The Malevolent Monster Just Wants To Farm

Chapter 99: King Xibo Afraid


A few days after Zishou’s birthday is Jiang Lin’s birthday.

Thanks to Zong Yu's reminder, several monsters realized that they had neglected their master's birthday.

They discussed and decided to buy some interesting gadgets as gifts for Jiang Lin, and also prepared a large table of sumptuous meals to celebrate Jiang Lin's birthday.

After the whole family finished their meal, Zong Yu couldn't wait to get rid of the leftovers with a spell.

Jiang Lin smiled when he saw him like this: "Are you going to take out the gift?"

Zong Yu has been very restless these past few days, and from time to time he has to reveal the fact that he has prepared gifts, which has aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Ahem." Zong Yu cleared his throat. "Just to be clear, I don't see any other obvious hobbies of yours besides farming, so the things I give you may not be to your liking."

Jiang Linxin said that it looked like your tail was about to wag to the sky.

He smiled and said: "I am lucky to receive blessings, so I don't have the face to find fault with it."

Zong Yu felt relieved, looked at Qingluo and Xiaopu who were standing next to him, and said, "Please move aside."

Xiao Pu looked at him blankly, then obediently pulled Sister Qingluo's hand and backed away.

Jiang Lin laughed and said, "Why, how big a one did you prepare for me..."

The unfinished words were choked in his throat by a burst of jewels.

Half of the courtyard was occupied by the things Xiaozong took out.

Countless precious treasures and jade utensils were piled on the ground, dazzling the eyes.

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at Zong Yu: "Don't tell me that you robbed the Shang Dynasty's treasury?"

Zong Yu quickly shook his head: "How could I do such a thing!"

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Zong Yu was not so lawless after all.

But Zong Yu's next words were: "I went to Xiqi to move."

Jiang Lin: …

"Xiqi?" He suddenly remembered the day when he sensed that Zong Yu went to Xiqi and returned to Chaoge in less than an hour.

So, he just went to Xiqi to move someone else's warehouse

"Yes." Zong Yu was quite proud. "I heard from you that Xibo Hou would go against you. I originally wanted to pick out a treasure from him, but after choosing for a long time, I couldn't decide what you liked, so I just brought everything here."

Jiang Lin: “…”

He said: "Xiao Zong, taking without asking is a thief."

Zong Yu subconsciously said: "Then I'll tell him next time to rob him later?"

Jiang Lin: “…”

Zong Yu also reacted after he finished speaking and said, "I was just kidding, yeah, just kidding."

Jiang Lin was speechless: "You really gave me a big surprise."

"Go back."

Zong Yu asked anxiously, "There are so many, don't you have any favorites?"

Jiang Lin sighed: "It's not a question of whether we like it or not. This is someone else's thing, we can't take it."

Zong Yu tilted his head and hesitated, "But in my memory, if you like something, you just go and grab it. Whoever is more capable will get it."

His memory is probably still from the chaotic period.

At that time, there was no order in the world, and all resources depended on strength.

But it's different now.

If Zong Yu had not lost his memory and had followed Jiang Lin through so many worlds, he would have understood some truths without having to be told.

But Xiaozong doesn’t understand now.

Jiang Lin could only say: "But this is the world of mortals. Since we are here, we must abide by their rules."

Zong Yu was very domineering: "But I am stronger than them all. Why should the strong follow the rules of the weak?"

“Because times have changed.”

Jiang Lin looked at him calmly: "Any civilization that wants to last must have order."

"Give it back." he said again.

Zong Yu pursed his lips and looked at him stubbornly.

Jiang Lin looked back calmly.

Finally, Zong Yu waved his hand and disappeared with all the things in the courtyard.

This time he came back in less than half an hour.

When he came back, he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s a small yellow ball. It doesn’t look very eye-catching at first glance, but it’s very delicate when you look closely.

Zong Yu was a little embarrassed: "You don't want those things, and I don't have time to prepare gifts for you. This is what I saw on the way back, and I think it looks very beautiful."

He handed the flowers to Jiang Lin, and thinking of Qingluo's words, he said, "Happy birthday, Jiang Lin."

Then he quickly said, "Don't despise me."

"I don't mind." Jiang Lin took it with a smile, "It's very beautiful. I like it very much."


King Xibo hasn't slept well for several days.

A few days ago, his private vault was suddenly robbed and all the contents were looted.

With such a large warehouse and so many things, it is impossible for there to be no noise when they are transported out.

But everything just disappeared!

Those in power always like to think too much.

The private vault was guarded so strictly, but it could still be stolen without anyone noticing. Then wouldn't it be unsafe at all around him

In particular, just now, the manager of the private warehouse came to see him with a look of surprise, saying that all the things in the warehouse had been returned.

The manager was happy because now that the things were returned, he was no longer responsible.

But King Xibo was even more frightened.

This is definitely a provocation!

It's a warning!

The other party doesn't love money, he just wants to tell me that if he wants my life, it can be done easily!

Who has such ability

King Xibo recalled a vague dream he had not long ago, in which he dreamed that he would enjoy supreme glory in the future.

He shuddered - could it be that Chaoge was warning him

"What's going on?"

Above the Nine Heavens, the almighty Jade Emperor rarely lost his composure.

The fortune of the Shang Dynasty suddenly skyrocketed, and the originally clear secrets of heaven became like clouds and mist, and could no longer be grasped at all.

He looked down and saw that the people of the Shang Dynasty all had smiles on their faces. Bits of golden light appeared from their bodies, gathered in Chaoge, and then entered the Chaoge Palace.

As for who the energy converged on in the palace, the Jade Emperor could not see.

But it's not difficult to find out.

"Prince Shou of the Shang Dynasty discovered a food called sweet potato, which has a yield hundreds of times higher than rice. Sweet potatoes are now planted everywhere in the Shang Dynasty, and almost no one starved to death last year."

"It is said that every household in the Shang Dynasty set up a longevity tablet for the prince at home, praying for his safety and success."

Common people have small horizons and even smaller aspirations.

They just want to live a good life, have enough food to eat and not be hungry.

For them, the appearance of sweet potatoes is more effective than any earth-shattering miracle.

Zishou, who discovered sweet potatoes, is now undoubtedly more important than all the gods that the Shang people believe in!

Emperor Yi, who promoted sweet potato cultivation, was also supported by the people.

The people only knew that they had filled their stomachs and were grateful to the king and the prince.

But in the eyes of the high-ranking "chess players", that is, the destiny has changed.

The Shang Dynasty was unprecedentedly prosperous.

This would be fine if it were alone, after all, Emperor Yi was a wise ruler, and the fortunes of the Shang Dynasty had always been very prosperous under his rule.

The biggest variable is Zishou, the future Emperor Xin.

He should have been the king who destroyed the Shang Dynasty.

But now

The luck on his body almost surpasses that of his father, the Emperor of Man. People of the royal family carry such a profound national destiny that anyone who looks at them would say that it is destiny.

Decades ago, because there had been no rainfall in Chentang Pass for three years, the relationship between the Shang Dynasty and the Heavenly Court became very delicate, and even the annual sacrificial ceremonies were changed to once every three years.

The Heavenly Court didn't care at the time. In their eyes, the Shang Dynasty had already become an abandoned pawn and would perish sooner or later.

A few years ago, Emperor Yi declared the dragon clan as the guardian beast of the Shang Dynasty. Since then, after the dragon clan was separated from the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court, the relationship between the Shang Dynasty and the Heavenly Court reached a complete freezing point.

All mortals respected the Human Emperor. Because of the emperor's will, many Dragon King temples were newly built in the Shang Dynasty, and many people began to believe in the dragon clan.

The righteous gods in heaven received much less offerings.

The Heavenly Court was furious, but the Shang Dynasty was still the ruler of the world, and the Jade Emperor did not break off relations with them. He was just waiting for Emperor Xin to ruin the Shang Dynasty's fortune after several decades, and for someone with more virtue to take his place.

Everything was planned by Heaven.

But now

Looking at the strong aura on Zishou, who was just a child, the Jade Emperor was uncertain for the first time: Will this child really become the king of a fallen country in the future

In Kunlun Yuqing Realm, Sage Tongtian looked at his brother and smiled:

"I've said it before, not everything can be achieved through calculation. This time, you made a mistake."

Yuanshi Tianzun lowered his eyes and said, "Until the last step, who knows?"

Tongtian laughed angrily and stood up: "Then let's wait and see!"

Ever since the Heavenly Court took out the List of Gods and, according to the will of heaven, half of his disciples from the Jiejiao sect were on it, Tongtian had no good feelings towards this so-called "heavenly secret".

All the benefits went to the Chan sect and the Heavenly Court. Many of his outstanding disciples were destined to die and become puppets of the Heavenly Court.

Is this the secret

Aren’t all beings equal under the law of heaven

"The sweet potatoes in the human world this time were also made by that kid from the dragon clan, right?" Tongtian touched his chin after coming out of Yuqing Realm and said, "If destiny didn't give me one, I created one myself. This kid's temper suits my taste."

When Zishou was ten years old, he had already gained a reputation for precocity.

He was smart, clever, and extremely talented in martial arts. Several teachers were very satisfied with him.

Except... the prince is always overly enthusiastic about farming.

Zishou had his own palace, which was extremely large, and all kinds of rare and precious flowers should have been planted in the courtyard.

But it’s not the palace where Zishou lives.

He grew lots of edible vegetables and even planted flower pots!

Moreover, every few days, Zishou would have to take a day off.

In response, other teachers said: Don't think we don't know just because you're taking a break! You obviously left the palace to find Mr. Jiang to learn farming!

Jiang Lin: “…”

He really felt a little wronged.

After all, when it comes to farming, there are only so many techniques, and those who really stick with it are there for the hobby.

He did not take Zishou to farm every day, but took Zishou to visit the royal city of Chaoge, allowing him to see with his own eyes the lives of the Shang people.

"A Shou, they are all your people." Jiang Lin said, "Remember, the people want very simple things. As a king, if you can keep them alive, they will support you."

"Going further, if you can make them live comfortably, then they will be your strongest support."

A Shou seemed to understand but not quite.

Jiang Lin gently touched his head and said, "Be a good king in the future, Ah Shou."

Ah Shou nodded vigorously and said, "Ah Shou will!"

"Sir!" A voice came from not far away.

Jiang Lin looked over and saw a young and handsome man who seemed familiar.

He hesitated for a moment and didn't recognize it.

The young man trotted up to him and said excitedly, "Sir, I am Nezha!"