The Malevolent Monster Just Wants To Farm

Chapter 38: The Black Mountain Old Demon Who Is Not Interested in Women10


Xiao Qian and Yan Chixia walked out together. Before they could say anything, they felt a pair of eyes fixed on them.

She subconsciously looked over and saw a weak scholar, staring at her in a trance, with a look of obsession and emotion in his eyes.

She had seen this kind of look too many times and never took it to heart.

Turning her attention back to the people of Kunlun, she spoke calmly, "Master of Black Mountain, Xiaoqian, on your orders, has come to greet all the distinguished guests of Kunlun."

The people in Kunlun really had no idea what was going on and could only look at the lively Yan Chixia in confusion.

Qing Yangzi pulled his nephew over and checked him personally. The result was: Yan Chixia was not only fine, but also had abundant spiritual power and was even leaner than before.

Even gained a little weight!

"Are you really okay?" Qing Yangzi asked.

Yan Chixia was puzzled: "What can happen to me? Black Mountain is very safe, and life is very comfortable."

He scratched his head: "Didn't I send a letter to the sect? Didn't you receive it, uncles?"

Qing Yangzi: “…”

We were not worried at first, but became worried after reading your letter!

He lowered his voice and asked, "You mean to say that everything you said in the letter is true?"

Yan Chixia was surprised and said, "Of course it's true."

He looked at Qingyangzi, then at Xiaoxiangzi, and then at the fellow disciples behind them, and suddenly understood something.

Afraid that Xiaoqian might misunderstand him, he lowered his voice: "Uncle Qingyang, did you misunderstand something?"

Qing Yangzi hit him on the head in annoyance and said angrily, "If you write a letter like that, it would be strange if we didn't misunderstand you, okay?"

Yan Chixia felt wronged: "How could I know that no one would believe the truth?"

Xiao Qian stood aside and saw Yan Chixia and his senior master whispering to each other. She didn't feel impatient, but rather a little envious.

She has no family left.

But fortunately, I am now in Montenegro with my husband and all of you sisters around, and my life is very comfortable and pleasant.

Ning Caichen had been in a daze since earlier.

He met Xiaoqian!

She is not the Xiaoqian in the dream who has a sad and depressed look on her face.

She had a calm and composed temperament, a peaceful and confident look, and it was obvious that she was living a very good life.

It's just that the way she looked at him was too strange.

On the one hand, Ning Caichen was happy for her, but on the other hand, he felt very disappointed.

"You scholar." A pleasant female voice sounded in his ears, suddenly waking Ning Caichen from his thoughts.

He looked up hurriedly and found that Xiaoqian had come to his side without him noticing and was looking at him inquiringly.

"Miss Xiaoqian." He greeted her stutteringly, "I am Ning Caichen."

Xiao Qian said calmly: "Ning Caichen, you have been looking at me since just now, sighing and feeling emotional. Do you know me?"

Ning Caichen nodded, then shook his head, and said honestly: "I know him, but I don't know him."

Xiao Qian looked at this person in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Ning Caichen hesitated for a moment and was about to speak when Yan Chixia waved over from a distance: "Miss Xiaoqian, my uncle and his men want to visit Mr. Jiang!"

Xiao Qian immediately forgot about Ning Caichen and said, "Sir, you also want to meet the Taoist priests of Kunlun. Please follow me."

After saying that, she gracefully went away, leaving only a wisp of fragrance at the tip of the nose.

Ning Caichen smiled bitterly and followed.

As soon as they entered Black Mountain, Qingyangzi and others were stunned by this large farm.

Even though I had read the letter in advance and had just received Yan Chixia's affirmation, hearing more was not as good as seeing it with your own eyes.

Xiao Xiangzi was surprised for a while before he uttered: "This Mr. Jiang from Heishan is really a strange man."

Yan Chixia nodded vigorously: "That's right, sir, you are amazing! I never knew that monsters could live like this."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he started to pour out a long list of praises.

Qingyangzi felt very complicated after hearing what he heard. "Junior apprentice brother, why do you look so proud

The Lord of Black Mountain is powerful, and the monsters in Black Mountain are extraordinary. What does it have to do with you

Since the person who came this time was an elder of the Xuanmen Sect after all, Jiang Lin finally behaved a little more seriously and met Qing Yangzi and the others in the reception hall.

Qing Yangzi was shocked when he saw Jiang Lin, and then he sighed and said, "Only after meeting you do I know that the outside world and the Xuanmen have many misunderstandings about you. After leaving Black Mountain, I will clear up those stigmas for you."

Judging from the aura of the Lord of Black Mountain in front of him, he is definitely a demon who practices the right way. I don’t know where those rumors about Black Mountain came from.

Jiang Lin didn't care about these things: "Reputation is just an external thing, there's no need to care about it."

He is pragmatic and thinks that eating well, drinking well and living a good life are more important to him than anything else.

Qing Yangzi misunderstood his meaning and bowed his hands in admiration: "Sir, your state of mind is beyond my reach."

Jiang Lin did not comment, and said: "The Taoist priests are tired from the journey, Xiaoqian, please lead them to the guest room to rest."

Qingyangzi and others have been worried about Yan Chixia recently. They were indeed exhausted from the journey and had not had a good rest, so they said goodbye and left after hearing this.

When he walked to the lobby door, Qing Yangzi felt a whirlwind blowing past him.

He stopped and turned around. It was not a whirlwind at all, but a young demon boy wearing a black robe.

This young man had handsome features and an extremely deep and compelling aura, and the pressure he exerted on people was no less than that of Mr. Jiang.

Seeing him turn around, the young man also looked over here.

As if he was being stared at by some ancient ferocious beast, Qingyangzi's hair stood on end and the natal spirit sword behind him almost came out of its sheath automatically.

However, the next moment, the young man turned around and asked the Lord of Black Mountain for credit:

"I have already tilled all those plots of land in the east!"

Then the gentle Lord of Black Mountain praised: "Well done, what would you like to eat for lunch?"

Zong Yu's expression froze, and he muttered, "I'm not doing this for food either."

Jiang Lin: “What?”

Zong Yu snorted, "Just make anything you want."

This scary young man surrounded the Lord of Black Mountain, and suddenly his demeanor changed, looking like a normal young man.

Qingyangzi silently withdrew his gaze and covered his little heart: turn over the soil.

This young demon who obviously has enough strength to dominate a region is actually hiding in the Black Mountain and wreaking havoc

Montenegro is truly a magical place.

Later, after living in Black Mountain for some time, Qing Yangzi realized that he was wrong: it was not Black Mountain that was magical, but the lord of Black Mountain.

Everything that Black Mountain looks like today was created by him.

But that was a long time ago.

At this time, the people of Kunlun had just settled down in Black Mountain and did not know that they would have an inseparable bond with this place in the future.

After Qing Yangzi rested for a day in Heishan, he called Yan Chixia over and asked him about many things in detail.

After hearing that the monsters here all have their own land and farm in their spare time, and that many of them have their own businesses at the foot of the mountain and are very wealthy, Qing Yangzi sighed:

"I never thought that even monsters are richer than me these days."

He asked Yan Chixia when he was planning to return to the sect.

Yan Chixia was puzzled and asked, "Why do you want to go back? The spiritual energy here is no worse than that of the sect, and the speed of cultivation is very fast. Besides, farming is quite interesting, the sisters are pretty and cute, the food they cook is delicious, and the teacher is very knowledgeable. I like it here very much."


Yan Chixia said, "I went out to travel and gain experience. Now I am in Black Mountain, my experience has increased a lot, and I have a deeper understanding of demons and ghosts. I can ask you many questions about cultivation."

He even suggested: "Uncle, there is nothing to do in the sect right now, why don't you let the brothers and sisters live in Black Mountain for a while to broaden their horizons. I can guarantee that there is no other place like Black Mountain in the world."

When Qing Yangzi heard this, he felt that there seemed to be some truth in it.

However, he was still a little worried about leaving his young disciple alone in this monster's lair, so he finally decided: "In this case, I will stay here for a while."

Yan Chixia thought it was a good idea, but he remembered something and said, "But the master said that Heishan can provide food and accommodation for guests. But if you want to live in Heishan for a long time, Heishan has enough space, but you have to find a way to solve the problem of food and accommodation yourself."

He was quite proud when he said this: "Uncle Master, have you seen my cabin? I built it with my own hands."

Such trivial matters are nothing to the disciples of Kunlun.

Why do I say so

It’s because those who practice Taoism have no business acumen.

In short: poor.

Used to being poor.

Kunlun is such a big sect that its disciples are always respected and admired by everyone when they walk outside.

But who would have known that some Taoist priests look like immortals, but in fact they can't even afford to stay in an inn when they go out

Only the Kunlun people themselves know the sadness they feel.

When the girls in Montenegro heard from Yan Chixia that their sect members would be staying in Montenegro for a while, they were very happy and expressed their welcome: These Taoist priests look strong and powerful, and we have people to help with the work again!

Among this group of people, Ning Caichen became the only one who was disliked.

There is no way. Although he is a man, he is just an ordinary person after all, and a scholar from a good family.

As a scholar, he is not very active and is not as strong as A Yu.

The only thing he can show off is his talent.

In the past, girls would have liked such talented and handsome scholars.

But now

Girls: If you can’t even help me with farming, what’s the use of you

Of course, this was just a joke. Ning Caichen had studied for so many years and his painting skills were quite good, so Xiaoqian asked him to help in her calligraphy and painting shop.

Qingyangzi, this grumpy old man, looks rough but is actually very careful. He has always been suspicious of Ning Caichen and has been keeping an eye on him.

He asked Yan Chixia, and after hearing his nephew say that he did not know the scholar, he told Jiang Lin everything Ning Caichen had said before.

After hearing Qing Yangzi repeat what Ning Caichen said, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment.

Qing Yangzi suspected that Ning Caichen had ulterior motives and thought that what he said was all fabricated, but Jiang Lin was very familiar with what he said.

Isn't this the original plot that the two of them were going to experience

This Ning Caichen

Is it rebirth

Or was it traveled through time

He thanked Qing Yangzi and asked someone to bring Ning Caichen over.

Ning Caichen was a little nervous.

The person in front of him is the Lord of Black Mountain.

Although the Black Mountain Demon in the dream always covered himself in a dark room, looking eerie and scary, the person in front of him was indeed gentle and elegant.

But no matter how gentle he is, he is still a demon king.

"Ning Caichen." Jiang Lin looked at him inquiringly, "Did you say anything when you met the Taoist priests from Kunlun?"

Ning Caichen had a thought in his mind: when he said those words, he knew that others would definitely become suspicious.

He nodded. “Yes.”

Jiang Lin's expression was indistinguishable: "How can a mortal scholar like you know so much about Black Mountain and Lanruo Temple? And why did you make up such a story?"

Ning Caichen smiled bitterly, having a premonition that the Lord of Black Mountain in front of him was not easy to deceive.

He answered honestly: "I had a dream some time ago."


"Yes." Ning Caichen told Jiang Lin everything in his dream.

While he was speaking, Jiang Lin was observing him with his soul to make sure he was not lying.

So, it’s not a time travel rebirth, Ning Caichen actually dreamed of what was going to happen in the original plot

Ning Caichen sighed and said, "This dream is so detailed and real. I can personally experience the deep friendship between Xiaoqian and I in the dream."

He reached out and touched his chest, his expression still filled with lingering fear: "When she left, the heart-wrenching feeling here seems to still be there."

Jiang Lin asked him: "Why did you lie to Qing Yangzi and not tell the truth?"

Ning Caichen felt a little ashamed: "I didn't know what Black Mountain was like at the time. I was thinking of saving Xiaoqian from the sea of fire, and I was afraid that the Taoist priests would not take me with them, so I said that on purpose. Besides, if I traveled through mountains and rivers like this just because of a dream, others would only think it was a joke."

After hearing this, Jiang Lin asked, "So what are you going to do now?"

Ning Caichen was silent for a moment before shaking his head awkwardly: "I don't know."

For the first time, he looked directly at the Lord of Black Mountain in front of him, his eyes full of confusion: "Xiao Qian doesn't know me at all, and she doesn't know about the dream. She is living a good life in Black Mountain now. I have been thinking these days that this dream is probably just my wishful thinking. If I tell her, it will disturb her peace."

But if he was asked to give up the affection in his dream, Ning Caichen, who had never experienced love between a man and a woman, could not let it go easily.

So he has been hesitating and struggling.

Jiang Lin turned around and looked behind him: "Xiao Qian, what do you think?"

Ning Caichen was startled and turned around quickly, and saw a graceful figure walking in from outside the door.

If it’s not Nie Xiaoqian, then who else could it be

Jiang Lin said straightforwardly: "You underestimate our girls from Heishan. Mortals have a short life span and don't have so much time to waste. Instead of struggling alone, why don't you just speak out and ask the other person what he thinks?"

He apologized to Ning Caichen: "I was in a hurry and let Xiaoqian eavesdrop. I didn't tell you in advance. It's my fault."

Ning Caichen didn't care about this at all, he just looked at Xiaoqian nervously.

Xiao Qian bowed to Jiang Lin and said, "Sir, can I have a few words with Ning Caichen alone?"

Jiang Lin nodded and waved his hand to drive them away: "Of course, this is your own business, do you still expect me to handle it?"

This informal attitude touched Xiaoqian. She quickly raised a smile and looked at the scholar: "Come with me."

Ning Caichen mechanically followed Xiaoqian out.

This confession came so suddenly that his brain couldn't react immediately.

The two of them arrived at a secluded place. Xiaoqian stopped and turned to look at him.

"When I heard you talk about that dream, I felt very sad." Xiao Qian said, frowning, "Maybe this dream is really not just a dream."

She recalled the days in Lanruo Temple: "If that day, grandma had not been hunted by her enemies and chose to rely on you, maybe my fate would really be like what you predicted in your dream."

She thought of something at this point and quickly shook her head: "Of course the later ones don't count! How could the gentleman be a sinister, terrifying, and lustful demon? The gentleman simply..."

Not interested in women.

Which of the girls in Montenegro does not have admiration and respect for you, Mr.

Unfortunately, the gentleman treated them with kindness and tenderness, but never mixed any sexual desire between men and women.

Shaking her head, Xiaoqian threw these irrelevant things out of her mind.

She looked at Ning Caichen and bowed solemnly: "No matter what that dream is about, Xiaoqian is very grateful that you came to such a dangerous place like Lanruo Temple to save people just because of a dream."

Although she spoke so politely, Ning Caichen felt a chill in his heart.

He probably understood what Xiaoqian meant.


The next moment, Xiao Qian spoke up: "It's just that, Mr. Ning, dreams are just dreams after all, and they are completely different from reality."

She had long forgotten her memories of her life as a human, and spent the first half of her life as a ghost in a daze. It was only after she met the Master in Black Mountain that she began to live with clarity and lucidity.

She knows what kind of life she wants.

She said, "Humans and ghosts have different paths. Master Ning, you are a mortal with a life span of only a hundred years, but I still have a long life ahead of me."

If she really loved Ning Caichen, perhaps she could choose to return to life or reincarnate and do everything she could to accompany him for the rest of his life.

But in her heart, Ning Caichen was obviously not important enough to make her willing to give up the comfortable and pleasant life before her.

She didn't say the latter part of this sentence, but Ning Caichen understood it.

He was silent for a long time, and finally he sighed and said, "That's good."

He bowed to Xiaoqian and said, "I, Caichen, wish Miss Xiaoqian a happy and carefree life for the rest of her life."

Xiao Qian smiled at him and said, "I hope you will do the same."