The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 1: Lucy


In Nanjing in the 19th year of the Republic of China, autumn came very slowly. The calendar card had already turned over the beginning of autumn, but the weather was still summer. It was scorching hot and roasting. The whole city of Nanjing seemed to be frying in a pan of boiling oil.

A black Daolin car parked quietly outside a mansion on Yihe Road. This was the private residence of Zhang Jingjiang, then chairman of the Standing Committee of the Kuomintang, in Nanjing. This car parked outside Zhang's mansion for a whole afternoon. Knowing that this is the car of the local wealthy Jin's family, so they don't drive it away.

The butler, Old Chen, was sitting in the driver's seat. He was waiting for Jin Shi'an, the only son of the Jin family, Young Master Sun, who was now in Zhang's mansion, having secret talks with the past dynasties of the party state. Lao Chen parked under the shade of the tree for more than three hours, not daring to smoke, and just sat in the car and waited. He looked eagerly at the door of this mansion, afraid that the door would open, and also afraid that the door would not open.

The door finally opened, and a man in his thirties slowly came out from the inside. This man was tall and tall, but his appearance was very gentle. He had his hair neatly combed back and a pair of phoenix eyes under his smooth forehead. It was Jin Shi'an. When Lao Chen saw him getting into the car, he quickly handed him a towel. Shi'an took the towel, slowly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to him in a warm voice, "Drive first, and talk while walking."

The weather was hot, Shi'an looked very tired, he leaned on the car seat and closed his eyes.

Lao Chen started the car silently, looked back at this snow-white bungalow from the rearview mirror, and felt sad in his heart.

Young master Jin's life was good or bad, but fortunately he was born into a rich and noble family. The old man Jin Zhongming enjoyed a lot of money in Beiping because of his friendship with Zhang Jingjiang back then. He came to Nanjing with the new government and opened a trading company. There is also a textile factory. The Zhang family and the Kong family are doing very well in Shanghai, Jin Zhongming only picks up some leftovers here in Nanjing. After more than ten years, no one has competed with him in Nanjing, and he has become a wealthy businessman in Jinling. For the fish, if you grow fat, as long as the knife is not too harsh, the fish will live happily.

Now that Zhang Jingjiang is about to fall, or has already fallen, Zhang's direct descendants have also been taken off their hats one by one. Jin Zhongming hugs Zhang's legs so tightly, everyone knows that Jiang Gong is going to be on the Jin family. Killed with a knife. It just depends on whether Mrs. Jin is willing to give up money or life.

After driving straight for a mile, old Chen Fang asked, "How is it?"

"What can I do?" Shi'an opened his eyes in the back seat, took out the cigar box from his pocket, and raised his head with a faint smile, "He can't take care of himself now, how much can he care about others? Isn't the party and government like that, If we divide for a long time, we must unite, and if we unite for a long time, we must divide. I told the old man a long time ago that we should not be hanged from a tree. Now that Zhang Jingjiang has fallen, and the Jin family is on the knife board, it depends on whether Jiang Gong is willing to let the Jin family survive."

Lao Chen didn't dare to speak, he just sighed in his heart. It is said that Jiang Gong and Mr. Zhang have a lifelong friendship, and they are all brothers and sisters, but they are just for profit. No amount of friendship is nothing, let alone a Jin family, it is nothing.

Almost no one knew that Zhang Jingjiang came to Nanjing, but everyone knew that Zhang Jingjiang and Chiang Kai-shek couldn't get along in face. Jin Shi'an came to Zhang's private residence this time with a little bit of hope, and he came to Jin Zhongming's place to give up his heart. Zhang Jingjiang said very politely, "In business, there are always losses and gains, but Zhong Ming shouldn't get involved in the arms business. It's really not good to do anything."

Shi'an only smiled apologetically, "I also persuaded my grandpa in the same way."

Zhang Jingjiang said: "Persuasion, you have not been able to persuade him. In the current situation, you also know that it is very rare for me to say a word."

Shi'an smiled and said, "Mrs. Zhang is humble, and she will have many things to rely on in the future."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Shi'an knew in his heart that Zhang Jingjiang's words were chilling, but they were all telling the truth. Jin Zhongming shouldn't be greedy, messing around with ammunition and hoarding supplies under the nose of the government, everything is on Nilin.

Shi'an slowly tapped his cigar in the back seat, "Uncle Chen, if you want to leave, it's too late to find another way out now."

Old Chen smiled wryly, "Why did I get to this point? Besides, at my age, where can I go? I was born as the Jin family, and died as the ghost of the Jin family."

Shi'an also laughed, "I'm kidding you, the worst thing is to spend money to save your life, Jiang Gong and Mr. Zhang are fighting like that, it's still a decent face, and it won't drive us all to death. If it doesn't work, let's all go back to Jurong. "

Old Chen was slightly relieved, couldn't control his mouth for a while, opened his mouth and asked again, "What about Young Master Bai?"

Shi'an didn't speak.

Lao Chen wished to give himself a big mouth, really which pot he couldn't open and which pot to lift. I had no choice but to ask again, "Master, are you going home? Or where else?"

Shi'an didn't raise his head, "Turn around."

Old Chen knew his temper well, so he started the car silently, and drove around the city of Nanjing in the streets and alleys.

The car drove past the Confucius Temple and Mochou Lake, reflecting the sun, and crossed the streets and alleys, as if we wanted to go to all the lively places, otherwise it would not be able to resolve all kinds of melancholy. And this city really deserves such a close look at the streets and alleys. The sun has not yet set in the west, but the music and songs have been plucked and plucked everywhere, and wherever they pass, the strings and songs are thin, the flowers are red and the willows are green, and a burst of fragrant wind blows into the car window.

In the firework field of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, there are countless impromptu shows in the mountains and rivers. In troubled times, beauties come out. Both male and female actresses can show off their coquettishness. It just depends on who is more beautiful than the other. When the swords are sharper, people prefer to listen to the dramas of love between men and women, singing Peach Blossom Fan, and Peony Pavilion. .

This is an eventful autumn, and it is also an autumn of troubled times. Everyone knows that this is a troubled time, but Yingge Yanwu still needs to whitewash the peace. The nobles need it, and the common people also need it. It seems that in the sad and complaining singing voice, in the twitching water sleeves, and in the clanging strings, even if it takes a moment to pass, it can make people forget the troubles of the troubled times and the sorrow of parting. How much hate you have for poverty and resentment about death, just sing, applaud, and smile, and you can pretend that it doesn't exist.

After driving for a while, Shi'an said from behind, "Go to Rongzhuang Street."

Old Chen sighed secretly in his heart, and after coming out for a long time, he finally wanted to take a look at Rongzhuang Street.

The car stopped at the end of Rongzhuang Street. There are two streets inside and outside Rongzhuang Street. The outer streets are full of woolen hat shops doing business, but the inner street is quiet, with dense trees stretching out branches quietly from the yards on both sides of the street. Before Lao Chen could knock the door, the door just opened, and the housekeeper's Aunt Liu came out with water, and she was surprised when she saw Lao Chen.

"The young master is here." Old Chen said.

Shi'an had already bypassed the two of them and walked in slowly.

"Why is the young master here at this time, let's change clothes first, it's hot." Aunt Liu said awkwardly as she followed behind Shi'an.

Shi'an took a look at his body, "Alright."

Aunt Liu said again: "I'll fetch water for the young master to take a shower."

Shi'an frowned, "Forget it, don't bother. I won't change my clothes, I'll go to see Young Master Bai and leave." Then he walked in.

Aunt Liu didn't dare to stop her, she was anxious and only looked at Lao Chen. Everyone in the house came out when they heard the sound, and five or six people followed Shi'an in unison. Shi'an just said, "Why are you all out? Let's do our own work, we won't have dinner here."

Everyone had to stop in front of the second gate, watching Shi'an enter the inner courtyard.

Shi'an didn't know that there were so many expressions behind him. He walked slowly into the yard—the yard was not big, but it was very delicately repaired. Facing it is the screen wall of Taihu stone, and behind it is a whole shed of Lingxiao. At this time, it is green and plump, hanging in strands of silk, and blooming many vermilion flowers. The gable wall of the house at the back is covered with ivy, and there are phoenix trees planted along the four corners of the wall, which casts a thick shade on the ground, and the sunlight is even here, making it cool and thin.

Shi'an hesitated in front of the door, and looked in through the window. A skinny face was exposed through the glass window. Although it was skinny, it could still be seen that it was originally beautiful: a straight nose bridge, exquisite sideburns, a pair of autumnal eyes, and two flirtatious lips—but now this face is infinitely sickly and misty His eyes were bruised and sickly yellow, his cheeks were sunken, and his lips were bloodless and black. Anyone who saw it would be surprised, because no one could believe that this skinny and sickly man was Bai Lusheng, a famous actress in Qinhuai two or three years ago.

Every time Shi'an saw Lusheng like this, he felt indescribably uncomfortable. He looked at Bai Lusheng, but Bai Lusheng didn't look at him, like a wooden sculpture, staring indifferently at something in the sky.

Shi'an tapped the window sill lightly, "Lusheng, I'll come and see you."

The man ignored him and just stared out the window in a daze.

Shi'an felt more and more sad, he pushed open the door and went in, but saw Lusheng was handcuffed on the table with an iron chain, and his hands were tied with cotton rope. Tea is placed upside down on the table, with two-color fruits.

The leading servants knew it was not good, so they all chased him into the yard, and they didn't dare to follow Shi'an into the house, so they just hung their heads in front of the door.

"What does this mean?" Shi'an turned around, "Who asked you to handcuff him?"

Several servants complained in their hearts, saying that the young master just came the day before yesterday, and he probably won't come again in the next few days, but who would have thought that he would come again today, and he would come so quietly that he would inevitably be angry now.

"Isn't it okay to be locked in the room? Do you have to be tied up like this? I asked you to take good care of Young Master Bai, and you will take care of him like this?"

When Jin Shian was angry, he was still calm, but anyone who heard his calm tone would know that he was angry.

The leader Zhou Steward smiled and said, "Young master is not sober. Otherwise, no one will be able to look at him." Then he whispered into Shi'an's ear, "You know, Young Master Bai went crazy. The house bumped into a pillar, afraid of hitting my face." He didn't dare to raise his head, "I used cotton ropes, for fear of hurting Lord Bai's hands."

"Oh, that's why I always take care of Master Bai like this when I'm not around, isn't it?" Shi'an smiled, and slowly looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the plate, "Uncle Zhou, please take care of me."

Steward Zhou's cold sweat dripped down his ears.

Listening to what they said, Lu Sheng raised his face and gave Shi An a cold smile, then turned his face to the window.

Shi'an ignored Zhou Yu and turned around to untie the rope in Lusheng's hands. It turned out that it was a dead knot. Shi'an became angrier and felt more guilty when he saw the bruises on Lusheng's hands. "Bring the scissors and open the lock."

Steward Zhou wanted to persuade him again, but Shi'an raised his eyes and looked at him, "I'm here, what can I do? Bring the scissors."

A servant woman has brought the small silver scissors and opened the chain. Shi'an said, "Let's all go, I'll talk to Lord Bai for a while."

None of the servants dared to move.

Shi'an said it again in a leisurely manner, "I'll talk to Lord Bai for a while."

People have to withdraw slowly.

Seeing that the person had gone far away, Shi'an took Lu Sheng's hand and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Lu Sheng didn't look back, "You were the one who tied me up, and now you're the one who asked me if it hurts, it's your idea on the left and right, what do you ask me for?"

"It's hard to quit opium... They are also afraid that you will hurt themselves." Seeing that he ignored him, Shi An poured tea again, "Drink some water."

Lu Sheng didn't take his tea, "You hate me so much, why bother. I'm a man, and I'm just playing with you, and I'm an actor, so naturally I'm not good enough for you, so why are you afraid of smoking too much?"

Shi'an hated him for being so self-deprecating, and didn't know how to explain it, so he just grabbed his hand and said, "Lu Sheng..."

Lu Sheng suddenly turned his face and stared at him for a long time, with a worried smile on his face, "There is no one now, why don't you call me Sister Yu? In the past, you only called me Sister Yu."

Shi'an felt even more disappointed. Recalling the first time I met Lu Sheng at De Yue Tai, he was still in the Chunhua class, only thirteen or fourteen years old, and he sang "Looking for Dreams", and the audience was amazed. In the future, he will definitely be a famous actor on the Qinhuai River.

He also seemed to have lost his soul, and reserved the Chunhua class for three days in a row, and he was the only one listening. On the third day, after finishing a session in the Palace of Longevity, Mrs. Zhang from the Chunhua class led Lusheng out to kowtow to him. Shi'an asked, "What's the name?"

"Sister Yu, Sister Baiyu." Mrs. Zhang touched her face and said, "My Chunhua class raises some unsatisfactory things, only this Phoenix, and he was sick and troubled since he was a child, so he took a girl named Ya. Come on, call it off."

Shi'an laughed when he heard this, "I'm in my teens, are you still afraid that it will be hard to support me? Just change your name."

Mrs. Zhang said with a smile: "Young Master Jin is well-educated and talented, so I beg Uncle Jin to give us sister Yu a name."

Shi'an took a look at Sister Yu. Sister Yu was lying on the ground, but secretly raised her face, revealing a pair of pretty eyes. At that time, there was a clear breeze on the platform, and the moon was full on the Qinhuai River. Shi'an pondered slightly, "Yu Sister... Sister Yu... Yujiesheng Bailu—let's call him Bailusheng."

Before Mrs. Zhang could speak, Lu Sheng simply kowtowed three times, got up and said crisply: "Lu Sheng thank you, Master Shi'an!"

Shi'an was a little surprised: "Do you know my name?"

Lu Sheng smiled sweetly at him, "The benefactor who gave you the name, the benefactor who is a bosom friend, has a predestined relationship in his previous life, so he naturally knows."

He still had the appearance of a noble concubine on his face, the pearls and jade on his head could not cover the beautiful eyes of Hengbo, shining brightly, the Qinhuai scented wind on the first floor blew by, and the shadows of the lamps turned red, reflecting Lu Sheng's face like a drunken concubine , bright and beautiful.

——Thinking about it now, this name was really badly chosen, as if it was unlucky——Bai Lu invaded Luo socks, and Yu Jie was born with sorrow, it seemed that Lu Sheng had been cursed into it for the rest of his life. But no matter how unlucky, Bai Lusheng's name still sang across the Qinhuai River through the clouds and through the moon.

The next ten years of Lusheng, like this name, lived a beautiful, beautiful, and luxurious life, but there were many sorrows and complaints.

Famous actors are all promoted, and Lu Shengyou Shi'an holds it, who is not envious, and there is no other in the limelight on the Qinhuai River. In the first two years, they were no different from ordinary benefactors of famous actresses. Naturally, their singing became more and more popular, and they enjoyed listening to it. After all, Mrs. Zhang didn’t keep her phoenix, and Lusheng became popular after singing again and again, so Shi’an took Lusheng out of Chunhua class and bought him a small house on Rongzhuang Street alone—it’s nothing, since From south to north, countless red actresses all over China are raised like canaries in this way, and everyone doesn't think it's a big deal, but Lu Sheng just takes it as a big deal.

"The young master picked me up, and I can't repay you. This life, this life, is yours."

At that time, Lusheng was in this small courtyard, said so to Shi'an, and looked at him with a smile. In the late spring, Ling Xiao has just spit out the buds, and there are thousands of threads of green, and there are a little bit of red, which is about to bloom, like human affection.

"Speaking of it, the Chunhua class is like a fire pit."

"Why isn't it a fire pit?" Lu Sheng rolled up his sleeves, "She did it all."

Shi'an was surprised, and held up his hand distressedly, "Why didn't you mention it in the past?"

Lu Sheng raised his head with a smile, and met Shang Shi'an's gaze: "Because I know that the young master will always pick me up, so what's the trouble? If I don't sing well, I won't have the face to come out with you."

Shi'an didn't know how to answer him, but felt that Lu Sheng took this affection too seriously. Want to ask him if he likes Lu Sheng? He liked him from the bottom of his heart, but Lusheng clearly liked him more than that.

Shi'an often hated himself for meeting Lu Sheng back then, and he couldn't let it go after seeing Lu Sheng, resulting in a lot of resentment in vain.

Yes, resentment. Shi'an always feels that he has been playing tricks for half his life. He wanted Lu to live a happier life, but Lu Sheng was always angry.

What are you angry about? Angry that he went to England suddenly for half a year without saying goodbye, angry that he went on blind dates with great fanfare in Nanjing, angry that he was not allowed to smoke opium.

Shi'an didn't know which thing he did right and which thing he did wrong, but he really couldn't forget that he came back from Shanghai, walked in the door excitedly, the room was full of strange fragrance, Lu Sheng was lying on the couch, and he was dead. Like my old lady Zhang, she was smoking opium.

Shi'an dropped the gift he was carrying on the floor, he couldn't say a word out of hatred or anger.

Lu Sheng turned to him and smiled: "Young Master Jin, is your wife married yet? Today is a time when you are on the verge of being humble."

Shi'an was blocked by him and couldn't say a word.

It was he who caused Lu Sheng to give up on himself like this. But he didn't understand what Lu Sheng wanted to do

Why is it so difficult for people to be satisfied? Shian wanted to miss their better times in the past, but these times were drowned by quarrels and tears, and turned into fragments. During this fragmented time, they also sang together and talked side by side, watching the fireflies on autumn nights, the snow in winter, and the leaves in spring and summer flowers outside the window. What a wonderful time it was.

No matter how good the time is, it is the past. Now the world is in turmoil. His time as Young Master Jin may not be long, and Lu Sheng will no longer sing operas. He will be locked up in this small house on Rongzhuang Street all day long. Shi'an will visit him every now and then. Lu Sheng often did not say a word.

as it is now.

The two sat close to each other like this, Lu Sheng didn't speak, and Shi An didn't speak either. The sun gradually went down, falling in the gorgeous afterglow, and the last slant of the setting sun also receded from the window lattice, and the room sank into the sultry darkness.

Shi'an opened his mouth, "Lu Sheng, I bought you a ferry ticket. We will go to Shanghai in three days, and then go to England from there."

"We?" Lu Sheng turned around, "Are you going too?"

Shi'an lowered his eyes, "...I won't go. I'll send you to Shanghai, and I'll come back."

Lu Sheng stared at him without saying a word for a long time, and finally laughed: "I'm just in the way, so you can't feel at ease if you don't send me out?"

He had a smile on his face and tears welled up in his eyes.

Shi'an had expected Lusheng to make such a fuss long ago, and felt helpless, but the Jin family is in turmoil now, if Lusheng is not sent away now, should Lusheng stay in Nanjing to suffer together

... Maybe it is too exaggerated to say that it is hard, or maybe it is out of a man's subtle self-esteem. He didn't want Lu Sheng to see him burnt out, and he didn't want Lu Sheng to see him exhausted from official business affairs.

He knew Lu Sheng's temper, and he couldn't tell him about the Jin family's affairs. If he told him, he would not leave even if his head was beheaded.

Shi'an could only smile reluctantly, "Don't think too much, I know a doctor in England who is very good at quitting opium..."

"You're getting married, aren't you?" Lu Sheng cut him off, "Is that Miss Qin, or Miss Zhu?"


"It's going to be married anyway, isn't it?"

Shi'an didn't answer him, because it was no answer, and it was no answer if he didn't answer. Since Jin Zhongming found out about Lu Sheng two years ago, he began to make blind dates for him. Jin Zhongming didn't get angry, didn't stop him, and didn't even take it to heart. Whether it's a man or a woman, what's so special about raising an actor and a half? As long as you get married and have children, your mind will be settled. So Ms. Qin, Ms. Zhu, and all kinds of ladies from various families looked at each other one after another. The Jin family held a ball at a high price. Jin Zhongming just said, "If you don't want to piss me off, go there. At least don’t wipe other people’s faces.”

Can Shi'an say no

He had to go, but because he went, he knew that he would not live with any woman in this life.

No, it should be that apart from Lu Sheng, he will never live with anyone else in this life.

It's not that those people are not good enough, it's just that none of them are Lusheng.

Because of this, he tried his best to find a way for him and Lu Sheng, a way that no one else could stop. Shi'an had already made up his mind that he couldn't stay in Nanjing. The Jin family will suffer this knife sooner or later, maybe in the next two years, they will have to suffer a lot - send Lusheng out first, he has already transferred some of his private property in Shanghai and Hong Kong - now the war is ready to fight, when the time comes As soon as the old man sent them to Hong Kong, he would also go to England. The sky was high and no one could control them anymore.

He thought that Lu Sheng understood him, but Lu Sheng just didn't understand.

"You get medical treatment in England first," Shi'an said, "I'll go to you right away after I finish the treatment here."

"Cure? What's wrong with me?" Lu Sheng stood up, staring at his eyes, which were already big, but they looked even more hollow and terrifying when placed on his now thin face, "I only have you in my life. Sick, you sent me away, will you still come to me?" As he said, he laughed again: "Jin Shi'an, you think I'm a fool? If you despise me, let's leave now, why do you have to do this? Are you in peace when you are sent to the foreign country? Are you afraid that I will make trouble with your marriage? Or are you afraid that I will kill you at the gate of the Jin family, cry, make trouble, and hang yourself?"

Shi'an was speechless, Lu Sheng stared at him, but he didn't dare to look at Lu Sheng, the two faced each other for a while, Lu Sheng knelt softly beside him.

"Master, I beg you," Lu Sheng knelt down, climbed to his side, and fell on his lap, "Master Shi'an, I beg you, don't drive me away. I will stay in Nanjing and I will never sing or smoke again." It's a big smoke, I'll spend my whole life incognito, just stay here, not going anywhere, will it work?"

Shi'an also felt sad, and stretched out his hand to stroke Lusheng's hair: "You have no relatives or reason here, what are you doing here?"

Lu Sheng looked at him sadly, "No relatives and no reason?" He repeated "No relatives and no reason" several times in his mouth, and smiled with tears in his eyes, "Yes, you and I, Young Master Jin, are neither related nor related , But why am I so cheap, even if we break it off completely, you live in this city of Nanjing, and I live in this city of Nanjing, and I think I can see you from a distance in the future, and I will be content." He raised his face, Tears kept falling down, "Is this not okay? You have to send me to a place full of foreign devils and lock me up in the remotest corners of the world? Are you tired of me like this?"

Shi'an wanted to help him up, but Lu Sheng didn't listen to him, and wouldn't let him help him, "If you don't agree to me, I'll just keep kneeling like this, and if I kneel to death, I'll save your heart."

Shi'an said angrily, "How can you die if you open your mouth and shut up? I know you are angry, but you never curse yourself like this."

Lu Sheng didn't speak, but his hands trembled on Shi'an's lap. Shi'an supported him, only to find that his whole body was trembling violently.

Shi'an sighed in his heart—it was another drug addiction. When he squatted down to look again, white foam came out of the corners of his mouth, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve.

Originally he said no to leave, Shi'an also hesitated in his heart, but seeing Lu Sheng's appearance, his heart sank again.

How can we not go? He really negotiated with a doctor in England. He had opened a clinic in Shanghai in the past and gave many dignitaries abstinence from opium. Lu Sheng's addiction to smoking must be cured.

Shi'an pulled Lu Sheng up and pressed him on the chair: "It's not what you think, Lu Sheng, you must go. You can't bring your smoking addiction into the coffin."

Lu Sheng pushed him away, "Into the coffin?"

Shi'an was pushed backwards by him.

Lu Sheng stood up, with tears and saliva on his face, looking thin and frightening in the dark room, "I will go into the coffin today."

Shi'an was anxious and in pain, so he could only look out. Lu Sheng grabbed him, "You want to call someone, don't you? You are afraid of me, now you want to call someone to tie me up, don't you?"

Shi An hugged him, "Lu Sheng, you lie down first, okay?"

Being held in his arms, Lu Sheng laughed wildly, "Isn't it? You're going to call someone to tie me up immediately, and then send me to Shanghai! Then to England! I'll die outside for the rest of my life!" He turned his head and stared at Living in Shi'an's eyes, "Why bother? I'll die today, so you won't have to worry about it!" Saying that, he pushed Shi'an away, and reached out to copy the scissors on the table.

Shi'an didn't expect him to be so strong, and saw that he was holding scissors in his hand, so he could only shout "Uncle Zhou! Aunt Liu! Come!" while hurriedly snatching the scissors from Lu Sheng's hand, "Lu Sheng, don't do anything stupid! "

Lu Sheng just laughed, and raised his hand holding the scissors while laughing, "Stupid thing? Young Master Jin, don't think too much, if we die together, we will die together and go to hell, I will pay for your life!"

Shi'an was still afraid that Lu Sheng would harm himself, so he just covered Lu Sheng's heart, and then went to press Lu Sheng's hand. Lu Sheng gently lowered the scissors towards Shi'an's heart.

Wearing less clothes in summer, the sharp blade of the silver scissors pierced the fabric and skin in an instant, Shi'an only heard the sharp sound of the scissors piercing the skin, and wondered at a loss, where did Lu Sheng hurt

As if possessed by a demon, Lusheng sent the scissors forward again.

This stab pierced deeply into the heart, Shi'an lowered his head, only to realize that the knife had stabbed him.

At this moment, he actually felt relieved. And the room was terribly dark.

Countless cicadas rang out from the sky and the ground, there were footsteps outside the door, exclamations one after another, and hoarse cries and laughter, Shi'an felt a rush of blood rushing up in his chest, and a burst of coldness in his body.

He wanted to see Lu Sheng's face very much, but he couldn't see clearly, Lu Sheng's face was covered with blood, and the more he looked at it, the more blurred it became. It seemed that countless people gathered around. In the blinding darkness, Shi'an tried his best to grab Lu Sheng's hand.

"Save Lord's me..."

I am going to die. Shian thought.

Lu Sheng hated him so much, why bother to meet each other in the underworld, let alone kill him.

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