The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife

Chapter 86


Su Yaya fell asleep quickly. At first, her dream was very beautiful. She dreamed of her birthday when she was a child. Her mother took her to buy clothes. Then the two of them walked around the mall and found a beautiful white princess dress. , the skirt is made of layers of yarn, layer upon layer, like a blooming flower, very beautiful. Her mother also liked this skirt very much, so she generously bought it for her and let her wear it. She is her princess, her most beautiful princess. Her father was also very happy. He cooked a table full of dishes for her at home and bought a big fruit cake. The three of them gathered in front of the cake and lit candles. She closed her eyes and said: Set your heart's desire to be happy for the rest of your life.

Then day by day passed, Su Yaya grew up and became a big beauty. She was even more beautiful than when she was a child. She was much more beautiful. Walking on the road, countless people looked back at her. There were many, many people. Like her, of course, among these people, some people simply like her sincerely, and some people just like her beautiful skin and are confused by her beautiful appearance.

Then one day, she met a very handsome man. That man's name was Shen Xiuqi. He was very rich and powerful. He was the object of countless women in Kyoto City, but Shen Xiuqi was interested in those men. The women who flocked to her didn't even bother to give her a look. They only took care of her, tried different tricks every day to make her happy, and pursued her fiercely.

No one could resist the rich, powerful, handsome and gentle Shen Xiuqi. Su Yaya was soon beguiled by his gentleness and fell into the love dream he created for her, even if he later found her. She asked her to agree to marry him without even having a wedding or announcing the news to the public. She did not refuse this ridiculous proposal.

The two of them originally spent a very happy and beautiful time together, until one day, Shen Xiuqi's Bai Yueguang An Yutong came back. Shen Xiuqi still loved An Yutong deeply, and they went through many experiences. After that, things were back to normal again.

Shen Xiuqi was unwilling to let An Yutong feel wronged, so he filed for divorce from Su Yaya. Su Yaya was unwilling and found someone to kidnap An Yutong. When Shen Xiuqi found out, he was furious. While looking for someone to rescue An Yutong, he personally forced Su Yaya to sign the divorce agreement, and coldly drove her out of their home and broke up with each other. With all her financial resources, he ordered her to get out of Kyoto, as far away as possible, and not let him see her again, otherwise he would make her look good.

Desperate, Su Yaya had no job and no income, and could not survive in Kyoto. In the end, after encountering obstacles everywhere and suffering all kinds of hardships, her parents who had loved her since childhood took her back.

I originally thought that the family should live together well, but unfortunately not long after, Su Yaya's mother fell ill. She was very seriously ill and needed a lot of money for treatment. Unfortunately, the Su family did not have much money, so Su Yaya She wants to beg Shen Xiuqi, hoping that Shen Xiuqi can be generous and help her. Her mother is sick, and the only person she can beg for is Shen Xiuqi. He has a lot of money, and he also said that he would give her a life after divorce. Ten million, she wants that ten million.

Then she foolishly returned to Kyoto and went to Shen's to find Shen Xiuqi. Unfortunately, before she could walk through the door of Shen's, she was stopped by An Yutong.

At this time, An Yutong had wavy curly hair, big red lips, and a tight-fitting long dress. She was so tall that she was charming, enchanting, and full of charm.

She is about to marry Shen Xiuqi. Tomorrow, she will become the Mrs. Shen of her dreams. She will never allow any changes, especially the woman in front of her, let alone her existence.

"I won't let you appear in front of Shen Xiuqi." An Yutong said to Su Yaya coldly, and then kidnapped Su Yaya just like Su Yaya kidnapped her.

It would be okay if Su Yaya was simply kidnapped and not allowed to see Shen Xiuqi. However, it was not the case. An Yutong also found several disgusting and dirty men to kidnap Su Yaya.

When An Yutong found those people, Su Yaya cried and begged her on her knees for a long time, begging her to let her go. She would not go to Shen Xiuqi or beg Shen Xiuqi. She would soon She left Kyoto and never came back.

It's a pity that An Yutong was unmoved by her cry and begged. He looked at her coldly, as if he were looking at a poor creature, without any mercy, and finally gave her the order coldly.

"Take good care of her!" she said.

So, those disgusting and dirty men reached out to Su Yaya. When the first rough and dirty hand touched Su Yaya's body, Su Yaya let out a shrill scream...

In fact, at that time, Shen Xiuqi happened to call An Yutong and asked her what she was doing. Su Yaya heard with her own ears that An Yutong called Xiu Qi on the phone and said that she had something to deal with. After a while, Just go back.

At that time, Su Yaya didn't know where she got the courage. Maybe it was her last bit of survival instinct. She threw herself in the direction of An Yutong, screaming and shouting at the top of her lungs, over and over again. Call Shen Xiuqi's name, ask him to save her, beg him to save her...

I don't know if An Yutong hung up the phone too quickly or if Shen Xiuqi didn't hear it at all. In short, Shen Xiuqi didn't show up in the end.

After An Yutong hung up the phone, she said "Enjoy it" to those disgusting and dirty men and turned around to leave.

Su Yaya kept crying, staring at the mobile phone in her hand, watching her proudly step on high heels and leave the warehouse step by step, and finally disappeared.

No one came to save her, and in the end there was no one. She was bullied by those disgusting and dirty men for a long time, so long that she didn't know how long...

At dawn, the men finally let her go. They left the abandoned and remote warehouse one by one, leaving only Su Yaya lying naked in the warehouse.

Su Yaya got up with her last breath. She still wanted to go home and see her mother.

She finally walked out of the abandoned warehouse little by little and walked to the road outside the warehouse. She wanted to walk along that road, hoping to walk to the station and return home.

However, at this moment, a black car drove towards her at a very fast speed, exceeding one hundred and sixty yards.

She subconsciously wanted to hide, but unfortunately it was too late. The car hit her straight. When she was hit and flew into the air, she opened her eyes wide and saw the driver through the window glass. An Yuting's face full of resentment and hatred in the room...

"it hurts!"

The car hit someone at high speed, and the pain of being shattered into pieces was like experiencing it personally. Su Yaya suddenly woke up from the bed.

Her face was pale, there was cold sweat on her forehead, her body was shaking slightly, and her face was confused and at a loss. Everything in the dream just now was as clear as if she had experienced it personally, and there were still sad tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Those were things that the original author of the novel had experienced. When she first read the novel, she was really reading it as a novel. She had no deep personal experience. It was not until this moment, in her dream, that she deeply felt it. A moment of helplessness, fear, sadness, despair, desolation...

The terrifying dream was deeply imprinted on Su Yaya's heart, as if she had experienced it herself. She was stunned for a long time before she gradually regained consciousness. Only then did her heart seem to start beating again, and then she could breathe and move. .

When her consciousness slowly recovered, she felt a throbbing pain in her stomach. It was also at that moment that she realized that the reason why she felt so painful was not just her and Su in the dream. Yaya has empathy, so she can feel the pain when Su Yaya feels pain, and she has stomach pain herself. It is not a little bit of bearable pain, but a very, very painful pain that she has to endure. No more.

In fact, from the first time, when Shen Xiuqi took her to see Zhang Guifang for medical treatment and prescription, she had been taking the medicine Zhang Guifang specially prepared for her. It had been a long time since she had felt such pain.

But this time, I don’t know what happened, but it hurt so much again, and it hurt more than ever.

Su Yaya was covered in cold sweat from the pain, her teeth were chattering, and her hands and feet were shaking. She endured the pain, crawled out of bed little by little, held her stomach and moved to the bathroom.

She went to the bathroom to check, but found that her aunt was not there. She obviously made a mistake, but her stomach hurt so badly that it throbbed. She started to have diarrhea when she sat on the toilet.

The situation was worse than she imagined. She ran to the toilet several times in half an hour. Eventually, her legs and feet became weak, her eyesight blurred, and she could hardly walk without shaking.

She must have had a bad stomach from eating that box of ice cream. Su Yaya held on to the door frame of the bathroom and realized what was going on.

Wuwuwuwu, Su Yaya was about to cry to death. She was so pitiful. She just ate a big box of ice cream in excitement, but he treated her like this. Even the ice cream really bullied her.

After running to the toilet several times in a row, Su Yaya decided to call for help. She must have suffered from acute enteritis and had to go to the hospital.

Su Yaya slid open the phone screen with shaking fingers. The first entry in the call record was Shen Xiuqi's name. She was stunned when she saw his name. She paused with her fingers and moved to the back to dial 120 emergency number. , and then called his assistant Duan Xiaoyu.

Fortunately, Duan Xiaoyu was now in the shopping mall very close to her home. When Duan Xiaoyu received her call, he didn't hesitate at all and said he would rush over to see her immediately.

"Xiaoyu, thank you." Su Yaya said on the phone.

Duan Xiaoyu said: "Sister Yaya, don't say so much now. Don't be afraid. I will go over to see you right away."

At this time, hearing what Duan Xiaoyu said, Su Yaya was so moved that she just wanted to cry.

Not long after, Duan Xiaoyu rushed over as quickly as possible, accompanied Su Yaya until the ambulance arrived, and then accompanied Su Yaya to take her to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital for an examination, it turned out that it was acute enteritis as Su Yaya thought. The doctor asked her what she had eaten, and she had to honestly tell her that she had eaten a large box of ice cream. The doctor sighed after hearing this and scolded her for not taking good care of her body. With a stroke of his pen, he prescribed medicine and infusion for her.

Duan Xiaoyu ran up and down, paid for medicines, and accompanied her in the ward for infusions.

In the ward, Su Yaya was holding a diaphragm injection in her hand. Duan Xiaoyu looked at her pale face and felt distressed, "Why don't you give Mr. Shen a call?"

Su Yaya was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then shook her head, "No, he's quite busy."

Well, he should be quite busy now, so she'd better not disturb him, hehehehe...

Duan Xiaoyu accompanied Su Yaya for infusion in the hospital. When Su Yaya finished the infusion, she sent her back. It was already past 11 o'clock in the evening.

During the infusion in the hospital, Su Yaya kept using her mobile phone to browse Weibo, online dramas, forums, and comics. When she saw a good and funny comic, she laughed so hard that she kept laughing. The whole ward was hers. Laughter, she played all the games she could play, but she didn't call Shen Xiuqi or send him a text message. She didn't even think that she was sick and had an infusion in the hospital. It told him what he meant.

During the few hours of infusion, Shen Xiuqi did not call or send a video to Su Yaya. He seemed to be really busy. It was not like when the crew was filming, no matter how busy Shen Xiuqi was, Whenever I find time in the evening, I will send Su Yaya a video chat to chat for a few words.

This is so weird!

Even Duan Xiaoyu, who was usually careless and careless, could see that there was something wrong. She still remembered that when she came back today, Su Yaya was very happy along the way. She wished she could return to Kyoto earlier and see Shen Shen as soon as possible. Xiu Qi gave him a big surprise.

But in the end, Su Yaya didn't go to Shen Xiuqi or go on a date with Shen Xiuqi to have a big dinner and spend a wonderful night together. Instead, I was alone at home, ate a large box of ice cream, and unfortunately contracted acute enteritis, which I almost cleared up at home.

After such a big incident, Su Yaya didn't call Shen Xiuqi in the end. Instead, she called her and asked her to accompany her to the hospital. Just like that, Duan Xiaoyu's slow reflexes even noticed it. Something is wrong. No matter how you look at it, there is something wrong with it. There is absolutely something wrong with it. There is a huge problem!

Duan Xiaoyu, who saw the problem, wanted to ask Su Yaya what was going on, but Su Yaya looked indifferent. Every time she had just started, Su Yaya would think about him, not Asking her to pour water means asking her about other things, or finding funny videos for her to watch, rambling on but not getting to the point.

In the end, Duan Xiaoyu also realized that Su Yaya didn't want to mention this matter, so she had no choice but to stop asking.

After accompanying Su Yaya to the hospital for transfusion, Duan Xiaoyu asked her if he wanted to send her back? Su Yaya thought for a moment and nodded, then said, "Go back."

How could you not go back? You have to face everything. Maybe the matter could be settled properly when they met, and she wished for that.

Su Yaya asked Duan Xiaoyu to send her home.

When I got home, it was already 11:30 in the evening, but there was still no one in the house, the lights were not turned on, and it was deserted. Shen Xiuqi did not come back.

"Sister Yaya, can you be alone at home? Do you want me to stay with you?" When Duan Xiaoyu saw that Shen Xiuqi had not come back and Su Yaya was the only one at home, Duan Xiaoyu was worried about leaving her alone. .

Su Yaya turned on all the lights in the room, and the room suddenly lit up, driving away all the darkness and desolation, and it suddenly seemed a lot warmer.

"No, you can go back and rest first. I can do it by myself." Su Yaya said to Duan Xiaoyu. She really felt that she could be at home alone. This was not a big deal at all.

Seeing what Su Yaya said, Duan Xiaoyu couldn't hold on anymore. He helped her put the medicine he bought on the table, told Su Yaya a few more words, and then left.

After Duan Xiaoyu left, Su Yaya sat down on the sofa in the living room. She picked up the TV remote control and turned on the TV. There was no good program to watch late at night, so she just found an entertainment program to play. The host succeeded in tricking the guest, and a group of people burst into laughter. Su Yaya also started laughing too, laughing so hard that tears came from the corners of her eyes. It was so funny.

Shen Xiuqi came back at this time. When he opened the door and looked up, he saw Su Yaya sitting on the sofa watching entertainment programs, laughing so hard that tears came from the corners of her eyes, looking silly and cute.

"What show is so funny? Make you laugh so happily?" Shen Xiuqi changed his shoes and walked over a few steps, reaching out to rub the top of Su Yaya's hair.

Su Yaya smiled at him and said: "It's nothing, it's just a funny prank show. The guests were pranked by the host. It's quite funny." After that, she turned off the TV with the remote control, stood up and stretched out her arms. He slouched and said, "It's getting late, I'm going to bed."

Unexpectedly, Shen Xiuqi grabbed her and stared at her with his deep eyes, like a bottomless sea, hiding countless turbulent emotions. He raised his thin lips and said: "Yaya , I have something to tell you."

Su Yaya's heart skipped a beat and she looked at Shen Xiuqi. Seeing his hidden expression of excitement, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Shen Xiuqi was really anxious. For the sake of An Yutong's happiness, she had to sacrifice so much. Can't wait for a night.

No matter what, the male protagonist and the female protagonist are destined to be together. It’s better for her, a cannon fodder female supporting character and a vicious supporting character, not to get in the way. It’s really good to be wise and take the initiative to give up Mrs. Shen’s position. Hello, me, everyone. Hello is really good. .

Thinking of this, Su Yaya simply said to Shen Xiuqi: "Okay, I also have something to tell you." After a pause, she continued: "You should say it first!"

She gave this opportunity to Shen Xiuqi to speak out about the dissolution of the marriage agreement between the two, which also gave him face. After all, men still care about these things. He didn't want her to propose and dump her. He, that's two different things. In a man's mind, being dumped is definitely different from being dumped by him. Men absolutely don't like their self-esteem and authority to be challenged. Anyway, it's time to break up, so she Let's leave a good impression on him.

Shen Xiuqi didn't know what Su Yaya was thinking. He said "hmm". He was so excited that he didn't notice anything strange about Su Yaya. He stretched out his hand to hold Su Yaya's hand and smiled happily. Authentic: "Come with me, I will take you to a place. Once we get there, you will be very happy."

Anyway, no matter where you go, you have to talk about divorce, and the result is the same. Su Yaya thought for a moment and stopped arguing with him. Just go wherever he said, maybe change it to a more atmospheric place. Where the conversation can be more pleasant.


Thinking of this, Su Yaya nodded and said, "Okay, I can go wherever you want."

Shen Xiuqi was happy, took Su Yaya's hand and walked outside, saying with a smile: "Follow me."

Su Yaya followed him obediently and went out together.

The author has something to say: Shen Xiuqi: You will be very happy!

Su Yaya: Oh!

What do you think Mr. Shen can do to make Yaya happy