The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 2: who I am


Jin Shi'an felt like he had been soaked in cold water for a long time.

What exactly is water? He couldn't see anything, only a lot of people talking in his ear, damp, cold and uncomfortable. Shi'an pondered slowly in the dark, probably he was bleeding all over, and he was soaking in the blood, right

It turns out that human blood is so cold.

He was soaking back and forth in this cold liquid, whether it was water or blood, like sinking into an extremely deep sea. Shi'an slowly moved upstream, as if seeing a ray of light coming in from the surface of the sea.

Someone is shouting.

"Boss Jin? Jin Shian? Hello! Jin Shian!"

The sound became clearer and clearer, almost audible. A hand patted his face, and then patted his chest.

Only then did Shi An realize that he had kept his eyes closed.

He opened his eyes, and the dazzling sunlight poured into his vision.

Lu Sheng looked at him in the sunlight with a very disturbed expression.

Seeing Lu Sheng at a glance, Shi An immediately grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly: "Lu Sheng!"

Lu Sheng trembled, and instinctively pushed Shi'an away, "Boss Jin?"

— No, this is not Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng would not push him away like this, nor would he look at him with such a fearful expression. Shi An carefully looked at the young man in front of him, he was much healthier than Lu Sheng, his eyes were pure and bright, and his fair face was blushing with anxiety. They were full of rings, and they were worn in tatters, with two holes in the trousers at the knees.

Why did Lu Sheng dress up like this

But it was so similar, how could there be such similar people in this world

Shi'an was so impressed that he forgot that he was still clutching someone else's hand.

The young man was obviously very panicked, but he didn't dare to show resistance, his eyes were evasively looking around.

The two of them looked at each other silently, the atmosphere was awkward, and there was a rush of footsteps from the corridor outside.

"President Jin!"

A tall woman rushed in outside the door, with an ordinary appearance and a thin figure, but she was very richly dressed, and her red lips were bright and eye-catching. Shi'an felt that she was dressed in an indescribably weird way. She was dressed in black, like a female spy of the Central Committee—although she was dressed inconspicuously, she was imposing, with the air of a lady. A group of doctors followed her hurriedly through the door, and the ward was filled with people in an instant.

The lady rushed to the hospital bed with concern, and pulled the young man away, "Mr. Jin, are you awake?"

The young man shrank into the crowd as if he had been pardoned.

Shi'an looked at the group of people a few times, and then looked around the whole room.

"This is where?"

The doctor and the lady looked at each other, and the lady was stunned for a while: "People's Hospital... This is already the best ward."

No, you misunderstood, I don't think the ward is bad. Shian thought. But now he doesn't have the extra energy to explain to her, so he can only ask straightforwardly, "Who are you?"

The lady turned pale with shock, "Mr. Jin, I'm Beauty... Zheng Beauty!"

Shi'an looked at her for a while, "Which beauty? Which face?"

The lady was confused and embarrassed, "Beautiful beauty... the appearance of the face."

Shi'an looked at her amusedly: "... I don't seem to remember you very much."

Your name is not worthy of the name, Shi'an thought sympathetically in his heart. He felt as if he had lost his memory, but after thinking hard, he didn't remember that among the women he knew, there was such a mediocre and arrogant type.

Zheng Meili was stunned, and pulled the two doctors beside her, "Dean Sun, Director Che, what's going on?!"

Dean Sun held Shi'an's hand nervously, "Mr. Jin, this is Mr. Zheng! Mr. Zheng, why don't you know him?" Under the stern gaze of the lady, Dean Sun looked like he was about to cry face, "Mr. Zheng, we must have tried our best..."

Shi An looked at them sympathetically and continued shaking his head. He saw at a glance that the young man who looked like Lu Sheng was hiding back furtively and trying to slip out of the ward, so he pointed with a big hand: "Who is he?"

Both Zheng Meimei and Dean Sun felt a little broken. The young man was exposed to the eyes of the crowd, with an embarrassed expression on his face, and he was about to cry, "Boss Jin, I'm Bai Yang."

"Which Yang?"

"...the poplar of the poplar."

"Oh, nice name."

The whole room watched the two of them talking nonsense subtly.

Jin Shi'an took a deep breath, and motioned for Zheng Meili to help him up.

Dean Sun and Director Che hurriedly helped up their President Jin.

Their President Kim looked around again, and after "Where is this", "Who are you" and "Who is he", he finally lived up to expectations and said the last question.

"who I am?"