The Malevolent Monster Just Wants To Farm

Chapter 116: I don't know what to name it


"What is this?"

"An egg?"

“It feels like stone.”

"Is it edible? Try cracking it open."

"… "

There were chaotic sounds in my ears, and then the world started spinning.

Jiang Lin opened his "eyes" and the scenery in his eyes was spinning rapidly, and he recalled the words he had heard earlier.

He is what the voices say "egg?"

The scrolling seemed to stop.

Something sharp hit him again.

Jiang Lin "looked" over and saw a strong man wearing animal skins and with disheveled hair, who was chopping himself with an axe.

He couldn't see himself, but from those words he could roughly guess that he should be an egg that looked like a stone.

He didn't feel any pain when the axe hit his body, he just felt a strong impact.

Not cut open.

The man left.

Later, Jiang Lin learned that the man's name was Xing Tian.

Jiang Lin met many people one after another.

There were men, women, people with horns, people with bull heads, people with snake tails... He finally knew where he was.

The primitive era.

There are no ordinary people on this land. What exists are gods and demons that were nurtured by the most refined spiritual energy of heaven and earth after the creation of the world.

He is probably one of them.

But he is different from all other creatures. There are gods and demons that are born as eggs, but there are very few that have not transformed for thousands of years after becoming an egg.

Not all gods and demons are good people. This egg of his, which looks to have an extraordinary origin and can faintly sense "life", has attracted the covetousness of many beings.

In the countless years of serving, he had experienced attacks from various weapons and magic, experienced being burned by fire and frozen by ice, and was also hatched as an ordinary egg...

But he didn't feel anything, nor did he show any signs of hatching.

Later, seeing that there was really nothing they could do about him, no one cared about him anymore.

Jiang Lin was thrown on a mountain with other stones. He didn't know how long he had been there. He was so bored that he could even count the number of stones on the mountain. When he was tired, he would rest in a daze, and when he woke up, he would be in a daze.

The system disappeared, the Emerald Space disappeared, and there was no trace of Qingluo and the others. Even Zong Yu, who had a Taoist Companion Contract, could not sense any presence.

On a day like this, anyone else might go crazy.

But Jiang Lin inexplicably felt that it seemed okay and there was nothing he could not tolerate.

He was buried by the sand like a stone, with soil covering his head and a grass growing on it.

But his consciousness can see further.

It seemed to be very chaotic outside, with many gods and demons fighting and many people dying, and many new creatures being born.

Later, he was dug out of the soil by a pair of hands.

He was a young and handsome man named Shaohao.

"Are you the egg that won't hatch?" Shaohao brushed off the dust on the egg, looked at it for a long time, and then took it with him.

From then on, Jiang Lin followed the man named Shaohao.

Watch him rise from an unknown person to become an Immortal Emperor, with countless gods under his command, and be respectfully called the Green Emperor.

Green Emperor

He thought vaguely: Why does this name sound so familiar

He tried hard to think and remember, but it seemed that a very long time had passed, and all his memories seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, hazy and unclear.

I can't remember anything.

He was not in a hurry and just followed Shaohao to many places and met many people.

Then, one day, a man in white clothes and with a very ethereal temperament came to see Shaohao.

"I looked for this stone in many places but couldn't find it. It turns out it's here with you."

Jiang Lin felt his body being taken out by Shaohao and listened to their conversation.

"Fuxi, what do you want to do with him?"

The man named Fuxi sighed and said, "I saw a very scary hexagram."

Jiang Lin listened quietly to the two people chatting.

Fuxi said that all gods will eventually fall.

Shaohao was surprised and denied it with a smile: "This is impossible."

Fuxi lowered his eyes and said, "I also think it is impossible, so I made three divinations in a row."

He turned around, allowing Shaohao to see a strand of white hair behind him.

Shaohao's expression changed.

What kind of existence is Fuxi

The divinations he made were never false. There was nothing in this world worth his three consecutive divinations.

He also shouldn't have any gray hair.

Saints are immortal, so how could they have white hair? Unless they have suffered a severe blow and their cultivation has been greatly reduced.

"These three hexagrams have cost me half of my energy." Fuxi coughed, and Jiang Lin found that he was looking at him.

Shaohao realized something: "Is this matter related to him?"

When he said this, there was a hint of murderous intent in his tone.

Jiang Lin had no doubt at all that if it really had anything to do with him, this man who was always gentle and kind would not hesitate to do everything he could to kill him.

—Although he didn't think that anyone could knock him open.

"There is a relationship." Fuxi said, "but it's not the kind of relationship you think."

Shaohao: "Don't keep me in suspense. Just tell me straight away."

Fuxi said: "He is a ray of hope."

"A glimmer of hope?"

Shaohao asked: "What kind of glimmer of hope?"

Fuxi shook his head: "I don't know."

Jiang Lin felt that he was tossed to and fro countless times.

During this period, many men and women with very powerful auras came.

It seemed that Fuxi told many people about this, but most gods and demons still did not believe it.

The others were trying to find something from Jiang Lin, but no matter how they looked at him, he was just an ordinary stone egg with a hint of life inside.

In the end, he was still kept by Shaohao.

Many, many, many years passed.

Fuxi's prophecy has never come true.

Many immortals and gods no longer care about this matter.

Before they even noticed, their old friends disappeared one by one.

In the past, heaven and earth were one, and some gods lived in heaven and some lived on earth.

Later, heaven and earth were separated, with gods living in the sky and humans ruling the earth.

There are fewer and fewer gods in the sky, and humans on earth are increasingly disbelieving in the existence of gods and immortals.

Some gods finally remembered the words of Sage Fuxi.

They seemed to have found the source of the gods' demise.

But they couldn't think of a solution.

Finally, those powerful gods each left a little blood essence containing the power of their blood and dripped it on the stone egg.

The world has changed dramatically.

He was once left on the top of a mountain, which later became plain and the plain became a lake.

He was buried at the bottom of the lake, but his consciousness could see farther and could see any place in the world.

He watched the gods leave one after another, and finally even a powerful person like Shaohao fell into eternal sleep.

The human race became the masters of this world.

They used their hands and wisdom to invent countless incredible things. They could even fly into the sky like gods and go to the stars in the sky.

However, there are no more gods on the stars, only desolation remains.

After the extreme prosperity comes decline.

Humanity has also paid a price for over-exploiting and using this land.

The virus mutated and zombies appeared.

The end of the world is coming.