The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother

Chapter 84


The little male protagonist's mother's style is as cool as her temperament. She found Zhou Qinhe to be ruthless and indifferent to her. She probably knew that even if she changed her mind, she would not be able to find the love she wanted from him, so Ms. Lin did not hesitate. Went abroad.

A woman whose true love comes first is always as free and unrestrained as the wind. She leaves quietly, not even her own son comes to say goodbye.

Yan Shuyu also quietly told her the second weekend when Secretary Lu came to the house to deliver urgently needed documents to the boss. Secretary Lu also gossiped with her. In fact, before Ms. Lin went abroad, she went to their company to see their CEO, but Mr. Zhou didn't have time to see her at all. Ms. Lin waited in the reception room to no avail, and finally her eyes turned red and she looked lonely. 's gone.

Ever since she found out that the young hero's biological mother was poking fun at her and looking down on her, Yan Shuyu's impression of her had drastically changed. Originally, she was quite generous. Even if the scene of Lin Surong hooking up with a big boss broke out, she didn't want to despise him as a mistress. After all, she was occupying the toilet and didn't shit, so she couldn't blame others for being too enterprising, let alone Lin Surong. She is also the boss's ex-wife, and they have a son. This is a long-lasting relationship. It is understandable that Lin Surong wants to remarry the boss. It's not that Yan Shuyu can't understand it, but she can't step on her. Foot pedal to dig her corner.

Yan Shuyu was such a face-saving person, so of course he was not convinced and unilaterally formed a conflict with Ms. Lin.

To be honest, I can't tell who is more noble than the other. At least she has never cuckolded the boss.

Out of dissatisfaction with Ms. Lin, Yan Shuyu unceremoniously gloated to Secretary Lu after hearing her gossip.

After chatting for a while, Secretary Lu left with satisfaction. Yan Shuyu was still a little unfinished, and regardless of the fact that the boss was handling official business in the study, she opened the door with a smile and went in, "Dear, I heard that your ex-wife went abroad? "

The boss was replying to an email and asked without looking up: "Who told you?"

Yan Shuyu paused for a moment. She also knew that it was not easy for Secretary Lu to tell her gossip about the boss's ex-wife behind the boss's back. She couldn't just turn around and sell him if he was so loyal to her, so she didn't answer. He stubbornly walked up to the boss and asked, "Just say it, right?"

"How do I know about her?" Zhou Qinhe typed on the keyboard carelessly, then raised his eyes to look at her.

Yan Shuyu came close to him from behind, so close that she almost hit his face, but he didn't care at all, as long as it didn't block his sight. Zhou Qinhe corrected her calmly, "She has a name. If you can't remember it, you can call her Ms. Lin."

Yan Shuyu knew that the boss didn't want to have anything to do with Ms. Lin.

Her current mood was like that of a coquettish bitch who tried her best to create conflicts between the male and female protagonists, and she succeeded in doing so. Not to mention how happy she was, she hugged the boss's neck tightly through the back of the seat and asked with a smile. : "Okay, did Ms. Lin come to see you before going abroad?"

Mr. Zhou turned around and asked, knowingly: "Did Secretary Lu say that?"

Yan Shuyu: "Uh..."

Dese's mood calmed down for the most part. She felt very guilty for selling Secretary Lu so quickly. But Yan Shuyu also knew that the boss was so shrewd. Now that he had pointed it out, she had no part in lying, so she had to tell Secretary Lu quickly. Kind words saved the day, "She said it after I pestered her for a long time. How about you pretend you don't know and don't blame her?"

"Why don't you blame her?"

Yan Shuyu thought for a while and said, "Secretary Lu has been so kind to me, but I can't repay him with kindness."

Secretary Lu even secretly told her the boss's gossip. What a good person.

While he was talking, Zhou Qinhe had already finished replying to the email. He didn't turn off the computer. He just retracted his hands and turned his head. Yan Shuyu happened to be very close to him, nose to nose. Zhou Qinhe calmly continued to ask: "Why did Secretary Lu treat you so badly?" so good?"

Yan Shuyu:…

Boss, this is simply a hundred thousand reasons. It is more curious than the children at home. Yan Shuyu feels a headache, and she is indeed asked by the boss. She is not Secretary Lu, how do she know Secretary Lu? Why have you been so nice to her recently

Anyway, I have been living with the big boss for more than half a year. The employees closest to the big boss, such as Secretary Lu and Robin, come to their house every now and then. Sometimes they deliver documents, sometimes they ask for signatures, and sometimes they report work and even come. When there is a meeting at home, of course, every time you come over, you must say hello and exchange a few words with Yan Shuyu. Over time, everyone will become familiar with each other.

Yan Shuyu couldn't remember the day when Secretary Lu, who looked serious and serious, began to share gossip with her without any sense of violation. If the boss insisted on asking for answers, she could only be confident. Tell him: "Because we become friends after more contact, do we need a reason to be good to our friends?"

Looking at her righteous expression, Zhou Qinhe finally sighed silently. He had known that she was heartless, but to be so heartless still made people helpless.

The boss expressed frustration with Yan Shuyu's slowness, so of course she couldn't hear the gossip she wanted to hear from the boss.

However, Yan Shuyu didn't expect the boss to be like Secretary Lu and applaud her. She was just too happy and wanted to express her proud mood to the boss. She was satisfied whether the boss cooperated or not. Naturally Won't be disappointed.

Ms. Lin came softly and didn't take away a cloud when she left. After she went abroad, Yan Shuyu didn't hear from her for a long time, as if she had never appeared before.

Yan Shuyu also had a vague hunch that Ms. Lin might just be like Li's arrangement and would never appear in their world again for many years to come.

After bidding farewell to the little hero's biological mother once and for all, Yan Shuyu also ushered in her second winter after entering the novel.

Counting the time, she has been living with her boss for almost a year. According to last year's plan, she should be busy looking at houses and packing her luggage non-stop at the same time. This move was different from the last time. The total amount of clothes she and Gouzi bought was enough to open two specialty stores. They probably wouldn't be able to move them without hiring a moving company.

But Yan Shuyu was quiet at the moment and had no plans to move. Because she accidentally found a document from the boss's study a while ago. To be more specific, it was the real estate deed and some documents. Her name was written on the real estate deed, and the house information was of course the house they lived in.

When Yan Shuyu saw these documents with her own eyes, she suddenly realized that the boss was a boss after all. Like all the rich people, how could he be reduced to renting a house

The boss had someone buy the house directly before they moved in, and the real estate certificate was even in her name from the beginning.

Yan Shuyu was completely confused when she suddenly owned a luxury house without even knowing it. She didn't have time to seriously appreciate the pleasure of having a house in her name, so she subconsciously ran to ask the boss why he did this. She doesn't know when she started to develop the habit of being direct in front of the boss.

But this time, Yan Shuyu went to ask the boss straight to the point. Instead of asking him the reason, he easily changed the subject because the boss took the initiative to show weakness and said with a smile that she was already the "head of the family." Now, don't bully him in the future.

Yan Shuyu immediately imagined the image of herself bullying the boss in this way, and couldn't help but miss the best opportunity to ask why.

It may be that she has become more and more depraved, and her bottom line is also lowering step by step. Ever since she moved into a mansion and lived with the boss, Yan Shuyu accepted gifts from the boss as frequently as eating and drinking, and she gradually lost her way. In the sugar-coated shells of capitalism, tens of millions of shares were later taken away. What does it mean to add another house now

In this way, Yan Shuyu calmly accepted the fact that she had a house.

Since the boss personally certified that she was the "head of the family", Yan Shuyu also took the initiative to take on this obligation, such as paying water, electricity, gas and property expenses. When she first moved here, she thought about sharing it together, but the boss told her She doesn't have the need, and he won't handle it personally. Secretary Lu will arrange for people to pay it uniformly.

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At that time, Yan Shuyu was not very familiar with Secretary Lu, and the boss was busy with work, so she was naturally embarrassed to go beyond the boss to talk to Secretary Lu about the matter, and finally let it go.

But the situation is different now. The house is in her name, and she should be responsible for these expenses. Yan Shuyu went to see Secretary Lu very happily.

"Did you find out?" Secretary Lu sent a gawking emoticon on WeChat, and then without further words, he very considerately sent over the payment methods and prices of various fees.

Yan Shuyu is now the veritable general manager of their family.

Now that the house belongs to them, there is no need to move again.

In fact, if she was really asked to move, Yan Shuyu would be reluctant to let it go, in every sense of the word. She couldn't bear to let go of the aunts who cooked well and did the housework well, couldn't let go of the decoration that was entirely based on her aesthetic point, couldn't let go of the old black-backed marshal raised by the boss, and of course she couldn't let go of such a handsome boss and the increasingly handsome boy. host.

Therefore, not moving is actually a good thing that everyone is happy with.

Yan Shuyu didn't say anything, but she secretly had fun for a long time, until Christmas, when she was so frightened by the big boss's sudden proposal that she was dumbfounded.

To be precise, the proposal was on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day. The location was at the sunshine house. The scene was grand, but Yan Shuyu really didn't notice it at all beforehand.

Yan Shuyu felt that she was not slow, but that she really had no warning. She thought she would spend Christmas Eve with the four of them like last year, but the children said that they had made an appointment with Tongtong downstairs to go to another friend's house in the community. They wanted to celebrate by themselves without adults getting involved. She thought that the little boys had grown up and had reached the age to get rid of their parents and find happiness on their own. Although she was sad, she understood and agreed, so she and the big brother spent Christmas Eve together. .

In the world of two people, they did not have any romantic feelings. It was not that they had no intention of romance, but that Manager Yang called early in the morning and emphasized that Christmas Eve was a good time to build up a sense of presence. As a major shareholder, she could no longer ignore matters that were not her own. If you want to hang up, you should at least go to the main store to show off some of the hype atmosphere.

Although her popularity on the Internet has faded, loyal customers of Sunshine House will still stick around to support her. Many new customers often ask the waiter when she will go to the store, which means that her presence is not that high. But it is still the biggest signature of Sunshine House.

Manager Yang has indeed worked hard in the past six months and made great achievements. He was originally a second-generation rich man who did not want to make progress. It was probably because of being pushed by Mr. Zhou. After receiving the investment, he opened three branches in the city non-stop. Not long ago, he went to the capital and spent most of it. In August, I contacted the store and employees, and completed all the procedures. I took advantage of the free time during the decoration to come back and take a breather.

Manager Yang asked Yan Shuyu to contribute to their career. Yan Shuyu was too embarrassed to refuse, so she couldn't arrange other programs, so she dragged the boss to the coffee shop first.

If you still have free time later, you can go watch a movie or something with the boss. This is what Yan Shuyu planned on the way to Sunshine House. However, as soon as she stepped into the blingbling cafe, she had a bad feeling. .

The reason why Manager Yang insisted that she come over tonight was to enhance the atmosphere and better serve customers. On Christmas Eve last year, Yan Shuyu also witnessed the packed house in the store. There is no reason for Sunshine House to become more and more famous. Today Not a single guest came to the festival.

There were no strange guests, but it was still very lively. There were faces familiar to Yan Shuyu, the cute friends in the cafe headed by Manager Yang, and Yan Shuyu’s current colleagues, Liu Ci and Lin Shuwen. They They all looked at her and the boss with smiles on their faces. What surprised Yan Shuyu the most were the two little guys who were said to be going to their friends' house to celebrate the festival. At this moment, they were all wearing tuxedos and meticulous bow ties, like two elegant and noble little princes. Zhang Yuanjia was sitting at the piano. In front of him, Zhou Yi stood beside him and played the cello in a decent manner.

The moment Yan Shuyu and the boss went upstairs, the melodious melody just flowed out from their fingertips. As a piano teacher with countless students, Yan Shuyu knew that they were collaborating on the world-famous song "" just by listening to the prelude. "To Alice".

There was no connection at first, but she happened to remember that her English name was Alice, which was given to her by her boss. At the beginning of the year, she was accompanying the boss to socialize in the UK. He asked her if she wanted to give her an English name so that she could introduce her better. Yan Shu Yu didn't care, so she asked the boss to help. Of course, she still liked the name. Alice, it was tailor-made for a beautiful little fairy like her~

Just in this situation and this song, Yan Shuyu suddenly had a bad premonition. The next moment, her premonition was confirmed. The boss suddenly knelt down on one knee and gave a speech amidst people's applause. A sparkling diamond ring.

Yan Shuyu was so frightened that she was dumbfounded.