The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother

Chapter 4


The ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, Yan Shuyu really wanted to empty the building so that the father, the boss who controls everything, can experience what it means to lose everything. However, she took out her mobile phone to check After the original owner's existing savings, he could only silently cross out this great plan.

There is no other way. People who are poor can only have short-term ambitions. Although Yan Shuyu can't figure it out, the original owner clearly saved tens of thousands before leaving the nightclub. In just two months, how come he only has less than 10,000 left in his hand

The original owner probably didn't even know where the money was spent. Yan Shuyu thought hard for a while and found that she had no clue, so she gave up the investigation and looked for a new way out.

Ten thousand yuan seemed a lot to a student party, but Yan Shuyu looked down at her cheap son sleeping in her arms, secretly thinking that she wanted to change cities with this little oil bottle. It's impossible to be dissipated. It is said that raising a child is very expensive, and raising herself... is also quite expensive.

The pampered Yan Shuyu doesn't want to lower her living standards.

However, if you can't go out of town, you can still consider changing your residence. Yan Shuyu is worried that the original owner's employment file already has the current address. It would be fine if Mr. Zhou doesn't mind. If he minds that she took advantage of him last night, he will check the files and find out. She was caught in minutes, and she could settle the accounts at any time, and it looked like she was playing hard to get; and this was the city center, not far from the headquarters of Dijing and the Zhou family, even if Zhou Qinhe could take action against what happened last night She laughed it off and didn't care, but she still had to worry about accidentally running into their father and son while walking down the street one day, which would also be very scary.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, it is best for them to move from the city center to a more remote community. This will greatly reduce the probability of getting involved with the wealthy father and son.

Unfortunately, with the little money in the original owner's card, it would be difficult to move. Yan Shuyu had just accompanied a friend from out of town to find a house a while ago, and knew that renting a house would require thousands of extra deposits, which she simply couldn't afford.

The impoverished Yan Shuyu looked at the exquisitely decorated small room, and suddenly came up with a naive idea - the original owner had only lived there for two months, and the room was tidy, so he could go and ask the landlord, maybe he could give him the deposit. Take back

Thinking of this, Yan Shuyu wanted to turn to her cell phone to call the landlord, but a slight movement woke up Zhang Yuanjia who was lying on her chest. She rubbed her eyes with her little fists, blinked and asked in a sweet voice: "Mom , is it time for school?"

"Going to school?" Yan Shuyu was stunned for a moment before she suddenly realized, "Oh yes, you recently went to kindergarten..."

And the price is extremely expensive. Yan Shuyu silently complained in her heart. She finally understood why the original owner was so poor: the kindergarten that Zhang Yuanjia went to cost 4,000 a month, and it was paid by semester, so just for him to go to kindergarten, he spent more than 20,000.

It was more than 20,000 yuan. Yan Shuyu felt a pain in her chest when she touched it.

But then she thought about it, and there was nothing the original owner could do. After all, in first-tier cities, prices were already high. They lived in the city center and were not qualified to attend high-quality and low-cost public kindergartens. Of course, private kindergartens were expensive. The one Zhang Yuanjia was currently attending Our kindergarten is already relatively cheap around here.

It sounds scary for a single mother to enroll her child in a kindergarten with RMB 20,000 per semester, but Yan Shuyu can understand it inexplicably, because the education she received is that no matter how poor she is, she cannot afford education, and no matter how hard it is, her children cannot be miserable. Her parents have been wishing for it since she was a child. He put all the best things in front of her and doted on her like a child even in his twenties. If she had a child of her own, she would probably be like them and do her best to give him the best.

So, she is like this, not to mention the original owner who has a heart higher than the sky and is determined to make her son a human master

Of course, understanding does not mean that they have to be like the original owner. Anyway, they are moving soon. It would be best if they can get the money from this kindergarten back. They no longer have to live in such an expensive area. It will definitely be cheaper to find a kindergarten near their new home.

Yan Shuyu, who was full of moving plans, ignored the problem of her cheap son. The child, unwilling to be lonely, had to call again: "Mom, what time is it now?"

"Oh, sorry, it's already seven fifteen."

"It's okay." The little guy shook his head politely, then rubbed his eyes and got up from her arms on both hands and feet, "Yuanbao has to get up and go to class."

The little guy was swaying, looking a bit like Jin Yuanbao. Yan Shuyu was stunned. Zhang Yuanjia, who was standing firmly on the ground, looked back at her with a little aggrieved face, "Mom won't cook for Yuanbao." ?"

"Cooking?" Yan Shuyu thought to herself that she didn't know how to cook. She was a baby waiting to be fed at home. Cooking was impossible, even in this life. But for the sake of her son's cute little face, she didn't refuse. Instead, she patted her wallet and said, "Let's go out to eat today and then send you to kindergarten, okay?"

When you arrive at the kindergarten, you can even consult with the teacher about refund issues. She is such a clever little girl~

Zhang Yuanjia was quite satisfied with her arrangement, and nodded vigorously: "Okay, Yuanbao is going to brush his teeth and wash his face."

"Go." Yan Shuyu looked at his little figure running towards the bathroom, then lowered his head to look at his uniform, and took action. He found a beautiful long skirt from the closet and matched it. Wear a goddess style trench coat.

The original owner's aesthetics were similar to hers, but her appearance was too good. Yan Shuyu happily turned around in front of the mirror twice before going to the bathroom to wash up.

Yan Shuyu, who only cared about her own beauty, never thought that her son was only a three-headed man and could not accomplish many things by himself. Fortunately, the children of the poor have become parents early. Zhang Yuanjia's child is indeed much more independent than his peers. When Yan Shuyu came out of the bathroom, he was already sitting on the blanket to change his clothes. Although he was sweating profusely, in the end You can do it yourself.

Yan Shuyu felt more confident about being the shopkeeper. She sat down in front of the simple dressing table and prepared to put on some beautiful makeup and blind people's eyes. Unexpectedly, this little villain already had the demeanor of a top student at such a young age. , standing behind me, urged: "Mom, you're going to be late for school."

"when do you start classes?"

"Eight o'clock."

"It's so early." Yan Shuyu looked at the time, reluctantly put down the liquid foundation in her hand, casually put on some lipstick, then stood up, and said with great enthusiasm, "Okay, let's go-"

Zhang Yuanjia had already consciously carried his small schoolbag. He stood at his feet and looked up at Yan Shuyu. He didn't know if he noticed something was wrong. The little boy's eyes were bright and he said, "Mom is so beautiful today, like the stars in the sky." Sparkly!"

Yan Shuyu automatically understood that the children were praising her for her beauty. She was so confident that she bent down and said, "Of course, your mother is so beautiful."

Even without makeup, she is still the most beautiful girl on the street!

Full of confidence, Yan Shuyu took her cheap son out and went out.

They live in a mixed-use apartment building for both commercial and residential use. Although there are shopping malls and commercial streets downstairs with a lot of snacks and delicious food, they don't open their doors so early.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuanjia is worthy of being a supporting character who can compete with the male protagonist for property. He is very clever at a young age. When Yan Shuyu stood downstairs and looked at the busy commercial street with confused people, the little guy spoke, "Mom, Lingling said The soy milk next to our school is delicious, and she drinks a bowl every day when she comes to school."

"Really?" Yan Shuyu squeezed his little hand, "Then let's go drink soy milk too."

Under the leadership of Zhang Yuanjia, they successfully arrived at the breakfast shop next to the kindergarten. After eating and drinking, the mother and son walked hand in hand towards the kindergarten.

The person who greeted the children at the school gate today happened to be Zhang Yuanjia's class teacher, named Lin. A girl who looked very quiet and patient, greeted them from a distance: "Classmate Zhang Yuanjia, Yuanjia's mother, good morning."

Zhang Yuanjia also replied obediently: "Good morning, Teacher Lin."

Teacher Lin bent down and touched his head, then led him over and said, "Say goodbye to mom, and then go back to the classroom, okay? Your friends are all here."

Compared with the gentle and meticulous kindergarten teacher, Yan Shuyu seems to be a bachelor. She is too lazy to do the routine instructions. She just waved her hand to the little guy casually and even completed the task. She is not like her biological mother at all.

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Zhang Yuanjia seemed to be quite used to it. After saying goodbye politely, he calmly turned around and entered the kindergarten.

After the child left, Yan Shuyu was not in a hurry to go home. She stood on the spot and said to Teacher Lin straight to the point: "Teacher Lin, I have something to trouble you."

"You're welcome, you say."

Yan Shuyu casually made up a reason: "Recent job changes, we may have to be transferred to Tianning District..."

Teacher Lin said worriedly when he heard this: "It's so far over there, and I have to change subway lines several times."

It's only effective if you stay far away. It's best if you can never have contact with the male protagonist and his son until death.

Yan Shuyu thought silently, but sighed with a pretense of embarrassment on her face: "That is to say, it will be very troublesome for the children to go to and from school, so I would like to ask you, if you transfer to another school midway, can the remaining tuition be refunded?"

Teacher Lin shook his head and said with certainty: "Mother Yuanjia, our school has express regulations that refunds are not allowed in your situation. In fact, it is not just our school, but all kindergartens in the city will not refund. "

Although Yan Shuyu does not have rich life experience, it does not mean that she has a low IQ. She can still understand the voiceover. Teacher Lin can be so decisive, which shows that there is no room for negotiation. She died before she left the army, which hit her hard.

Teacher Lin was still advising in a gentle voice: "Mom Yuanjia, see if you can find a way to solve the problem at work. Even if you don't consider the tuition issue, changing schools is not a good thing for your children. Yuanjia is smart and precocious. The child is correspondingly more sensitive than children of the same age. He has finally become familiar with the children in the class, and it is also a blow to him to suddenly go to an unfamiliar environment."

After what the teacher said, Yan Shuyu could only nod depressedly: "Then I'll think of a solution."