The Malevolent Monster Just Wants To Farm

Chapter 112: Xu Xuan passed away


It was a long time later that Bai Suzhen learned about the Liu family's cancellation of the engagement.

Xu Xuan came to see her every few days as usual. He looked normal and never mentioned the matter.

The White Snake did not know about this until her wounds had healed and she was finally allowed by Jiang Lin to go down the mountain.

This really pissed her off!

The Liu family was inexplicably plagued by rats during this period.

There are a lot more mice in the house.

Those rats bite everything except people. They can chew holes in the bedding, furniture, and even the pillars of the house.

The Liu family was miserable. They hired someone to kill mice and brought in several cats, but it was of no use.

The amazing thing is that everything was normal in the homes of the neighbors on both sides, only the Liu family was suffering.

One day when Xu's mother was having dinner, she mentioned this matter and said she was very happy. Xu Xuan heard something unusual and went to ask Bai Suzhen.

The white snake nodded very straightforwardly. Even though he couldn't speak, his attitude looked as righteous as it could be.

She has long since forgotten Xu Xuan's life-saving grace, but she likes the Xu family and Xu Xuan very much, so she still comes to visit often.

Xu Xuan thought to himself that it was true.

It was easy to tell what had happened to the Liu family, as they heard that the rats did not hurt people and no one in the Liu family got sick, they were just suffering terribly.

This somewhat childish and cute method always gives people a familiar feeling.

Upon inquiry, it turned out that it was indeed the White Snake who did it.

Xu Xuan felt a little warm in his heart. He knew in his heart that the White Snake must have known about Miss Liu's affairs and was venting her anger on him.

He said, "Xiaobai, thank you. But there is no need to do this. Miss Liu and I are not destined to be together. I am glad that their family can be honest before the wedding."

"Drive those rats away."

The white snake turned around and faced away from him, clearly looking very unhappy.

Xu Xuan laughed and coaxed, "Look, your brother, Master Jiang, said that you owed me a favor for saving his life, so you often came to my house to repay me. That elixir has repaid all the favors. If you punish Miss Liu's family because of me, wouldn't that make me owe you a favor again?"

"I don't know how to repay you."

The white snake moved its head and turned back quietly to look at Xu Xuan.

Xu Xuan was seen frowning, as if he was really troubled by this matter.

She thought about it, swam over, and very reluctantly wrote the word "OK" on the ground with the tip of her tail.

The rat infestation in the Liu family disappeared.

He came and went without explanation.

The Liu family went to the temple to burn incense and worship the Buddha.

Mr. Liu visited the Xu family twice more, but the Xu family did not ask for compensation from him. They just thought that they could no longer remain old friends, so they just pretended that they no longer had this friendship.

In just half a year, Miss Liu found another marriage proposal and got married happily.

Xu's mother was also making arrangements for Xu Xuan, but he didn't know if it was because of the blow he suffered from the Liu family's affairs, so he was not very enthusiastic about this matter.

Xu Xuan considered it carefully for a while, and after the New Year, he told his family that he wanted to go out and travel.

Xu's mother felt that her son was hurt and thought it would be good for him to go out for a walk, so she packed his luggage and sent him out with worry.

"Why did you follow me? Isn't Mr. Jiang worried?" That night, Xu Xuan, who was staying in the inn, was shocked when he turned around and saw the white snake coiled on the window.

The white snake wagged its tail proudly at him.

She is a snake that is hundreds of years old after all. There is nothing to worry about.

I can protect you. The tip of his tail drew strokes on the table.

Xu Xuan thought about it and felt that it would be nice to have a companion on the journey.

He said, "Well, follow me. But don't show up when there are other people around. You're too conspicuous."

So as not to cause some trouble.

The white snake nodded to indicate that you should not worry and that it would never cause any trouble for you.

Xu Xuan packed his bags and set off.

He took the White Snake through many famous mountains and rivers. Sometimes when they came to a very beautiful place, he could not help but write a travel note.

These travel notes were sorted out by him in his later years and compiled into a book.

He is cheerful and open-minded by nature, and everything he sees is naturally bright and light.

In this era, most people stay in the place where they live for their entire lives. Even those who come from well-off families only move to a few more cities.

There are very few people like Xu Xuan who have traveled to many places on foot, especially many of which are remote mountainous areas.

Many people love to read his travel notes.

Sometimes he goes home once every six months, and sometimes it may be two or three years.

Xu's mother initially tried to arrange a marriage for him, but Xu Xuan's reputation for traveling spread, and when those families heard it was Xu Xuan, they hurriedly refused.

Later, Xu's mother was worried all day long.

Xu Xuan, on the other hand, was more open-minded. He said to his mother, "In the past few years, I have traveled to many places, watched the magnificent sunrise on the mountains, and experienced the wind and waves in the vast sea of water with fishing boats. I feel that this is a happiness that I have never experienced before. Mother, even if you marry me a wife, it will be difficult for me to accept it. Why bother to harm others?"

Xu's mother burst into tears: "My son, your father and I are both old. Now that you are away from home, at least you still have roots and a home to think about. When your father and I pass away, what will you have left to worry about?"

Xu Xuan's eyes also turned red: "I am an unfilial son. I have caused my elderly parents to worry, and I don't have any children to take care of me."

Xu's mother sighed, "I don't care about these. I live with your father, and I have servants to take care of me at home. I live in harmony with my neighbors, so I don't feel lonely. The only thing I worry about is you. When we are gone, you will be old. Who will take care of you?"

Xu Xuan smiled carefreely: "Who says that when you get old you should stay at home and wait for others to serve you? I have already thought about it. If I can still walk, I will continue to walk. When I am old and can no longer walk, I will find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, buy a small yard, and write down and draw the places I have been to over the years."

"A life like this is not in vain."

The fact that he could say this clearly showed that he had already made the decision.

Xu's mother knew that she couldn't persuade her son, so she stopped talking.

Just as Xu Xuan said, he spent his whole life traveling.

Later, Xu's father and mother passed away. He stayed at home for a year, asked the old servant to light incense for him during the New Year, and then set out on his journey again.

When he was fifty years old, Xu Xuan even followed the fleet, crossed the vast ocean and arrived in a completely different country.

He fell seriously ill as a result, and his health has been worse since then.

Ten years later, he put into practice what he had said when he was young. He chose a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, asked someone to build a house, hired a cook and a servant, and began to organize his notes wholeheartedly.

Three years later, "Xu Xuan's Travels" was published.

The travel notes record every place he has visited and the fresh and interesting experiences during the trip. Each place even has a scene drawn by him personally.

This travelogue was later regarded by historians as extremely important material for understanding the social environment and people's lives at that time.

The author Xu Xuan has also inexplicably attracted a large number of fans. The open-minded and humorous words in his writing make it hard to imagine that he is a person living in a very feudal and closed background.

Moreover, he is a man of extraordinary literary talent, a master of calligraphy and painting, and is also proficient in medicine. It is said that he is also very handsome. He is simply the perfect male god!

The only confusing thing is that this literary master frequently mentioned his good friend, the White Snake, both in his autobiography and in his travel notes.

At first, some people thought that Baishe was a person's name. Later, archaeologists discovered a painting of "Drunken White Snake" and a poem in the tomb of Xu Xuan. The painting showed a drunk white snake beside a wine glass, and the content of the poem further proved this point.

Xu Xuan mentioned that he had saved a white snake's life by coincidence. Afterwards, this very human-like white snake had always stayed by his side, and had never left him even when he went out to sea. It had saved him from danger several times.

This kind of thing is very unbelievable, and it also has a romantic fantasy color. In later generations, many people wrote fan fiction about Xu Xuan and the White Snake, and they are a well-known historical CP.

Xu Xuan is dead.

This was the first time that Bai Suzhen felt the taste of parting so clearly and deeply.

Xu Xuan was conscious until the moment before his death. He had already made arrangements for his future life and divided his property among his servant and disciple and the cook who had always taken care of him.

He called the white snake to his side and said with a smile: "Old friend, it is a relief that you have accompanied me all my life. Now I am leaving, you don't have to be sad, go back to Donghua Mountain and practice well. Since ghosts and monsters really exist in this world, who knows, we may meet again one day."

The white snake rubbed his palm and felt that it was so cold that even she, a cold-blooded snake, felt the cold.

Then Xu Xuan was never heard speaking again.

He did not have any last words. He had said earlier that he had lived an easy and happy life and had never had any regrets.

His disciples arranged his funeral and carefully preserved all of his teacher's manuscripts.

Bai Suzhen slept in front of Xu Xuan's grave for two months, and finally realized that this man was completely dead and would never wake up and call her Xiaobai again.

She looked at the tombstone sadly for a long time before slowly leaving and returning to Donghua Mountain.

Seeing her come back, Jiang Lin knew something and asked, "Is Xu Xuan gone?"

Bai Suzhen nodded gloomily and said, "I will practice harder."

With her current level of cultivation, even if Xu Xuan was reincarnated, she wouldn't be able to find him.

After transforming, you will have supernatural powers and can go find him.

The green snake also swam over. She was no longer called Xiaoqing.

She learned a lot from Jiang Lin and read a lot of books. Once, she pointed to a book and said, "It says that the place where the gods live in heaven is called Biluo. I want to become a god, so I will be called Biluo."

Biluoyou came to Bai Suzhen, rubbed her comfortingly, and said, "Sister, let's practice hard together and become immortals together in the future!"

Five hundred years later.

Thunder rumbles in Donghua Mountain.

Jiang Lin and Zong Yu stood above the distant clouds, looking at the mountain that was tragically struck by lightning.

Bai Suzhen and Biluo are overcoming the tribulation together.

According to the plot setting of this world, it should have taken them a thousand years to cultivate into human form. However, the two demons received gifts from Zong Yu and were taught by Jiang Lin, so their cultivation progress was extremely fast, which allowed them to transform hundreds of years in advance.

After several hours, the thunder stopped.

Two lights, one blue and one white, flickered on the top of the mountain, transforming into two young and beautiful girls.

The one in white was bright and elegant, and the one in green was pretty and charming. They both looked older than when Jiang Lin used magic to briefly transform them.

Bai Suzhen and Biluo looked at each other, each of them was pleasantly surprised. Then they came to Jiang Lin and Zong Yu together to thank them for their teachings over the years.

Over the years, the two of them have naturally transformed Jiang Lin's identity from a "little friend" to a "great teacher who knows everything".