The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother

Chapter 9


Yan Shuyu happened to be at work when she received a call from Manager Chen, and she didn't avoid it. So after talking on the phone, her new colleagues all knew that she was going back to her original unit to collect her salary for the previous month. Everyone was envious of it and felt sorry for her. She happily sighed, "Yan Yan, your previous leader was so good. She must have helped you win."

"But tomorrow is the weekend, Yuanbao doesn't go to school, can you walk away?"

After only two or three days at work, Yan Shuyu has already become thoroughly mingled with her new colleagues, and is even more popular than her original boss at the Dorsett Hotel. She didn't feel that she had suddenly become a heartthrob. Her popularity was simply because the new working environment was simpler; there was almost no room for advancement, so there was no need for intrigue; most of her colleagues were young ladies in their early twenties, similar in age, and With a common language, everyone can quickly become familiar with each other.

Compared with her, her cheap son is the real heartthrob. Yan Shuyu followed Manager Yang’s advice and brought her son into the store without any surprises from the first day of work. Mother and son stayed in the store like a rock. Work lunch. After dinner, if Yan Shuyu works the night shift, she will continue working, and her son will play with her in Manager Yang's office. If she works the morning shift, mother and son will pat their butts and go home after dinner.

Yan Shuyu's colleagues, including Manager Yang, are basically single, and very few of them have romantic partners. She is the only one who became a mother early in her life, which led to the first time she brought her cheap son to the store. From one day on, the kid has become the mascot of the entire restaurant. He has delicate facial features, fair skin, and has been taught to be very sensible. He smiles when he sees people and calls him "brother or sister" sweetly. All the male compatriots in the restaurant are so adorable. No more, the ladies raised their flags and surrendered one after another. Every afternoon they looked forward to the cute mascot coming to the store to play after school early.

Now someone mentioned the placement of the little cute baby, and others suggested, "You can bring the ingot to the store. We won't be busy in the morning, and we will take care of it for you."

"Then it's better to send it to the dormitory. The dormitory is not far from the store, and I have a late shift tomorrow, so I can take care of Yuanbao all morning~"

"I have a day off tomorrow. I can play with little Yuanbao for a day!"

Seeing that the friends were about to fight for the ownership of the mascot for a day, Yan Shuyu said with a smile: "Thank you, but I can bring the ingot with me, it's just a signature. Very convenient.”

When Yan Shuyu first came here, she didn't like to call her son by his nickname. Now, influenced by her friends, she became more and more comfortable calling her son Yuanbao.

Enthusiastic colleagues:…


He was busy, chatting and laughing with his friends in between, and spent another relaxing day. Before getting off work, Yan Shuyu discussed with Manager Yang to switch to the evening shift tomorrow.

In fact, it's not that she hasn't thought about taking a day off directly. She just considered that taking off after just a few days of work would easily leave a bad impression on her boss. Moreover, it might be the novelty of her first job. Carrying dishes at work is not only uncomfortable. I thought it was quite a lot of fun despite how hard it was, so I didn’t mind being an aspiring young man who worked hard and made progress every day.

As Yan Shuyu's considerate leader, Yang Zifeng readily agreed to her request and asked with concern, "By the way, you said you wanted to take the exam last time. Have you learned anything about it since then?"

Yan Shuyu really knows this, and she said confidently: "I went back to check the information and prepared to take the exam at the Conservatory of Music. They all said that this place is more authoritative and widely recognized by the society. However, these institutions are all the same. They have winter and summer vacations every year. I just took the exam, so I have to wait a few months.”

Yang Zifeng nodded clearly and asked again: "Registered?"

"Not yet." Yan Shuyu was so poor that he said openly with a fist, "I'll sign up as soon as I get paid."

Yang Zifeng didn't think she would be so poor that she couldn't even pay the registration fee. He thought she was joking, and he couldn't help laughing and said: "My niece's piano teacher also graduated from the Conservatory of Music. She should know better. Let me ask you when I have time. She recommended preparations for exams, tutorial books, etc.”

Yan Shuyu agreed unceremoniously, "Thank you, Manager Yang. I've paid your salary and treated you to dinner."

It was originally a casual politeness, but unexpectedly the other party nodded seriously: "Then I'll be waiting."

Yan Shuyu paused for a moment, then put it away, just treating guests, since she would be rich again soon.

With a surprise as if money dropped from the sky, Yan Shuyu happily took her son back home. The next day, she didn't even sleep in. She got up early in the morning to put on makeup, wash her hair, and put on the newly bought skirt. , happily took the children to the hotel.

Yan Shuyu would bring her cheap son with her, just to see her friends eagerly competing for the sudden inspiration, without thinking much about it. However, Manager Chen, who had been waiting for a long time, was dumbfounded when he saw her such a cool move, "Xiaoyan, you Why did you bring the child with you?"

"It's the weekend today. There are no classes in the kindergarten. I didn't want to leave him alone at home, so I brought him here." Yan Shuyu was thinking about getting her salary and didn't notice the look in Manager Chen's eyes, but he actually touched her hand. Looking inside, I saw her hands were empty.

Manager Chen seemed to be waiting for her in the lobby. Yan Shuyu did not feel flattered, but was more concerned about where she had put the information. She couldn't wait to ask, "Manager, do I sign now?"

Manager Chen glanced at her with a complicated mood and hesitated. Finally, he followed the original plan and said with a smile: "I didn't know you came so fast. The information is still upstairs and I didn't bring it down."

It turns out I wasn’t waiting for her on purpose. Yan Shuyu was not disappointed. She followed him very understandingly, "It doesn't matter, we will follow you up."

Zhang Yuanjia had never been to Dorsett before. This was also the first time in his life that he had been to such a high-end hotel. He couldn't help but look around in the lobby, his big eyes full of novelty. When he entered the elevator, he couldn't help but look around. He stretched out his little hand and touched the smooth and discernible inner wall.

Although Chen Jing was shocked by Yan Shuyu's saucy act of bringing the child over, she looked down at the cute and well-behaved little boy and couldn't help but feel a little fondness for her. She praised, "Your son is so good-looking." , even if she only looks like you four or five times, her facial features are still very beautiful and delicate, and she is cuter than any child I have ever seen."

Without Yan Shuyu opening her mouth, the child raised her head, blinked her big eyes and smiled sweetly at Chen Jing: "Thank you, auntie."

Chen Jing couldn't help but touched his head and said softly: "You're welcome, Auntie is telling the truth."

Although a four-year-old child is so humble and polite, Yan Shuyu is not humble at all. She said with a confident smile, "If he were more like me, he would be the cutest kid in the world."

Chen Jing smiled twice to save her face. It was really hard for her to accept these words. However, the child turned around and asked her, eager for knowledge, "Why doesn't Yuanbao have more money than his mother?"

"Hen." Yan Shuyu said casually, "Maybe you are more like your dad."

Zhang Yuanjia's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this, and his little face looked up at Mommy expectantly.

In his life when he was less than five years old, the term "father" was unfamiliar. Maybe he had a father when he was younger, but as long as he can remember, he has been dependent on his mother.

Other children had fathers, but he didn't. The young Zhang Yuanjia would feel uncomfortable silently, but he always felt that his mother would be more sad than him, so he endured it by himself and never dared to ask about his father.

Now that he could hear the word "Dad" from his mother's mouth, Zhang Yuanjia was particularly surprised. He wanted his mother to tell more about his father, but when he turned around and remembered that there was a strange aunt next to him, Zhang Yuanjia's little face turned slightly red. He lowered his head in embarrassment.

When the strange aunt is gone, he has many questions to ask his mother.

Yan Shuyu's casual words not only aroused the children's imagination, but also made Chen Jing think about it. For a moment, he didn't know whether her words were intentional or unintentional.

But it was fine for Chen Jing. She just followed Mr. Han's instructions, called the former employee over to show the company's humanistic care, and then asked her to sign and take her to the finance office to collect her salary. The other matters had nothing to do with her. .

Chen Jing made up her mind and took Yan Shuyu and her son to her office. As soon as she sat down, the phone rang before she even found the documents.

There seemed to be something urgent on the other end that she needed to deal with immediately. After hanging up the phone, Chen Jing looked at Yan Shuyu with some embarrassment.

Although Yan Shuyu was in a hurry to receive her salary, she was too embarrassed to delay other people's work. She could only smile and said, "It's okay, Manager Chen. You can go and do your work first."

"I've already said hello to this matter before. It will probably take less than half an hour..."

"It's okay, I have time all morning."

"Okay, I'll go over and take care of it first." Chen Jing looked a little relieved now, and said while packing her things, "But don't sit here waiting, it's so boring, take your children for a walk, before You are familiar with the place where you work, so I won’t greet you.”

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With that said, Chen Jing stuffed a card into Yan Shuyu's hand and left in a hurry. Yan Shuyu was left standing there confused.

She knew that Dorsett was a luxury hotel and that security was very attentive. Guests had to swipe room cards to enter and exit the elevators. Of course, employees also needed work cards to have smooth access, but why did she feel that Manager Chen seemed to have ulterior motives

So can she successfully get her salary this time? Yan Shuyu was worrying about gains and losses without any future, but Zhang Yuanjia was aroused by Chen Jing's words. The little boy is naturally curious, and he can be well-behaved and obedient when outsiders are around. However, when he and Mom are alone, the little boy is a little tolerant. Unable to hold on any longer, she took Mommy's hand and coquettishly said, "Mommy, shall we go out to play?"

"Wow, when did you become so sweet?" Yan Shuyu was called mommy for the first time in many days. She instantly forgot her previous worries and was in a good mood, holding her little face and kissing her hard. , "mua~Okay, mommy will take you out to play."

A red lip mark appeared on his fair face, but the little guy didn't notice it and followed his unscrupulous mother out to show off in the market with an innocent look.