The Malevolent Monster Just Wants To Farm

Chapter 92: Emperor Xin was born


The giant spirit subconsciously thought that it was Jiang Lin who did something.

But when he looked closely, he saw that the Third Prince Long was tied up with the Immortal Binding Rope and was standing quietly, as if he had given up resisting.

Noticing his gaze, he even turned his head slightly and asked in confusion: "Giant Spirit God, what's wrong?"

Because of the injuries on his body, his complexion did not look very good, and he looked pale and weak as if he was sick. But when he raised his eyebrows and looked up, his gaze was like a pool of spring water melting out of the ice and snow.

The giant spirit secretly sighed that the third prince was born with a good appearance, but it was a pity that such a beauty would soon die.

He said nothing, but just frowned and went to report the strange phenomenon to the Jade Emperor in person.

Immediately, the god of destiny came to investigate and quickly found out the source.

He reported to the Jade Emperor in shock: "Your Majesty, it is the people of Chentang Pass! They spontaneously knelt in the temples of Chentang Pass, begging the Heavenly Court to forgive the Third Prince Long."


The supreme god on the high seat was furious.

Those people, in his temple, were praying for another unrelated dragon clan.

"Don't worry about them!"

"But..." The Giant Spirit was in a dilemma, "Your Majesty, the wishes of those mortals blocked my sword."

He could not carry out the execution.

Chentang Pass.

Several months have passed since Jiang Lin was taken away by the heavenly soldiers and generals.

Thanks to the rain, the situation in Chentang Pass has improved a lot.

These people all understood who saved them, and knew that the Third Prince Long was wanted by the Heavenly Court for having committed a serious crime. These people prayed every day that the Third Prince Long would be safe.

In an ordinary courtyard in Chentangguan.

The four Qingluo demons, transformed into ordinary mortals, were looking at the power of wishes surging from all directions.

They followed Jiang Lin to practice the Nine Spirit Technique, and now they can also see these wishes.

Huaiyin said happily: "Sir, everything is fine now. The wishes of the people in Chentang Pass saved him."

Qingluo clapped her hands: "It's worth it that we have been working tirelessly in Chentangguan these days to promote Mr. Xuanyang's efforts."

As she spoke, she looked at the sleepy Xiao Pu and hugged him tightly: "Especially Xiao Pu. You have worked hard these days."

Xiaopu’s original form is a dandelion, and his innate ability is □□.

During these days, he had assigned hundreds of men to become storytellers, and they went to various inns and teahouses in Chentang Pass, telling stories about how "Chentang Pass was abandoned by God and there was a severe drought for three years, but the Third Prince took pity on the people and made the clouds and rain fall."

It strives to strengthen Jiang Lin's contribution to Chentangguan, and also emphasizes the cruelty of the Heavenly Court. The Third Prince will certainly be in danger if he goes to the Heavenly Court.

Under day-to-day brainwashing, even the most selfish gangster would feel uneasy and would pray to God in his spare time to let the kind-hearted Third Prince go.

These tiny, tiny wishes, carrying the expectations of their masters, floated up to the ninth heaven with the wind, and came to the person they wanted to protect, blocking the falling knife for him.

The Jade Emperor was good at utilizing the luck of the human race and gained great benefits from it.

But he never thought that one day, these fortunes would hinder his wishes.

The Heavenly Court couldn't even deal with a tiny Dragon Prince III!

The gods below were waiting for his orders.

The secret of destiny is known by saints, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, but these ordinary gods do not know it.

They just thought that the Third Prince of Long was eccentric, or that this was the first time they were shocked that a mortal could have such power. But they didn't care, because the omnipotent Majesty would always deal with this daring little god.

The Jade Emperor rarely felt that he was in a difficult situation.

He is well aware of the role of mortals.

These mortals are indeed weak, and the gods can massacre an entire city with a single thought. But no god dares to do so.

He was angry in his heart: How could such a small Chentang Pass gather so much power of vows

These wishes may not have any impact on the Heavenly Palace, but they are enough to save the life of the Third Prince of the Dragon Palace.

"His Majesty?"

The giant spirit below called out to the Jade Emperor cautiously.

The Jade Emperor's majestic voice came from above: "Considering that the Third Prince Long is young and that he disobeyed the heavenly rules, it is for the sake of the people that we will spare his death sentence and send him to the abyss!"

The giant spirit was stunned, then took the order and left.

He found Jiang Lin standing quietly on the execution platform.

He sighed and said, "Third Prince, great joy! His Majesty has pardoned your death sentence."

Jiang Lin didn't think the Jade Emperor would let him go easily.

He asked, "If you are so happy, why are you sighing?"

The giant spirit said: "Your Majesty has ordered that the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. Third Prince, you will be exiled to the abyss to reflect on yourself."

Jiang Lin understood.

Xuyuan, rumored to be in the first heaven.

There is no spiritual energy there, and all life has been extinguished. Those imprisoned there are all extremely evil criminals.

No matter how powerful the immortal or god is, once he enters, he will become as powerless as a mortal.

How could the gods, who were used to being high and mighty, bear such a gap? It was said that many gods went crazy in the abyss.

Moreover, it is easy to enter Xuyuan but difficult to get out. If there is no special pardon from the Heavenly Court, it will be difficult for Jiang Lin to get out once he enters.

Only the giant spirit would sigh: I don’t know which is worse, this kind of long torture or beheading.

Jiang Lin, however, looked calm, and slowly straightened his sleeves: "In that case, Giant Spirit God, please lead the way."

He could still remain so calm at this moment, it was hard for the giant spirit not to admire Jiang Lin.

But he could only admire it in his heart. He would never show any affection for the God that His Majesty despised.


Huaiyin's expression changed: "The result is decided, the master has entered Xuyuan."

Yin He said coldly: "Xu Yuan, this is not a good place."

Qingluo breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Dad had anticipated this and made some preparations."

Although some things went wrong during the process, the most promising young dragon of the dragon clan was exiled to the Abyss, which was considered useless, and the Jade Emperor was in a good mood.

Chentang Pass, which was originally built to set up Jiang Lin's trap, naturally regained its "god's favor".

It is said that the Dragon King of the East China Sea personally appeared in the Dragon King Temple that day and bowed to the people of Chentang Pass to thank them for saving his son's life.

The people of Chentang Pass then realized that their prayers that day had been heard by God. The Third Prince was not beheaded, but was still thrown into the abyss.

I heard that it is a place where even gods cannot get out even if they enter!

They couldn't help feeling guilty and sighing.

At the same time, he felt an inexplicable sense of pride that he had saved the life of a god, and naturally he also had a special feeling for the dragon clan.

Those who have personally participated in these things will talk about them throughout their lives and often tell them to their young children when they have nothing to do.

Those little children have known since childhood that there was once a third prince of the dragon who went against the will of heaven and brought rain for the people of Chentang Pass, and was spared his life in exchange for the people of Chentang Pass’s wish. Now he is imprisoned in Xuyuan and suffers.

The little story sprouted in their hearts, and they were naturally closer to the dragon clan than to other gods.

The gods in heaven, who are high above, enjoy offerings from the entire human world, so naturally they would not care about Chentang Pass, which lacks a bit of faith.

Decades have passed in the blink of an eye.

The legend of the Dragon Prince has fermented over time, and instead of disappearing, it has spread more widely.

The people of Chentangguan even built a temple for the Third Prince.

And the dragons are appearing in people's sight more frequently.

The Heavenly Court did not relax its supervision over the dragon clan. Seeing that they had not done anything out of line except being a little active, they stopped interfering.

This year, a great happy event took place in the capital city of Chaoge.

The queen gave birth to a little prince!

His Majesty was overjoyed and personally named the little prince Zishou.

On the day when the little prince was one month old, Emperor Yi held a banquet in the palace to entertain all his ministers and the whole country celebrated.

After the banquet, Emperor Yi went to the queen's palace to see the little prince who was already sleeping.

The queen was a woman with gentle features. She looked at her baby son and said with a smile, "Your features resemble your majesty. You will surely become a heroic and extraordinary man in the future."

Emperor Yi was in a good mood and said, "This is my heir. He will continue my dynasty for thousands of years!"

Both of them had been drinking and were not in good spirits, so they soon fell asleep.

Emperor Yi had a dream.

In his dream, he came to a very beautiful place. Next to a green lake shrouded in mist, there sat a fairy in green clothes.

The fairy in green has a beautiful appearance and a noble bearing.

Emperor Yi was not afraid, but asked: "Who are you? Why did you come into my dream?"

At this time, the boundary between gods and mortals was not so clear. The gods in heaven often appeared in the human world to gain the faith of mortals.

And Emperor Yi, as the emperor of the human race, has met many immortals.

It was the first time that Jiang Lin witnessed such a great fortune in an emperor.

This man was clearly an ordinary person and had no magical powers, but he had a strong aura of luck. Jiang Lin couldn't even do anything to him - even if he did, he was sure that all his magical powers would be of no use to this man.

Jiang Lin suddenly understood why in the myth of the Investiture of the Gods, when Emperor Xin offended the saints, the saints could not punish him directly, but could only send monsters to disrupt the fortune of the Shang Dynasty and take their time to deal with him.

And those gods with great magical powers could only fight on the battlefield, and none of them dared to go to Chaoge to assassinate King Zhou.

The human race is thriving, and the Human Emperor is the one with the best fortune for the human race.

Jiang Lin bowed to Emperor Yi and Emperor Yi accepted it calmly.

He was the Emperor of Man. At that time, the Emperor of Man was equal to the Jade Emperor in Heaven in terms of status.

The Emperor Yi in front of us has a newborn son named Emperor Xin, the last monarch of the Shang Dynasty.

—He is also the last emperor of the world.

The Zhou Dynasty won the world with the help of the Heavenly Court. To show their gratitude and sincerity, they called themselves the Son of Heaven. From then on, all emperors in the world were called the Son of Heaven.

From then on, the human race was inferior to the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court took advantage of this fortune and ushered in its most glorious era.

"I'm here to congratulate Your Majesty on having an heir." Jiang Lin said.

Di Yi had a slight smile on his face. As a father, at this time, hearing any words of blessing for his son would make him feel happy.

But the next words from the blue-robed god in front of him made Emperor Yi change his expression: "Come and see what the last emperor of the Shang Dynasty looked like."

Emperor Yi's face turned pale with rage. The heavy imperial purple aura pressed down on him, and even someone as strong as Jiang Lin found it hard to breathe.

Even the dream that Jiang Lin created with the help of this emerald space showed signs of collapse.

"How dare you say such outrageous things!"

Jiang Lin looked directly at Emperor Xin and said, "Why are you so angry, Your Majesty? I am here to help Your Majesty."

"My name is Ao Bing."

He introduced himself, which calmed Emperor Yi's anger a little: "Are you the Third Prince of the East Sea Dragon Clan who, for the sake of the people of Chentang Pass, did not hesitate to offend the Heavenly Court?"