The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 27: California



California is truly a honeymoon destination.

Bai Yang now deeply feels the urgency of time. There is never enough time.

It's true, a month looks like a long time, but it's too short to use. He has too many things to do, to heal, to recover, to study, to watch street performers.

...and of course have a relationship with Kim Se-an.

Before they set off, Li Nian gave Bai Yang a detailed explanation: "Go to get medical treatment, and also go to play, but you have to bring goals. Los Angeles is a tourist attraction, and there are many wandering artists. I want you to carefully observe their gestures."

Li Nian knew very well that Bai Yang's sudden acting skills could not be due to his sudden enlightenment. Who is he imitating. Li Nian asked Xiao Ma to secretly follow Bai Yang for three or four days, and Xiao Ma came back and reported, "Mr. Jiang is teaching him how to act."

This makes sense.

But it also surprised him, Bai Yang's learning ability was indeed astonishing, almost like a monkey. Xiao Ma came back and said that Jiang Ruiyun only taught it once, but Bai Yang could memorize it completely.

God is always fair, closing the door will open the window.

Li Nian did not expose this matter, but only sneered in his heart. Jiang Ruiyun, a wolf cub, really knows how to behave. With such an embarrassing crew, Jiang Ruiyun was able to please both sides. The side has a relationship. Jiang Ruiyun sat and waited for Li Jinxi to be cut before making a move, and Li Jin suffered a dull loss without showing any trace.

——It's a wolf cub, I don't know how fierce it will be when it bites people in the future.

Bai Yang's acting skills are still zero, which disappointed Li Nian, but he has outstanding imitation ability, which left a leeway for Li Nian. The new play is already in the process of being launched. Li Nian and Shi'an read a few script outlines to be selected, and decided to make a fashion drama by coincidence—the characters in the fashion drama are all around, and it is easier for Bai Yang to find someone to imitate.

The selected script is a romantic comedy with two male protagonists. Of course Bai Yang takes the lead, and the initial setting for his role is a promiscuous and naive wealthy young man who leaves his family behind to become a wandering artist, only to meet the right girl who is a working girl.

A cheesy story about a domineering president, but everyone loves to watch it.

It happened that Bai Yang went to the United States for medical treatment, and Li Nian asked him to take a serious look at the existence of street performers.

In a month, if Bai Yang can't learn it, he can't blame others.

This is a very clumsy method. Although it is said that art comes from life, I have never heard that art should completely copy life. Most actors can understand by analogy, and can even interpret roles with only empathy and imagination. But Bai Yang can't do it, Bai Yang is obviously a type with very low empathy, living in his own world, and has a super high immunity to the outside world.

It's not entirely a bad thing. People with high empathy also have high sensibility. In layman's terms, they are sentimental. Once such people are hit, it takes a long time to recover, and they are more likely to fall into an emotional vortex.

It's not like Bai Yang, who was so stupid and got up again the next day after being scolded by Li Jin like that.

Just be stupid. With so many kings and queens in the entertainment industry, who would dare to say that each of them is extremely talented. The most rare thing in this circle is beauty and genius, and the geniuses who died young and the beauties who are disabled are caught.

To be successful, don't look at talent, don't look at appearance, bet on hard work.

Bai Yang is not a genius who gets twice the result with half the effort, but he is a mediocre talent who consumes the most money and energy, getting twice the result with half the effort. But now Li Nian doesn't worry about money, nor does he worry about Bai Yang's lack of energy. Bai Yang is very cheating everywhere, as long as he works hard enough, Li Nian can still appreciate it.

Or maybe that's the most important thing.

In this circle, whoever is diligent will be able to stand out, and whoever persists will be able to go the farthest. The last laugh is the winner.

Shi'an asked Bai Yang on the plane: "What do your parents usually call you?"

Bai Yang answered him casually: "Yang Yang, that's what I called him when I was a child, but when I grow up, I call him Bai Yang."

Shi'an smiled for a moment, and called him softly, "Yang Yang."

Bai Yang blushed, but felt a little sad. Since his mother passed away from liver cancer, his father rarely called him Yang Yang anymore.

Bai Yang hasn’t been back to celebrate the New Year for several years. Bai Yang’s father doesn’t want his son to hang out in this business, but Bai Yang doesn’t listen to him. The father and son have been in a cold war for many years, and the communication is only on the bank card—Bai Yang’s father doesn’t say anything during the holidays. Noisily sent money to his son, Bai Yang saw it, and sent back another three thousand and two thousand.

Although he has never been popular, he still has a small amount of money by working as a group performer, why he still wants to eat the old when he is in his twenties, Bai Yang refuses to accept it.

Two people seem to be fighting with money, you hit me and I hit you, both of them are angry when they receive the money. The old scolds the young asshole, and the young blames the old for worrying.

The cold war is back to the cold war, Shian asked him this way, Bai Yang suddenly thought of his father, and felt a little downcast.

Shi An seemed to know what he was thinking, and asked with a smile, "Where is your father now?"

"In my hometown of Bengbu, Artillery Academy."

Shi'an was quite surprised: "Uncle is a soldier?"

Bai Yang lay down on the big backrest of the business class: "Ordinary military officer, in charge of logistics. My mother is also a soldier, an art soldier."

Shi'an murmured, "Uncle and aunt must have wanted you to join the army."

Bai Yang didn't know what Congrong was, and Bai Yang continued: "He just wanted me to be a soldier, to take over from him, but I didn't like it, because the small town of Bengbu couldn't be a literary soldier, and my mother spent her whole life performing in the compound. , so boring."

Shi'an knew his intentions well, and it was not easy to arrange his own father-in-law along with him, so he said slowly: "Bring uncle over for Chinese New Year this year, I think you were alone in Nanjing last year."

Bai Yang changed the subject: "I was too busy last year, and where will I stay here?"

Shi'an knew he was embarrassed, nodded and smiled and said, "Didn't I buy you a house?"

"That house is so small that there is no room for two people. The old man turns over in his sleep, so don't squeeze me to death."

Shi'an smiled and said: "Then buy another big one, you must let me meet Master Taishan."

Now Bai Yang had nothing to say, Bai Yang instantly understood what "Master Taishan" meant.

Shi'an approached him slowly, called him Yang Yang in a low voice, and kissed him on the lips.

... Jin Shi'an, a big beast, why didn't he notice it at all in the past? ! ! ! !

Early in the morning, the University of California Hospital received three appeals from Dean Sun, Director Huang, and Zheng Meimei. In the land of the United States, if you have money, you are a father. The operation went smoothly, and Bai Yang didn't suffer much.

The doctor in charge, however, attached great importance to it, repeatedly forbidding Bai Yang to exercise vigorously, and a bunch of nurses wandered around Bai Yang all day long, as if they were afraid that he would jump off a building.

Bai Yang was depressed, he just had an operation for a lumbar spine injury, and it wasn't mentally traumatized by beheading his hands and feet. These white-skinned doctors are so nervous!

The attending doctor looked at Shi'an and then at Baiyang, and unexpectedly gave an additional suggestion very seriously: "No offense but, mr. Bai should stay away from sex these days."

Bai Yang didn't understand, but Shi'an blushed immediately: "We are... we are in a platonic relationship."

The doctor smiled meaningfully, "Sorry, I misunderstood."

Bai Yang asked what they were talking about, Shi An lowered his head and smiled: "It's not a good thing, don't listen."

Bai Yang is very depressed. He now knows the pain of being uneducated. When he came to the United States, he asked his grandfather from 1930 to be an interpreter. What a shame in life!

The hospital is strictly guarded, and Bai Yang is in a hurry to go outside to watch the wandering artists. Shi'an negotiated several times, and the doctor insisted on professional ethics and had to observe for two weeks. Because of the closed treatment and intense exercise, now after the operation, no one will be released.

Shi'an and Bai Yang had no choice but to sneak out of the hospital. The two of them sneaked around like two elementary school students who played truant.

The two wandered the streets of Los Angeles, and Bai Yang got his wish and saw the wandering artist he wanted. Singers, harmonica players, violin players, guitar players, everything.

Bai Yang looked at it seriously.

He admitted that he used to be impetuous and lived like living in his own blisters. He had never discovered that there were so many subtle differences between people.

After watching Jiang Ruiyun's acting skills, he has realized that acting is to restore certain things, but also to refine certain things. Not to play a role, but to be that role. Jiang Ruiyun did it, so she can have plastic surgery in an instant—there are countless entertainers on this street in various poses, but they always have something in common.

Bai Yang couldn't tell what it was. His IQ is not enough for him to think so hard, Bai Yang chooses the most stupid way and writes down one by one.

Write it down first, then think about it later.

He watched and thought, Shi'an was in charge of throwing hundred-dollar bills at the back.

Most of the time, Bai Yang just wandered around in the hospital. Shi'an said: "Actors have to watch a lot of people, don't just think about wandering entertainers, what if you are asked to play a patient in the future."

This makes sense, Bai Yang was greatly inspired, and when he was in confinement, he looked around on the hospital lawn. From time to time, secretly chatting with Shi'an.

Jin Shi'an is definitely a kissing maniac. If he is fine, he will touch his head, and after the kiss, he will look at the sky as if nothing happened, with an upright gentleman's face.

It was too hypocritical, Bai Yang refused to accept it.

Bai Yang teased him: "Jin Shi'an, my mouth hurts."

Shi'an really turned around to look at him: "Which one hurts?"

Bai Yang blinked: "You guess."

Shi'an smiled: "Where do you want me to guess?"

...Damn it, this is the legendary "not such a person, once he acts like this, he is not a human!"

Bai Yang blushed and scolded him: "Jin Shi'an, you crazy kisser."

Shi'an nodded without denying, "I'm an old monster who has practiced kissing for eighty years." Then he said it on his lips.

Bai Yang suddenly pressed Shi'an, "Wait!"

Shi'an ignored him, "Where are we waiting?"

Bai Yang wanted to laugh but was anxious: "Really, don't move, let me hide under you."

Seeing his serious expression, Shi'an asked, "What's wrong?"

The two maintained an ambiguous posture, which made the passing nurse cover her mouth and laugh.

Bai Yang leaned into Shi'an's ear: "There is an old man next to the flower bed opposite, he keeps looking at me."

Shi'an turned his head inexplicably, there was really an old man in a wheelchair, looking extremely handsome, he seemed to be aware of what they were talking about, and he seemed to be asleep when he closed his eyes.

Bai Yang felt a little uncomfortable: "He just kept looking at me like this yesterday, it feels weird."

Shi'an smiled and said: "You are so good-looking, it is not surprising for others to see you."

Why does this person talk about love when he disagrees, Bai Yang is going to explode.

Shi'an didn't care about him, Shi'an supported Bai Yang's face, and still stole a kiss.

The time between the two of them kissing is always infinitely long and infinitely short, and the golden sunshine of California falls on their bodies, warm and gentle.

Bai Yang panted and pushed him away, and looked at the opposite side, someone had already pushed the old man away, and the one who pushed him also looked very old.

Bai Yang felt a little nervous.

This episode did not leave much impression on Shi'an and Bai Yang. After all, they are gay, and they are two beautiful men, so it is only natural for them to be watched by others. Shi'an is not afraid, neither is Bai Yang.

They are only afraid of the scary doctor.

The doctor said so earnestly, don't run out anymore, did you run out to have sex? I need to do a check on Mr. Bai. The doctor has a reason, the nurse told me you kiss in the rest area of the hospital, God, you should know how to control yourself.

Shi An was sweated profusely by the doctor.

Even so, the two of them still steal food all day long, the more they are not allowed to go out, the more Bai Yang wants to go out, what Shi'an can say, of course he is obedient.

Of course, he didn't allow Bai Yang to jump around, and only held him in his arms: "The doctor said not to exercise vigorously."

Bai Yang wants to go to the beach, Bai Yang wants to eat ice cream, Bai Yang wants to see blonde bikini hot girls, but Bai Yang has no chance.

Bai Yang had no choice but to take Shi'an to the movies.

I have seen the movie Shi'an, but the movie at that time had no sound, and the narrator read the instructions under the light bulb. The current movie is of course lifelike, the speeding car explodes, and it is extremely exciting. Bai Yang is afraid that Shi'an will be frightened when watching a contemporary movie for the first time, so he bought the last row specially. Like all couples watching movies, the two bought a big bucket of popcorn and Coke fried chicken, and watched while eating.

Shi'an was not frightened at all, Shi'an exclaimed, "It's as vivid as it is now."

Bai Yang was very envious: "I wish I could act in movies in the future. Movies are the big names."

Shi'an held his hand: "As long as you are willing to put your heart into it, why don't you have a movie contract, and we can invest in it ourselves."

Bai Yang leaned on him: "Jin Shi'an, do you know what to do when you come to the cinema?"

Shi An just looked at him and smiled.

Bai Yang suddenly changed his face: "Wait, have you seen a movie before?"

Shi'an nodded: "Of course, but at that time it was all black and white, and there was no sound. It was not as exciting as it is now. I really don't know what method was used to make it."

Bai Yang was a little unhappy: "Who did you go with?"

Shi An was taken aback by his question: "Who are you going with?" After thinking about it for a while, he could only tell the truth, "Miss Qin, Miss Zhu, Miss Qian, Miss Fang..."

Bai Yang's face became darker and darker.

Shi'an helplessly defended: "In the past, we were on blind dates, and it was fashionable to watch movies. It was said that the movie theater was very hot. Once you sat down, the woman's make-up was smeared, and you could see what she looked like."

This is more embarrassing than not arguing. Bai Yang got angry, and Bai Yang glared at him.

Shi'an was even more helpless: "I've only seen each one once... Oh, Miss Qin has seen it two or three times."

Bai Yang wanted to hit him.

Shi'an felt that the way he stared at others was very cute. There was a lot of movement in the front row, and both Shi'an and Bai Yang couldn't help turning their eyes to see—a couple was covering their faces with a paper popcorn bucket, kissing passionately.

Shi An knew what Bai Yang said he was going to do when he came to the cinema.

He held up the popcorn in the same manner, stretched out his hand to pull Bai Yang, and said with a low laugh: "I will only watch the next movie with you."