouse like crazy. When she saw Su Yaya walking out of the warehouse, the only thought in her mind was to let her die, let her die, so she drove the car without hesitation. He went over and knocked Su Yaya away like a rag doll.

Su Yaya's body flew up and fell to the ground like a rag doll. Blood flowed from her mouth and nose. Her eyes were wide open and did not close until she died.

An Yuting suddenly woke up after hitting someone. She looked at Su Yaya who was killed and the blood on the ground, and fear surged in her heart. She didn't dare to go home or call the police. Her only The only thing she could think of and do was call her uncle An Jiaxiang in panic.

"Uncle, I hit someone, I killed them, what should I do, what should I do?" An Yuting cried and asked An Jiaxiang for help.

After learning that An Yuting killed someone with her car, An Jiaxiang said to An Yuting very calmly on the phone: "Tell me where you are now, and I will arrange for someone to deal with it immediately."

"I, I'm..." An Yuting said her location tremblingly.

An Jiaxiang acted very quickly, and soon he arranged for someone to take care of the matter. He arranged for someone to replace An Yuting, and then asked that person to surrender. In the end, the replacement person went to jail, and another person was given to him. Su's father and Su's mother asked Su's father and mother to take 1.5 million to treat the disease, and the matter was solved.

An Jiaxiang had always concealed the fact that An Yuting killed Su Yaya, and Shen Xiuqi had never known about it.

An Yutong married Shen Xiuqi as she wished, and she and Shen Xiuqi also lived happily for a while.

On this day, An Yutong drove to the airport to pick up Shen Xiuqi. Shen Xiuqi went to the United States a few days ago to discuss business and should be back in an hour.

However, when An Yutong met Shen Xiuqi at the airport, she found that Shen Xiuqi was not as happy as she imagined. Instead, he kept a gloomy face, as if the sky was before a storm.

An Yutong sensed something was wrong and asked Shen Xiuqi what was wrong. Shen Xiuqi only said coldly: "Let's talk about it when we go home."

After returning home, Shen Xiuqi asked An Yutong seriously, "What did you do in the United States?"

An Yutong thought that Shen Xiuqi would not know about the things she did in the United States, which she had kept well hidden, but now Shen Xiuqi knew about it and questioned her sternly.

After a brief panic, she quickly calmed down and said to Shen Xiuqi with a very aggrieved expression: "Things are not what you think. Those things were all asked by uncle An Jiaxiang. You also know that uncle is The person who calls the shots in our family asked me to do that. What can I do? I was also forced!"

After Shen Xiuqi stared at her, he suddenly sneered and said, "Okay, even if your uncle asked you to do those things you did in the United States, then what happened when you said you were pregnant with my child?" Something?"

An Yutong's face instantly turned pale, and even her red lips lost their color.

Before An Yutong could say anything to explain, she heard Shen Xiuqi continue: "Actually, nothing happened between us that night, and you weren't pregnant with my child, right?"

An Yutong opened her mouth but was speechless.

That night, nothing really happened between her and him. She just took off her clothes and lay next to him to sleep. She designed him.

The author has something to say: Today the two updates are combined into one, and the countdown to the end has begun. If there are any extras you want to watch, you can leave a message below the article, and I will work hard to write it.