The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife

Chapter 95


When everyone heard that it was the person in charge of the Rongshi branch of the Shen Group, they all paid attention to Lin Hai. Everyone's thoughts were surprisingly consistent. He was indeed not an ordinary person. Look at the majesty of his body, look at that The demeanor with which he speaks is immediately obvious!

Lin Hai was used to seeing big scenes and didn't care at all about the gazes of the people around him. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and asked someone to bring up a pair of big and big flower baskets. The largest pair of flower baskets Su Yaya received had long and wide red ribbons with the words Shen Xiuqi congratulating Su Yaya Farmhouse on its successful opening and great financial resources. In addition, two people came over carrying a gold plaque with the four characters "Business is Prosperous" written in dragon-flying and phoenix-shaped fonts. The gold plaque shone with dazzling light in the sunlight, dazzling people's eyes!

Su Yaya took a look at the pair of large flower baskets carried in by several people, as well as the shiny golden plaque. It was such a grand gesture, full of the flavor of the nouveau riche!

Su Yaya really wanted to put her hand on her forehead. Based on her understanding of Shen Xiuqi, it was impossible for this to be the gift that Shen Xiuqi had chosen for her. No matter how he chose, he couldn't choose such a nouveau riche gift. She was very confident in Shen Xiuqi's aesthetic ability when it came to things. These were probably gifts chosen and sent by Mr. Lin Hai, the self-proclaimed head of the Rongshi Branch next to her.

Things turned out just as Su Yaya expected. As soon as Su Yaya finished thinking about it, she heard Lin Hai say with a smile: "Miss Su, Mr. Shen was going to come over in person to congratulate the opening of your farmhouse, but he He was really busy with official duties and couldn't come over in time. He happened to encounter something wrong with the overseas branch. He had to rush to the overseas branch to deal with the problem, so he had to call me and ask me to come over and congratulate you on your opening. These are gifts I have carefully selected, I hope you will be satisfied.”

Su Yaya thought to herself that with such a nouveau riche gift, she would be satisfied even if she was not satisfied. Seeing the shocked expressions of the people around her, as well as the confused and stupid looks of Su Xiaoxuan and Uncle Su, she felt happy. He smiled and nodded: "Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. Thank you, Mr. Lin, for letting Mr. Lin spend money."

The person in charge of a branch like Lin Hai didn't know what level he was at. Su Yaya thought to herself that it would usually not be a problem to call someone so-and-so outside. In short, calling Lin Hai "Lin" would never go wrong.

Lin Hai then smiled and said: "It doesn't cost any money, this is what we should do. As long as Miss Su likes it, I can explain it to Mr. Shen."

Su Yaya nodded, of course she liked it. Su Xiaoxuan made trouble during the opening days of her farmhouse. She was worried that she could not find a better way to repair her. She wanted to fight him in person, but the relatives and friends around her would definitely say If she doesn't do it, she will be considered angry and it will also have an impact on the opening of her farmhouse.

The congratulatory gift from Shen Xiuqi came at just the right time. Although in her heart, she and he had really broken up, and she didn't invite him when her farmhouse opened, he still gave it to her. He bought a pair of flower baskets and a plaque, which gave her enough face. She was quite grateful to him for this. If he hadn't done this, she would probably have been forced to leave the stage by Su Xiaoxuan today, and even She wanted to be ridiculed by the people around her, which made Su's father and mother Su's face shameful. Fortunately, Shen Xiuqi helped her. In any case, his ex-husband was still very kind in this regard. She So happy about that.

"Mr. Lin, please come inside." Su Yaya smiled and led Lin Hai to the hall inside.

Su Xiaoxuan and Uncle Su stood nearby and watched. Su Yaya glanced at the two of them. Uncle Su felt his heart skip a beat when he received her look. He had a bad intuition. He was here to curry favor with Su Yaya today. , who knew but accidentally offended someone, it’s all because of Su Xiaoxuan’s words.

He turned around and glared at Su Xiaoxuan, and angrily cursed: "You damn girl, I told you to talk nonsense!"

How could Su Xiaoxuan admit that she was talking nonsense: "I, what I said is true, how do I know that she has no real character..."

Uncle Su was furious with Su Xiaoxuan. Seeing how stubborn she was now, he was almost misled by her before. He really thought that Su Yaya had been dumped by Shen Xiuqi.

What's the result? I've never seen Shen Xiuqi give such a big gift in front of everyone. This obviously means that the relationship between the two people is very good. The two of them were showing off their affection online a few days ago. Everyone knows Shen Xiuqi. Qi Duo likes Su Yaya.

This Su Xiaoxuan is a fool who has no brains and only knows how to make trouble. Just like her idiot mother, she knows how to harm him all the time. He was almost killed by her!

I haven’t seen that Mr. Lin, who looks impressive and wealthy. Although he has never dealt with him personally, he has met him at banquets outside. Not everyone has the face to invite him to attend the opening. If he If you can make friends with him, there will be many benefits in the future, but all of them were ruined by this idiot Su Xiaoxuan. Thinking of this, Uncle Su became even more angry and wanted to slap Su Xiaoxuan.

Su Xiaoxuan was still muttering dissatisfiedly, "How do I know they didn't break up? Su Yaya's dejected look is probably because she was dumped..."

"You still dare to say that?" Uncle Su pulled her aside and slapped Su Xiaoxuan in the face. Su Xiaoxuan was stunned and there were five slap marks on her face.

Su Xiaoxuan covered her face with her hands in grievance, tears welling up in her eyes, and said angrily: "You actually hit me, didn't you ask me to go find Su Yaya to get close? Didn't you ask me to find out the news

"I asked you to get close to me. This is how you get close to me? Do you know? I asked you to get some information. I almost got killed by you. Get out!" Uncle Su cursed fiercely.

Su Xiaoxuan burst into tears and said to Uncle Su bitterly: "I knew it, I knew it. You simply dislike me and you like your son. You might as well slap me to death."

"Believe it or not, I will beat you to death right now!" Uncle Su was so angry at Su Xiaoxuan that he raised his hand to hit her again. Su Xiaoxuan was so frightened that she hid aside.

There were many people watching the fun nearby, and they immediately started pointing and talking at them.

"These two father and daughter have been arguing all day and night, and there has never been peace. Yaya has the nerve to argue here since the farmhouse is opening today. It's really not embarrassing!"

"That's right, Su Xiaoxuan also said that Su Yaya was dumped by Shen Xiuqi. Without looking at it, Shen Xiuqi immediately sent a flower basket and a gold plaque. This doesn't look like a breakup. I'm afraid Su Yaya and Shen Xiuqi's I don’t know how good the relationship is!”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's a slap in the face. Since their family became prosperous a few years ago, they no longer take us poor relatives seriously. Who hasn't been angry with their family and hasn't been laughed at by them? Today Seeing them being slapped in the face is really refreshing, hehehe... "

Uncle Su over there heard the voices of people talking around him, and he was even more angry with Su Xiaoxuan. He wanted to beat her to death. If Su Xiaoxuan was not so self-righteous today, how could such a thing happen

"I'll beat you to death!" Uncle Su was so embarrassed that he was ridiculed by the people around him. He was so angry that he really wanted to beat Su Xiaoxuan hard.

At this time, a hand from the side stretched out and pulled Su Xiaoxuan to the side to avoid Uncle Su's slap. Father Su took a step forward and said solemnly: "Brother, today is the opening day of Yaya's farmhouse. You are going to make a noise." Are you going out to make a noise? Don’t make a noise here.”

When Uncle Su faced Father Su, if it were in the past, he would rely on his status as the eldest brother to preach to Father Su, but it is different now. There are people behind Father Su who are supporting him. How could Uncle Su still dare to confront Father Su like before? He huffed and puffed. Now facing Su’s father’s unhappy face, Uncle Su had no choice but to swallow the anger in his heart and said, “Brother, I’m sorry, I’ll kill Xiaoxuan right away.” Take it to the side." Then he took Su Xiaoxuan and went out.

Father Su looked at the two people who were leaving, shook his head, and sighed. The two father and daughter were like enemies. They quarreled at every turn and never stopped.

Because Lin Hai came instead of Shen Xiuqi to deliver flower baskets and golden plaques indicating that business was booming, the previous incident caused by Su Xiaoxuan naturally stopped. Everyone agreed that the relationship between Su Yaya and Shen Xiuqi was as good as ever. There is absolutely no need to worry, this small incident will soon pass.

The food and wine were served and the banquet began. Everyone talked and laughed happily. No one mentioned the breakup of Su Yaya and Shen Xiuqi. Everyone unanimously said that Su Yaya was beautiful and capable, and she also made money to open a farmhouse. Such a big sum of money is not a small amount, and only Su Yaya can do it. Balabala's words are full of praise.

When Su's mother and Su's father heard everyone's praise for Su Yaya, they felt very happy, and their faces naturally smiled. Seeing them so happy, Su Yaya didn't want to tell the truth about the matter to spoil their fun, and planned to wait for the guests to show up. After you leave, tell them the truth.

Except for Su Xiaoxuan's unpleasant episode, the entire opening of the farmhouse was very lively and smooth. Mother Su and father Su were smiling all day long. Su Yaya was also satisfied in her heart. Her dream had really come true. .

Lin Hai had a meal at the farmhouse, and then sat for a while before leaving. Before leaving, he said to Su Yaya: "If you need anything here in Rongshi, you can come to me directly, and I will try my best to do it." ,Will not disappoint you."

Su Yaya agreed with a smile. She was very grateful to Shen Xiuqi for making such an arrangement, but she never thought about actually asking Lin Hai for help. After all, she and Shen Xiuqi had really separated. She would not bother Shen Xiuqi or Shen Xiuqi again. It's his subordinates, that's not the case.

Besides, An Yutong was still watching. If she knew that she and Shen Xiuqi were separated, she didn't know how to deal with her because of her narrow personality. She really couldn't afford it, so she might as well forget it and just separate. Be thorough.

Lin Hai said goodbye to Su Yaya, got in his car and left.

After returning, Lin Hai called Shen Xiuqi to report the situation, "Mr. Shen, things went very smoothly. Miss Su is very satisfied with the flower basket and plaque you asked me to send. She is always happy and has a smile on her face. The farmhouse is well run." Very good, don’t worry.”

After listening to his report, Shen Xiuqi slowly relaxed his frown, and told Lin Hai on the phone: "Please ask someone to take care of her more, don't let her suffer, and report anything to me in time."

Lin Hai responded repeatedly, not daring to slack off at all, "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I will definitely handle the things you asked me to do, so that Miss Su can open the farmhouse safely and smoothly."

Shen Xiuqi said "hmm" and looked down at the picture of a farmhouse that Su Yaya drew in his office in his hand. He looked at the green mountains and green water hut on it and wondered whether Su Yaya could drive well. He didn't really care about the farmhouse. He just wanted her to be happy. After all, that was her wish.

The author has something to say: Mr. Shen’s long road to chasing his wife, spreading flowers~