The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife

Chapter 27


Yan Junyi's eyes were still on the mobile phone screen without moving for a moment. He recalled in his mind that just now his manager Sister Wu hurried into the lounge with anxiety and worry on her face. She grabbed him and asked him to send a clarification message quickly. The look on Bo's face was as if someone was holding a knife to her neck, fearing that if she was too late, she and he would both die!

He immediately understood that someone asked Sister Wu to let him post this clarification on Weibo!

Seeing Yan Junyi in a daze, Sister Wu came over and asked, "Did you post the clarification on Weibo?"

Yan Junyi nodded and said: "It's done."

"That's good." Sister Wu was obviously relieved, and the expression on her face was no longer so nervous and worried.

Yan Junyi frowned slightly, "Sister Wu, what on earth is going on?"

Sister Wu forced a smile and said to him: "The people behind Su Yaya came to me and asked you to come forward to clarify. The people behind her are not something we can afford to offend. It is better to do so as soon as possible if we can clear the relationship." .”

Yan Junyi was stunned for a moment. He remembered that the white Cayenne Su Yaya was riding in that day was worth a lot of money. She was a newcomer who had just entered the entertainment industry and was not well-known. Her family conditions were just like that, and it was impossible to afford such a car. It was impossible for the agency to match her with such a good car, so there was only one possibility. Just as he thought at the time, the car was given to her by the person behind Su Yaya.

Who could that person be? Yan Junyi frowned.

The official blog of Yongrong Food Company has come out to clarify the relationship between Mr. Wang and Su Yaya. Apparently, like him, they came out to clarify according to the other party's request.

Among the men uploaded on the Internet who have a relationship with Su Yaya, besides him, they are Mr. Wang and Mr. Shen of the Shen family. The first two are misinformation and have been clarified. The last news about Su Yaya and Mr. Shen is nothing more than a scandal. Even if there are photos of the two of them in the same frame, but the photos are too blurry, they could have been taken in a borrowed position. No matter People on the Internet, in the media, and in the circle all agreed that the scandal was false news deliberately released by Su Yaya in order to gain popularity when she debuted, and no one took it seriously.

Thinking of this, Yan Junyi was suddenly startled. He thought about it carefully and suddenly thought of a possibility. According to Mr. Shen's strength, he could give Su Yaya a banquet, or he could ask him and Yongrong Food Company to stand up and clarify.

Therefore, the person behind Su Yaya is really Mr. Shen.

Yan Junyi suddenly raised his head and looked at Sister Wu, moved his lips, and found his voice: "Sister Wu, is that person Mr. Shen of the Shen family?"

When Sister Wu heard this, a trace of surprise flashed across her face, "How do you know?"

Yan Junyi twitched his lips, "It's such an obvious thing, and no one from his side came out to clarify it."

That's right. What is he clarifying? He has nothing to clarify. Even if he doesn't clarify, no one dares to do anything to him!

Sister Wu patted Yan Junyi on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Just understand, there is someone protecting her behind her. You will be filming an advertisement with her in a few days, so try to keep your distance."

Yan Junyi was particularly excited when he met Su Yaya at the audition that day. Normally, he pays so much attention to the distance between him and the people around him, and is always vigilant. Firstly, he is afraid of being used for hype by the other party, and secondly, he is worried that the entertainment paparazzi will make a fuss about it, so he basically doesn't Which female star will you be close to

But that day, he was uncharacteristically different. First, he went over to talk to Su Yaya. He also partnered with Su Yaya during the audition, allowing her to successfully get the K family's couple watch advertisement. Finally, he wanted to send her home, but after being rejected, The mood became very low.

After coming back these two days, I kept seeing him sitting in a daze, looking at an old photo on his phone. The photo was old and the portrait was a bit blurry, but he could still see the two people in the photo. , one is Yan Junyi, and needless to say, the other must be Su Yaya.

Yan Junyi is so abnormal. As his manager, how could Sister Wu not know the reason why he became like this after staying with him for several years? He clearly likes Su Yaya!

Sister Wu sighed in her heart, Yan Junyi is good at everything, he is handsome, has good acting skills, and has strong business ability, but he has no relationship experience. It is not easy to meet someone he likes, but that person is not something he can like. It has nothing to do with their status and fame in the entertainment industry, but the people behind Su Yaya!

For this reason, Sister Wu had to warn Yan Junyi that no matter how much he likes Su Yaya, he must keep a distance from Su Yaya now. Su Yaya is really not something he can like.


Sister Wu shook her head quickly to get rid of the thoughts in her mind. Now Su Yaya is following Mr. Shen, they can't afford to offend him. In the future, Su Yaya will no longer follow Mr. Shen. Such a woman is not worthy of her Yan Junyi, Yan Junyi Deserves better.

Of course Yan Junyi also understood that Sister Wu asked him to keep a distance from Su Yaya for his own good. He paused and nodded after a while, "I understand."

The risks on the Internet have changed. Posts that should be deleted have been deleted, troll accounts that should be blocked have been blocked, hot searches have been removed, and key figures have made clarifications, even if there are still some bad remarks, such as saying you are okay. No matter what post you delete, the more you delete it, the more it shows that you have a guilty conscience. Those are real comments, but every time these comments are posted, they will be suppressed by Su Yaya’s comments, and the person who left the comment will be scolded with reason. To shut up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xinghui Entertainment also stood up and issued a statement, reserving all legal means against those who framed Su Yaya.

Su Yaya stayed by Shen Xiuqi's side and could not go anywhere. Shen Xiuqi also confiscated her mobile phone. She did not know that the public opinion on the Internet had changed and everything was moving in a good direction.

Assistant Chen knocked on the door and came in. He saw Su Yaya sitting on the sofa next to her with pen and paper and didn't know what she was writing. He had something to say that he couldn't say.

Shen Xiuqi moved his eyes from the computer to him, his eyes were deep and his face was expressionless. He was not very satisfied with his performance today, so he asked solemnly: "What's the matter?"

"These are the information found. Take a look." Assistant Chen handed the information in his hand to Shen Xiuqi.

Shen Xiuqi looked through the information, which clearly investigated An Yuting's contact with the Navy Hei Su Yaya from beginning to end.

In fact, after Shen Xiuqi learned that someone was hacking Su Yaya on the Internet, he guessed that An Yuting might have done it. However, there was no evidence at the time. Now that the factual evidence is in front of him, Shen Xiuqi is really disappointed. .

The well-behaved little girl before, the girl who was always following behind him with her older brother Xiuchi and younger brother Xiuchi, has turned into such a terrifying appearance now!

Shen Xiuqi didn't even bother to read the information. He threw it back to Assistant Chen and said with a cold face: "Just deal with it how you want. She wants to steal other people's roles so much. Just let her go home and stay alone recently." , so as not to come out and cause trouble!"

"..." Assistant Chen was a little confused. Does this mean he wants to ban An Yuting

Other outsiders may not know it well, but his assistant still knows about the relationship between An Yuting and Shen Xiuqi. Shen Xiuqi has known sisters An Yutong and An Yuting for many years. Even leaving aside An Yutong, Shen Xiuqi He used to take good care of An Yuting and gave her a lot of good resources before, but now he just said she would be banned

He couldn't see where he was going.

There was movement next to her, and Assistant Chen turned to look over. It was Su Yaya who had finished drawing, stood up with a cup, and went to the water dispenser to get some water.

Su Yaya has a good figure, and her skin is fair and glowing. The dress she is wearing reaches a little above her knees, revealing her slender white calves, which are straight and long and very beautiful. She wears a pair of nude high-heeled shoes on her feet. It has the visual effect of elongating her legs, making people feel that her legs are very long and her whole person is very fairy-like.

She took the water in a cup and drank it slowly. She blinked her eyes. Her long eyelashes were so thick that they naturally curled up at night, like a small fan, leaving a shadow under her eyelids.

Assistant Chen suddenly understood that with Su Yaya here, such a beautiful woman, even a man would not be willing to let her suffer. An Yuting was not good for her, and Mr. Shen had to protect her. An Yuting would naturally Tough luck.

Well, he must be smarter in the future and must not make mistakes.

"I'll do it right away." Assistant Chen turned around and went out.

Su Yaya drank the water, walked back to the sofa and sat down, and continued to pick up the pen and draw on the paper.

Shen Xiuqi finished his work and walked over to see what she was drawing.

What I saw on the white A4 paper was a small courtyard with green mountains, white clouds and green water. There was a pond in front of the courtyard. Fish were fed in the pond, and a few ducks were swimming happily on the water. The whole painting was leisurely and comfortable. The carefree artistic conception makes people feel a leisurely and elegant life just by looking at the paintings. People who live here must be very comfortable and comfortable.

"I didn't know you could draw." Shen Xiuqi said with a smile.

Su Yaya was startled and quickly put the painting away, "It's just a random painting."

Shen Xiuqi stretched out his hand, held her in place to put away the painting, pointed at the painting and said, "If you can paint so well casually, wouldn't it be possible to hold an art exhibition if you paint seriously?"

"Oh, I just feel bored and draw. It's not as good as you said. Okay, okay, don't praise me. If you praise me again, I'll be proud." Su Yaya smiled and looked at Shen Xiuqi's face. Seeing that he didn't think much about it, he quickly put the painting away, muttering to himself that she was so bored that she would draw such a painting in Shen Xiuqi's office because she had a brain twitch. Look, he has seen it now. , I hope he doesn’t discover anything.

Fortunately, Shen Xiuqi didn't chase her to ask about the painting, and Su Yaya breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm done with my work. You can go home early today." Shen Xiuqi took her hand, played with her white and slender fingers, and said, "It will be the weekend in two days, and I will be free then. Are you available?" Want to go somewhere to play?”

"Is it the weekend?" Su Yaya quickly counted the time on her fingers. After she confirmed her weekend schedule, she said with a grimace: "I'm going to shoot a commercial on Saturday. I guess I won't be able to go."

When Shen Xiuqi heard this, he sighed inwardly. He saw her drawing green mountains, white clouds, and green water, and a small courtyard on the paper. Her life was quiet and peaceful. He thought she had stayed in the city for a long time and wanted to go to the countryside to relax.

He is usually busy with work, and when he has free time, he will choose to stay in some mountain resorts in the suburbs for a few days to relax and unwind.

He originally planned to take Su Yaya to stay there for two days on the weekend. After all, she had suffered so much injustice and he wanted to make it up to her. Who knows what commercial this girl is going to shoot! Is filming a commercial more important than being with him? !

The author has something to say: The third update is expected to be at 11 o'clock in the evening, or it may be earlier^_^.

Shen Xiuqi: Is filming an advertisement more important than being with him? !

Su Yaya: Making money is more important, hee hee hee hee!