The Man Who Came From 1930

Chapter 38: tomorrow


The photo is very blurry, but one can see that one is Bai Yang and the other is Jin Shi'an. The two of them are leaning together with an intimate expression. The bad thing is that Bai Yang's face is not covered by anything, and he doesn't even have plain glasses, so there is no room for denial.

In the photo, Jin Shi'an is putting clothes on Bai Yang.

"I told you not to do this kind of thing in public, right?" Li Nian said with a dark face.

Jin Shian didn't speak. He didn't expect that people in this world would pry into the privacy of celebrities to such an extent. It was dark at that time, and the street lights were not on. He took advantage of the darkness to feel that there was nothing wrong.

Who would have thought that it would be revealed a month later.

Li Nian was heartbroken, Bai Yang really owed him discipline, he said ten thousand times to wear a hat, glasses and a mask, now it's all right, and he was photographed by the reporter in a fair and honest manner.

Shi'an looked at the photos over and over again, "It was night, how could the photos be so clear?"

"Are you a paparazzi for nothing?" Li Nian blew smoke hard at him, "It's alright, Qin Nong has got hold of it now, just wait for her to stir up trouble for you to see."

Qin Nong didn't make a sound. The homosexual scandal between President Hai Long and the new Xiaosheng quickly became a trending topic. Li Nian and Zheng Meimei spent a lot of effort to intercept the news, and the news disappeared from various websites the next day, but the mouths of the good people could not be stopped.

All anonymous forums and entertainment forums are discussing Shi Xiaosheng Lin Hua being taken care of by a rich man, talking all kinds of eloquently: [I thought he looked like a gay, with a creamy face.][I feel sorry for Jiang Ruiyun and Zhong Yue for 30S.][You search for President Hailong, he looks a bit handsome. ] Li Nian contacted the management of the big website, saw one deleted, and then continued to pop up again. Netizens used various pronouns to cryptically discuss this little boy who was taken care of by the funder.

Zhong Bai's CP meal just passed the spring and ushered in the cold winter, so he almost cried into a ball. Everyone was silent in the chat, pretending that this matter did not exist.

For the time being, Bai Yang has no way to make an announcement. Everywhere he goes, there are reporters, and the questions are harsh and sharp. Dragonsea's stock price also fluctuated slightly, but fortunately, it was only the ambiguity between the two that spread.

They should be thankful that the shareholders don't know that Jin Shi'an is squandering huge sums of money for men. If this news gets out, Hai Long will be turned upside down.

Zheng Meili finally found a chance to talk to Jin Shian: "The investment in Anlong is too much, so this year's report will be very ugly."

She let Jin Shi'an for so long, just to let him have nothing to say now, Jin Shi'an spoiled the starlet with a lot of money, she has been waiting for this scandal to stop Jin Shi'an's mouth.

Shi'an raised his eyes to look at her, and laughed: "It's not the first time, I have given Qin Nong a lot before."

"What are you going to do with the report? This year, Anlong invested almost 200 million yuan."

Shi'an tilted his head, "This matter is not difficult for you to solve."

"I always want to give an explanation to the shareholders." Zheng Meili said with a sincere expression.

"There can be arguments for the acquisition of hospitals, and there can be arguments for investing in sunrise industries with no deadline. I am not the only one who invests in the entertainment industry. Dragonsea and Wanda Baohua are not doing it."

Shi'an slowly extended the pen into the inkstone pool, the tip of the pen gleamed with a dark light in the ink.

Then write freely.

"Whether there is a statement is your ability. Believe it or not, it is a matter for shareholders."

Zheng Meimei looked at Jin Shi'an who was writing with his head down, feeling strange.

She suddenly felt terrified.

Shi'an only asked her: "Look at how well I write this word."

Zheng Meili doesn't know calligraphy, and she doesn't know anything about it. Zheng Meili has nothing to say, and put down the report: "A Shi, pay attention to the reporter recently, don't make any more news."

This woman really knows how to overcome strength with softness, and she is avoiding confrontation.

Shi'an smiled and listened to her crisp footsteps going downstairs, and only concentrated on reading the words he wrote.

He seldom writes Tao Te Ching, but now he thinks it is very appropriate.

If you want to be weak, you must strengthen it; if you want to take it away, you must give it firmly.

Seeing the small is bright, keeping the soft is strong.

The writing will always get better and better, it just depends on whether you have patience.

Everyone thought it was over.

And there will never be only one wave of public opinion.

The marketing accounts were forbidden to discuss the same-sex scandal between the president and the celebrity, and suddenly turned to attack Xingmang's 8 o'clock broadcast, and the ratings and acting skills were repeatedly mocked. They ridiculed for a reason. The blockbuster movie that was rated as the queen was squeezed until eleven o'clock, but unknown people occupied the prime time every day. Various comparisons of similar plots came out one after another. Qin Nong's fans cried and panted for their actress Mingbuping.

Qin Nong only posted a paragraph innocently on the official Weibo: [My ratings are everyone's trust in me, no matter what time it is, no matter which file it is. I also hope that everyone will give newcomers more opportunities and more space. I don't want to say anything else, I just want to say, be fair to the newcomers, everyone, be fair. ] This passage is quite connotative.

The queen speaks, attracting people's imagination. Fans of Min Yue were finally provoked to anger. Their idol was obviously good at acting and handsome, so why did they play the male second instead of the first male; the theme song was also written by their Xiao Zhong, so why was Bai Yang used it to sing; Those who acted with Bai Yang were all named, so why should those who acted with Zhong Yue be unknown.

The fans couldn't hold back any longer, and the spearhead of the war was directed at Anlong Entertainment. Zhong Fan criticized the company for unfair treatment, using resources to promote waste wood, and wearing small shoes for his cooking. At the beginning, Bai Yang's fans resisted talking, but when Zhong Yue's fans began to rise to the level of "Bai Yang sucks blood and shameless", Bai Yang's fans couldn't sit still anymore, mocking Zhong Yue for just lifting his shoes and putting his feet on his feet, and what kind of work he was doing at any position.

Zhong Fan took the scandal of Bai Yang being adopted as a matter of course and swiped the screen, "We, Xiao Zhong, don't care about the money from selling butts. Change the company! An Long get out of the entertainment circle."

The always friendly Zhong Fan and Bai Fan quarreled. Everyone knew that it was easier to share adversity than to be rich. Now that the two newcomers have not yet become rich, the fans are vying for it first. CP Fan didn't dare to speak, and CP Fan hid under her skirt and cried.

Qin Nong took countless scapegoats from Li Niankou, and this time she really made a move. This is her style, pure and innocent. The teasing is someone else's, she is innocent. She endured it for so long, Li Nian dared to squeeze her, what's the point of not getting back.

Li Nian had nothing to say, he didn't even bother to scold a bitch. On whoever Qin Nong said second, who dares to say first, the king of whores, well-deserved.

Bai Yang took the initiative to admit his mistake to Li Nian: "I'm sorry Mr. Li, it's all my fault, I shouldn't be wearing glasses and a hat."

Li Nian rolled his eyes at him: "Your father Jin asked you to come?"

Bai Yang lowered his head: "I came here by myself. I shouldn't have disobeyed you."

Zhong Yue was standing next to him, looking left and right in embarrassment.

Li Nian stared at him for a long time, then blew a smoke ring, "Forget it, there will be more such things in the future. Don't make me repeat what I have said. Now that it has happened, you can carry it on your shoulders." Well, anyway, it counts as a wave of enthusiasm, and infamy is also a name."

He felt very tired, whether Bai Yang was mentally retarded, he had to eat shit to understand things that others could understand long ago. He didn't scold Bai Yang today, Bai Yang should thank Teacher Jia and Teacher Zhao, the two never spoke well of Bai Yang in person, but praised Bai Yang behind his back, praising him for his willingness to work hard and his fast progress.

"In fact, his experience has already accumulated in place, but he lacks some points to mention. I suggest Mr. Li that you strive for a big drama in your next film. A famous director can point him out. Bai Yang's acting skills are more natural. This type is a late bloomer. Just tempering is not enough, a powerful director is needed to show him the way, once he gets the hang of it, everything will pass.”

Director Zhao Shuo always said that Bai Yang was stupid in front of him, but his evaluation behind his back was different.

For the sake of the two teachers, Li Nian gave Bai Yang a break. Swearing can't bring him pleasure.

The negative news came one after another, and everyone was exhausted. Bai Yang saw his fans arguing with Zhong Yue's fans, he felt very uncomfortable, what made him even more uncomfortable was that Zhong Yue desperately posted Weibo to speak for him.

[I like Bai Yang's performance very much. I think he played very well. We are good friends.][The role of Lin Hua is very suitable for Bai Yang, and the screenwriter is great. I hope everyone will not quarrel over the role.][Bai Yang and I will not disband.]

Zhong Yue went all out, and it was like using the rope to die.

Mr. Zhong's fandom is not broken, and CP Fan wept with joy. This candy is really hard and sweet, and what other plot can be more touching than giving charcoal in the snow and never giving up? Movies are embarrassed to shoot like this, okay? Their steaming is so sweet that it is shameless, and the stamped true love can be learned from the world. Zhong Bai's chewing gum can be selected as the top three of the best CP plots of the year.

CP fans stand upright in the bloody storm, although they claim on the surface that they are not rotten girls but pure group fans.

The original soundtrack of Wandering President was released as scheduled in this rain of blood. Li Nian was very cunning, and divided into two covers of Lin Hua and Lin Mo, and a double cover.

Well, everyone is suffocating, each of them brushes up their own sales, and slaps each other with money.

Li Nian happily sat in the room and counted the money. Although he could not earn much, the most important thing was that the data look good, after all, it was a physical CD.

The variety show announcement is temporarily unavailable, but the original fan meeting can't release pigeons. The fan meeting has been postponed for one week and cannot be postponed any further.

Bai Yang was under a lot of pressure, he was worried that fans would refuse to go because of his previous scandals and the disputes between fans on both sides. Zhong Yue knew that he was sad and asked him to play lovelive.

"UR card." Zhong Yue sent him a WeChat post, "Let's compare 300 companies and see who has more UR."

The two drew cards crazily on the eve of the fan meeting. Unfortunately, Bai Yang drew a bunch of Guohuang, and Zhong Yue drew a nest of birds.

Shi'an couldn't understand what they were playing, he only knew that Bai Yang was playing with his favorite picture girl.

He knew that Bai Yang was very scared, but he refused to say it.

Rumors can hurt people the most, even though they know they have to face it, Shi An still hopes that those fans will show some kindness and not be too unfeeling.

The day finally came.

And the scene of the fan meeting made them unbelievable.

There were no empty seats, and there were many girls who didn't make an appointment outside the venue.

Different from the bloodbath they saw online, the girls were crying and laughing, waiting for them.

Bai Yang and Zhong Yue patted each other happily in the background, while Li Nian sneered at the side: "I'm so excited, my appointment was full more than ten days ago, you didn't see a bunch of scalpers standing outside?"

Nanjing is the starting point of their departure. The arrangement of this fan meeting is different from the venues in Beijing and Shanghai, and all the songs are played backwards.

Don't forget the original intention.

In the end, all the fans sang their debut track, "Spring Comes Tomorrow".

—So keep shouting, your name.

— Those words that cannot be said, and those promises that cannot be fulfilled.

—If spring comes tomorrow, I want to see you.

Spring is here, in this city that has disappointed them countless times, but always holds hope. Whether it is insulting or ridiculing, even if there is still one person who likes them on this stage, they can continue to sing like this.

The stage ended, and the fans were still hugging and crying. Bai Yang and Zhong Yue walked out from the dedicated passage, and countless microphones stretched out.

"Bai Yang, would you like to respond to the news some time ago? Are you really dating President Hai Long?"

"Is the photo of you?"

"Mr. Li, please answer the reason for Anlong's sudden investment. We heard that Dragonsea invested a huge amount in Anlong."

They didn't arrange an interview, Li Nian didn't bother to talk at all, Zhong Yue covered Bai Yang with his hands, pushed aside the overlapping microphones and walked out.

Bai Yang knew that this scene would also become a picture that the girls would love to talk about.

It's ridiculous, they live in the love imagined by others, and they obviously love each other.

They walked out of the long and noisy passage, and Bai Yang saw Shi'an's car parked in the distance through the car window. They are separated from the rolling traffic, as if separated from the endless speculation, accusation and gossip of people.

He waved his hand to the distant car through the glass, although Jin Shian couldn't see it.

There is his true spring, true love.