The Malevolent Monster Just Wants To Farm

Chapter 103: Daji quit


Seeing her expression, Emperor Xin almost cried.

This beauty sent by Su is quite interesting.

She was indeed very beautiful, and he liked her appearance and figure.

And stupid.

At least, her little thoughts of wanting to be favored and her purpose of doing everything possible to show off in front of him were all straightforward and clear at a glance.

Emperor Xin didn't mind that the beauties in the harem had some little thoughts, but he didn't know what had happened to Daji recently, and she seemed to have jumped a little too much.

She should be left alone.

Emperor Xin was very satisfied with the current situation of his harem. The beauties were all quiet and he didn't need to focus his energy on this.

Daji bit her lip and looked at Emperor Xin with loving eyes, hoping that the king would change his mind.

However, her eyes were almost sore from watching, and the young emperor in front of her just urged: "My beloved, why don't you move?"

"You said you would share my worries, but you weren't just talking nonsense, were you?"

"I'm coming." Daji hardened her heart, handed the food box to the palace maid beside her, lifted her skirt, and stepped on the mud in front of her that had just been watered.

Daji was helped back to the palace by the palace servants.

She squatted on the ground for a long time, and her waist and legs were sore, and her head was dizzy.

It feels like the body has been hollowed out.

However, Emperor Xin seemed very happy and came to her palace that night. The two of them had a very harmonious conversation on the bed, and Emperor Xin also left her many rewards.

However, the reward was given in the name of praising her for being virtuous, hardworking, and good at catching insects.

Daji: “…”

Not long after, it was the Queen's birthday.

Daji performed a dance at the banquet and the whole room cheered.

Emperor Xin admired her and connected her delicate dancing posture to her carefulness in catching insects last time.

Along with a large number of rewards came an order for her to go to the He Palace to help pull weeds.

Daji: “…”

After returning from He Palace with her body hollowed out once again, Daji realized.

No wonder the beautiful ladies in the palace are so harmonious.

You know, his father is just the leader of a small tribe, and the beauties in the tribe are fighting for their lives!

However, Emperor Xin's harem was very harmonious. The beauties had good relationships with each other and did not compete for favor at all.

Daji used to think that everyone liked to pretend.

But now she understood: if she was favored, the king would remember her every now and then and she would accompany him to farm.

Who can bear such pampering

In this era, which of the delicate beauties who are raised delicately has not been clothed in fine clothes and fed with delicious food, raised with golden and precious equipment since childhood, without having to do any rough work, and even without being exposed to the sun

Daji went to He Palace twice. She was so tired that her back and waist ached. She was also dizzy from the sun and felt that her skin was not as delicate as before.

Anyway, Daji couldn't bear it.

And according to her observation, among the more than ten beauties in Emperor Xin's harem, except for the queen, not many of them were often favored.

But every time the king gave rewards, he never missed anyone. Moreover, the queen was kind and the beauties in the palace were never treated harshly.

So, even if she was not so favored, she would have people serving her, rewards, and would live a pretty good life.

Daji thought about it with her not very smart little head and decided to forget the tribe's expectations of her.

She has tried very hard, but the king has too high expectations for his concubine.

Anyway, the Su family has surrendered now, so as long as they behave themselves, there will be no danger of destruction.

As for what the fairy said...

Daji thought: He is willing to let a delicate beauty like me weed and catch insects under the scorching sun, and let him fall in love with me and give up everything for me

That's easier said than done in dreams.

If that goddess is willing, let her do it herself.

Daji has become a lazy person, and she has settled down. Daji starts to play with the beautiful sisters in the harem again.

But this time she didn't ask about the king's preferences and whereabouts. She really wanted to find a playmate for herself.

Seeing that she had become obedient, Emperor Xin stopped torturing her and occasionally showed her favor and gave her some rewards.

Daji suddenly felt that such days were very comfortable.

She didn't have to work, had fine clothes and delicious food, and the king was young and handsome, and she was very happy to occasionally spend the night with him.

This life is much better than the previous life in the tribe, when I had to be on guard every day against my father giving me away to some older tribal leader.

Daji finally found out who the beautiful woman was that she had seen so stunningly that day.

Before, she thought that the other party was a prince of the Shang Dynasty royal family.

But when I mentioned this to Concubine Zhou in the harem that day, she was surprised and asked, "Are you talking about that Lord Jiang? He is not the king's brother."

"He is the king's teacher."


Daji was surprised: "But he looks so young!"

Lady Zhou said mysteriously, "I have also met Mr. Jiang twice. He is truly a great man. I have heard from the old people in the palace that he was the teacher appointed by the previous king for the king. I heard that Mr. Jiang looked like this when the king was just born."

"Many people say that Mr. Jiang might be the free and easy immortal."

Daji recalled the stunning glimpse she got that day and the other person's appearance and demeanor, and found this conclusion very convincing.

She asked with interest: "What did Mr. Jiang teach Your Majesty? The way to govern a country? Or profound knowledge?"

Lady Zhou, who had been mysterious just now, suddenly had an expression that was hard to describe.


Daji was confused: "Ah?"

Lady Zhou had a very complicated expression, even a hint of gnashing of teeth.

She looked at Daji and said quietly, "Sister Daji has been in the palace for so long and has been to the He Palace twice. She must have known the king's hobbies, right?"

Daji's expression also became complicated: "Of course I know, the king's hobbies are really... unusual."

Lady Zhou sighed and said, "This Mr. Jiang is the teacher who teaches your majesty... how to farm."

Daji: “…”


What a stunning glimpse, such a beautiful figure.

All filters are broken.

The Goddess of Yao Chi watched Daji enter the palace.

She still has some confidence.

Daji was born beautiful and had the blessing of magic.

The most important thing is that from the secrets that had been glimpsed, the bond between Daji and Emperor Xin was very deep.

Unfortunately, Chaoge is protected by dragon veins, and the palace is the place where the luck of the emperor is gathered. She cannot use her magical powers to check how Daji is doing now, and she can't even send her a dream.

Fortunately, after waiting for a while, she finally got an opportunity.

Winter hunting.

It was a custom of the Shang Dynasty to go hunting in the hunting grounds outside the city of Chaoge every winter.

As a new beauty in the harem, Daji also had the honor of going along.

The Fairy of Yao Chi seized the opportunity and entered Daji's dream.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Daji thought the immortal had forgotten about her. When she suddenly saw him, she was a little panicked.

"Daji." Yaochi Tiannu looked at her, "How are you doing in the palace?"

"Very good." Daji replied, "I eat well and sleep well."

Yaochi Heavenly Maiden: "... I'm asking about Emperor Xin."

"The king is also very good," Daji replied, "and he even hunted a bear during the day."

Yaochi Heavenly Maiden: “…”

She frowned: "Who is asking this? I am asking you, how are Di Xin and you? Is he in love with you?"

Now it was Daji's turn: "..."

Her face turned pale and she started to sob.

"Immortal!" Daji cried, "You really gave me a task that is impossible to complete. The king, the king doesn't like beauties at all!"

Yao Chi Tiannv was surprised: "How is it possible? Didn't he favor you?"

Daji sobbed, "That's not the case, but every time the king favors me, it's because I pull the weeds cleanly and catch the insects skillfully."

She was actually exaggerating. Emperor Xin only tormented her twice.

But now Daji has realized that it is impossible for her to complete the task. This so-called goddess looks high and mighty and is not easy to talk to.

She can only play the victim.

Anyway, when he was in the Su tribe, his father had many children, and a child who couldn't cry would not get any attention.

When it comes to playing the victim, she is a professional.

Yaochi Heavenly Maiden: “…”

She was shocked by the content of Daji's words, and at the same time she was annoyed by the voice in her ears.

"Shut up." She frowned and looked Daji up and down.

She is indeed a beauty, and even if she cries loudly at this moment, it does not diminish her beauty.

Emperor Xin was not even tempted and let such a beauty go to weeds

Daji was still crying: "My Immortal, please take back the beauty you gave me. I am incompetent and cannot complete your mission."

The Goddess of the Jade Pool was used to being high and mighty, and if Daji directly refused, she might not be happy.

But at this moment, Daji's miserable crying made her feel that human beings were already very unlucky, and it would not be nice for her to bully them again.

She said irritably, "No need. You don't have to be discouraged. Keep working hard. Maybe your fate with Emperor Xin has just not arrived yet."

Since she didn't get the expected result, she didn't want to waste any more time with Daji and left directly.

Daji woke up.

She blinked in the darkness and reached out her hand to feel around.

Well, it's wet. I cried so hard just now.

She wiped it roughly with her sleeve and slowly revealed a bright smile.

Humph, although Daji is not smart, no one can easily use her as a chess piece.

The Goddess of the Jade Pool personally confirmed it again and was sure that Emperor Xin really did not have any favorite beauties. Compared with the beauties in the harem, he preferred to farm in the He Palace.

She returned to heaven to report.

Heaven: “…”

It seems that the beauty trap is not working.

"How is Xiqi?"

Yao Chi Tiannu's expression was somewhat complicated: "Xiqi is very good, Xibo Hou is kind, the land is rich, and the people support him very much. But..."

"Just what?"

Yaochi Tiannu was helpless: "Hou Xibo said that Emperor Xin was a rare wise ruler and he admired him very much. He had absolutely no intention of rebelling!"