The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 15: raptor



Zhong Yue is not a narrow-minded person, at least not to Bai Yang.

Even if Bai Yang didn't go to see him, he didn't care about anything. But when Bai Yang poked his head out from the door of the ward, Zhong Yue still laughed happily.

Li Nian was not there, Bai Yang was also very happy, dragging his buttocks of Yuan Zu dim sum to Zhong Yue's bed: "Xiao Zhong! Here it is for you! Do you want to eat spicy crayfish? I'll bring you tomorrow!"

Zhong Yue looked at him with a smile, "Sweet, sweet... don't eat too much, yes, throat... not good, and so are spicy, spicy food."

As he said so, he still opened Bai Yang's snack in his hand and took a sip of it.


Zhong Yue basically doesn't stutter when he says less than three words.

Bai Yang deeply understands that beauty is justice, if others dislike his gift, he would have gone up to beat them. But Xiao Zhong is so beautiful, everything is right.

The two ate snacks for a while, Bai Yang looked at Zhong Yue eagerly.

"Xiao Zhong, can you teach me how to sing?"

Before Zhong Yue could speak, Bai Yang blocked Zhong Yue's mouth with his mobile phone: "Xiao Zhong, your throat is hurt! Let's type!"

Zhong Yue was puzzled, obviously I could talk just now.

Bai Yang looked at him beggingly: "You talk too much..."

Zhong Yue felt a little wronged.

The grievances were grievances, and the two of them started to communicate on WeChat head to head.

Bai Yang always thought that he was pretty good at singing, after all, he was Mai Ba since he was a child. Of course now he already knew that he really sang very badly.

Bai Yang:[Am I really a bad singer?]

Zhong Yue: [It's not counting... But there are indeed many small problems.]Bai Yang:[What questions?]

Zhong Yue: [Your voice is very clear and transparent. This kind of sound quality is actually quite rare. It can be regarded as the voice of a teenager. This kind of voice line is used well, it is really quite flattering. ] Bai Yang was a little excited by his compliment: "Don't praise me, talk about the problem, talk about the problem."

Zhong Yue: [... You sing, the intonation is fine, the rhythm is fine, but the breath is very bad and urgent. Although the rhythm is right, it always feels like you are in a hurry. And you always like to play some falsetto where you shouldn't show off your skills...] Bai Yang: [...] No, I'm not showing off my skills, I can't sing without pinching my throat...

Zhong Yue: [As for our song in the preliminary round, I actually hope to highlight the clarity of your voice. But every time you sang the ending, you hurriedly took it back, so I had to help you make it up...] Bai Yang: [What should I do, stretch it?]

Bai Yang said exaggeratedly for a while.

Zhong Yue laughed.

Zhong Yue: [How should I put it, in fact, if it is sung in falsetto, it is actually the correct way, and it will appear mellow, but our song is a school folk song, I want the feeling like a big boy singing casually. When you sing falsetto in that place, you feel less innocent.]Zhong Yue:[How to say the idiom, I don't use the words to hurt the meaning. I personally think that the truth of the artistic conception can move people more than the mere technique. ] Bai Yang: [... Xiao Zhong.]

Zhong Yue: [?]

Bai Yang: [You are simply amazing, you are my male god.]Zhong Yue:[…]

Bai Yang: [But I don't even have the skills you mentioned, I really can't sing well, that's why I'm howling...]... Zhong Yue suddenly felt like he had been playing the lyre to Niu for a long time.

Zhong Yue: [... You should practice running more, increase your lung capacity, and remember to hang your throat every day. Come to the rehearsal room, I will take you to practice your voice.] Bai Yang was so grateful that he couldn't express it, and hugged Zhong Yue. The two of you were chatting happily, and Li Nian came in from the outside.

"What are you two doing?"

Li Nian stretched out his head to look, and immediately turned his face: "What words are you typing on the opposite side of your mouth? Zhong Yue speaks well, and he is not dumb!"

Bai Yang became unhappy: "Didn't I tell you that you wouldn't come today?"

Li Nian gave him a sideways look: "Your Papa Jin opened the hospital, not you. What you say doesn't matter, go find your Papa Jin."

Bai Yang ran away quickly.

Li Nian looked at Zhong Yue with a sullen face.

Zhong Yue squeezed the phone, trying to look back at Li Nian calmly.

"The mouth is so troublesome? Opening your mouth can kill you?"

Zhong Yue felt aggrieved, and refused to argue, so he played with his mobile phone in a fit of anger.

Li Nian reached out and touched Zhong Yue's throat: "Does it still hurt?"

Suddenly, Zhong Yue's heart beat violently.

"Already, already... finished."

But Li Nian didn't take his hand away, and slowly caressed Zhong Yue's face again.

Zhong Yue stared at his mobile phone screen.

His earlobe is thin and it is hot now.

I don't know why, when Li Nian looked at him, he didn't dare to look back. The more Li Nian stared at him, the less courage he had.

I only dare to look at Li Nian when it is meaningless.

Li Nian smiled, let go of his hand, and sat down a foot away from Zhong Yue, "Xiao Zhong, don't blame me, I'm in a hurry. You are so good, you can be better."

Li Nian called him "Xiao Zhong" when no one was around.

Zhong Yue raised his head, then lowered his eyes again.

Li Nianji took Zhong Yue's hand naturally, and slowly twisted Zhong Yue's fingers, like twisting his inseparable smoke.

"Can you get along with Bai Yang?"

Zhong Yue nodded.

Li Nian suddenly pinched Zhong Yue's fingertips forcefully: "Speak."

Zhong Yue felt the pain, and the tip of his nose was sweating finely: "Chu, come here."

Li Nian did not let go, still pinching Zhong Yue: "He called you Xiao Zhong, I think you like it very much."

Zhong Yue couldn't speak, and tried his best not to make a sound.

Li Nian slowly pinched Zhong Yue's fingertips, from the index finger, to the middle finger, and then to the ring finger, with an inexplicably gloomy expression on his face: "He is not as good as you in everything, some people are just fucking lucky."

Zhong Yue endured the pain and said: "Bai Yang... very, very hard."

Li Nian raised his eyes to look at him.

Zhong Yue didn't avoid his gaze, and said again: "Very hard."

Li Nian stared at it for a long time, then let go and laughed. In the spring, he smiled like a spring breeze, and he looked gentle and harmless.

"You are the kindest." Li Nian said.

As he spoke, he sat back a little further and lit a cigarette by the window.

"If we rest well, we will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I will contact PT Records next week to record a digital album." Li Nian smiled softly: "The five waste manuscripts will also be put in, and none of them will be wasted. tuner."

Zhong Yue looked hesitantly at Li Nian talking freely, Li Nian had his most common, sophisticated smile on his face, as if he was never angry.

Zhong Yue was obsessed with his expression, although he knew it was fake.

Li Nian smoked very quickly and anxiously, like Bai Yang singing. After smoking one, he didn't even bother to take out the lighter, so he continued with the cigarette butt: "Time is tight, you don't have room for a vacuum now, I contacted a few A platform, I will post it next week after filling it, and I will give you a week to teach Bai Yang as much as you can."

Zhong Yue nodded.

Li Nian looked at him like an arrow.

Zhong Yue hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "Okay."

Li Nian smiled in satisfaction, and reached out to pat Zhong Yue's face: "Let's go, I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Zhong Yue saw him walk to the door, and called him again: "Nian, Brother Nian!"

Li Nian turned around.

"You, you... less, less smoking."

Li Nian nodded: "It's my fault, you shouldn't smoke in the ward."

"No, it's not..." Zhong Yue blushed, "Yes, it's not good for your body."

Li Nian looked at him with interest, then squeezed out the cigarette with his hand, turned his back, and waved to him.

Zhong Yue stretched his head, watching Li Nian swaying every step and then disappearing behind the door.

He was dismayed to find himself erect again.

A week later, the recording work started as scheduled. I won't talk about the specific process, it's hard to say, the tuner deserves the most credit, the treble and bass are soaked in blood and tears of the tuner.

"It's still... difficult for me to write the song." Zhong Yue felt a little guilty.

Bai Yang didn't have time to pay attention to him, Bai Yang was intoxicated in his singing after PS.

Zhong Yue stared at him resentfully.

In all fairness, Zhong Yue trained Bai Yang for a week, and Bai Yang still made some progress, it can even be said that he made great progress. At least the treble is no longer trembling, and the bass is no longer trembling. Although the place where I can't sing is still awkward and embarrassing, the breath is obviously a little better than before.

Zhong Yue specially marked him the opening for each song: "Don't take a breath indiscriminately, take a breath when it's time to take a breath."

Let's ignore the ellipsis and comma.

This helps Poplar a lot. Bai Yang listened to the song he had just recorded upside down and happily took off one earphone: "Xiao Zhong! It's all thanks to you!"

Zhong Yue was still a bit resentful at first, but when Bai Yang said this, he became shy again: "Yes, it was you who worked hard."

"I've worked really hard," Bai Yang said proudly, "I get up every day for a morning jog."

"Jin, Mr. Jin, are you... also, also with you."

"Yeah, I'll run with him too."

Zhong Yue looked at him enviously.

Over there, Zhong Yue and Bai Yang's recording work was in full swing, while Shi'an here had nothing to do all day long, so he called Zheng Meili to the office.

"You transfer money from my account to see if there are any newly opened communities in Jianye or near Jianye, buy two small houses, and ask for a new one."

Zheng Meili complained in her heart that there are still old houses in the new real estate? At first she thought that Shi'an was going to invest in the land in Jianye, and was about to say that Jianye had two plates that she was making at hand, but she thought she heard it wrong when she heard it later: "Small house? How small?"

Shi'an stretched out his hand to let her sit down: "It's enough for one or two people... Isn't it called a small apartment now?"

Zheng Meili looked at him delicately: "Who is it for?"

Shi'an said calmly: "To Bai Yang. Last time we went to his house, his house was still rented. I think it is really uninhabitable. The surrounding environment is fine, but the building is too old."

"..." Zheng Meili thought that you have so many mansions, Bai Yang still dislikes you? Also bought two small apartments, will Jin Shi'an start to live a life again

Seeing that she had something in her heart, Shi'an raised his lips and smiled: "Bai Yang has a strong self-esteem, if you want to give him a big house, he doesn't want it - I can't take him to live at home, can I? I thought about buying him a small house. The house, at any rate, can be regarded as settling down in Nanjing. He should not refuse."

Zheng Meili said: "Baixia Drum Tower also has pretty good dishes...why do you have to buy them in Jianye?"

Shi'an nodded: "I asked him, he lived in Jianye after graduation, and the house is settled and relocated, so don't let him move the place easily, and it would be good if he can save two steps when moving."

Zheng Meili replied simply: "Alright Mr. Jin."

After speaking, she looked at Shi'an again, and after a while, Zheng Meili smiled and said, "A Shi, you haven't changed."

This "A Shi" shouted very intimately, Shi'an couldn't help but look up at her, and when Zheng Meili said the words, she felt embarrassed and lowered her head and laughed.

Shi An found it interesting: "'A Shi'... did you call me that in the past?"

Zheng Meili flicked her hair: "It's all in the past... I called you that when I was a classmate. After all, I was not very old before."

Shi'an smiled and asked her, "What kind of person was I in the past?"

Zheng Meili felt a little emotional in her heart. To be honest, since Shi An woke up from the accident, she always felt that Shi An had changed—it was more gentle and refined than before, but it also made her feel distant, like a stranger.

For some reason, the tenderness Jin Shian showed today made her feel that Jin Shian hadn't changed.

Although it is no longer so careless, but to friends, it is still so meaningful. It was because of this point that Zheng Meili took Jin Shian seriously.

"You used to be a person who talked about affection." Zheng Meimei said, "Although you do things a bit wildly, you are very good to your friends after all."

Shi'an nodded and said, "I still talk about affection."

Zheng Meili raised her head and smiled: "If you don't show affection, I won't follow you to Hailong."

Her smile was bright and full of pride.

Shi'an admired secretly in his heart.

"I don't have anything to do, so I'll go out first." Zheng Meili walked to the door, then turned around and asked, "You said to buy two sets, and both sets have Bai Yang's name on them?"

Shi'an looked at her and smiled faintly: "That set is for your daughter."

Zheng Meili was stunned for a moment.

"I heard from them that it's your birthday next month. It's a party with colleagues. There's nothing else. You're alone with your daughter. I can't give you anything. I'll give my niece a house as an addition to the makeup. When she turns 20 , I’ll give her another set of big ones.” Shi’an said slowly: “On your birthday, you can take a day off and play with your daughter, and all the staff in the company will give out bonuses, so you can take advantage of Mr. Zheng’s share.”

Zheng Meili didn't know what to say for a moment.

Courtesy is not considered important, and it is rare for Jin Shian to think so.

Zheng Meili was a little sad, but also a little relieved.

"Thank you, Ash."

Shi An reported a smile.

—Whether it's love or righteousness, although he is not the real Jin Shi'an, he has worked with Zheng Meili after all. General talent is rare, favor is rare, and loyalty is even rarer.

Shi'an watched Zheng Meili go downstairs in high heels, and thought that if she subdued this female bird of prey, she would be truly like a tiger with wings added.