The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother

Chapter 81


Yang Zifeng has a good relationship with Yan Shuyu, and he is not a shy person, so he always has a disagreement in front of her.

But this time, he seemed to have had a change of heart. He hesitated for a long time, and then he spoke under Yan Shuyu's encouraging gaze. What he said made Yan Shuyu a little confused, "Yan Yan, years ago I said Did you also mention it to Mr. Zhou about wanting to get you to join the team?"

Yan Shuyu was stunned for a moment, not knowing why he suddenly asked this, but she nodded cooperatively, "I think I mentioned it once or twice."

"Really?" Yang Zifeng seemed a little excited.

Yan Shuyu looked at him even more strangely, "We live together. Except for the occasional business trip, he doesn't stay up late at night. We get along day and night. It's normal to chat when we have nothing to do. Are you such a big reaction?"

"If you and Mr. Zhou are just chatting about boring things, I certainly won't react so much. Although Mr. Zhou is so busy with everything, it's incredible that he still has time to chat with you." Yang Zifeng explained, not waiting for Yan Shuyu to answer, and then spoke again Said, "But that's not why I'm looking for you now. An elite-looking man came to me the day before yesterday. His business card is that of a senior financial planner of a well-known financial company. He introduced that he is also Mr. Zhou's personal financial advisor..."

Yan Shuyu just heard this, and suddenly realized that what her friend was about to say should be very important, so she couldn't help but interjected: "What does the boss's personal financial consultant want you to do?"

Yang Zifeng suddenly choked on his words and looked at her with a strange expression: "You call Mr. Zhou a boss in private. What's the point?"

Yan Shuyu:…

She has always been calling Zhou Qinhe "big boss" in her heart, but she has never let anyone know. Today, in a moment of impatience, she revealed this "pet name" in front of her friends, not to mention that she was teased by him like this. Yan Shuyu couldn't live up to her expectations. His face turned red and he said stubbornly: "You still say you don't want to talk about business."

After being interrupted several times by her, Yang Zifeng no longer wanted to sell things, and said: "To make a long story short, this high-end financial person came to me. Naturally, he was entrusted by his employer, the boss of your family, and said he was very optimistic about my project. , willing to give me an investment of 20 million, accounting for 40% of the shares."

Yan Shuyu didn't pay attention to her friends' teasing, and focused on the business.

It is true that she still knows nothing about business matters. She doesn’t know who will lose and who will win if she exchanges 20 million for 10% of the shares. However, after being with the big boss for so long, her horizons have been opened. The check was so heartbroken that it bled. Now that I heard it was 20 million, my face didn’t change. I asked Manager Yang curiously, “Do you think this condition is not good?”

"How is it possible? There is no better condition than this." Yang Zifeng also knew that she probably didn't understand the inside story, so he tried to explain to her as simply and clearly as possible, "Mr. Zhou invested 20 million and only asked for 40% shares, which means that I will not interfere with my management in the future. With such a good condition, it is not an investment, it is already a charity, right?"

Yan Shuyu seemed to understand, but asked again, "Then did you agree?"

Yang Zifeng shook his head: "I told the other party to think about it for two days."


"Because Mr. Zhou contributed the capital, but the shares were not given to him." Yang Zifeng stopped at this point and looked at Yan Shuyu without blinking. She was confused for a moment and guessed uncertainly, " Are you going to give me shares?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it correctly."

Yan Shuyu was stunned. Although she had had a premonition just now, she was still in disbelief when she heard the answer. The big boss invested 20 million in her. It was really a big deal, and there was no sign at all.

Yang Zifeng was still gushing, "Mr. Jin conveyed President Zhou's message, as if he didn't need to tell you. He has a letter of authorization and we can sign the contract in private. This is to prepare a surprise for you. "

Having said this, he touched his chin and suddenly approached Yan Shuyu and asked, "Mr. Zhou wants to propose. Can I help you prepare some pre-marital property in advance?"

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When Yan Shuyu came back to her senses, she heard this bold guess and couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Then why didn't you say that he wanted to break up with me and prepare the breakup fee in advance?"

How is it possible to have pre-marital property? If she really gets married, what belongs to the boss will be hers.

"Break up?" Yang Zifeng rolled his eyes and was even more arrogant than she was. "Mr. Zhou, who has so many things to do all day long, is willing to help you teach. If you break up, you are overthinking it."

Neither of the two people could convince the other, so they had to put this issue aside for now. Yan Shuyu thought of something and asked her friend again: "I have said that I will sign a contract with you in private. Now you come to me and tell me, is it right?" Don’t you plan to make this investment?”

"I don't plan to ask for Mr. Zhou's investment, so I rejected him directly the day before yesterday." Yang Zifeng said calmly, "But we have such a good relationship, I can't sell you for 20 million, if you don't mind In the future, I will make money and you will share the dividends, and everyone will be happy; if you don’t want these shares, please help me persuade your boss to invest in his own name. Do you know that I have met such a wealthy and wealthy owner with relatively small demands? It’s easy.”

The boss was so kind to her, so Yan Shuyu couldn't help but defend her shortcomings, and said with a sigh: "The boss is not stupid and has a lot of money."

"I didn't say he was stupid and had too much money." Yang Zifeng quickly defended himself, "He is now my father, Jin/Zhu's father!"

Seeing that his friend's face looked much better, he couldn't help but joke: "You still swore that Mr. Zhou would never propose to you. Your elbow is almost broken."

Yan Shuyu quarreled with her friends for a few seconds and stayed up like a year until the boss came home from get off work. She immediately pulled him and said, "Manager Yang came to see me during the day."

As soon as Mr. Zhou entered the door, he calmly took off his coat and handed it to her. He chuckled and said, "Really? What did he tell you?"

Yan Shuyu had something hidden in her heart, so she obediently took his coat and held it in her arms. She followed the boss to the living room like a girl carrying a bag. She also looked at his face, but as usual, what was she doing? He couldn't tell, so he could only continue to get straight to the point, "He said that your personal financial planner went to see him the day before yesterday."

Zhou Qinhe sat down on the sofa, patted the seat next to him and motioned for Yan Shuyu to sit over, and said with a smile, "He really knows everything about you."

Yan Shuyu suddenly had an idea, threw her coat aside, and sat down next to him with a smile: "Are you jealous?"

Of course, the boss is not so easily jealous. He gently stroked her long hair with his palms and said with a slightly gratified tone, "It can be seen that he is sincere to you and will not deteriorate easily. This friend is worth making."

Yan Shuyu felt the same way, but when she heard what the boss said, she somehow opened her mind and asked, "So you tested him in this way?"

"Of course not." The boss couldn't help laughing, "Of course it's true to invest in him."


"Affected by the Internet a few years ago, Sunshine House has gained a certain degree of popularity, and its word-of-mouth reputation has always been online. I have had people conduct research, and it is still worth investing in."

It’s just that the rate of return is not ideal compared to other investment projects. There is no need to tell her this. Zhou Qinhe paused and continued, "And the sunshine house has a different meaning to us. Don't you want to see it getting better and better?"

She understood when the boss said this. She got closer and closer to him while working in Sunshine House, and finally even accepted him. She left some memories there, which can be called the place where love was established. Just like many literary and artistic young people like to review the place of their first date from time to time, the starting point of the boss is also very romantic, but rich people are so different when it comes to romance.

Yan Shuyu blushed and whispered, "I'm asking why the shares were given to me."

In fact, the boss insists on making their "love place" a well-known dating destination. She has no objection at all, and she feels a little happy in her heart ~

Zhou Qinhe smiled again and replied lightly: "I remember that you felt regretful for a long time after you refused to accept Manager Yang's shares."

"Have you?" Yan Shuyu tilted her head and recalled what she had said to the big boss. She couldn't recall the specific details. After all, just like what she said to Manager Yang, she basically talked to the big boss every day. Under the influence of her and her cheap son, the little male protagonist who cherishes words like gold has become somewhat talkative. You know how much she likes to chat at home.

Thinking about someone who likes to talk, it is normal to talk about her depression with the boss. The shareholders sound so high-class and rich. She never thought that she would have the opportunity to own such a "luxury" thing. At that time, she didn't She agreed because she was too embarrassed to trick her friend for the sake of friendship. It didn't mean that she wasn't moved. She probably thought it was a pity and said a few more words in front of the boss.

"Because I feel sorry, you want to give me the shares now?" Yan Shuyu never knew what it meant to be subtle, and she looked at Zhou Qinhe with bright eyes.

Fortunately, Zhou Qinhe was used to her way of speaking. He paused, then reached out to stroke her long hair, and nodded in agreement.

Yan Shuyu was actually very moved, but her mind had always been very fast. Then another idea flashed in her mind, and she raised her face and asked the boss with a smile: "I also said that it was a pity that I refused the opportunity to be a star. Why don’t you help me make my debut?”

Mr. Zhou curled his lips and smiled in a devilish manner. His understatement contained an unquestionable aura: "That's impossible."

The boss once again showed off this handsome aura that makes people close their legs. Yan Shuyu couldn't resist it at all, so she couldn't help but move closer and looked at him with bright eyes, "Are you afraid that I will become famous?" Too many people like it, so it’s not yours alone?”

Zhou Qinhe lowered his head and chuckled, and actually admitted, "I want to treasure you."

Yan Shuyu noticed that he said "treasure", and her eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons when she smiled, and her heart was sweeter than eating honey.

The author has something to say: I took my computer to after-sales service the day before yesterday, and the repair guy actually didn’t know how to repair it. He said that their store only sells mobile phones, so he only knows how to repair mobile phones. He wanted to return it to the factory for repair. I originally wanted them to replace it for me. Check the charger to see if it’s a problem with the charger, but it turns out there’s no equipment = =

Then in the past few days, I have been using my old computer at home to code, and I can't stand the lags. What made me vomit blood the most is that today the after-sales center called me back and said that they had received the computer, but they checked and there was no problem. They just put the charger in. After cleaning the interface of the device, it can be charged, and then send it back to me tomorrow.

The small county town on the 18th line is really too far south. If their store had a master who could repair computers, he wouldn't have delayed me for so many days = =