The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 35: A pair of plums


Bai Yang ignored Jin Shian for several days.

Jin Shi'an sent him another text message, [Early spring and February, Xiaoyang is looking forward to finding Fangfei with his colleagues] [Going to a high-rise building alone, the sound of the wind sighs, nostalgic for the past and reading the river together] [One day is like three autumns, and the spring is gone. He Xun Forbearance will let you down] Bai Yang didn't return any of them. The main thing is that he can't understand it.

Jin Shi'an posted again: [I want to tell Mr. Zheng that you push me downstairs].

Is this interesting? It doesn't work if the wolf comes three times, okay? Bai Yang thought that you should tell Mr. Zheng that I would push you downstairs, and I would also tell Mr. Zheng that you forcibly kissed me in the United States! Although it doesn't seem to be strong, but the kiss is definitely a kiss.

Bai Yang is not afraid of him.

Shi'an was really as quiet as a chicken.

Bai Yang became even more angry.

Anger is anger, and work must continue. Although Bai Yang was annoyed at Jin Shian and Li Nian's behind-the-scenes talk about him, he could clearly tell that it was because he didn't do a good job in his own work, didn't do a good job of publicity, and offended the director.

Li Nian finally scolded him belatedly. Bai Yang hated Jin Shi'an, but he was submissive to Li Nian.

Anyway, Jin Shian is so heartless, why does he refuse to fire CP because of him? Bai Yang is angry and takes turns showing love to people on Weibo every day. Today @通新雷明天@钟越 returns @姜瑞云 every other day.

Jiang Ruiyun was confused in all kinds of ways, and even played with him while being confused, asking him on Weibo, "Is the big fool's waist healed?"

It's too sweet, the official candy is so immoral, and the words are so thought-provoking, Jiang Bai's CP fans feel elated, and they pinch Zhong Bai several times.

Ouyang Qian is satisfied, Ouyang Qian is happy, Bai Yang is finally willing to cooperate, there is nothing better than this—it is true, a handsome boy, and his acting is not bad, why not publicize when it is time to publicize? Hype is more important than the quality of the work itself these days.

Ouyang Qian cut a lot of cute tidbits and announced them vigorously.

Talking to an agent was the right thing to do.

The vagabond president is just a transition. Li Nian hopes that the next one, whether it be Zhong Yue or Bai Yang, can be a work that people will remember. He is contacting Bai Yang's teacher at Nanyi. As for Zhong Yue, he still talked with him and practiced Zhong Yue's expressive ability.

The two said some unspeakable things in the company's rehearsal room majestically, all kinds of pornography was unbearable. Zhong Yue said mechanically, Li Nian listened with a smile.

Occasionally, Li Nian would reward him with a superficial kiss when he was carrying someone behind his back. Not on the lips, only on the forehead, or fingertips.

Zhong Yue was a little numb.

He knew that Li Nian was just using him to some extent, Li Nian knew that he liked him, and also knew that he couldn't do without him.

Li Nian like this is really cruel, the gentler he is, the crueler he is, Zhong Yue can see it, but he can't eat it, and it doesn't taste what he wants in his mouth.

But the more cruel it is, the more Zhong Yue wants to understand.

Does Li Nian have any love for him

He prefers to believe that there is.

Li Nian accepts him, tolerates him, and does not reject him and loves him. For him, this is already a luxury happiness.

Not only Zhong Yue understood this matter, but also Bai Yang.

Bai Yang felt that Zhong Yue was too deep.

This day Li Nian was still practicing dialogue with Zhong Yue, but when he saw Bai Yang coming, Li Nian stopped. Li Nian told them to rehearse the new song and arrange a variety show to promote it in advance next week.

Li Nian left, Zhong Yue was still looking at him, Bai Yang felt that hooks could grow out of Zhong Yue's eyes, that was called a longing.

Looking at Zhong Yue's eyes, he suddenly remembered his past self.

Probably, I used to look at Li Jin in the same way.

"Xiao Zhong, do you like President Li?"

Zhong Yue was still in a daze, but when Bai Yangmeng made a sound, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Bai Yang smiled, "You like Li Nian, right?"

Instead of interrogative sentences, he used declarative sentences.

Zhong Yue didn't speak, didn't deny it, didn't even blush, Zhong Yue lowered his head, and slowly lifted the hair around his ear.

This action would be very girly or even disgusting for other men, but Zhong Yue's doing it does not arouse people's disgust at all, but has a kind of gentle beauty.

Bai Yang was lying on the table, looking at him enviously, envious and regretful: "I advise you to give up your mind, Mr. Li is not the kind of person you think, and he is not sincerely good to you."

Zhong Yue still lowered his head and did not speak.

Bai Yang felt that talking about people behind his back was probably very unkind, but he couldn't stand Zhong Yue like this.

The present Zhong Yue is himself in the past.

Li Nian will treat Zhong Yue as Li Jin treats him. If in the past he still had the slightest hope for Li Nian, now he doesn't even have the slightest expectation.

They are just pawns for Li Nian to make a comeback. Bai Yang has Jin Shian as the backer, but Li Nian is not very kind to him. It is enough to please the background.

He was very frank in front of Bai Yang, without any concealment, and he did not intend to conceal it. Even if Bai Yang doesn't like it, so what? He is a qualified agent with foresight and ability. The agent's fickleness cannot be the reason for Bai Yang to leave the company. After all, he didn't have an affair with Li Nian.

In front of Zhong Yue, Li Nian is another face, gentle, affectionate, considerate, tolerant, and even has a terrible desire to control that Bai Yang can't see. There is no more severe poison than this, Bai Yang watched him poison Zhong Yue all day long. He has been poisoned by this kind of poison and knows how terrible it is.

After so many years in the entertainment industry, Li Nian is more realistic and cruel than Li Jin. He and Jin Shian are two kinds of people, Jin Shian will not be as shameless as Li Nian, using false feelings as a rope to bind others.

Bai Yang sometimes doesn't understand, Zhong Yue is so good-looking, he is so beautiful, and he is so talented, what kind of boyfriend and girlfriend do he want? Even if there is a stuttering problem, appearance is justice, okay? Why do you have to give up on a businessman like Li Nian? The talent is all focused on the face and voice, so there is no IQ left

"Xiao Zhong," Bai Yang said, "Li is always a good manager, but I think whoever falls in love with him is an idiot. There are some things I don't want to explain too clearly. Just like me and Li Jin before, I also believed Li Jin is a good person, but now I understand that some people are born scum, don't be naive."

Zhong Yue knew about Li Jin, and Bai Yang had been chatting with Zhong Yue on WeChat during the two days he was in the central hospital. At that time, Zhong Yue was particularly indignant and together with Bai Yang accused Li Jin of being too bad.

Zhong Yue raised his head and said slowly: "Bai Yang, do you think... I'm stupid?"

Yes, you are stupid, how stupid you are with how beautiful your face is.

Bai Yang honestly responded to Zhong Yue with an idiot-looking look, for fear that he would use this stammering and soothing tone to say a whole set of small lines next.

Zhong Yue blushed a little, but continued: "But I can't do without Brother Nian, even if... he's just playing with me, I really... like him."

Bai Yang was shocked and blinded, Zhong Yue is really BIG, he actually said it so openly, he likes Li Nian, everyone knows that, but why did you just say that? Have you considered the feelings of others? And what is going on with this situation, Bai Yang has a very ominous premonition that Zhong Yue will unstoppably say a whole set of small words lines next.

Zhong Yue said: "Others...all despise me for stammering, Nian, don't despise me, treat me well."

Bai Yang wanted to roll his eyes, I never disliked you, I have always been good to you, you can think about me! Jin Shi'an never disliked you, the first time I saw you, I shut up and was amazing, you can also consider him! Why should Li Nian be treated preferentially alone? Is it because Li Nian arrived first

Zhong Yue said: "Before I met Brother Nian, there were many, many... very good people, but... they didn't like me."

Zhong Yue said: "You and Mr. Li Jin, I heard you... say it. But Brother Nian is Brother Nian, Mr. Li Mr. Li Jin..."

Bai Yang nodded sadly, thinking that you should stop talking, I know what you want to say, Li Nian and Li Jin are different! Li Nian is a good person! Even if the whole world thinks he is bad, only you understand! We are all blind, but you are not lame!

Zhong Yue said: "Even if the whole world..."

Poplar is about to explode. He really wanted to reveal all the things Li Nian did behind Zhong Yue's back, but Zhong Yue had already fully turned on the Xiaoyan mode and couldn't extricate himself.

Zhong Yue said: "I know..."

No no no, you don't know anything. Bai Yang now feels that those who persuade people to break up are idiots, such as himself. He has decided to give up.

Zhong Yue grabbed Bai Yang's hand: "Bai Yang... I really, really like you too."

Suddenly, Bai Yang was about to piss in fright: "????!!!!"

Zhong Yue: "In this world... there are many people I like. But... there is no one who can make me like him so much that I want to cry like Brother Nian."

Although Bai Yang was speechless, he remained silent. It's too nasty, if it wasn't for the beauty of the clock, Bai Yang would have vomited long ago. And if you like Li Nian, why do you want to forcibly push others down? If it wasn't for Zhong Yue's good looks, Bai Yang would have beaten him up long ago.

Zhong Yue held his hand tightly, "Do you regret meeting Mr. Li Jin?"

Bai Yang was a little scared, why did Zhong Yue suddenly speak sharply, and he swallowed all the things he wanted to vomit.

Now that Li Jin was mentioned, he no longer felt anything.

Who hasn't met a scumbag or two in his life

Bai Yang smiled, but Zhong Yue interrupted him: "Even... they are the same person... I think so too, regret it once."

Bai Yang fell silent again.

He held Zhong Yue's hand back, feeling like crying for some reason.

The conversation ended in vain. Although Zhong Yue was tongue-tied, he was very eloquent. At the end, he actually started to enlighten Bai Yang again, asking him if he had quarreled with Mr. Jin.

Bai Yang had a question mark on his face, thinking how did you know that I had quarreled with that big bastard.

Zhong Yue smiled at him: "You have... been in the company for the past few days."

Tch... as if he didn't work hard! Bai Yang is not happy anymore, Bai Yang is going to have a little mood.

Zhong Yue persuaded him worriedly: "Boss Jin... that's fine, you... don't quarrel."

Bai Yang ignored him, Zhong Yue didn't know why he quarreled with Jin Shi'an, and it wasn't because of you, Xiao Zhong.

Jin Shi'an hadn't appeared in front of Bai Yang in any form for a week, whether it was physical or written.

Bai Yang is not angry anymore, he is even a little anxious.

Thinking about it carefully, Jin Shi'an was really kind to him, and it's not worth arguing with him over this matter. But if he wanted to save face and go to Jin Shi'an to reconcile actively, he didn't want to go.

Bai Yang rolled around on the bed, he was waiting for Jin Shian to send him another text message, send him another text message, as long as he sent another text message, he would forgive him.

——Bai Yang didn't know where he got such confidence. In the past, Li Jin quarreled with him, but Bai Yang always took the initiative to reconcile. When two people meet, Bai Yang must be the first to say sorry. Jin Shi'an was ten thousand times stronger than Li Jin, but he just played his temper, Jin Shi'an didn't continue to coax him, so he just waited.

To be honest, Jin Shi'an, who has both good looks and wealth, would have gone out to steal food a week earlier if he were any other man. Bai Yang didn't even think about it, he just had the confidence to firmly believe that Jin Shi'an would come to coax him and apologize again.

Obviously, it was him, Boss Jin, who made the mistake, not himself.

Bai Yang rolled on the bed, thinking in his heart, maybe this is the fearlessness of being loved.

But now it has been a week, Bai Yang is a little panicked.

He was debating whether to take the initiative to call Jin Shi'an.

He didn't have the heart to see his Nan Xiaoniao this week, he was put on play. Bai Yang held up the phone to look, eagerly waiting for the phone to ring, and it would display "Brother Crossing".

The call really came, but it wasn't his time-traveling brother, the call barrage was "too slow", "poor service attitude", "to be honest, I didn't want to answer it at the beginning".

It's a courier.

"Baiyang? SF Express, come downstairs and get it."

Bai Yang reluctantly climbed down from the bed. The express delivery was very thin, and it opened to an envelope. When the envelope was torn apart, there were three or four very beautiful old-style flower papers, with two neatly pressed plum blossoms sandwiched between them.

It was Jin Shian's letter. In traditional Chinese, it is still written vertically.

Qingqing, my love, see the words like meeting:

Are you in good health? Are you happy? Is the artist's job going well

Counting with my fingers, I haven't seen you for seven days. People say that I don't see you for one day. It's like three autumns. It's seven days long, and it's very painful. Life is so short, and there are so many sufferings caused by small words of anger. If you really care about it in the future, how should you deal with yourself? After thinking about it, turning day and night, I realized how short the day will be, and how long the next day will be? How complicated is the worry, what is the sudden joy

My heart loves you, I wish to see you in joy, hate me and resent me, I take it all myself. I made a slip of the tongue that day and regretted it too late. I sent an apology by telegram the day before yesterday. You must have read it, but you did not read it again. It is not your fault. Wandering around the world, why do you please Qing? Although the world is far and wide, I will go to what you are happy with. King You is infatuated and dares to laugh at him. Such sweet words can't tell my heartfelt love. Qing's heart is clear, and I hope you can learn from it.

When it comes to the genus of a lover, the love is more severe, the resentment is more severe, and the torture of lovesickness is worse than that of an axe. I haven't seen you for seven days. This Qingqing gave me a small punishment and a big warning. I will definitely remember it in my heart and never repeat it. On the way home yesterday, I saw a branch with the lingering fragrance of spring plum. Dongjun is interested, cherish Fangchun, Qingqing should be like Dongjun, cherish my heart.

The last piece of paper has only two lines of block letters:

I know you must not understand the above, just read the last two sentences: I will wait for you downstairs, and we will go to Yuejiang Tower to eat lobster together.

Bai Yang wanted to laugh and hit someone at the same time. Although he is illiterate, he can still understand the "love" and "sincere love" in the letter, which is too nasty, but Jin Shi'an's handwriting is so beautiful, just like his person, clear and upright, dignified and elegant, written in light ink Shuangfeiyan's flower paper is indescribably lingering.

It was the first time in Bai Yang's life that he received such an exquisite love letter. It is even more beautiful than when girls wrote it in school. Bai Yang looked over and over at those few flower notes, and then at the last lobster invitation, and he started rolling on the bed again.

The phone rang, and this time it was Jin Shian. Jin Shi'an smiled slightly on the phone: "Are you still angry? It's all my fault. If you don't see me again, I'm really going to die."

Bai Yang still pretended to be hypocritical: "Where are you?"

Shi'an knocked on his door: "I'm at your door."

Bai Yang picked up the letter again to read: "Didn't you say you're waiting for me downstairs?"

Shi'an was helpless: "I miss you, I walked up to the sixteenth floor without knowing it, and came up to see you."

Bai Yang let go of his heart and played with his temper: "I won't see you, I won't see you today, I want to see you tomorrow."

Shi'an was silent for a moment, then said disappointedly: "Then you should rest earlier, I'll go back first."


Bai Yang is stupid, this person doesn't play cards according to routine? It's okay to coax me a little more, right

Shi'an's footsteps really went towards the elevator gently. Bai Yang threw the phone and chased after him, but Shi'an was nowhere to be seen.

... Did he really make Jin Shian sad

Bai Yang didn't care about the slippers still on his feet, and ran towards the elevator entrance. In the dark, someone hugged his waist and pulled him into his arms.

Bai Yang doesn't need to look, he is too familiar with this embrace, Bai Yang was so angry that he stretched out his feet and kicked: "Are you kidding me?"

Shi'an smiled and hugged him tightly, and kissed the tip of his nose again and again: "Don't be angry, go eat lobster."

"Where did you get the lobster in February? It's a dump."

Shi'an smiled and nodded, his moist lips slid all the way from the tip of Bai Yang's nose: "As long as you are willing to see me, whatever you eat is fine."